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PoF Intro Mission Impossible to Solo. What's up with the Difficulty Spike?

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > > dont forget to put gear and skills before going in.

> > >

> > > how do you even die though.

> > >

> > > Sorry to be the one to say it, but it's a l2p issue

> >

> > I agree and am not trying to be kitten about it. It almost sounds like the OP came back to GW2, used a level 80 boost and is trying to quickly get into PoF to get access to mounts without understanding their class mechanics. A lot has probably changed since s/he last played.

> >

> > I recommend learning the class before diving headfirst into PoF solo.


> Actually I leveled this character up the normal way. I was absent from the game just prior to the drop of PoF and until a few days ago.


> Since it seems the mission I am stuck on it longer then I had thought, I'll try and best describe where I am stuck. After the pyramid you go to a burning village. That's where I am stuck the most. The farthest I've gotten was after the Hearld send her to attack dogs after you. At that point I got stonewalled and had to go back to Lion's Arch because I did nothing but die and my armor was entirely broken. I also end up dying a lot at the pyramid as well, but not as much probably due to the ally bot help.


Well there is an anvil near pyramid exit and dogs don't regenerate so you can easially spam die to end this mission.

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> @"NoiseRen.2403" said:

> > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > > > dont forget to put gear and skills before going in.

> > > >

> > > > how do you even die though.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry to be the one to say it, but it's a l2p issue

> > >

> > > I agree and am not trying to be kitten about it. It almost sounds like the OP came back to GW2, used a level 80 boost and is trying to quickly get into PoF to get access to mounts without understanding their class mechanics. A lot has probably changed since s/he last played.

> > >

> > > I recommend learning the class before diving headfirst into PoF solo.

> >

> > Actually I leveled this character up the normal way. I was absent from the game just prior to the drop of PoF and until a few days ago.

> >

> > Since it seems the mission I am stuck on it longer then I had thought, I'll try and best describe where I am stuck. After the pyramid you go to a burning village. That's where I am stuck the most. The farthest I've gotten was after the Hearld send her to attack dogs after you. At that point I got stonewalled and had to go back to Lion's Arch because I did nothing but die and my armor was entirely broken. I also end up dying a lot at the pyramid as well, but not as much probably due to the ally bot help.


> Well there is an anvil near pyramid exit and dogs don't regenerate so you can easially spam die to end this mission.


Wait there is? I never saw it nor any icon on my minimap. The heck?


Also here's my build, I can't seem to figure out how to show my armor setup as it seems to just use generic armor types.


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The first thing I noticed with your traits is you have Tactics set up to boost your shouts, but you don't have any Shouts on your utility skills. So, I'd either put some shouts on my bar (especially Shake It Off and For Great Justice) or swap traits around. As for your weapons, mace mainhand is going to be so very slow at dealing damage. I'd recommend switching to axe mainhand and mace offhand, unless you just really want to keep shield as your offhand. Axe will do far more damage to your enemies, which means they'll die before they can do too much damage to you.

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I read this thread early this morning on my phone and it got me interested. one of the ways I earned XP for my mounts was running one character after another through the intro, and then running across the maps doing everything to earn Xp along the way. I don't recall the intro being that bad. I need to do it again...this time I am running it with the only one of the professions I have not tried it with...the mesmer. I have only very recently started playing the mesmer and I am probably doing it all wrong but I am having fun with him, and now I am off to the PoF intro and see how he fares there. Wish me luck. Tally Ho!


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> Theres no top gears in the game. Remember, what you get at lvl 80 is max. Ascended is only 5% better than exotic.



That's only half true... it's actually closer to 7% better statwise, but around 15% better damage-wise because weapon base damage is higher as well. Neither of those numbers are that big, but when you start getting in to the 30k DPS range (you won't hit this without a group and appropriate buffs, so you won't hit this solo. It's still important to properly represent what Ascended actually does for you), 15% more is 4,500, so it adds up and on a full party can be the difference between a successful raid and a wipe.

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There is indeed a difficulty spike, but it's not impossible to solo.


You just have to use all the mechanics the game didn't really start teaching players until Living World season 1, we we can't replay.


Core enemies barely use boons, conditions and interrupts, and when they do they do it poorly. And you can basically stand still in front of them and they barely damage you.


