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Feedback: Official Living World Season 4 Episode 3 Feedback [MANY SPOILERS]

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Beetle is awesome. I wish the breaking down walls was kind of expanded on. Map felt small; but for the nature of the content if the map was big it would take a long time to get through. Still would have liked to see more of the worldmap. Meta could have been more interesting, the palace area was mostly unused. On the story my hands are up in the air.

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This episode was fun!

* The new map was great to explore, and was built for the mount, which is nice - although it would be nice to be able to travel by waypoint as well. My favourite part of Kourna would have to be the stunning beauty of the depths of Ntouka Pond.

* The stealth mission was really enjoyable, and still a challenge despite the infinite invisibility and one hit kills. The only issue is that it was unclear as to whether Awakened would hear the Stun Bolts and turn around, so I spent a lot of time trying to separate them. It turns out this was unnecessary and the Awakened just... can't hear? Don't care? Either way, it was easier than it seemed.

* Braham's involvement is appreciated, but we didn't actually get the chance to sort out our differences (other than a few minutes alone, in awkward silence, last episode). Is he just siding with us again because we have a common goal again? I feel this needs to be sorted out.

* The puzzles were a great concept, although all the trap dodging was somewhat tedious. But the idea of having to search for things that have been distorted in reality is really fun!

* The fight against Joko was great fun. I liked the dialogue throughout the confrontation. The emphasis on the fact that he can't be killed in "Defeat the _Immortal_ Palawa Joko" was a nice touch.

* Aurene! Like people before have said, it's strange and upsetting that the Commander doesn't even attempt to talk to Aurene after she _saves our life_. Not only is Aurene important to both us personally, and the rest of Tyria; but it has also been a long time since we've had the opportunity to spend proper time with her, and she's lying on the floor and groaning in pain. What?! Let us, at the very least, check in and see how she's going!

* Another thing I found strange was Canach's comment: "It's easy to forget; she's always been the granddaughter of an Elder Dragon. Maybe this is just what they do."

While we're definitely more humanoid, Canach and I are both grandchildren of an Elder Dragon as well, and we're not going to forget that anytime soon. This comment would have made sense if it was given to someone else in the cast.


Despite my (hopefully constructive) criticism, I really did enjoy this episode, and I'm looking forward to the next one!

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What I will ask Anet for the future will be: TAKE YOUR TIME. No matter if many of we became impatient the outcome will be beneficial for everyone if the Episode arrive later. I prefer them to come and say "So we have done the story and the base modeling and additions to the map, but we need an extra time to build perfectly the meta-events and detailed areas". instead of "we review our standards of quality" which mean nothing. I'm okay with stunning cinematic and mount but not at the detriment of map rendering.

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I jumped onto this thread hoping to see people as enthusiastic as me, as I have been a livid story mode player gushing over my baby aurene kicking butt and now I feel really bad seeing so many tech issues, everything ran smoothly first try for me with the story (minus a few illusion ring trap glitches, but I'm prob just bad lol)

I've never been so happy about a chapter yet in lws4 so far, from conach's witty attitude, to joko's equally sassy persona, and riding around like keemstar on the beetle.

But its easy to speak peaches and cream, so here's a more discussive analysis that I wanted to point out:

~~Part Commander to Motley Crew:~~ Even as the leader (sorry treefern you aint jack) of 3 major factions and it is really underwhelming, and it can feel really forced. But this time you have a personal connection to every part of your little army, whether its the ghosts, the olmakhan, corsairs, and of course, the sunspears. It felt really nice to see these past connections formed not just go to waste, as alot of people thought might just happen with the olmakhan. Then of course the freaking dragon youve been raising since lws3, slayed t h e God of War with, and know is the last saving grace of the world's balance (since theres no more good dragons to replace the elders, she needs to grow and reproduce or tyria's dun goofed, as joko did confirm taimi's theory) But yes either way I can't say what a nice evolution in the game it was

~~Dragons Watch: I was replaying the first lws3 episode to get a character in bloodstone fen and it was crazy to see the birth of Dragons watch and that very calm agreement that it's what Tyria really needs, even if braham is STILL impulsively running off (oh yeah one comment I had, bring back dragonslayer bow braham, he was great)

