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Alright, let's talk about the next elite spec. I've got a suggestion.


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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Before pof condi mesmer was a thing in raids. Whole gameplay was stack 3 phantasms and press 1 skill on cd. I dont see any active point in that.

> > Once you stack phantasms then you can only dodge and evade and you kill oponent eventualy - this is bad design.

> > If phantasms are huge portion of your damage than that is a problem. Pets on the other hand deal almost 0 compared to phantasms -> no problem.

> > Explain to me what were you doing as phantasm mesmer that made you so active


> I've already explained this.


> >I was just as in the fight as any other class, throwing down reflects, going in for my burst damage, moving all around etc. There was a lot going on.


> It was just as involved as any other class playstyle.


What on earth are you talking about? What 'burst damage'? There was no worthwhile 'burst damage' on Mesmer especially in the pre-rework era. There might be kind of condi burst but as with every other build the best way to do condition damage was to leave the 3 highest condition damage phantasms up and use our boring wet noodle skills. Support Chrono might have been mildly more involved but that's the outlier.

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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Before pof condi mesmer was a thing in raids. Whole gameplay was stack 3 phantasms and press 1 skill on cd. I dont see any active point in that.

> > Once you stack phantasms then you can only dodge and evade and you kill oponent eventualy - this is bad design.

> > If phantasms are huge portion of your damage than that is a problem. Pets on the other hand deal almost 0 compared to phantasms -> no problem.

> > Explain to me what were you doing as phantasm mesmer that made you so active


> I've already explained this.


> >I was just as in the fight as any other class, throwing down reflects, going in for my burst damage, moving all around etc. There was a lot going on.


> It was just as involved as any other class playstyle.


That is not true. Other classes can throw reflects and go for burst damage too but they dont have pasive damage even when they do nothing. The problem with old phantasms is that once phantasms are summoned you can do ONLY and evading and you will eventualy win. Other classes need to actualy decide if they want to do damage or to evade.

Mirage is prime example how phantasms should have been from the begining. Its the same concept but the diference is that to do damage you need to sacrifice defense (in this case endurance) as all other classes need to do

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Magek.4718" said:

> Sword 2 = Burst Damage


Not really, sword 2 is about twice as much dps as autoattacking for the same duration. It's a dps gain no doubt, but hardly "burst damage".


> Renewing phantasms = Burst damage


If by renewing phantasms you mean refreshing the phantasms and losing the accumulated phantasmal might stacks...no.


> Shattering to finish off boss at low HP - Burst damage


Uh yeah ok. "Finish off the boss"? Shattering at the end of a fight was a marginal amount of damage that you did to avoid totally wasting your illusions, but it was hardly burst damage.


> I want to know what kind of immortal phantasms you were using because that's not true at all. Phantasms didn't last long in a fight, you had to stay on your toes just to keep them up.


Uh no? All illusions (in fact all *pets*) get 95% damage reduction in PvE from non-targeted attacks. If your phantasms died in a fight it means you were doing something monstrously wrong.


> Would it honestly kill you if there was a trait that you could very easily opt out of using that brought back the old phantasms? Would it really be so bad that everyone didn't play by your standards? You don't have to use it.


Yes, it would be that bad because other people would have to play against it in non-PvE game modes. That's why, as I explained earlier, you can't just judge something based off of the fun you have playing it. It also needs to be fun to play **against**.




> > @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > In fact far from phantasms being active play, they actually even specifically forced the mesmer to avoid things. Any skill that produced a clone would overwrite a phantasm, so you were forced to trim down the already small pool of actions even further to avoid disrupting the passive damage output of the phantasms.

> >

> > The phantasm playstyle was obscenely passive, and any claims to the contrary are either direct lies or willful ignorance.


> Again, you'd have a point if that was actually true. I didn't shy away from using clone skills at all.


Then you were playing it wrong and your dps was probably 20%-30% lower than most other people using the build.


> Sword 3 clone is super important for using Sword 2


No it's not.


> GS 2 is also a good skill in group content and the fact that it generates a clone, didn't put me off from using it.


Not really. It hits...a couple targets at best? GS2 is great as a single target burst skill in PvP, but it's mediocre at best in PvE. GS in general is not a good sustained damage weapon for PvE. It's best used for quickly killed mobs, not larger group content bosses.


> I even used deceptive evasion because when alls said and done, clones are a decent enough meat shield in solo pve.


Ok, so that's just really a poor choice.


