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Next Revenant Elite Weapon

Game of Bones.8975

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I'm getting back into playing my Revenant and was thinking how much fun it would be to have access to the greatsword, pistol, or rifle.


The greatsword is well represented among other professions, but I can see a Revenant using the GS powering through enemies with a wicked grin.


The pistol and rifle are two of the most underused weapons out there. I can see a gunslinger elite, but won't guess the legendary stance to tap into.


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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I'm getting back into playing my Revenant and was thinking how much fun it would be to have access to the greatsword, pistol, or rifle.


> The greatsword is well represented among other professions, but I can see a Revenant using the GS powering through enemies with a wicked grin.


> The pistol and rifle are two of the most underused weapons out there. I can see a gunslinger elite, but won't guess the legendary stance to tap into.



That’s the thing no legend would fit that and also no rifle and pistol, the revenant channels powers from the mists and firearms are everything else but that

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I'm getting back into playing my Revenant and was thinking how much fun it would be to have access to the greatsword, pistol, or rifle.

> >

> > The greatsword is well represented among other professions, but I can see a Revenant using the GS powering through enemies with a wicked grin.

> >

> > The pistol and rifle are two of the most underused weapons out there. I can see a gunslinger elite, but won't guess the legendary stance to tap into.

> >


> That’s the thing no legend would fit that and also no rifle and pistol, the revenant channels powers from the mists and firearms are everything else but that


No legend that we know of. The thing with fiction is that it's always expanding and being re-invented. If we only follow what we know, no new professions would ever be rolled out, no new movies would be made, etc. I had my doubts on the rifle/pistol situation in Guild Wars before GW2 came out.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> I'd prefer a 2 handed great axe!


I would love that, but I would settle for a GS, too. I honestly think they should come up with a few new weapons, and give those to the new elite specs next xpac, more than likely having some overlap with weapons handed out (2 classes get x, 3 classes get y, etc). Warriors are running short on new weapons, so adding more to the pool wouldn't be a bad idea. I am always in favor of more options.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I'm getting back into playing my Revenant and was thinking how much fun it would be to have access to the greatsword, pistol, or rifle.


> The greatsword is well represented among other professions, but I can see a Revenant using the GS powering through enemies with a wicked grin.


> The pistol and rifle are two of the most underused weapons out there. I can see a gunslinger elite, but won't guess the legendary stance to tap into.



You'd probably be surprised to learn that the Greatsword actually isn't. Its only 4 classes in Core, and the 5th (Reaper) is by Espec. The only reason it feels well represented is due to the prevalence of Guardians, and how GS is one of their most popular direct damage weapon. Before Chorno Mesmers used them a lot as well, as did open world rangers, but not much elsewhere.


If we're establishing some priorities, Rev needs a better off hand option right now that allows for more flexible defense with either Sword or Mace builds. I have my own idea for a GS spec, but frankly it would have to overshadow the other weapons get proper build performance out of it.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I'm getting back into playing my Revenant and was thinking how much fun it would be to have access to the greatsword, pistol, or rifle.

> >

> > The greatsword is well represented among other professions, but I can see a Revenant using the GS powering through enemies with a wicked grin.

> >

> > The pistol and rifle are two of the most underused weapons out there. I can see a gunslinger elite, but won't guess the legendary stance to tap into.

> >


> You'd probably be surprised to learn that the Greatsword actually isn't. Its only 4 classes in Core, and the 5th (Reaper) is by Espec. The only reason it feels well represented is due to the prevalence of Guardians, and how GS is one of their most popular direct damage weapon. Before Chorno Mesmers used them a lot as well, as did open world rangers, but not much elsewhere.


> If we're establishing some priorities, Rev needs a better off hand option right now that allows for more flexible defense with either Sword or Mace builds. I have my own idea for a GS spec, but frankly it would have to overshadow the other weapons get proper build performance out of it.


GS is used by 4 professions, only sword and staff are used by more core classes (6 and 5 respectively). Longbow, rifle, and shortbow get the least love with two core professions.


For some reason, maybe it's the size or function, but I see the GS as a fighter-class weapon much more than a scholar-class. I would rather see the Revenant unlock it than Engineer, Elementalist, or thief.


Daggers on a Revenant would be nice if they could be thrown through the mist and given mid-range.


Sorry about the noncombat off-hands, I'm not well versed. I could easily see a Revenant with a warhorn calling spirits to aid in battle.

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Next elite spec for revenant...Let’s see:

- Greatsword with Jora as a legend for a Norn based expansion

- Longbow with Pyre Fiertir as a legend for Charr focused expansion

- Focus with master Togo as a legend for Cantha focused expansion.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Just give us Revenants scepter+focus

> Heck warriors gets dual daggers as a spellbreaker.


> Greatsword is overrated by all the twilight fetishists.


Not really, I just want a melee 2h weapon, and you only have two choices. I dont even like that skin.


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Rev needs a baseline legend for underwater first, like a naga or largos legend.

