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Been trying to get it for the golem backpiece SINCE S2 DROPPED. Even with 50 people can't do it for MONTHS. The CC phase is ludicrously difficult. I have literally done this almost daily for MONTHS and never finished it ONCE. This is without a doubt the WORST event in the entire game. And to top it off outside of the collections it is part of the rewards for all this effort are GARBAGE. Fix it and improve the rewards, or remove it from ALL collections and chains.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> Been trying to get it for the golem backpiece SINCE S2 DROPPED. Even with 50 people can't do it for MONTHS. The CC phase is ludicrously difficult. I have literally done this HUNDREDS of times and never finished it ONCE.


Join one of the organized groups. There are EU and NA guilds that schedule this.

(Also: it's not any more difficult than Chak Gherent, it's just that not as many people know what they are supposed to do or when.)


I think the main reason that more folks haven't learned how to do it is that the rewards are anemic for the effort. And it's always going to compete with other, better-known events with rewards that are generally believe to be superior. In other words, it's not the difficulty, it's that there's a perception that it's not worth the time.


tl;dr it's not broken, it's just still new to most people

Use LFG (and/or Reddit, Discord) to find an organized effort.

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While I agree the event could stand to be tweaked, it gets done. Many players have seen the event completed successfully and have their griffons and the golem back item to show for it. 50 people can easily handle it. Hell, 25 people could probably handle it fine if everyone brings what is needed. The thing is that many players still don't understand that they HAVE to bring hard CC skills to get the second part of the chain done. Having good leaders who explain what needs to happen helps a lot, but even then people will sometimes still think the advice doesn't apply to them. And it doesn't help that the rewards aren't great for the amount of time needed for the whole chain; that means the event won't attract many repeat plays.


I'm sorry that you've had crappy luck with the groups you've tried this with. I believe that there are some guilds that will run this event weekly (or more often, sometimes). Maybe someone else can recommend which guilds do it.

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I haven't hosted it this month, since my stomach has been really bad and the tendon in my left arm keeps locking up. But, back when I hosted this event, there was an odd thing I noticed. Even though I'd get 3 or so successes each week, every time there was a failure about half a dozen players would complain "I've been trying this for a month and I can't get it done!" I wonder, where are these people when I complete this event 10 times a month? TTS does theirs every week, so that's another 4 times a month. I know that people will host successful runs later in the afternoon, guilds do their own runs, and also there are weekend runs.


So, I developed a theory. I call it the "git gud" theory. There's a collection of players who either have mismatched builds, or are simply bad at the game. These players congregate together through mysterious means. So, whenever one of my events fails, it is because a group of these players have come together and their general ineffectiveness pulls the entire map down.


I noticed this in two ways: first, a scary number of scourges will gather together during these events. In spite of being played only 10% of the time (therefore 1/10 players on average should be a necromancer), for some reason I'll regularly pull 10-15 scourges during my failure runs. Condi scourges, of course, are the worst class for the event, alongside of condi mirages and tempests, and in spite if my urging to bring other classes or builds, these people keep mysteriously showing up in mass. The second way is that I host other events on a regular basis. Dragon's stand is pretty infamous, with people refusing to leave the taxi group, refusing to spread out, refusing to volunteer for groups, refusing to evenly split, refusing to coordinate during the boss phase, and most frighteningly refusing to respond to direct whispers about their behavior. It happens in tangled depths, too, where up to half the squad will be gloriously uncooperative.


The short version is this: git gud. If you've been trying this every day for a month and you can't complete it, then the only common denominator is you. Learn to do good DPS, learn to do good Crowd Control, learn to organize, learn to follow the directions of your commander, and if no commander will do it then learn to command yourself.

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i think that they’re just exaggerating and it’s only a few times that they’ve actually attempted it. I’m sure it’s fairly easy for Anet to verify this. Someone exaggerated their salvage rates a few years ago and Anet was able to disprove them so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re able to pull up a players event history for this map.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I haven't hosted it this month, since my stomach has been really bad and the tendon in my left arm keeps locking up. But, back when I hosted this event, there was an odd thing I noticed. Even though I'd get 3 or so successes each week, every time there was a failure about half a dozen players would complain "I've been trying this for a month and I can't get it done!" I wonder, where are these people when I complete this event 10 times a month? TTS does theirs every week, so that's another 4 times a month. I know that people will host successful runs later in the afternoon, guilds do their own runs, and also there are weekend runs.


Out of curiosity, do you see many people repeating this event? I know it's probably difficult to say because the names all kinda blur together, I'm just curious if many people regularly do this event.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > I haven't hosted it this month, since my stomach has been really bad and the tendon in my left arm keeps locking up. But, back when I hosted this event, there was an odd thing I noticed. Even though I'd get 3 or so successes each week, every time there was a failure about half a dozen players would complain "I've been trying this for a month and I can't get it done!" I wonder, where are these people when I complete this event 10 times a month? TTS does theirs every week, so that's another 4 times a month. I know that people will host successful runs later in the afternoon, guilds do their own runs, and also there are weekend runs.


> Out of curiosity, do you see many people repeating this event? I know it's probably difficult to say because the names all kinda blur together, I'm just curious if many people regularly do this event.


Out of the failures or the successes? When people say they've been trying to complete the event for a month, I don't have much of a choice other than to believe them. When it comes to successes, I do see a handful of players who will repeat the event. Unfortunately, a lot of players abruptly quit trying after succeeding once, so the event does suffer from brain drain.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> While I agree the event could stand to be tweaked, it gets done. Many players have seen the event completed successfully and have their griffons and the golem back item to show for it. 50 people can easily handle it. Hell, 25 people could probably handle it fine if everyone brings what is needed. The thing is that many players still don't understand that they HAVE to bring hard CC skills to get the second part of the chain done. Having good leaders who explain what needs to happen helps a lot, but even then people will sometimes still think the advice doesn't apply to them. And it doesn't help that the rewards aren't great for the amount of time needed for the whole chain; that means the event won't attract many repeat plays.