Either way its that extra icing on the cake of character development that I love

With that theres a few characters I feel need some light on them:

Blish: forced or not it was kinda implied Taimi has a crush on him, and that she's considering the same golem process to handle her disease, so PLEASE dont let him be a background plot advancement, I wanna see who he is, how his brother dynamic is, beautiful things that make me love this world

Caithe, Logan, Zoija, & Marj: Last spot Caithe was is Aurene's room as a guardian... but aurene evidently has been out and about for a while now, I'm not saying she needs to be prominent but as a sylvari dude I do really miss her. We know Logans scrambling to rebuild the pact but i feel like between faren and how dire the situation was he'd at least message rytlock. Idk if it was just a quick way to hush her off of the story but Zoija, my 2nd fav of DE, has been recovering from the blighting pod for a g e s, but I mean she has an excuse unlike marj just being in her lil fight with kas, which I'd assume kas wouldve apologized for now that she was long over the whole "my gods come first" thing

The Sunspears: After I got my griffon I had this amazing idea in my head of us charging the gates from the air and maybe after the battle the first marshal would sorta commune with us again or somethng of the sort, I mean, it's been their entire life's worth to stop him and I felt like they should have some light shed on them. But thats mainly cuz I want more cool weapons like the sunscythe, which looks dope on my herald ;p

Yikes I really wrote an essay but lemme just wrap it up by saying thank you to the anet team for giving me a world to enter, and I hope that the work continues with the new expac with the deep sea dragon Druknaton (see if anyone can see what foreign word I snuck in there for fit in the ocean theme) ;) ![](https://i.redd.it/k630id6lftqz.png "")


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I enjoyed the episode, mostly!


Only big issue for me was the first instance. I (foolishly) decided to start playing late at night... That is a very long instance. I wish there was some kind of checkpoint or save state in the longer instances, to allow us to exit and pick back up later. I had played too long to click out and redo the instance the next day, so I just stayed up until I was done. Mostly my bad planning, but still... It would be a huge QoL feature.


The Kourna map felt a bit bland... Felt like a lot of empty space to me. It would have been nice to explore Gandara more in depth as well! One thing I LOVED though - the underwater cavern in the lake. A really neat location. Reminded me of some of the cool nooks and crannies you could find in the original maps. More little detours like this, please!


Joko was great. He's great. I'll miss him. It's too late now, but I wish he'd lived until the end of the season. He's probably tied with Scarlet for my favorite GW2 villain... But dang, what a way to go, eh?


Roller beetle is a fun mount. I feel bad for my poor raptor though. I feel like she's never gonna see the sunlight again!


I get Destiny's Edge is retired now, but I still would very much like to find out what Zojja and Caithe have been up to. Their disappearance is very noticeable in a lot of recent arcs - caithe being tasked to protect aurene, and zojja being a scientist, it feels like they should be actively participating. Bare minimum, have other characters mention them doing things so we feel like other things are happening in the world outside the Commander's bubble?

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> @"Sathgirus.1204" said:

> * Aurene! Like people before have said, it's strange and upsetting that the Commander doesn't even attempt to talk to Aurene after she _saves our life_. Not only is Aurene important to both us personally, and the rest of Tyria; but it has also been a long time since we've had the opportunity to spend proper time with her, and she's lying on the floor and groaning in pain. What?! Let us, at the very least, check in and see how she's going!

> * Another thing I found strange was Canach's comment: "It's easy to forget; she's always been the granddaughter of an Elder Dragon. Maybe this is just what they do."

> While we're definitely more humanoid, Canach and I are both grandchildren of an Elder Dragon as well, and we're not going to forget that anytime soon. This comment would have made sense if it was given to someone else in the cast.


I would like to second these! I found this very troubling. I was really surprised the episode just ended with Aurene collapsed on the ground while everyone is like "Aw, shucks. Classic Aurene!"

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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> NPC walk/run speed has always been a thorn in my side in nearly every game I've played. Sometimes they would be walking, but would somehow have a different walk speed than your character, yet sometimes faster; the same when they run in excruciating slow motion during an escort. However, in this one little moment, the two different walk speeds of Gorrik and Taimi created such an amazing scene:


> There Gorrik goes, freshly rescued from prison with thanks to Taimi, walking off into the distance while Taimi struggles down the stairs. Just one little scene that speaks volumes of Gorrik's character.