> I used clones all the time and why wouldn't I? I could always just renew my phantasm moments later, especially if I played smart and timed the cooldowns just right.


Well, because phantasms built up a large stacking damage multiplier the longer they were alive. When you refreshed phantasms, they lost substantial amounts of damage. Any fight where mesmers couldn't maintain phantasms throughout the entire thing would see significant reductions in dps because of how much damage you lose waiting for that to ramp back up.


> There was way more to this play style than you write it off for.


No, there really wasn't. We all played it. We all were experienced in it. We all understand how it worked, perhaps better than you do. It was an uninteractive playstyle that was not fun to play against, had a shockingly low skill-cap, and was simply unhealthy for the overall theme of this class. Mesmer is better now that it's gone.


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Instead trying to focus on phantasms which is basicaöly what chrono can do or cloned which is more s mirage thing id say try to step away from illusions. Phantasm skills stay as is but do not generate a clonde but a resource and summoning a clone generate a resource.

This resource can be utilized to buff allies via special shatter skills that affect more allies depending on resource.

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If shatters instead became a mesmer version of ranger "pet" F2, and the next elite spec was based around having permanent phantasms, that could be pretty active as you'd need to command what they do - ie they do a different attack or action for each shatter (that would also proc any shatter traits).


Trouble is getting something like that to work within the current trait and skill framework, with so many shatter traits, illusion traits and illusion generating skills.

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Skimmed thread, but something that isn't heavily reliant on phantasms or illusions would be nice.


It's why I prefer chrono, you shatter illusions more or less immediately.


Maybe instead of clone type illusions being made & phantasms persisting, extra damage could be applied on next auto attack or in a separate "mode" like Berserk mode / Photon Forge / Reaper's Shroud. In essence, you'd have nothing cluttering the field, phantasms would do their attack and vaporize. Arenanet showed they could do this with Soulbeast.


As far as weapon goes, I don't really know. Maybe torch could be a mainhand weapon , the other options are sparse such as mace , dagger, shortbow, longbow, warhorn, rifle (unlikely).


Something like that would need to be weaker in PvP / WvW obviously.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > It is much too tedious to pick apart your post like you did mine and tell you you're wrong so let me just summarize in a quick sentence.

> >

> > You play your way, and I'll play mine. Got it?


> Well, you won't cause Anet isn't bringing back phantasms...


You're right, I can't which is why I made this thread.


Mesmer is so BORING to me now because what I liked about it is now gone. Which... is why I made this thread.


I'm not proposing to erase the rework, I'm proposing to bring the old phantasms back in an optional trait, isolated within an elite spec, leaving the rest of the class and the rest of the elite spec, should you choose to opt out of that trait, unaffected. But you know what, arguing with you is going nowhere and I'm starting to get sick of your attitude so.... I'm frankly just going to stop bothering with you.




> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> I don't actually understand what OP's trying to say. Is he really saying that AI based gameplay is active gameplay and not lazy or am I reading it wrong?


I'm saying it's not that extreme at all.


When you're running around and still doing the same stuff everyone else is doing you are, in fact, active. It's only lazy if you just sit there, not moving and spam 1.


It's no lazier than the other classes that revolve around AI based gameplay. Ranger's Pets, Necro's Minions and even Guardian's Spirit Weapons are all AI that just like Phantasms, you can build your entire class around. That is, by definition, AI based gameplay, but you wouldn't make a case for their removal would you? Thing is, Phantasm did everything that these "active" builds do. So really, if you want to remove AI based gameplay, then you need to get rid the AI present in the other classes also. It's only fair, saying otherwise would be hypocrisy.


Or the alternative would be to restore phantasms, but isolate it to an elite spec, away from the rest of the class. Then boom, everyone wins and everyone is happy.


> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> See signature. I made an elite spec pre-phantasm rework.


I really like this idea and I'd really like to see it come to life. Hopefully, your thread has been seen by Anet eyes and has been taken into consideration.


> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> I vastly prefer the mesmer post-rework, but I wouldn't exactly see much harm in allowing a sub-optimal build to function more like pre-rework. As long as it is clearly sub-optimal.


How about something that's not better or worse but on even ground with everything else? O p t i o n s !




> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Skimmed thread, but something that isn't heavily reliant on phantasms or illusions would be nice.


> It's why I prefer chrono, you shatter illusions more or less immediately.


> Maybe instead of clone type illusions being made & phantasms persisting, extra damage could be applied on next auto attack or in a separate "mode" like Berserk mode / Photon Forge / Reaper's Shroud. In essence, you'd have nothing cluttering the field, phantasms would do their attack and vaporize. Arenanet showed they could do this with Soulbeast.


