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Favorite and most disliked map in the game ?

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I'm a big fan of Verdant brink, I hope to see more maps so well thought out in the game, it might be the best map in any game ever. It's even better to get around there now, with a griffon.


I strongly dislike the desolation though. I've never liked these "post-apocalyptic" maps filled with just dust and sad landscapes. Same with the "branded" parts of Ascalon. I understand that it's "needed" to make us feel how dire the situation is, how dangerous the threat is and all that, but these are still boring places to visit and I'd like them to just be small parts of bigger maps rather than the maps themselves.


What about you ?

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I agree with you, I also think Verdant brink is the best map Arenanet have ever created, and actually probably the best map I've ever experienced in any MMO. On the flipside I dislike Domain of Vabbi, due to the section of the map that pulses lightning on you, it's just annoying and not fun in the slightest.

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I don't really know what my favorite map is. Nothing stands out.


Least favorite: Lornar's Pass. First, I'm not a fan of the snowy maps. Second, it's a very constricted map, tall mountains, narrow passes. Very hard to move around the map.

Bitterfrost is a close 2nd. Snow and ice, plus 2 WPs making moving around the map very slow......well at least pre-mounts it was.


I won't contest your VB pick. I've heard some hate against it, but it does hold a bit of nostalgia as our first exposure to HoT in the beta. On that logic, I've got a fair bit of nostalgia built in for Plans of Ashford and Queensdale. But favorites.........?

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Like: Any map but Tangled Depths

Dislike: Guess


But seriously, for me it is really hard to pick my favourite map. I'd say it would be either Desert Highlands with its variety and georgous views, Crystal Oasis with Amnoon perfectly composing with the rest of the map, Fields of Ruin and it's unique autumn forest vibe or Metrica Province perfectly describing my most favourite race with all its events.


All the maps are unique to me. There are no two identical maps. Each carries a unique theme and story to it. Anet did a tremendous job designing all the maps (some too much *COUGH* Tangled Depths). I never before enjoyed exploring and leveling so much. I have some very fond memories associated with discovering places, doing events and watching my character grow into the world.

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Favorites: Wayfarer Foothills, Queensdale, Metrica Province, Caledon Forest, Ember Bay and Crystal Oasis

Least favorite: This is really really hard. Don't particularly like Orr or any of the HoT maps. Silverwastes is no fun. But I loathe, loathe, loathe Drytop and the Dredgehaunt Cliffs. Just ugh. Editing: honorable mentions for Desolation and Vabbi. Horrible, horrible maps that are _no fun_.

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Dislike, so far everything in Path of Fire. I don't know what happened there but what a bunch of goddamn ugly and boring maps are in that expansion. Compared to the maps in HoT these are a disgrace for the game.


Favorite, I think I love them all but the maps in this expansion. Not much love for tangled depths but that is more because of the restrictive design than the looks. Because it sure looks good.

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My favorite map is tied between Sandswept Isles and Tangled Depths, for the first one I love the general feel of the map (and Olmakhan are bae), and I enjoy that it has the old map feel where there’s metas, but they’re not restricting the map overall, and it has the bounties, a good mix of underwater areas, and a whole bunch of puzzles you can do.


For Tangled Depths I love all the nooks and crannies, and how all the lanes interweave with one another and how absolutely gigantic it is, there’s a ton of stuff just scattered around, and all of the event chains are great, and imo it has the best meta event out of all of the HoT maps.


My least favorite map is probably Blazeridge Stepps or is it Fireheart Rise? Whatever one is to the super northeast and does NOT have the dungeon in it’s map. It just is super barren and boring, not a whole lot is happening there, and aside from having a few pretty looking areas is just very, lacking and boring, so much so that I forget it exists until I actively look at the ascalon area on the map.

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Love this kind of thread, here is mines:

-The best of the best: Metrica Province: the perfect balance

-Favorites: Mount Maelstrom, Draconis Mons or Sandswept Isles; I like Volcanoes and giant labs.

-The worst, I hate her: Dragon Stand, why? I found any logic at all in this map... Empty paths with horrible vines everywhere... even Tarir or verdant Brink done better!

Tangled Depths is not very far, the entire map is a maze where you can't properly orient yourself....


Let me explain in details, why mount maelstrom or sandswept isles? They are both a rocky-grassy asuran map, it feels like everything have a reason to be here: In the case of maelstrom, you have a volcano which is the beginning of all main events in the area the same with the infinity coil. They are no place in this map blank without nothing, a little inquest platform it could be insignificant, but they decided to turn her into a worldboss, they haven't let this small detail dying in a corner, the same with the infinity coil and her dungeon, they have a ROLE. For the isles, that is the same, no area of the giant complex is neglected: If you haven't any event, you still have PA announcer putting the ambience. ;)


But the better is still Metrica Province, this is the apotheosis of map design, structures with a role or event involvement, actual ROADS creating link between the buildings, very inventive quests; some very cool Easter eggs around the maps. The thaumanova reactor events are great. The landscape is just beautiful, not to much nature, not to much urbanization. If I have one thing to tell Anet about this map: "You should Inspire yourself of this map for your future projects!" :D

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Most hated map: Tangled Depths by a long shot. Honorable mention for the Desolation due to being an extremely unenjoyable map to play.