Keep in mind Taimi was born with a small handicap, her legs. That is why she created Scruffy too.


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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> #The Good:

> * The story instance gameplay was fun! Liked the sneaking, the maze leading to Joko and especially the Joko fight itself!

> * All praise Joko! Loved his taunts, lines, atiitude, and the humor ("Don't give your beetles names, so you don't grow attached. It's why I call all of you worms!")

> * Canah and his whistling xD

> * New mount

> * Underwater zone - i missed some of that action!


> #The Bad:

> * the way the story instance ended.

Another Epic villain after Lazarus you just ruthlessly cut out without giving him some more spotlight he deserved, and not digging into amazing lore he might've brought with him! Lazarus - last of powerful, lost and mysterious civilization! Joko - immortal Lich that has been around for at least two and half century - he too could share more then one story!



Most of what this gentleman has posted is what I'd be saying so I'm just going to be lazy and steal those bits from his post. I've never really cared for Joko as a villain; I remember a pompous failure in GW1 who needed help and I felt I needed a search party to find him after he'd disappeared up his own backside when you meet him in the PoF campaign for the first time. I will note that the beginning of season 4 did a good job making me want to stress-test the immortality claims, however that was more by the excellent writing and voice direction for Taimi; the character has been growing on me since she stopped telling me how stupid I was and how she wished she was with scarlet instead of me all the time. That and Marjory and Kasmeer telling me how wonderful it was being lesbians is all I remember of living story 2, honestly.


I disagree with the complain about terrain however; I remember the areas around the fortress of Gandara in gw1, so I'm not so bothered with the flat terrain, it's largely consistent. Importantly it's also the map you'll be using the roller beetle for the first time, so it makes sense it's friendly to this nice shiny new toy. I remember when the assassin in gw1 debued; it took a while for that reputation of fragility to end when people were fighting enemies that exploded when they died. . This is probably a forlorne hope, but I'd like to see the maps in elona eventually physically connected again, as I remember Kourna going much further north in GW1 in terms of explorable map. And further east. I always wanted to punch through that massive fortress straddling the Elon...


I'll chip this is about the ending however, and spoiler it


Aurene's appearance at the end was spoiled for me before playing, and killing Joko doesn't bother me; I played GW1, and I remember the Kilbron, the only other known and fought lich, needing to be murderised on a bloodstone to absorb his soul and magic and if you didn't he'd just keep getting back up. So, Aurene needs to eat his magic for him to stay dead? Sure, fine, whatever, I can go with that. What shocked me was how... "lolrandom" it was. You could have have had John Cleese go "And now for something completely different." before Joko got side-swiped.

What I was expecting, knowing Aurene was going to get the kill, was some dramatic irony; Joko waxing lyrical about challenging dragons being foolish while Aurene silently landed on the balcony/window behind him and stalked up to him. He could have turned mid gloating-cut to his face looking at the camera (so from Aurene's view) with an "Oh shi-" look before it zoomed in with a roar and then cut to black.

Instead, we got offscreen glomping.


The other thing that stuck with me is Brahm not trying to comfort the PC; "He was wrong. [i know how to spell that word]." I'll admit, it got a laugh out of me, but even as I was laughing I thought "So he agrees with Joko, huh." Whether this comes up as a point between them later, I'm not sure, but while Brahm and the pc have been butting heads I was surprised he didn't try comforting the commander at what was a really cruel verbal attack. I've been getting the impression the PC's getting steadily more jaded and fed up to the point they're going start to treating people as disposable, since that's all they seem to be treated as by others.


I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the aftermath though; the impression I got is Joko's control is gone from the awakened, which means there are now a lot of people (and Koss) who've been enslaved, know they've been enslaved, been made undead and can suddenly act freely. I sort-of-hope they're 'kept' in Elona as a citizen class. One of the things I liked about Vabbi in PoF is how being undead is seen as something that can happen. It's not some ew-gross-icky-kill-it thing, you can be nagged by your great-great-great-grandfather because you're not wearing your great-great-great-grandmother's sweater she made you. It's an idea I've not seen developed outside of a certain imageboard just discussing 'silly' takes on rpg conventions. Hopefully the (apparently free) awakened will be developed this way. I know I really want to see Koss and Kossan meet.