That begun to change over time, but since season 1 can't be replayed and season 2 must be bought, players will not be exposed enough to such mechanics until they hit them in the face.


Something that really needs to change: Season 1 needs to come back available for free to all account, make sure it teaches players all the stuff they need in season 2 and forward.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"NoiseRen.2403" said:

> > > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > > > > dont forget to put gear and skills before going in.

> > > > >

> > > > > how do you even die though.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry to be the one to say it, but it's a l2p issue

> > > >

> > > > I agree and am not trying to be kitten about it. It almost sounds like the OP came back to GW2, used a level 80 boost and is trying to quickly get into PoF to get access to mounts without understanding their class mechanics. A lot has probably changed since s/he last played.

> > > >

> > > > I recommend learning the class before diving headfirst into PoF solo.

> > >

> > > Actually I leveled this character up the normal way. I was absent from the game just prior to the drop of PoF and until a few days ago.

> > >

> > > Since it seems the mission I am stuck on it longer then I had thought, I'll try and best describe where I am stuck. After the pyramid you go to a burning village. That's where I am stuck the most. The farthest I've gotten was after the Hearld send her to attack dogs after you. At that point I got stonewalled and had to go back to Lion's Arch because I did nothing but die and my armor was entirely broken. I also end up dying a lot at the pyramid as well, but not as much probably due to the ally bot help.

> >

> > Well there is an anvil near pyramid exit and dogs don't regenerate so you can easially spam die to end this mission.


> Wait there is? I never saw it nor any icon on my minimap. The heck?


> Also here's my build, I can't seem to figure out how to show my armor setup as it seems to just use generic armor types.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJIQNApeUnUJCFggtdAOeAUthBjADTdrglnFA2g5sMHs3OCA-e


Well someone else mentioned it, but tbh there is almost no synergy at all between your traits and the skills/weapons you have equipped. I think you would find something like this both more damaging and more survivable:




This gives you reduced cooldowns on your heal and phys utility, it gives you longer duration invuln from both your Endure Pain utility and your Defy Pain trait, it gives you more might generation to go with your more heals on might generation.... when you dodge you do damage, if you dodge with greatsword as the active weapon that damage gives you might if you crit, which heals you. I like the run speed boost personally, but Vengeful Return generally works better. Berserker's Stance will help protect you against conditions.... overall everything here works together more, and you can weapon swap more often so what's not to like? It's also worth noting that Toughness pretty much offers you NOTHING unless you have a lot of it. You get vitality from the banner you were using but not very much, and Dolyak stance doesn't reduce damage enough to matter against what you are fighting.

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I think all the useful advice has already been given, so I'll just chime in with my own experience.


I got through that instance with a couple of my characters, probably died too many times to the warhounds, but I don't particularly enjoy meta builds so that's probably why I suffer. Throughout PoF's storyline, there have been a couple of places that I've had to spamdie in order to beat the bosses and I'm not ashamed to admit that. But I like my build too much to really change it so I grin and bear it cause it's my fault =p. But yeah, just wanted to share that the first instance was in no way a walk in the park for me, if you're not playing a super optimal build, you're not gonna have an easy time.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> There is indeed a difficulty spike, but it's not impossible to solo.


> You just have to use all the mechanics the game didn't really start teaching players until Living World season 1, we we can't replay.


> Core enemies barely use boons, conditions and interrupts, and when they do they do it poorly. And you can basically stand still in front of them and they barely damage you.


> That begun to change over time, but since season 1 can't be replayed and season 2 must be bought, players will not be exposed enough to such mechanics until they hit them in the face.


> Something that really needs to change: Season 1 needs to come back available for free to all account, make sure it teaches players all the stuff they need in season 2 and forward.


I've actually had this conversation with a friend. More so about how I wish they'd bring back Living World 1. I was away for a few years due to live concerns and I missed that and Season 2. So I've essentially played none of the Living World Seasons which would explain alot as to why the games meta changed and I wasn't aware of this. Plus from what my friend said they got all the Living World Seasons for free and can still play them (except 1 of course). So unless I can end up affording all the missed content, I guess I may end up being forced to learn the hard way and all at once. Since it sounds like they sort of eased on played into the change in the games setup.

