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PoF Intro Mission Impossible to Solo. What's up with the Difficulty Spike?

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Trying to run the Intro Mission of Path of Fire (Sparking the Flame), and you just...can't run it. I am a level 80 Warrior and I cannot beat it. I am getting annoyed by the fact that they made a DLC Story you are forced to run with others. I don't have many people who I can run with, so I end up playing Solo. I mean GW2 is a Solo optional game. So why did they totally break the AI and make Solo impossible. I do nothing but die, get back up, die, get back up and repeat the loop.


You cannot even get past the intro mission on your own. The AI flood you and even when you had the support of the Ally AI they were pointless.


Remembering why I quit the game for so long. The Devs seem intent on forcing you to not do anything Solo. About to give up again.

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You can definitely do it solo. Did it solo on both my ranger(who was running a very sub otptimal build at the time) and my Ele(Who yes was running a DPS build).


Instead of blaming the game perhaps you should look at what you are doing wrong.

What build are you running? What skills are you running? What equipment are you using?

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> You can definitely do it solo. Did it solo on both my ranger(who was running a very sub otptimal build at the time) and my Ele(Who yes was running a DPS build).


> Instead of blaming the game perhaps you should look at what you are doing wrong.

> What build are you running? What skills are you running? What equipment are you using?


How do I link my build here? In-game and trying to ask for help while explaining the situation. The community is more toxic then I last rememeber. Another reason why I recall leaving the game.

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The starting instance isn't a big (or even a moderate) ramp up in difficulty from the end of the main Personal Story. But yes, it is easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you're undergeared and don't know what to expect. It can especially be overwhelming if you go do that instance right after hitting level 80. But that instance is 100% soloable; I know because I did it solo on five different characters, two of which were classes I am so not good at playing and don't have fully geared (mesmer and elementalist). Before doing another attempt, try changing up some things.


Change your skills around so that you have some ways to mitigate damage.

Grab some food and/or utility boosts to help boost your power or your condition damage.

Make sure your armor is fully repaired.

Look at your traits and see if there's something you could tweak there.

Try a different weapon or set of weapons. Maybe add a ranged option, if you haven't already, to give you a break from melee on occasion.

Make sure you're dodging the big attacks when you can.

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I imagine you had difficulties on the dogs part. It is treacherous, but not impossible and even "very difficult". Just be aware of the mobs skills that apply **burning**. I did with my most squish character who is the zerk revenant,.... just avoid the atacks that apply burn. The Herald of Balthazar hits very hard too, but hes slow and very predictable.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > You can definitely do it solo. Did it solo on both my ranger(who was running a very sub otptimal build at the time) and my Ele(Who yes was running a DPS build).

> >

> > Instead of blaming the game perhaps you should look at what you are doing wrong.

> > What build are you running? What skills are you running? What equipment are you using?


> How do I link my build here? In-game and trying to ask for help while explaining the situation. The community is more toxic then I last rememeber. Another reason why I recall leaving the game.


Dont think you can BUt you can let us know what weapons you are using, what skills you are using, what armor stats you are using etc ^^.


Communitys not even that bad honestly, But then again i "grew up" in an mmo sense playing WoT, so im used to that still!

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PoF is so much easier than HoT was. You may need to change up your build a little bit to make yourself more sustainable. You can definitely solo this quest, I soloed the entire story, and continue to solo everything but obvious group content (fractals, raids, meta events). I am really not trying to say "git gud" but you may need to hone your skills a bit.


What part are you having trouble with? There may be some tips we here on the forums can give. I will say this is so much more difficult than core tyria, so if you are newer to the game, you will find challenge in the expansions. You will need to adopt a more defensive tactic, you can't face tank enemies in the expansion content.


> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > You can definitely do it solo. Did it solo on both my ranger(who was running a very sub otptimal build at the time) and my Ele(Who yes was running a DPS build).

> >

> > Instead of blaming the game perhaps you should look at what you are doing wrong.

> > What build are you running? What skills are you running? What equipment are you using?


> How do I link my build here? In-game and trying to ask for help while explaining the situation. The community is more toxic then I last rememeber. Another reason why I recall leaving the game.