Swinging back to an earlier part of the final mission, I was unsettled when I thought Joko hated the character so much he was making clones to kill and torture. I felt the shock was deflated by pin of discovering they were illusions, though I understand you needed to teach players the ring's ability in a safe environment and cloning doesn't (apparently) exist.




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I finally finished this yesterday! Unfortunately, it was my least favourite living world episode for ages...

* The final Joko fight was pretty good, although I thought it relied too much on cheap one-shot mechanics (especially that laser beam thing that sweeps across the room). Generally, I think the Queen's Gauntlet bosses were a lot better than the recent Living World boss battles have been, though.

* I liked the idea of the fire trap puzzle, but the difficulty of getting a clear camera angle in those tight corridors really hampered my enjoyment of it.

* The story is very disappointing, especially the treatment of Joko. In Nightfall and PoF he was an interesting, nuanced character. In LWS4, and especially this episode, he's a much more simplistic villain who does evil stuff for plot reasons rather than because he has any actual motivation. When we finally find out his motives at the end, they don't make sense. It really feels like the writers don't understand the character.

* Joko's death by Aurene ex machina felt cheap - a total anticlimax.

* Kourna feels rough and unfinished, and is ~1/3 the size of Kourna in GW1. The lighting and sky box make it look like it's indoors, like a cheap war film set.

* The "Ntouka Pond" with no Ntouka was a real let-down.

* In the final instance, many enemies and allies were unselectable. I couldn't tell if this was a bug or not.

* I'm disappointed that the Rollerbeetle isn't a native Kournan beetle - the weird sidestory with it growing inside Gorrik was unnecessary and unbelieveable.

* Calling the Pangolin an "armadillo" because some people haven't heard of pangolins is incredibly patronising.

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- Story was OK, the presentation in extremely long instances without reset-nodes for failed achievements annoyed me a lot. This is an ongoing trend in the design and has stopped me from doing LS with a majority of my characters on a repeat. Break it down into smaller, less time consuming instances and get the reset nodes back into the game. We had the later ones in HoT and the past seasons, why were they removed again?

- The Kourna map meta is simple and unexciting, but at least you can hop on to it easily, without having to wait forever for a cycle to finish or start.

- The map currency is a pain to get. I wish the caches would drop three instead of one every time we open them (like e.g. the LS3 nodes), especially since the turret collection needs so many of them.

- So far, this is the map with the least incentive to revisit it, once you are done with the main story. Getting the extra achievements for the map is super grindy.

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Story-only player here:

- I liked the episode overall. The stealth part was less annoying than in Episode 2 imho, and I liked the short-ish portal defense section with more and more of your allies appearing.

- During the just-mentioned part I also had a strange bug of an enemy I couldn't target which made it impossible to progress, but after a restart (thanks for saving my progress up to this section!), it worked fine.

- The puzzle section in Joko's section was alright-ish. I first didn't notice that part of the laser beams had a different shade of red.

- Even though I thought Joko's overall quite annoying, I kinda liked his speeches here. The boss fight was also okay-ish. I also didn't notice the wall safe spaces I should have used during his "super attack" until I looked it up out of curiosity post-victory, but that's nothing unusual.

- I might actually try to go for more than the story in form of the bettle mount ... eventually.

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I really liked the cinematics. Beautifully done. These also cater to people who want to skip dialogue if they want to ( I personally loved watching it). I hope this is not the end of Joko. Considering how old this character is, if that was really his end, he deserved better (storytelling not fate). I also love Cannach. He's such a brilliant addition to the story. I personally find his script, along with Joko's, the most entertaining.

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I had to buy both GW expansions because plot of basic GW was really hitting me. More I played and did the plot, more I enjoyed it and watched characters develop, how they were getting better sense of humor, strenght, weaknesses etc. Just like in a good serial/movie/book. I just watch them change under different circumstances, events etc. I really like how they do react and act one to another etc. I can clearly see that they are more than just typical people around, they are very well created, they are unique and got their own mind. Big plus for that. However I was always attracted by Dark Fantasy stories, you know not all should end well.