> I'm sorry that you've had crappy luck with the groups you've tried this with. I believe that there are some guilds that will run this event weekly (or more often, sometimes). Maybe someone else can recommend which guilds do it.


25 coordinated people probably can.

25 random people who happens to have showed up probably not.


Had around that many on last failed attempt. One of the CC groups was the only one that managed to kill a zealot ...

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People quit this event after one success because the CC bars are pointlessly hard to break and the rewards for success are dog poo.


If you could do this with 20 people and one decent CC build at each boss, maybe this would be worth coming back to. There's really no need to penalise the entire map, including the people who actually did bring CC, because there weren't 10 hard CC builds at every node.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> People quit this event after one success because the CC bars are pointlessly hard to break and the rewards for success are dog poo.


> If you could do this with 20 people and one decent CC build at each boss, maybe this would be worth coming back to. There's really no need to penalise the entire map, including the people who actually did bring CC, because **there weren't 10 hard CC builds at every node**.


You only need like five

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I still find the event fun enough to do. Been using random LFG to form the groups every time, but you can definitely see a huge change. When it used to fill almost instantly many months ago, you now barely start with 30 ppl. That is with listing on LFG at least 30 mins before at prime time. If you try to turn a 50 mann bounty squad into it at least half of the players leave.


Out of the two runs in the last two weeks both didn't succeed. Actually not even come close. And that's with constantly telling ppl what to do and answering any questions, helping them adjust for CC. The squads usually consist of about half who have either never done it before or never succeeded at it. So yeah, I can understand the frustration of players who want to do it.


I will still continue to do this once in a while. But many players seem to have taken a f*ck it attitude and don't even try the thing anymore. This is turning into another Triple Trouble which is rather sad. Because it's open world and used to be very doable. There is no prestige attached to this event, nor title or any bragging rights. It's even part of a LS map collection which was always kinda directed at casual play. So even if you want to cry git gud, gotta face reality, it just doesn't work very well anymore.

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I literally don't get you people. When PoF launched I was doing Serpent's Ire daily for months .. and never had a problem and it was a complete pug group meanwhile here on forum people are complaining how it's impossible.

It just makes me think that you guys just get the group that is not willing to talk and organize between themselves and it's not event that's hard.


I guess Anet should just give us meta rewards for waypointing to the map when meta starts and that's it because anything more than that is apparently too hard, because as you know, it's never to do with people, it's all to do with the game being too difficult. - but i guess if they did that, all of you people will complain how it's all too easy, seems to me like they can't get it right with you either way.

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reward is just bad so not many players will play the meta. i finished the meta 3 times. for 2 collections and once for fun ( haha not really ).

i needed about 10-15 tries. Main problem = not enough players. often there were 2-3 Bounty trains on the same map but they didnt helped because bounty trains are more rewarding. and if bounty trains are more rewarding .....

imo the worst meta from GW2.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > People quit this event after one success because the CC bars are pointlessly hard to break and the rewards for success are dog poo.

> >

> > If you could do this with 20 people and one decent CC build at each boss, maybe this would be worth coming back to. There's really no need to penalise the entire map, including the people who actually did bring CC, because **there weren't 10 hard CC builds at every node**.


> You only need like five


Surely that depends on the number of people at the event? If it scales up then you need a lot more than 5.


In HoT I've seen wyvern matriarch events where a few people can burst down her defiance bar easily but then latecomers come to the event and you're lucky to get her half the way down.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > People quit this event after one success because the CC bars are pointlessly hard to break and the rewards for success are dog poo.

> > >

> > > If you could do this with 20 people and one decent CC build at each boss, maybe this would be worth coming back to. There's really no need to penalise the entire map, including the people who actually did bring CC, because **there weren't 10 hard CC builds at every node**.

> >

> > You only need like five


> Surely that depends on the number of people at the event? If it scales up then you need a lot more than 5.


> In HoT I've seen wyvern matriarch events where a few people can burst down her defiance bar easily but then latecomers come to the event and you're lucky to get her half the way down.


That’s with scaling. Five people can easily keep one of the bosses broken the entire time.


Edit: I missed the last part of your post so I wanted to address it.


The only reason it’s difficult to break its bar is because so many players insist on using ranged attacks and then get aggro. That charge attack only occurs when someone is at a distance. If everyone was in melee, it would never use it and be more or less stationary the entire time.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > > People quit this event after one success because the CC bars are pointlessly hard to break and the rewards for success are dog poo.

> > >

> > > If you could do this with 20 people and one decent CC build at each boss, maybe this would be worth coming back to. There's really no need to penalise the entire map, including the people who actually did bring CC, because **there weren't 10 hard CC builds at every node**.

> >

> > You only need like five


> Surely that depends on the number of people at the event? If it scales up then you need a lot more than 5.


> In HoT I've seen wyvern matriarch events where a few people can burst down her defiance bar easily but then latecomers come to the event and you're lucky to get her half the way down.


That is not just due to scaling. That is also because of people aggroing and pulling it to terrible positions. This can make it impossible to hit her with any sort of melee CC because she has air one side and fire on the other. People failing to stick close to her is one of the biggest sources for creating a mess. Fortunately on most days we can manage to do it in under 2 minutes these days.


Then there is people either not paying attention to the smaller wyverns or they are being obscured by matriarch's wings. The small wyverns can hit extremely as well as being able to hit well beyond what their animation would suggest. It's a bit ridiculous that the "minor" adds hit harder(versus most of mat's attacks) than the main boss.

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