Most liked map: Diessa Plateau. Lots of variety on this map:

- 3 JPs (Crimson Plateau, Grendich Gamble, Wall Breach Blitz) plus a secret area that's almost like one (Anya's strawberry patch)

- possibly the coolest mini-dungeon in the game (Font of Rhand)

- one of the funniest events in the game (cattlepult)

- a giant (during Nageling event)

- a guild race (Devourer Burrow when active)


In addition, the map is relatively easy to navigate. The slight amber lighting in areas of the map is also nice for adding a bit of warmth to screenshots of your character. On top of that, the mob density is low enough in some areas that you can easily take a relaxing break while enjoying the scenery or posing for a character picture.

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> @"JDub.1530" said:


> Least favorite: Lornar's Pass. First, I'm not a fan of the snowy maps. Second, it's a very constricted map, tall mountains, narrow passes. Very hard to move around the map.


And that makes it seem to take _forever_ to complete, which is why it's my least favorite as well. It's the only one I dread doing when I'm working on world completion.


Strictly aesthetically speaking? I think I like Southsun Cove the most. Functionally speaking--well...

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Dislike - surprise, surprise—Tangled Depths.


Like—hard one. I love so many of the maps, all for different reasons. I love playing any of the Orr maps. Lots of events, people, gathering, etc. I tend to like the 60-80 level maps also (Fireheart Rise, Sparkfly Fen, Timberline Falls, etc.). I enjoy some zones more for the ambiance or feeling rather than the gameplay (Caledon Forest, Kessex Hills, Brisban Wildlands). And I particularly like the POF maps...mostly because I am fond of desert environments. And I love playing the meta in Dragon Stand. Generally great groups, good commanders, and lots of camaraderie.

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As always, I'll be in the minority and say tangled depths is the best map I've ever experIenced in any game. HonOrable mention to verdant brink, but I find the event structure more enjoyable in TD and the cave systems more interesting to explore.


But really I just love the HoT maps in general. PoF is okay, but the event structure and not having a single complex (read:HoT-style) map design were a step backward in my opinion.


The only core map that stands out at all to me is kessex hills and only because they added bandit champions on top of having several champions there originally. Silver wastes is a decent map, too.

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I do not have an absolute favorite map, but there 2 maps I default to: AB, cursed shore. I find cursed shore to be the best map for farming. Has great synergistic events and one the best layouts. VB is surely one of the best maps


The worst map is domain of istan. Though all PoF maps are bad maps. They look okay, and some have decent layouts, but they are very lacking in events, synergy and content.

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Tangled Depths is actually my favorite map of HoT, and I'm someone who is normally annoyed by mazeyness (Verdant Brink annoys me in comparison.)


Overall, I think my favorite map is the Desert Highlands because it has such a unique theme and atmosphere. I was also always a big fan of Malchor's Leap. My least favorite is probably Gendarren fields or Lornar's Pass because of how generic they feel.

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Least favorites for core Tyria: Fields of Ruin, Lornar's Pass, and Snowden Drifts

Favorites for core Tyria: Timberline Falls, Malchor's Leap, Southsun Cove


Least favorite for HoT/LS/PoF: Lake Doric, Siren's Landing Domain of Vabbi

Favorites for HoT/LS/PoF: Sandswept Isles, Draconis Mons, Desert Highlands.


All of those are in their places based on a mix of things though. Some are aesthetics, some are an issue of mechanics.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> I do not have an absolute favorite map, but there 2 maps I default to: AB, cursed shore. I find cursed shore to be the best map for farming. Has great synergistic events and one the best layouts. VB is surely one of the best maps


> The worst map is domain of istan. Though all PoF maps are bad maps. They look okay, and some have decent layouts, but they are very lacking in events, synergy and content.


Oh, I had forgotten Domain of Istan... it is SO. SO BORING. And Ugly... but mostly BORING. I try to avoid it like I avoid unidentified liquids on the street.

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Favorites: Dry top, Auric Basin, Bitterfrost Frontier, Fields of Ruin


Least favorite: Tangled Depths (still can't bring myself to finish this maze), Kessex hills (used to love this one, then Anet ruined it with the living story, thanks again), new LA (wtf is that shitty themepark even?)

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