Don't judge us based on toxicity in game. School is out in America, and toxicity goes up in all games when that happens, what with kids learning new bad words, or feeling way too entitled. This community is the best one I've ever come across in an MMO. You will see more trolls during off hours now.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> I imagine you had difficulties on the dogs part. It is treacherous, but not impossible and even "very difficult". Just be aware of the mobs skills that apply **burning**. I did with my most squish character who is the zerk revenant,.... just avoid the atacks that apply burn. The Herald of Balthazar hits very hard too, but hes slow and very predictable.


Agree. The dogs seemed to be my biggest problem and it was due to the burning, as I recall. What worked for me is that I constantly kept on the move—that was my priority. I got my hits in where I could but avoidance was key for me. I also focused on one of the two at a time. It was a long fight for me, because I'm not a great player, but I eventually beat it.


While I did it solo, I imagine that it might be a bit easier with another player along...just a thought. Hope this helps.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> it isn't hard. if i had to make a guess it's the forged warhounds reflecting damage back at you without realising it. (if i remember correctly they get a retaliation like effect when a small pyramid apears around them)


They do, but i noticed when i ran the instance it doesnt show on their status bar(at least it didnt for me)

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I could tell you it's solo content, but obviously you're struggling so that isn't exactly helpful. I could give you pointers on build and strategy, but you probably aren't trying to hear that right now. So, let me just offer to help. If you're on NA servers, feel free to add me to contacts and look me up if you're stuck on anything.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> it isn't hard. if i had to make a guess it's the forged warhounds reflecting damage back at you without realising it. (if i remember correctly they get a retaliation like effect when a small pyramid apears around them)


If they do in-fact do this and that every other enemy shoots fire balls I can't avoid. And I've tired repeatedly. Dodging doesn't seem to help much, because as soon as I leave the roll they throw one that I can't then avoid. That and they throw it just soon enough that it hits me as soon as I leave the dodge.


As much as I like the Char's (what my main is right now), they seem to just be giant targets and because they are slower then other species you end up just...tanking damage when you aren't actually a tank.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I could tell you it's solo content, but obviously you're struggling so that isn't exactly helpful. I could give you pointers on build and strategy, but you probably aren't trying to hear that right now. So, let me just offer to help. If you're on NA servers, feel free to add me to contacts and look me up if you're stuck on anything.


I'd appreciate it. First person on here to offer that sort of thing to me. I could list my build, but getting names and all the states correctly to properly convey what I have to people on here would end up becoming monotonous.


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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > it isn't hard. if i had to make a guess it's the forged warhounds reflecting damage back at you without realising it. (if i remember correctly they get a retaliation like effect when a small pyramid apears around them)


> If they do in-fact do this and that every other enemy shoots fire balls I can't avoid. And I've tired repeatedly. Dodging doesn't seem to help much, because as soon as I leave the roll they throw one that I can't then avoid. That and they throw it just soon enough that it hits me as soon as I leave the dodge.


> As much as I like the Char's (what my main is right now), they seem to just be giant targets and because they are slower then other species you end up just...tanking damage when you aren't actually a tank.


all races are 100% exactly as fast as each other and 100% just as big as each other with hit boxes.


and everything is avoidable. strafing helps with fire balls ( move left or right)

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > it isn't hard. if i had to make a guess it's the forged warhounds reflecting damage back at you without realising it. (if i remember correctly they get a retaliation like effect when a small pyramid apears around them)


> If they do in-fact do this and that every other enemy shoots fire balls I can't avoid. And I've tired repeatedly. Dodging doesn't seem to help much, because as soon as I leave the roll they throw one that I can't then avoid. That and they throw it just soon enough that it hits me as soon as I leave the dodge.


> As much as I like the Char's (what my main is right now), they seem to just be giant targets and because they are slower then other species you end up just...tanking damage when you aren't actually a tank.


Actually all species move at the same speed, they just look slower than the rest because of their size, same with norn! the hitboxes of all species(PC wise) are also the same.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > it isn't hard. if i had to make a guess it's the forged warhounds reflecting damage back at you without realising it. (if i remember correctly they get a retaliation like effect when a small pyramid apears around them)


> If they do in-fact do this and that every other enemy shoots fire balls I can't avoid. And I've tired repeatedly. Dodging doesn't seem to help much, because as soon as I leave the roll they throw one that I can't then avoid. That and they throw it just soon enough that it hits me as soon as I leave the dodge.