> As far as weapon goes, I don't really know. Maybe torch could be a mainhand weapon , the other options are sparse such as mace , dagger, shortbow, longbow, warhorn, rifle (unlikely).


> Something like that would need to be weaker in PvP / WvW obviously.


> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> My idea would be to get rid of illusions for next espec. For exampke you get energy instead of summoni g phantasm/clone and your f1-f5 spells cost energy.




Okay, okay. So a thought just dawned on me so hear me out. What about instead of using our magic to create illusions, we apply illusions to ourselves!


I'm talking about a shapeshifter for an elite spec! You always see Mesmers doing it in-universe but we never get to do it ourselves.


F1-5 would trade shatters for different transformations we could undergo from something small and subtle like a Skritt or a Quaggan to something big and terrifying like a monster or a demon!> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> If shatters instead became a mesmer version of ranger "pet" F2, and the next elite spec was based around having permanent phantasms, that could be pretty active as you'd need to command what they do - ie they do a different attack or action for each shatter (that would also proc any shatter traits).


> Trouble is getting something like that to work within the current trait and skill framework, with so many shatter traits, illusion traits and illusion generating skills.



That by no means is a "simple" task but it's actually a lot easier to implement than you'd think.


Overall, I think it's a great idea and I'd love to see it in the game.

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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > I vastly prefer the mesmer post-rework, but I wouldn't exactly see much harm in allowing a sub-optimal build to function more like pre-rework. As long as it is clearly sub-optimal.


> How about something that's not better or worse but on even ground with everything else? O p t i o n s !

I just don't think that's realistic. I'm not even sure it's possible. At best, one will almost always be better. Rereading my comment, though, I disagree with my last sentence a little. I think that easier play should be sub-optimal, but I conflated that with the pre-rework. I think I got my wires crossed with this topic and another I was reading just before this one. I thought pre-rework was easier, but that's a more subjective disagreement.

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I am not going to quote the long long post, but here's what I think.


Pre rework, phantasms were bad because;

- They did more damage over time than burst, making them obsolete in most situations

- They could easily be killed

- They could be shattered, which is counter-intuitive to the class mechanic itself

- They were worse than Necro spawns, Ranger pets and Guardian SWs. They just stood where they spawn and spammed "1"



Say what you want, but pre-rework Mesmer wasn't as active as it is right now, not even close.


Most of the people who play this game want active combat, that's why Rangers were asking to nerf pets' damage and give it to herself, that's why Guardian Spirit Weapon rework happened, that's why Engineer turrets were nerfed into the ground, and that's why Minion Necro remains as a niche, only used in open-world.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > > I vastly prefer the mesmer post-rework, but I wouldn't exactly see much harm in allowing a sub-optimal build to function more like pre-rework. As long as it is clearly sub-optimal.

> >

> > How about something that's not better or worse but on even ground with everything else? O p t i o n s !

> I just don't think that's realistic. I'm not even sure it's possible. At best, one will almost always be better. Rereading my comment, though, I disagree with my last sentence a little. I think that easier play should be sub-optimal, but I conflated that with the pre-rework. I think I got my wires crossed with this topic and another I was reading just before this one. I thought pre-rework was easier, but that's a more subjective disagreement.


Game design is all about finding a balance.


It's always possible to make everything equal, it's just a matter of Anet's game design skills.

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Elite spec: Vituoso

Main Hand Warhorn.

Plays beautiful music to distract and mesmerize their foe.

New Mechanic:

You No longer just shatter illusions instead you instruct your clones to do a performance.

f1: Symphony of Pain- Clones let out a painful song damage allies around them for the duration.

f2 Song of Protection- Clones sing a song for the duration all allies receive distortion

f3 Taunting Melody- Clones taunt enemies around them.

f4 Song Of Bliss- All clones sing healing allies for the duration of the song.

All phantasm skill are reworked to summon skills. These phantasms are no longer attached to enemies but are aoes that effect the area around you.


Drums of war.

Summon an illusionary Drummer of war at target location. causing damage and confusion to enemies who enter.

Harp Of Enchantment.

Summon an Illusonary Harpist to pulse a heal



Skill types. Stances.

Flute stance- play an illusionary flute allies in the area gain quickeness and their next two attacks cause heavy confustion.

Violin Stance- play and illusonary violin allies around you interrupt with their next attact

Harp Stance- play an illusionary harp- allies around you are healed for the duration of the stance and gain protection at its end.