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OP, have you played HoT yet? The mechanics in PoF work about the same there (just my experience, and I admit I am a _terrible_ player), meaning use a ranged weapon, keep on the move and try to dodge away from the dogs as much as possible.


Admittedly I'm probably not much help, because I've only done PoF with my glass cannon chronomancer and she did it just fine. During the beta weekend though, I kept dying but mostly because I didn't know how to use any of my skills (I was trying a new profession)and didn't know any of the mechanics (wasn't level 80 at that time and was cluelessly running into trouble). Again, probably not very helpful, but just sharing my experience to say that you're not alone in finding it tough. It gets better with a little bit of practice and once you get used to their attack patterns.


I'd love to help you with the intro, but I'm on EU, sorry.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> I think all the useful advice has already been given, so I'll just chime in with my own experience.


> I got through that instance with a couple of my characters, probably died too many times to the warhounds, but I don't particularly enjoy meta builds so that's probably why I suffer. Throughout PoF's storyline, there have been a couple of places that I've had to spamdie in order to beat the bosses and I'm not ashamed to admit that. But I like my build too much to really change it so I grin and bear it cause it's my fault =p. But yeah, just wanted to share that the first instance was in no way a walk in the park for me, if you're not playing a super optimal build, you're not gonna have an easy time.


Yeah I don't really put as much stock in meta builds either. There's definitely a difference between what is meta and what is synergistic with each other, though. There are lots of traits or build possibilities that can work well together without being anywhere close to meta, and almost none of the traits he selected did literally anything not just for the other traits he selected, but also for any of the skills he was using on that character. He was using mace with the trait-line that improves mace, but not the actual trait that lowers its cooldowns, or using a trait that only helps with shouts but with no shouts equipped, just as two examples. He was also using a trait that gives healing with might gain, but only one trait that gives might (on a heal-based cooldown) on a class that could otherwise generate might several times a second without effort even using trait-lines he already had equipped. Sometimes it's good to have someone take a second look at your traits and go "Hey, maybe this would work a little smoother for you without changing everything about how you play."

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"OrbitalButt.5708" said:

> > Awful build, my dude. This is a total l2p issue


> That's probably the least helpful thing that's been posted. I don't even know what l2p means...


L2P means "Learn to play." It's commonly used on MMO boards, applied to a person who does not seem to know how to play their character. In some cases, it is also a derogatory term meant to ridicule. While I won't speculate as to Orbital's intent, I agree that his post is - at the very least - not helpful.

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I think the problem is that certain specs are harder to solo with than other classes. People usually play the builds that they like. I had a issue with my Warrior as well for this event. The self defense and healing is not enough for some builds as it would be solo open world pve stuff.

Need ally npc to adjust to your class.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > > @"NoiseRen.2403" said:

> > > > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > > > > > dont forget to put gear and skills before going in.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > how do you even die though.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sorry to be the one to say it, but it's a l2p issue

> > > > >

> > > > > I agree and am not trying to be kitten about it. It almost sounds like the OP came back to GW2, used a level 80 boost and is trying to quickly get into PoF to get access to mounts without understanding their class mechanics. A lot has probably changed since s/he last played.

> > > > >

> > > > > I recommend learning the class before diving headfirst into PoF solo.

> > > >

> > > > Actually I leveled this character up the normal way. I was absent from the game just prior to the drop of PoF and until a few days ago.

> > > >

> > > > Since it seems the mission I am stuck on it longer then I had thought, I'll try and best describe where I am stuck. After the pyramid you go to a burning village. That's where I am stuck the most. The farthest I've gotten was after the Hearld send her to attack dogs after you. At that point I got stonewalled and had to go back to Lion's Arch because I did nothing but die and my armor was entirely broken. I also end up dying a lot at the pyramid as well, but not as much probably due to the ally bot help.

> > >

> > > Well there is an anvil near pyramid exit and dogs don't regenerate so you can easially spam die to end this mission.

> >

> > Wait there is? I never saw it nor any icon on my minimap. The heck?

> >

> > Also here's my build, I can't seem to figure out how to show my armor setup as it seems to just use generic armor types.