> As for an elite legend, I’m thinking Mhenlo would be nice, or Jadoth, yea.. Jadoth’ be cool


I feel like ANet is setting us up for an underwater expansion with the update to underwater combat. I could definitely see us getting something like that if so.


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Just give us Revenants scepter+focus

> Heck warriors gets dual daggers as a spellbreaker.


> Greatsword is overrated by all the twilight fetishists.


I agree with scepter + focus, would love to get them on base revenant, but I disagree about the Greatsword.


A greatsword would be a perfect fit if we ever got to channel Ghost King Adelbern. I doubt it would happen, but man am I hoping.


> @"Nash.3974" said:

> That’s the thing no legend would fit that and also no rifle and pistol, the revenant channels powers from the mists and firearms are everything else but that


I mention the greatsword above, but there's absolutely no reason why revenants couldn't use firearms. Mesmers fire magical projectiles from their offhand pistol, I see no reason why revenants, or any other magical class, couldn't do the same. It also specifically happens in one of the novels where a mesmer uses a firearm for magical attacks (can't remember which novel). As for a legend, isn't there quite a number of years since firearms have existed in Tyria? If so, any sort of engineer, warrior or mesmer could be used as a legend to channel a pistol or rifle. As also mentioned in a recent Q&A, the devs mentioned that revenants can channel still living people, which means there's plenty of choices regarding legends and firearms, whether it's an already existing npc (tybalt or scarlet, as examples) or someone we've never heard of. Revenants have the unique ability to be able to use any weapon with ease, specifically because of their ability to channel legends of different capabilities (let's for a moment gloss over the fact that the first Guild Wars allows for every class to use any weapon).

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Just give us Revenants scepter+focus

> Heck warriors gets dual daggers as a spellbreaker.


Reason why Warrior got dual daggers is because they're the masters of martial skills, I guess. (Dual sword, mace, axe, etc)

_The developers added double daggers to Spellbreaker because "...warrior is a weapon master and one dagger was just not enough, and allows to pull off some combos."_


> @"flog.3485" said:

> Next elite spec for revenant...Let’s see:

> - Greatsword with Jora as a legend for a Norn based expansion

> - Longbow with Pyre Fiertir as a legend for Charr focused expansion

> - Focus with master Togo as a legend for Cantha focused expansion.


Ohh I would love one of these!

But I think Scepter would be a better fit for the Ritualist Elite Spec / Master Togo Legend as based of Cantha. I am personally hoping for a Scepter weapon for the Revs as they will represent the Ritualist from Cantha.

Longbow as Pyre would be great but don't think we'll get another Charr Legend after Kalla. Perhaps Eir Stegalkin?

Jora is bae, we still haven't got any Norn Legend so I hope for Jora, :D


If anyone paid attention during PoF last chapter where Rytlock lends you Sohothin, he gets a Greatsword, could be possibly a hint for Rev's next Elite Spec weapon? ;) ;)


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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Just give us Revenants scepter+focus

> Heck warriors gets dual daggers as a spellbreaker.


> Greatsword is overrated by all the twilight fetishists.


Not everyone has, uses, or wants Twilight. I've heard quite a few people say they like Dark Harvest more. And then there's Belinda's Greatsword.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Giving revs greatsword would homogenize them too much with other plate users. We are fine with hammer.


> You mean the same hammer that the other plate users have?


Only hammer that is ranged. I mean they could do the same for Greatsword as they have done for mesmer. But I get why people don't want greatsword. For the most part Rev seems to be designed to go against the norm and adding a cleaving melee greatsword would totally go against this design.

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  • 6 months later...

Greatsword would be the most popular weapon addition by far. And yes, I love my Twilight, the color scheme fits perfectly with the profession and I want to use it on my Revenant.


Not all weapons for the Revenant are designed to be against the norm. You have staff and hammer with their ranged roles reversed. What else? You're smashing stuff with mace, dual wielding swords for multi-hit attacks, defending yourself with a shield and attacking at range with a shortbow.


To go "against the norm", they can always make GS a condition damage weapon, but that would make them stuck with Mallyx, while a direct damage weapon would have shiro and jalis as two options. Or make it a chill-proccing weapon that can be optionally traited to be condition-driven, and boom, synergy with everything.


Give me a Svanir-themed Greatsword spec.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I'm getting back into playing my Revenant and was thinking how much fun it would be to have access to the greatsword, pistol, or rifle.

> >

> > The greatsword is well represented among other professions, but I can see a Revenant using the GS powering through enemies with a wicked grin.

> >

> > The pistol and rifle are two of the most underused weapons out there. I can see a gunslinger elite, but won't guess the legendary stance to tap into.

> >


> That’s the thing no legend would fit that and also no rifle and pistol, the revenant channels powers from the mists and firearms are everything else but that


Turai ossa with GS should have been PoF spec not kalla, 1 - Turai fought joko, 2 - Turai was to large a twohanded sword was onehanded for him, 3 - he was a commander.

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