Drum Stance- play an illusionary drum- allies around you deal an additional attack on their next hit.

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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> Elite spec: Vituoso

> Main Hand Warhorn.

> Plays beautiful music to distract and mesmerize their foe.

> New Mechanic:

> You No longer just shatter illusions instead you instruct your clones to do a performance.

> f1: Symphony of Pain- Clones let out a painful song damage allies around them for the duration.

> f2 Song of Protection- Clones sing a song for the duration all allies receive distortion

> f3 Taunting Melody- Clones taunt enemies around them.

> f4 Song Of Bliss- All clones sing healing allies for the duration of the song.

> All phantasm skill are reworked to summon skills. These phantasms are no longer attached to enemies but are aoes that effect the area around you.

> Example-

> Drums of war.

> Summon an illusionary Drummer of war at target location. causing damage and confusion to enemies who enter.

> Harp Of Enchantment.

> Summon an Illusonary Harpist to pulse a heal

> etc


> Skill types. Stances.

> Flute stance- play an illusionary flute allies in the area gain quickeness and their next two attacks cause heavy confustion.

> Violin Stance- play and illusonary violin allies around you interrupt with their next attact

> Harp Stance- play an illusionary harp- allies around you are healed for the duration of the stance and gain protection at its end.

> Drum Stance- play an illusionary drum- allies around you deal an additional attack on their next hit.


I would be okay with this.


Good idea.

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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > Elite spec: Vituoso

> > Main Hand Warhorn.

> > Plays beautiful music to distract and mesmerize their foe.

> > New Mechanic:

> > You No longer just shatter illusions instead you instruct your clones to do a performance.

> > f1: Symphony of Pain- Clones let out a painful song damage allies around them for the duration.

> > f2 Song of Protection- Clones sing a song for the duration all allies receive distortion

> > f3 Taunting Melody- Clones taunt enemies around them.

> > f4 Song Of Bliss- All clones sing healing allies for the duration of the song.

> > All phantasm skill are reworked to summon skills. These phantasms are no longer attached to enemies but are aoes that effect the area around you.

> > Example-

> > Drums of war.

> > Summon an illusionary Drummer of war at target location. causing damage and confusion to enemies who enter.

> > Harp Of Enchantment.

> > Summon an Illusonary Harpist to pulse a heal

> > etc

> >

> > Skill types. Stances.

> > Flute stance- play an illusionary flute allies in the area gain quickeness and their next two attacks cause heavy confustion.

> > Violin Stance- play and illusonary violin allies around you interrupt with their next attact

> > Harp Stance- play an illusionary harp- allies around you are healed for the duration of the stance and gain protection at its end.

> > Drum Stance- play an illusionary drum- allies around you deal an additional attack on their next hit.


> I would be okay with this.


> Good idea.



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Im up to 2h weapon i.e Hammer. And somwhere (not sure where it was) somone point out Espher as Name. I love it.

The point Idea is to bring back old annynoing mesmer Mind games

1) Lockdown spec

2)Punishing enemy by their action

3) Bring back some ilusionary weapon effect

Core story about it:

Mesmers as Esphers trained, their mind to dominate others mind, They gain heavy psyho/kinetic powers and can manifest them around them. With Power of Mind they control 2h Hammers to overcome their minds. And brings Auras that give negative effect on enemy, and positive effect to them or ally.


Class Mechanics: Interrupting enemy cause Espher to gain Espher fragment, when they accumulate xxx of them, shatter Skills change to Espher Ability for 30s , and instead dodge, they gain Dispose, they teleport in random location away of target (but still in range of Hammer range)

1 Shatter Vortex: Hit target with Vortex of energy, deal dmg, remove all boons. Do additiona dmg per removed boon

2 Confusing Images: Summon 2 Phantoms of weapon you use.

3 Arcane leach: Remove all energy frome target, and block any renegation of it for 3s

4 Blackout: Target enemy cannot use any skill for 3s


As for weapon it is Mid-range .

