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Cantha Map (future?)

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > > the world is huge, why limit to regions already explored previously?

> > >

> > > there were speculations that GW:Utopia was gonna be on the Arid with aztec theme before it got shelved for GW:EoTN and GW2

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/8ezEHDE.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > source on that map? i've never seen it before.


> Datamined and translated from Tyrian alphabet by That_Shaman, probably the greatest dataminer in GW2's history.


> the translated map was discussed by WoodenPotatoes couple of years ago



> and here's the Reddit thread



Thanks, I do wonder if those are the actual names of the places.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > @"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

> > **And as far the Asian culture argument goes** regarding their differences, views and opinions, religious practices, etc. from the real world, to that I say if those who are against the idea of re-implementing Cantha/Factions are going to be offended about all that, **then** Anet can simply give us Cantha/Factions _without_ the Asian-themed music, and _without_ Asian references to their history, beliefs, ways, etc.

> >

> > As for the rest of Cantha's landscape across its continent? That's all it is, a landscape, and if there is anything on it that would be deemed offensive related to the Asian people in the real-world, then replace it with something else.

> >

> > Look, I love the Asian culture and its people overall, but my point is Cantha/Factions does _not_ have to be _all_ Asian-themed; Anet should simply re-imagine that part of the game _without_ Asian-themed elements that would otherwise cause said offense. Problem solved! Why is that so complicated?

> >

> > The only thing Asian-related that would have to stay intact are certain NPC names for storyline reasons, and as far the names of cities go in a re-imagined Cantha, they can either remain (yet no longer be Asian-themed anymore), or NPCs throughout the cities can explain to players how the names of those cities changed (from _x_ name to _x_ name), and as a result, the layout, architecture, etc. of those cities.

> >

> > There _is_ a way around the Asian cultural issues around Cantha that seem to be preventing its re-implementation, **yet** Anet has to want to work around those issues, and do I believe a re-imagined Cantha (as exampled in the above stated) will _still_ bring good sales, especially if we can fight against other Guilds again, and especially if 'Faction' becomes a thing again between the Luxons and the Kurzicks.

> >

> So you're saying they should ret-con the entire continent to make it less asian and redesign the entire culture? In a way that seems like it could be more offensive, and it would certainly offend a lot of GW players who enjoyed factions. Plus, they'd have to re-write lots of the existing lore and characters already in GW2. To replace all the things in Cantha that would potentially offend would stip out so much of what people loved about factions it probably wouldn't be worth it to most. All that just to bring back alliance battles? I'd much rather have them create a new land out of whole cloth and transplant the alliance mechanics there rather than gut the lore and history of Cantha.


Oh, come on. People in general are going to find _something_ to be offended about no matter what. Let's be honest about that.


And yes, that is exactly what I am saying, and even if Anet's re-imagined continent of Cantha without its Asian themes is still seen as offensive, then o' well, at least it won't be _as_ offensive as if Anet butchered the Asian cultures' views and opinions, religious practices, etc., that which is the initial problem to begin with preventing the re-implementation of Cantha.


At that point those who may be offended by a re-imagined Cantha should point their anger and frustration at those in the real-world worried about their culture being butchered, _not_ Anet.


What I am saying is Anet would not be breaking any laws, butchering a real-world culture so as to offend them greatly (notably the Asian culture), etc. if the development team re-imagined Cantha in a different way. It is Anet's game, and they can change what they want in it, especially if the changes will give a green light for Cantha's re-implementation **vs.** Anet redoing it the butchered way that China, Japan, and Korea in the real-world are strongly against.


> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

>All that just to bring back alliance battles? I'd much rather have them create a new land out of whole cloth and transplant the alliance mechanics there rather than gut the lore and history of Cantha.


The only problem with that is if Anet creates a whole new continent to substitute for Cantha (just because of offended people) with Alliance Battles, GvG, etc. it will be just as much work (if not, more work) for Anet to do that with new lore and a new landscape as if Anet re-imagined Cantha with only a few changes to its lore and a few changes to its landscape.


Furthermore, Anet already has the layout of Cantha's continent from GW1 the development team can use as a reference point. With a whole new continent, there is no reference point; the development team would have to start completely from scratch. That to me is much more work.


However, if it does come down to no Cantha re-implementation at all, then I would be okay with the idea you propose to have the developers re-implement Alliance Battles, etc. like Factions gave in GW1 within a whole different region with a different theme.