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJIQNApeUnUJCFggtdAOeAUthBjADTdrglnFA2g5sMHs3OCA-e


> Well someone else mentioned it, but tbh there is almost no synergy at all between your traits and the skills/weapons you have equipped. I think you would find something like this both more damaging and more survivable:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJIQNAneRnUJCtdgVhAehA0hgBigS/ipPGwT4FWBLAigeG-jBSBwAX3fAl+AEm/Kq87xpA4m6PAeCARUCCA-e


> This gives you reduced cooldowns on your heal and phys utility, it gives you longer duration invuln from both your Endure Pain utility and your Defy Pain trait, it gives you more might generation to go with your more heals on might generation.... when you dodge you do damage, if you dodge with greatsword as the active weapon that damage gives you might if you crit, which heals you. I like the run speed boost personally, but Vengeful Return generally works better. Berserker's Stance will help protect you against conditions.... overall everything here works together more, and you can weapon swap more often so what's not to like? It's also worth noting that Toughness pretty much offers you NOTHING unless you have a lot of it. You get vitality from the banner you were using but not very much, and Dolyak stance doesn't reduce damage enough to matter against what you are fighting.


While I've been able to mostly replicate what you've linked with the Build Editor, just about any of the gear I can't. Mainly due to two reasons. The needed currency and the fact I haven't leveled up my Berserker leveling yet. So all the gear I cannot do at this time. Otherwise it's been helpful. I did take someones advise here and equip a axe are the main hand with a mace in the second hand. Thoughts on that?

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > There is indeed a difficulty spike, but it's not impossible to solo.

> >

> > You just have to use all the mechanics the game didn't really start teaching players until Living World season 1, we we can't replay.

> >

> > Core enemies barely use boons, conditions and interrupts, and when they do they do it poorly. And you can basically stand still in front of them and they barely damage you.

> >

> > That begun to change over time, but since season 1 can't be replayed and season 2 must be bought, players will not be exposed enough to such mechanics until they hit them in the face.

> >

> > Something that really needs to change: Season 1 needs to come back available for free to all account, make sure it teaches players all the stuff they need in season 2 and forward.


> I've actually had this conversation with a friend. More so about how I wish they'd bring back Living World 1. I was away for a few years due to live concerns and I missed that and Season 2. So I've essentially played none of the Living World Seasons which would explain alot as to why the games meta changed and I wasn't aware of this. Plus from what my friend said they got all the Living World Seasons for free and can still play them (except 1 of course). So unless I can end up affording all the missed content, I guess I may end up being forced to learn the hard way and all at once. Since it sounds like they sort of eased on played into the change in the games setup.


I teach a lot of people how to play the game. You've got a lot of offers of help already but I'll throw my name into the arena as well. If you want to get together in game and figure some stuff out, hit me up.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > > > @"NoiseRen.2403" said:

> > > > > @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > > > > @"FitzChevalerie.1035" said:

> > > > > > > dont forget to put gear and skills before going in.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > how do you even die though.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sorry to be the one to say it, but it's a l2p issue

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I agree and am not trying to be kitten about it. It almost sounds like the OP came back to GW2, used a level 80 boost and is trying to quickly get into PoF to get access to mounts without understanding their class mechanics. A lot has probably changed since s/he last played.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I recommend learning the class before diving headfirst into PoF solo.

> > > > >

> > > > > Actually I leveled this character up the normal way. I was absent from the game just prior to the drop of PoF and until a few days ago.

> > > > >

> > > > > Since it seems the mission I am stuck on it longer then I had thought, I'll try and best describe where I am stuck. After the pyramid you go to a burning village. That's where I am stuck the most. The farthest I've gotten was after the Hearld send her to attack dogs after you. At that point I got stonewalled and had to go back to Lion's Arch because I did nothing but die and my armor was entirely broken. I also end up dying a lot at the pyramid as well, but not as much probably due to the ally bot help.

> > > >

> > > > Well there is an anvil near pyramid exit and dogs don't regenerate so you can easially spam die to end this mission.

> > >

> > > Wait there is? I never saw it nor any icon on my minimap. The heck?

> > >

> > > Also here's my build, I can't seem to figure out how to show my armor setup as it seems to just use generic armor types.