1)Arcane Smash>Smash your foe with heavy attack


Dispose Arcane> Hit you foe. If enemy was in any action, apply 3s of Slow


Arcance Crash> Hit foe for heavy dmg, if he was in any action he will get knocked-down

2 Arcane Conundrum> Smash Target and nearby foes, apply Slow for 3s

3 Ilusionary Nightmare> Teleport in random location, leaving a Phantom Nightmare. (Phantom Nightmare deals Heavy dmg interrupting and immobilaze Slowed Targets)

4 Thunder Mind>Push back all foe around you. Interrupted foes summon Phantom Panic for 3s (. P.Panic interrupt next action, and deals dmg)

5 Ilusionary Weapon > Throw imaginary hammer at target arena dealing heavy AoE dmg. This attack cannot be blocked or Evaded


As for kills i think Auras could be fine and new thing:

1 Aura of Lyssa(heal skill) >Enemy actions heal you partialy (more skills enemy use the more heal it give) stack up to 3k heal. You can detonate Aura to heal by additional 3k health (15s cd on Active)

2 Shooting Aura> [Passive] reduce energy regeneration, nearby foes and their dmg by 25% [Active] Remove all energy frome nearby foes. (25s cd on active)

3 Aura of emphaty> [Passive] attacking Foes lose one boon per skill use [Active] Summon a Phantom of emphaty 5s (phantom attack every time a target use a skill dealing decent dmg per attack) 30s cd on Active)

4Aura of Backfire>[Passive] After taking xx dmg, next attack of enemy will fail, and will be stuned for 2s [active] Summon Phantom of Misery for 6s (Phantom interrupt enemy every time he try use a skill 2s/cd ) 25s cd on Active

5 Aura of Fevered Dreams(Elite)>[Passive]Transfer one condition to nearby foes (1s cd) and counter one CC every 10s [Activate] Transfer all condition frome you and nearby ally to nearby Foes. 45s cdon ctive


As for traits... not sure.. rly want some special theemed like

Grand master

1 Psyhic Instability> interrupting Enemy make them knock down for 1s (3s cd)

2 Spiritual Pain > Phantoms deal additional dmg to target that make action

and Minor Grand

1 Power leak> Interrupting foe remove his energy and transfer to you 10s cd

2 Mind Weab>Interrupting Foe interrupt also nearby foes

Major grand

1 Worry Mind> Every Time you apply slow deal dmg

2 Mistrust>Interrupting foe Damage him and Nearby Foes


(sorry for not perfect English, i hope you can read it xD)

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> @"Michal.4513" said:

> Im up to 2h weapon i.e Hammer. And somwhere (not sure where it was) somone point out Espher as Name. I love it.

> The point Idea is to bring back old annynoing mesmer Mind games

> 1) Lockdown spec

> 2)Punishing enemy by their action

> 3) Bring back some ilusionary weapon effect

> Core story about it:

> Mesmers as Esphers trained, their mind to dominate others mind, They gain heavy psyho/kinetic powers and can manifest them around them. With Power of Mind they control 2h Hammers to overcome their minds. And brings Auras that give negative effect on enemy, and positive effect to them or ally.


> Class Mechanics: Interrupting enemy cause Espher to gain Espher fragment, when they accumulate xxx of them, shatter Skills change to Espher Ability for 30s , and instead dodge, they gain Dispose, they teleport in random location away of target (but still in range of Hammer range)

> 1 Shatter Vortex: Hit target with Vortex of energy, deal dmg, remove all boons. Do additiona dmg per removed boon

> 2 Confusing Images: Summon 2 Phantoms of weapon you use.

> 3 Arcane leach: Remove all energy frome target, and block any renegation of it for 3s

> 4 Blackout: Target enemy cannot use any skill for 3s


> As for weapon it is Mid-range .

> 1)Arcane Smash>Smash your foe with heavy attack

> V

> Dispose Arcane> Hit you foe. If enemy was in any action, apply 3s of Slow

> V

> Arcance Crash> Hit foe for heavy dmg, if he was in any action he will get knocked-down

> 2 Arcane Conundrum> Smash Target and nearby foes, apply Slow for 3s

> 3 Ilusionary Nightmare> Teleport in random location, leaving a Phantom Nightmare. (Phantom Nightmare deals Heavy dmg interrupting and immobilaze Slowed Targets)

> 4 Thunder Mind>Push back all foe around you. Interrupted foes summon Phantom Panic for 3s (. P.Panic interrupt next action, and deals dmg)

> 5 Ilusionary Weapon > Throw imaginary hammer at target arena dealing heavy AoE dmg. This attack cannot be blocked or Evaded


> As for kills i think Auras could be fine and new thing:

> 1 Aura of Lyssa(heal skill) >Enemy actions heal you partialy (more skills enemy use the more heal it give) stack up to 3k heal. You can detonate Aura to heal by additional 3k health (15s cd on Active)

