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Ideas to tone down offensive AoEs


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Yes yes... WvW needs MORE AoE spam! MORE potent 10 person AoEs! Thousands MORE calculations the game needs to process, because the current amount of lag isn't quite enough! OR maybe we need for the devs to spend the next year devoted to coding in an overly complex system of per-target skill tracking, additional AoE skill rulesets to behave differently when other AoEs are present AND an even more complex versions of "Epidemic" for all AoEs... so we can add thousands MORE calculations the game needs to process, because the current amount of lag isn't quite enough!













Better yet, let's just make EVERY SKILL 20 person AoEs and call it a day!!!


Or maybe we do something more realistic like reducing AoE skills to 3 targets since this is WvW… Ya know, the place where you have hundreds of players already covering the entire battlefield with all types of AoE skills...

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Actually they could do really that gamewide, but to have bigger cap they had to remove/compensate on the other places with least targets and spam... that could help with the lamers aoe lag spam fest as well... making the important anti zerg skill bombs on high CD could as well help the lag and make players put more effort on when they want to spike with it, good groups would adapt the others tha have been carried with mass zerg of aoe figthing small servers would complain... it would be far more balance towards individual and group skill, due slipts and stacks, call targets etc, deppending what is needed on the moment.


But that would be extremelly painfull for the player quality in this game.... and game is ment to carry trough simple and easy access gimmicks plus player numbers.





Meh.. Anet does not care, its a game mode for lamers lol why should we care?

Im actually expecting Anet to increase the aoe or the spam with more aoe classes with alot of passives to balance the "way trough the spam on melee".


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@"Knighthonor.4061" In addition to low ttk, we also need to tackle the unhealthy aoe spam!


> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Hey Swag you say this about the resources for WvW, please make a thread detailing where and what in WvW you want the resources to go to. I want to read that.



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