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Your favorite PC voice actors!

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Who's your favorite PC voice actor(s)? Pick a poll down below!

_PS: If you didn't know, the PC male Charr VA Ron Yuan was unable to continue the role and was replaced by Lex Lang in 2016._


I truely enjoy the work of ANet's doing of all of their VAs. I personally falled in love in GW2 even more back in the old days as each race and counterparts have their own unique voice actor. I just love the way they're making our PC more ''_alive_'' in our new Expansions and Living World seasons where they talk realistic, in Raids were your group of members have their unique voicelines and each of them can talk randomly, realistic and racial. (_which I **LOVE** alot hearing each race' racial voicelines here and there_)


A big thanks for the ANet team of handling the voicelines and their hard work.

And a special thanks for all of the voice actors for lending out their awesome voices! Almost 6 years together and more will come, :)

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My first character was a male sylvari, and he's still my main. I have a soft spot for his lovely voice. :)


Though male human comes in a close second... before I played this game, I played Star Wars: The Old Republic. Nolan North voices the male Jedi Consular in that game. It was rather amusing to suddenly hear my chiss Jedi's voice coming from a human that looks and acts nothing like him. XD

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> Jennifer Hale *also* does a bunch of voice work for SWTOR, including the female trooper (and trooper, specifically Commando, is my favourite class.


Not to mention FemShep in the Mass Effect series, Lyris Titanborn in ESO, Bastila Shan in KOTOR... I love her to bits, though Brandon Bales and Claudia Christian also do amazing work.



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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > Jennifer Hale *also* does a bunch of voice work for SWTOR, including the female trooper (and trooper, specifically Commando, is my favourite class.


> Not to mention FemShep in the Mass Effect series, Lyris Titanborn in ESO, Bastila Shan in KOTOR... I love her to bits, though Brandon Bales and Claudia Christian also do amazing work.


Jennifer Hale is kind of the female equivalent of Nolan North and Troy Baker. If you've played a game with voice acting made in the last 10 years or so chances are you've heard her, you just may not know it because she can sound quite different.


Although when my husband re-played Knights of the Old Republic recently it was really weird for me because every time Bastila spoke it was like a weird mix of **my** sylvari and Queen Jennah. I never get that with Lyris in ESO though, for some reason she just sounds like herself to me.

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> @"juhani.5361" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > Jennifer Hale *also* does a bunch of voice work for SWTOR, including the female trooper (and trooper, specifically Commando, is my favourite class.


> Not to mention FemShep in the Mass Effect series, Lyris Titanborn in ESO, Bastila Shan in KOTOR... I love her to bits, though Brandon Bales and Claudia Christian also do amazing work.




Naomi Hunter and Emma Emmerich in the MGS series, too. She also voices Elena in Grandia II, a superb JRPG. Though that game's English dub is like a Metal Gear Solid reunion party, so many of the MGS cast are in there. Cam Clarke voices the main protaganist in it.


I wasn't aware she voiced the female Sylvari until I was watching a stream of MGS4 the other day and there was a cutscene with Naomi, and one of the lines was delivered in a tone very similar to the Sylvari. I love her work, and I think the female Sylvari voices are so well done. Very dynamic, very expressive.

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GW2 has an outstanding voice cast that is extremely well-directed and gives the game a sense of personality that is unique and unmatched. I love them all.


That said, I have to give special props to Kate Miller, because her Female Charr is absolutely pitch perfect. B)

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My favourite? The person who voices Glint. Not quite sure who this is to be honest.


Least Favourite, there are two -


1) anyone that mispronounces Wyvern in that horrible cut short Wee Vern manner, it an old English word from the French and we over here in the UK say it Whyvern. It makes me cringe every time I hear it.


2) whoever voiced the Kodan called Sun Warming in Bitterfrost Frontier. You can practically see her pinching her nose as she spoke the words creating a nasally voice.


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Female Sylvarie, Female Human, Male Sylvarie. I really enjoy the first two as they bring tension greatly across (i.e. the finale when Aurene hatched and the Commander shouted the name of the "guest" NPC that showed up to help), whereas the Male Sylvarie has quite a sophisticated voice which quite pleasant to listen to. But in the afore-mentioned tension situations it seems a bit less emotional? Something like that. Female Sylvarie had a time in HoT and LS where she sounded always stressed out (understandably!), but that has mellowed out :+1:


I don't enjoy Male Asura that much as he always seems to sound somewhat asthmatic/short-breathed.

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I can't say I'm too familiar with the work for a lot of them, as I play nearly exclusively charr.


I like Lex Lang's work. Kate Miller not so much unfortunately; her voice has a somewhat higher pitch than I'd prefer, and lacks a certain malice that you hear in the other charr VAs.

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When he nails the accent, I think male sylvari is my favourite. However, he's quite inconsistent - he slips up fairly frequently, and you can tell that he's not actually British.


So I voted male charr - though that might just be because I play as male charr more than anyone else so I've got used to it.


> @"Andy.5981" said:

> 1) anyone that mispronounces Wyvern in that horrible cut short Wee Vern manner, it an old English word from the French and we over here in the UK say it Whyvern. It makes me cringe every time I hear it.


I haven't noticed that happening (when does anyone say "wyvern"?), but don't forget all the people who mispronounce golem, jotun, and - arguably - Jormag.



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