> 2 Shooting Aura> [Passive] reduce energy regeneration, nearby foes and their dmg by 25% [Active] Remove all energy frome nearby foes. (25s cd on active)

> 3 Aura of emphaty> [Passive] attacking Foes lose one boon per skill use [Active] Summon a Phantom of emphaty 5s (phantom attack every time a target use a skill dealing decent dmg per attack) 30s cd on Active)

> 4Aura of Backfire>[Passive] After taking xx dmg, next attack of enemy will fail, and will be stuned for 2s [active] Summon Phantom of Misery for 6s (Phantom interrupt enemy every time he try use a skill 2s/cd ) 25s cd on Active

> 5 Aura of Fevered Dreams(Elite)>[Passive]Transfer one condition to nearby foes (1s cd) and counter one CC every 10s [Activate] Transfer all condition frome you and nearby ally to nearby Foes. 45s cdon ctive


> As for traits... not sure.. rly want some special theemed like

> Grand master

> 1 Psyhic Instability> interrupting Enemy make them knock down for 1s (3s cd)

> 2 Spiritual Pain > Phantoms deal additional dmg to target that make action

> and Minor Grand

> 1 Power leak> Interrupting foe remove his energy and transfer to you 10s cd

> 2 Mind Weab>Interrupting Foe interrupt also nearby foes

> Major grand

> 1 Worry Mind> Every Time you apply slow deal dmg

> 2 Mistrust>Interrupting foe Damage him and Nearby Foes


> (sorry for not perfect English, i hope you can read it xD)


While maybe not exactly what I had in mind, I too would love to see the general theme of hammer and control from the new espec - synergising with Dominaiton and Power Block. Going from the pve side - chrono is already the 'support' option, mirage is the 'damage', so according to the 3 pillars of gw2 combat we're just missing the 'control'.


I'm thinking something like mesmer's take on core hammer warrior - similar kind of cc effects and heavy control, just with prettier animations (ie levitating the hammer similar to GS and maybe with some attacks similar to revenant's hammer).

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I admire the people who want to see mesmer in a bard type role, however, throughout gaming history, any bard that has existed has been beyond meta in any composition, simply because their role as a support are ridiculously strong/manditory.


That said I want to see a heavy power based role with a longbow as a weapon.

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I think a shortbow spec could be interesting. But I really love how greatsword is a casting weapon, and hammer on rev a ranged weapon. I hope whatever they make has that same different style to it.


I kind of imagined a siren spec for Mesmer. Shortbow healing based could be interesting but then you’re just going to wind up having two mesmers mandatory for group content.


Another idea I had was Trident as a land based melee raid viable power spec with sustained damage. Kind of imagined the attacks similar to rev staff. With weapon 2 being a quick repetitive jab that summons a clone or a phantasm that does the same. Weapon 3 being a block of evade that summons a clone or phantasm, weapon 4 being an illusionary wave that knocks back but would be pretty similar to greatsword. Weapon 5 being a charge or blink attack like rev shiro utility. Maybe an elite that works similar to celestial avatar 5 and sucks people in.



But another thing I would like to see is shatter skills replaced and potentially using clones to empower your own damage. Or just shatter skills replaced with Songs as someone mentioned but have them work like firebrand tomes, but less clunky kit feeling. It would be nice if the song skills changed the functionality of equipped weapons but that would mean reworking a lot of existing weapons.



A dual pistol spec could be fun but I don’t know if it feel all that different from thief or be able to have gameplay that feels all that different from mirage.



Trident could be pretty awesome but I’m not sure if they’re ever making underwater weapons land based even though I feel like it could open up a lot of spec possibilities for multiple classes.



And do you think it would be possible for them to add completely new weapon types? Because greataxe and scythe could be great additions as well.



Dagger dagger is also a very likely choice for Mesmer outside of bow due to the lack of actual power based melee weapons. It could be more of a Rogue style Mesmer that jumps between foes.


Given that we just had a thief inspired Mesmer spec I’m really thinking the next one will be a bow themed siren or bard spec. It would be cool to have a reason to finally make the Dreamer. Haha. (War horn could work as well but depending on the specs focus may not have complimentary main hand weapons to go along with it.)

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I wouldn't mind having a shortbow power based elite. I'm a bit biased there as I'm currently making Chuka and Champawat so I'd hope I could use it. But even pistol mainhand would be fine too. I'd just really like a focus on power next because it seems to be missing.


We have one weapon that's 900 range in scepter so I think having another midrange weapon is next on the docket for Mesmers.

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