With the above stated in mind, all I did in my initial feedback was give a solution for those who want Cantha only, and the only way Cantha can get re-implemented is if it is re-imagined, whether that would be a lot of work or not.

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I certainly am aware that Chinese, Korean, Japanese - and others such as Mongolian, Thai, etc. - cultures have had their identity for a long time... just as the counter-examples in Africa and Scandinavia I mentioned. The question here is, this is fiction: of course it's going to be based off of real cultures to some extent but it is not a deliberate reproduction of anything particularly Chinese. Even if, say, there's a story-arc that clearly elaborates upon some well-known tale either from Chinese history or mythology, that is still valid fictional work. If China has laws forbidding such practice, that is for China to censor them or do whatever they deem appropriate, in their jurisdiction. Over here, we allow and value (since Antiquity at least), in our literary tradition, depicting, re-imagining and freely referencing to history and lore.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.


They also said that there would be no raids. They also said that GW2 needed to be built because GW1 was getting too big and GW2 ended up being huge. Things change over time, maybe this has too.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.


> They also said that there would be no raids. They also said that GW2 needed to be built because GW1 was getting too big and GW2 ended up being huge. Things change over time, maybe this has too.


You might want to double check your sources.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.

> >

> > They also said that there would be no raids. They also said that GW2 needed to be built because GW1 was getting too big and GW2 ended up being huge. Things change over time, maybe this has too.


> You might want to double check your sources.


No need and regardless of whether you believe me or not, it's entirely normal that games take a different direction and people who take past comments as law, are not being very realistic.


It is difficult to find something back from that long ago but have a read here and tell me that things didn't end up going differently than what they set out to do.


Clearly they had other plans. Take a phrase like "we didn’t want to force you to master an entirely new subset of the game" and then see what happened with the expansions and their MASTERIES. By the way, masteries are cool but it's different from what they said at first and that's ok.


As for expansions by the way...


So they said they weren't planning on doing any expansions and probably never. Now we have 2 expansions and probably a third on the way.


Oh and let's not forget how there would be zero gear progression at max level and then they brought in ascended gear. I still remember how much of an outrage that gave back then.


Again, people can change their mind. That's ok by the way. I have no problem with people changing their mind, because circumstances do change as well. I'm just indicating that to say that something will never happen because they said something a while back, is frankly naïve. Things can always change.



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> @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > Forget Cantha. We're going to the blood legion home lands.


> No reason to go there. Waste of time. Cantha is HOT. The only logical place to go next.


Kralkatorrik was sleeping there for ages. Weapons against kralkatorrik have to be made with his own flesh and blood, or those of their descendants. We are not going to turn Aurene into materials, so the logical place to go is where he was sleeping for ages, to investigate if we can find some scales or something else of use.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Cyrin.1035" said:

> > > @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > > Forget Cantha. We're going to the blood legion home lands.

> >

> > No reason to go there. Waste of time. Cantha is HOT. The only logical place to go next.


> Kralkatorrik was sleeping there for ages. Weapons against kralkatorrik have to be made with his own flesh and blood, or those of their descendants. We are not going to turn Aurene into materials, so the logical place to go is where he was sleeping for ages, to investigate if we can find some scales or something else of use.


There's also the question of where the searing cauldrons actually came from, those searing crystals look a lot like Krakaltorik's brand, could the magic that the flame legion used during the searing be used against him in a non fatal manner?

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> > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.

They never said that. All we know is that the original game included a section of one city (Divinity's Reach) which was referred to as the Canthan District. At the last minute, someone (and we've never gotten more information than that) put out the word that the section couldn't remain. There has never been confirmation as to why.


> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> They also said that there would be no raids.

They never said that. After raids were introduced, they said that they had always been thinking about how to bring them to the game, ANet style.




###### Original Source of the Rumors About Cantha

* [December 2012 Interview with Josh Foreman](http://selfconfessedcynic.podbean.com/2012/12/22/a-lincolncast-interview-with-josh-foreman-episode-34/) (skip to 1:44:17 for the relevant bit) (I've listened to the entire thing and that's as specific as Foreman gets)

* [Empty Coffee Mug, referencing the same podcast on Reddit](https://redd.it/3kdhak)


Here's what Foreman said:

> We had a Cantha district. It was built out. It was polished. It was beautiful. We kept getting feedback about the Asian market. And everyone was having a problem with it because the Chinese don't like having their architecture mixed with Koreans and the Koreans don't like having their architecture with the Chinese. And of course it's fantasy smorgosbord. It's gothic mixed with Nordic mixed with ... that's just the way fantasy works. But not over there apparently. So it got to the point where we were like ... well, what do we do with this spot? We don't have time to rebuild from scratch, so we just nuked it.


