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Would people like to be able to preview all the outfits that have been available to buy?

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I've run into this fairly recently as a big problem. I've been trying to identify outfits I like that people are wearing but either I can see this listed in the outfits that I don't have and I can't preview them in the outfits tab, but only at the bank, or, worse yet, the outfit doesn't show anywhere other than in the wiki. I had this issue recently with an outfit I wanted to keep an eye out for to buy in the future, given I missed it the first time, but I couldn't identify the outfit without asking the person wearing it, who happened to be AFK. The outfit was the First Follower Desmina Outfit. Is anyone else getting a bit miffed at the lack of listings or previews of certain outfits or glider skins?

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> @"Shroedingers Chupacabra.2978" said:

> I've run into this fairly recently as a big problem. I've been trying to identify outfits I like that people are wearing but either I can see this listed in the outfits that I don't have and I can't preview them in the outfits tab, but only at the bank, or, worse yet, the outfit doesn't show anywhere other than in the wiki.


Ah. I was going to point out that the wardrobe tab in the bank (and crafting stations) gives you the full list, but apparently you knew that already.


To the last point, the wiki isn't actually managed by ANet, it is a community run thing. ANet, uh, blessed it, I guess is the term, with their support, but that doesn't mean they keep it up to date or accurate. So, some human being has to fix the problem by adding the new outfit to the wiki. A great time is when they notice that the page is missing... ;)

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> ...but you can. Right there in the Outfits screen, if you click on it. The lock only means you don't own it. If it still isn't showing up, make sure the "show outfit" box is ticked. Works for Gliders and Mounts too, in their respective screens.


But as the OP said not all outfits show up there. Try searching for the First Follower Desmina outfit, it's not there to click on. The same can happen with mounts (the Awakened ones don't currently show in the Hero Panel), miniatures and finishers. I have no idea why it happens. Some get added eventually but others never show up for some reason.


I agree with the OP, it would be better if all the outfits, mounts etc. were available to preview, or at least all the gem store ones. I can kind of understand hiding some which were obtained in-game and which are no longer available (like the Royal Guard Outfit), but not ones which can be purchased.

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As @"Danikat.8537" says, there are definitely some missing outfits in the Bank wardrobe tab.


Of course, the OP is right: it would be better if all skins showed up, regardless of availability. Ideally, you could right-click to get the wiki article or the gem shop page (if available to purchase). I can't imagine anyone being against at least having all skins present.


On the other hand, we don't know why some outfits are missing. It might turn out to be something with the underlying mechanics of the system that turns out to be really costly to fix. If so, I can live with the inconsistency (even though that sort of thing drives me nutso).

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> To the last point, the wiki isn't actually managed by ANet, it is a community run thing. ANet, uh, blessed it, I guess is the term, with their support, but that doesn't mean they keep it up to date or accurate. So, some human being has to fix the problem by adding the new outfit to the wiki. A great time is when they notice that the page is missing... ;)


The wiki, like the GW1 wiki before it, is *hosted* by ArenaNet(1), rather than being merely "blessed with their support", but it is, indeed, maintained by us, the players.


(1) The clue is in the domain names for the wikis, "wiki.**guildwars.com**" and "wiki.**guildwars2.com**" rather than e.g. "guildwars.wikihost.example.com"

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > To the last point, the wiki isn't actually managed by ANet, it is a community run thing. ANet, uh, blessed it, I guess is the term, with their support, but that doesn't mean they keep it up to date or accurate. So, some human being has to fix the problem by adding the new outfit to the wiki. A great time is when they notice that the page is missing... ;)


> The wiki, like the GW1 wiki before it, is *hosted* by ArenaNet(1), rather than being merely "blessed with their support", but it is, indeed, maintained by us, the players.


> (1) The clue is in the domain names for the wikis, "wiki.**guildwars.com**" and "wiki.**guildwars2.com**" rather than e.g. "guildwars.wikihost.example.com"


I stand corrected. (and I assumed they just pointed to whatever was hosting it, but yeah, that is a good clue.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> As @"Danikat.8537" says, there are definitely some missing outfits in the Bank wardrobe tab.


> Of course, the OP is right: it would be better if all skins showed up, regardless of availability. Ideally, you could right-click to get the wiki article or the gem shop page (if available to purchase). I can't imagine anyone being against at least having all skins present.


But if a skin is not and will not be available, what would be the point of including it? Just so people can satisfy themselves that they know what some guy they saw is wearing? If it's not there, it's safe to assume there are no plans to make it available again.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > As @"Danikat.8537" says, there are definitely some missing outfits in the Bank wardrobe tab.

> >

> > Of course, the OP is right: it would be better if all skins showed up, regardless of availability. Ideally, you could right-click to get the wiki article or the gem shop page (if available to purchase). I can't imagine anyone being against at least having all skins present.


> But if a skin is not and will not be available, what would be the point of including it? Just so people can satisfy themselves that they know what some guy they saw is wearing? If it's not there, it's safe to assume there are no plans to make it available again.


Some outfits and skins can't be previewed in the wardrobe even when they are currently being sold on the gem store. So, I don't think it's Anet's way of saying "this will not be available again."

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Some wiki info and speculation on backend Anet stuff:


1. Yes, the wiki is hosted by Anet, but updated and maintained by players.

2. Some armour and weapon skins have a flag "HideIfLocked" which hides the skin from your bank if you haven't unlocked it. E.g. the [Celebration Hat](https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/skins/1034 "Celebration Hat")

3. Something similar to the above may be happening with outfits, though that flag is not visible via the API. E.g. [First Follower Desmina Outfit](https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/outfits/72 "First Follower Desmina Outfit")

4. A list of skin links for outfits can be found on [this page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chat_link_format/0x0B_codes "this page"), though I haven't tested if they're still usable directly in-game. A gallery can be found on [this page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_outfits "this page"), and we'd love to have help fleshing out the images so that others may use this as a reference.

5. I'd love to have Anet ensure that as skins get rolled out, the flags are appropriately removed, but that's also a tedious hands-on process which is prone to error (i.e. accidental spoilers).

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Thank you for that clarification on the process. I did figure there was something manual that was or wasn't getting done. Maybe there just isn't a standard process for rolling out new skins and this is how the previews are enabled later as an afterthought sometimes. I'm always asking myself what areas are dyeable on new skins too before I buy them. I'm happy to say that the new Black Lion Chest glider offering in the Black Lion Chests is in the glider panel and appears to be dyeable.

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