> As much as I like the Char's (what my main is right now), they seem to just be giant targets and because they are slower then other species you end up just...tanking damage when you aren't actually a tank.


i'm pretty sure the races have the same hitbox and speed

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You can solo all the expansions and LW stories but it's just so frustrating. If you die, just go back and you will continue from where you left off. And if you keep dying, i suggest that you bring along a repair canister or two. Repair your gears only when four or more of your armours are broken.


Storylines are supposed to be enjoyable and not challenging. Many has brought this up but still... sigh ANet. There are many here with top gears and thousands of hours of gameplay and they will tell you all contents are easy. Try to understand them.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> You can solo all the expansions and LW stories but it's just so frustrating. If you die, just go back and you will continue from where you left off. And if you keep dying, i suggest that you bring along a repair canister or two. Repair your gears only when four or more of your armours are broken.


> Storylines are supposed to be enjoyable and not challenging. Many has brought this up but still... sigh ANet. There are many here with top gears and thousands of hours of gameplay and they will tell you all contents are easy. Try to understand them.


But some people find challenging content enjoyable. I don't want story instances to be super boring combat wise.


At some point, ANet has to set the line. I do not think the first PoF storyline crosses that line.

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I also have characters that I wouldn't mind sending through that chapter. I'm on NA. I also have some difficulties with the village fight, but that's due to the fact that I'm not very good.


But content we struggle at is content that will make us better at the game. We won't improve if we don't face difficult content to beat or content that we can't currently beat.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> You can solo all the expansions and LW stories but it's just so frustrating. If you die, just go back and you will continue from where you left off. And if you keep dying, i suggest that you bring along a repair canister or two. Repair your gears only when four or more of your armours are broken.


> Storylines are supposed to be enjoyable and not challenging. Many has brought this up but still... sigh ANet. There are many here with top gears and thousands of hours of gameplay and they will tell you all contents are easy. Try to understand them.


Theres no top gears in the game. Remember, what you get at lvl 80 is max. Ascended is only 5% better than exotic.


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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> Trying to run the Intro Mission of Path of Fire (Sparking the Flame), and you just...can't run it. I am a level 80 Warrior and I cannot beat it. I am getting annoyed by the fact that they made a DLC Story you are forced to run with others. I don't have many people who I can run with, so I end up playing Solo. I mean GW2 is a Solo optional game. So why did they totally break the AI and make Solo impossible. I do nothing but die, get back up, die, get back up and repeat the loop.


> You cannot even get past the intro mission on your own. The AI flood you and even when you had the support of the Ally AI they were pointless.


> Remembering why I quit the game for so long. The Devs seem intent on forcing you to not do anything Solo. About to give up again.


Sorry, no idea what you're talking about. I beat it easily with multiple characters, including a Ranger a Holosmith and a Warrior. What part, precisely, are you getting stuck on, cause none of the fights are particularly difficult.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > Trying to run the Intro Mission of Path of Fire (Sparking the Flame), and you just...can't run it. I am a level 80 Warrior and I cannot beat it. I am getting annoyed by the fact that they made a DLC Story you are forced to run with others. I don't have many people who I can run with, so I end up playing Solo. I mean GW2 is a Solo optional game. So why did they totally break the AI and make Solo impossible. I do nothing but die, get back up, die, get back up and repeat the loop.

> >

> > You cannot even get past the intro mission on your own. The AI flood you and even when you had the support of the Ally AI they were pointless.

> >

> > Remembering why I quit the game for so long. The Devs seem intent on forcing you to not do anything Solo. About to give up again.


> Sorry, no idea what you're talking about. I beat it easily with both a Ranger and a Holosmith. I see no reason you shouldn't be able to beat it with any class. I think your problem here is that you're not actually supposed to get into any fights. If you're getting into fights you're not doing the mission correctly.


There are places in that mission where you do have to fight or do you mind making a video of how to do without fighting.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > I could tell you it's solo content, but obviously you're struggling so that isn't exactly helpful. I could give you pointers on build and strategy, but you probably aren't trying to hear that right now. So, let me just offer to help. If you're on NA servers, feel free to add me to contacts and look me up if you're stuck on anything.


> I'd appreciate it. First person on here to offer that sort of thing to me. I could list my build, but getting names and all the states correctly to properly convey what I have to people on here would end up becoming monotonous.



Go here: http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

Fill out your character

Click Get Quick Link

Post that link here. Quick and easy build share.

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