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJIQNApeUnUJCFggtdAOeAUthBjADTdrglnFA2g5sMHs3OCA-e

> >

> > Well someone else mentioned it, but tbh there is almost no synergy at all between your traits and the skills/weapons you have equipped. I think you would find something like this both more damaging and more survivable:

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJIQNAneRnUJCtdgVhAehA0hgBigS/ipPGwT4FWBLAigeG-jBSBwAX3fAl+AEm/Kq87xpA4m6PAeCARUCCA-e

> >

> > This gives you reduced cooldowns on your heal and phys utility, it gives you longer duration invuln from both your Endure Pain utility and your Defy Pain trait, it gives you more might generation to go with your more heals on might generation.... when you dodge you do damage, if you dodge with greatsword as the active weapon that damage gives you might if you crit, which heals you. I like the run speed boost personally, but Vengeful Return generally works better. Berserker's Stance will help protect you against conditions.... overall everything here works together more, and you can weapon swap more often so what's not to like? It's also worth noting that Toughness pretty much offers you NOTHING unless you have a lot of it. You get vitality from the banner you were using but not very much, and Dolyak stance doesn't reduce damage enough to matter against what you are fighting.


> While I've been able to mostly replicate what you've linked with the Build Editor, just about any of the gear I can't. Mainly due to two reasons. The needed currency and the fact I haven't leveled up my Berserker leveling yet. So all the gear I cannot do at this time. Otherwise it's been helpful. I did take someones advise here and equip a axe are the main hand with a mace in the second hand. Thoughts on that?


The Berserker attribute on gear has in fact nothing to do with the warrior specialization Berserker - it's just an unfortunate name choice by someone at Anet.


Berserker attribute (often called 'zerk' or 'zerker') is just the name of the Power, Precision, Ferocity combination - ideal for high non-condition-based damage. You can get and use those on any profession. You can also get one piece at a time from whichever source you can, and gradually you'll see that you do more and more damage. Exotic zerk gear isn't all that expensive on the trading post so over time I'm sure you can get them. For now, I suggest you try it with the changed traits and weapons and see how far that takes you.

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Berserker stat has nothing to do with the berserker stat combo and the linked build doesn't use the berserker elite spec.


A full set of exotics will probably come out to a total of around 30g but you can buy armor and trinkets with karma from https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Keeper_Jonez_Deadrun


On the other hand you can pretty much bulldoze through whatever by relying on Adrenal Health by keeping it capped by simply spamming your burst abilities on cooldown.


Defiant Stance is also probably not so great for any content outside the category of "stuff you know like the back of your hand". It'll be harder to get consistent results with it from more random encounters such at this instance.

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> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> Trying to run the Intro Mission of Path of Fire (Sparking the Flame), and you just...can't run it.


Errr... yes, you can? I had no trouble whatsoever with any profession. It really is a very simple mission. **Just stay out of the AoE markers** (the Herald of Balthazar can instantly down you if you get hit by her AoE attack). Always dodge-roll behind her and keep in her back, attacking.


Perhaps the Forged take time getting used to, but once you have the hang of it, they are as easily defeated as any previous enemy you have encountered. The Mordrem took time to get used to as well, as it is with any new foe you face.


> @"Phantoms Shadow.4512" said:

> Then my second post was asking about a effective way to transfer my Build information [...]


I recommend https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki for the most efficient builds, although, as I stated before, the mission really is quite easy to run if you avoid the AoE attack.

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Yes, the story instances in PoF are not necessarily walks-in-the-park and can really surprise you when you are doing them first time. In this particular instance, when I was doing it first time, I made lots of mistakes and died often. For example, in the village, I was trying to kill the herald for long time with no luck, until I realized to read the quest description. War dogs easily surprise you, and even with my other characters later I have time to time struggled with them if I have been too sloppy.


On warrior, I usually use Defense-Discipline-Strength/Spellbreaker/Berserker combo. I mostly use axe/axe + mace/shield. Mace/shield is mainly to gain some CC for break bars (and some blocks if poop hits the fan too strongly). I prefer axe/axe and similar because you can stay mobile when casting skills unlike with greatsword. Also, in PvE you don't gain that much from greatsword's increased mobility unlike in PvE/WvW (just my opinion, GS is not a bad choice).