And that's it. The only actual fact we have is that there were plans for a Canthan district in Divinity's Reach and that the section was removed at the last minute. "We kept getting feedback" is ambiguous about the source. We don't know if a Korean VP over at NCSOFT said, "don't do it" Maybe there was last minute feedback from playtesters in Asia. Or perhaps ANet had just entered into negotiations with KongZhong (the current publisher for the China version of the game) and they had an opinion. Or it could have been something else entirely.


We simply haven't been told _why_. The phrasing heard is generic, not specific. "Everyone was having a problem" could mean "a single VP at NCSOFT." And "[this ethnic group] doesn't like having their architecture mixed with [that ethnic group]" is a universal preference of individuals across the world, but doesn't seem to be reflected in international games, in RL buildings. It could be the reason, it could one of many reasons, or it could be in-house speculation because it's really weird to pull a completed part of the game days before launch without a game-stopping bug being the issue.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Tasida.4085" said:

> > > Anet made it clear at launch Cantha will not be a factor in GW2. We all asked repeatedly in the beginning and always got the same reply. Would be gr8 to have but I'd say it's still going to be a big NO.

> They never said that. All we know is that the original game included a section of one city (Divinity's Reach) which was referred to as the Canthan District. At the last minute, someone (and we've never gotten more information than that) put out the word that the section couldn't remain. There has never been confirmation as to why.


> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > They also said that there would be no raids.

> They never said that. After raids were introduced, they said that they had always been thinking about how to bring them to the game, ANet style.


> ****


> ###### Original Source of the Rumors About Cantha

> * [December 2012 Interview with Josh Foreman](http://selfconfessedcynic.podbean.com/2012/12/22/a-lincolncast-interview-with-josh-foreman-episode-34/) (skip to 1:44:17 for the relevant bit) (I've listened to the entire thing and that's as specific as Foreman gets)

> * [Empty Coffee Mug, referencing the same podcast on Reddit](https://redd.it/3kdhak)


> Here's what Foreman said:

> > We had a Cantha district. It was built out. It was polished. It was beautiful. We kept getting feedback about the Asian market. And everyone was having a problem with it because the Chinese don't like having their architecture mixed with Koreans and the Koreans don't like having their architecture with the Chinese. And of course it's fantasy smorgosbord. It's gothic mixed with Nordic mixed with ... that's just the way fantasy works. But not over there apparently. So it got to the point where we were like ... well, what do we do with this spot? We don't have time to rebuild from scratch, so we just nuked it.


> And that's it. The only actual fact we have is that there were plans for a Canthan district in Divinity's Reach and that the section was removed at the last minute. "We kept getting feedback" is ambiguous about the source. We don't know if a Korean VP over at NCSOFT said, "don't do it" Maybe there was last minute feedback from playtesters in Asia. Or perhaps ANet had just entered into negotiations with KongZhong (the current publisher for the China version of the game) and they had an opinion. Or it could have been something else entirely.


> We simply haven't been told _why_. The phrasing heard is generic, not specific. "Everyone was having a problem" could mean "a single VP at NCSOFT." And "[this ethnic group] doesn't like having their architecture mixed with [that ethnic group]" is a universal preference of individuals across the world, but doesn't seem to be reflected in international games, in RL buildings. It could be the reason, it could one of many reasons, or it could be in-house speculation because it's really weird to pull a completed part of the game days before launch without a game-stopping bug being the issue.



That Feedback is all the need not to have Cantha though, Cantha itself was one massive collaboration of multiple cultures from the real world and cutting even one of those would be awful for the feel of what Cantha was.

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  • 4 months later...

I'd Love to see a Cantha expansion, with a lot of under water areas, underwater mount, oriental inspired landscape and architectures, Tengu and Naga, and the Last Elder Dragon, the Deep Sea S Dragon... i mean the Courna and Istan Island is getting really close to Cantha, they could totally have the last chapter of season 4 to make a connection to Cantha, can't wait for this, I'm so excited.

Also play League of Legends and they have a faction call Ionia, which is inspired by Oriental culture as well, and they did a great job, with Asian players loving it, GW2 should learn from it.

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