On most of my toons, I have examined and tailored either PvP or WvW-roaming builds for PvE soloing purposes. Nowadays there is already "open world pve" section in metabattle, which I think is a great place to stop to get some nice ideas to make your solo builds. You will notice, how many of them are great "budget" builds utilizing same gears that are commonly used in group content. They just round up the regular builds a bit to more versatile direction, as in groups you can very well concentrate only to the role you are fulfilling - you don't have that luxury when soloing. Check those builds here:




You don't have to follow the builds strictly, but if you want to tailor them, examine them first as many of the builds rely on certain synergies between chosen traits and weapons. If you mess those things up, the build is not working as intended.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> Yeah I don't really put as much stock in meta builds either. There's definitely a difference between what is meta and what is synergistic with each other, though. There are lots of traits or build possibilities that can work well together without being anywhere close to meta, and almost none of the traits he selected did literally anything not just for the other traits he selected, but also for any of the skills he was using on that character. He was using mace with the trait-line that improves mace, but not the actual trait that lowers its cooldowns, or using a trait that only helps with shouts but with no shouts equipped, just as two examples. He was also using a trait that gives healing with might gain, but only one trait that gives might (on a heal-based cooldown) on a class that could otherwise generate might several times a second without effort even using trait-lines he already had equipped. Sometimes it's good to have someone take a second look at your traits and go "Hey, maybe this would work a little smoother for you without changing everything about how you play."


That's a fair assessment. I didn't quite take a look at his build when I first commented, but I checked it out and yeah, there's some synergy issues in there.

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I just completed the first PoF act and some of the second act on an alt that I rarely play and have never really learned. I did not find any of the content to be hard, and the only time-consuming parts are when I’m e.g. listening to Kormir tell a story that I can’t skip. However, there are some things that all characters should do that will help you close the gap between new and experienced class players.


1) Figure out the stats you want to use. Since my alt is a guardian, I took Soldier’s stats for a long time because it fit the role. But I’ve recently changed to Berserker’s since I wanted to kill things in less time. This does mean that I take more damage and am downed more often, but all stat changes are a trade. No matter which stat you choose, you have to stick with it—if you want Berserker’s, ALL of your gear should have Berserker’s. Don’t mix and match.


2) Match armor runes. Take those purple runes that stack up 6 times and put one in each armor slot (and 7th in aqua head). These runes should line up with your armor stats—don’t try to make up for a stat deficiency. You are always trying to maximize one or two main stats (e.g. highest Power, high Precision in Berserker’s).


3) Take a weapon(s) that matches your stats. Open your hero panel and look at the Build tab. It shows you what each equiptable weapon for you class can do. If you’re running Power stats, take weapons that do Power damage, not condi. And vice versa.


4) Customize your traits (also in hero panel). This does not mean that you take whatever you want. These traits have to, again, match your stats first and your personal playstyle secondarily. Make sure you read them thoroughly so you know how to take advantage of them, e.g. by always staying behind the enemy to flank for more damage or by always keeping up aegis for other boosts.


5) Dodge. Do not stand in marked red areas of enemies’. Walk around. Be mobile, whether you’re ranged or melee. Cancel the ability you’re casting if you’re about to be hit with a hard enemy ability that makes the floor glow, and dodge the heck out of the way (dodging will sometimes cancel your ability for you). In the PoF stories, not getting hit by any marked abilities often gives you achievement points, too.


6) CC. Crowd control. Stuns, knockdowns, knockbacks, pulls, dazes—hard cc that makes the blue bar under enemies’ health bar go down. Use those when the blue bar’s up and concentrate on using them until the blue bar “breaks”, noted by a stun debuff on the enemy, the red shield icon to the left of the bar changing, or the blue bar turning brown on cooldown. Once the bar’s broken, spam dps (damage per second) skills that are all of your pure power or condi abilities—depending on your build. Berserker’s would of course use all power skills. Hard cc does not include soft cc (blinds, slows... other things that don’t make the bar go down <.<)


7) Rotate your abilities in order. There are some websites such as snowcrows that have videos on how to rotate abilities if you’re using a meta build, but i’m sure you can figure out your own rotation for solo content. Just use abilities in an order that maximizes what you want to maximize, upkeeps whatever buff you don’t want to lose. Don’t forget your utility skills—those 6-0 skills on keyboard. Those should also match your stat build.


That’s all i got. Good luck!


P.S. You may also want to find a good guild. “Good” doesn’t mean popular. Good means good to you, a guild where you feel comfortable like in any social situation. Guildies are often helpful in most things and will go further for you than map chat strangers.

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