Joko - well... disappointed as he was a lich, living really long, he should be wise and cunning, and have a great army causing great impact...and that was pretty easy to go through, find him and fight and...suddenly someone like him vanished so easily. I honestly thought you will try to imprison him forever somehow, as no one could find out why he is "immortal"...or that Grenth would be like - "Na bro, it's your time, you made a mess" and just put him down in some spectacular way haha


Another minus would go for the fact that whenever there is a great danger, it's like in WOW - we always got people breeding extremaly fast, resources are infinite and easily obtainable, so you need an army? bam there is your army. Need to gear them, build walls, ships, anything? bam it's there.


Also you wen't too far with "friendship" and making all races pretty casual. When you play basic storyline, quests for all races you can see how different they are - Charrs are typical fighting badasses and I imagine them as they are described, yet they became...domesticated like cats, just grey, no aggression, boiling blood, or anything. All are like - oh no enemy - lets rally together and be cool, yay!


Thats why great plus goes to Braham, that just was mad and he was a something I think all Norns should be like - Proud, like typical viking. He was just like -fk you guys, I will do it on my own, better than you! although when he had to, he helped commander with that Joko by pushing him out of the trap, because he understood he needs to do it.


This perhaps will be never possible but...have you ever considered just leaving poor nearly cased to be dragons, and focus more on cultural differences between races and dunno, maybe make small war between them, bring some consequences, instead of always getting epic wins by epic alliances? but think it's not possible, because you can't pvp vs others on the maps except WvW - just an idea.

Could use either more decisions that could bring impact to the world(more like choosing Joko that I totally did) and/or some tragedies that cannot be fixed like that, some real impact that would change the world and not just be a small tragedy that will be forgot after all races combined will fix it simply. That's why I said that races should be divided and not always co-op to achieve all they always need.


And why Joko's citadel was so small?:D


Even though I pointed out things that annoy me, Plot is good and I really can't wait to see next episodes;]


Oh, btw, don't go into typical WoW - maybe we are super epic main characters of the world, but there are other strong allies like dunno Logan, or Canach, I feel they are all left behind...just like they would be nearly meaningless and are there just to help with some good advice, tactic...skill but...we do everything and are the cool guy.

I know that they got big impact in some moments, but... for an example different scenario with Joko:


Good old Destiny's Edge band would be there, Commander also+bunch of random army guys that just get you somehow inside the citadel or buy you time or... Brahm just does his job and you go after him. You all fight Joko but he is pretty damn OP and casts an explosion that just knocks you through the wall, out of the citadel. Then you got a cinematic/drawings/whatever good looking fight between Destiny and Joko, you just see them doing crazy stuff to him while you need to find a different way to get back there. When you reach the place he is defeated by them either in a way that he must fall back or he is nearly done and you just aid them, or they exposed him hard, and he nearly killed them and you just reach in time to deal the final blow. If he escapes they chase him while you need to do something else/recover.

I know, weird scenario but...Look at poor Brahm...his whole bad humor and rebellion...the whole pride and being irritated by only idle following our hero...he helped a lot by pushing out our character but...that was his impact. Then hes back to being idle guy thats the point im going through.


Not sure, I'm bad at explaining but same thing happened to Naruto series/mangas - You meet guys, they seem OP, then character is OP and they never achieved anything except for casual help.


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  • 2 weeks later...

LOVE IT. In truth, you've come a far way with your story telling. Rather than being a traditional hero's journey, like initial story journal, you take a few twists and turns. Joko, as a villain, is both interesting and horrifying. His taunts are equally humerus and morbid. I'll miss him.


(SUPER SPOILER) I must admit, my heart slightly dropped when I found the multiple corpse of my character. Unexpected, yet horrifying.


Likewise, I like the new cinematography that you've applied to this episode. You used it sparingly, but it punctuated the scene when it was used. Whether it was the realization of the plague or the Death of Joko, each one was horrifying.


As a negative, I did find Lord Faren's injury to be rather...lackluster. Also, you may want to be a little less on the nose about your puns. As much as I enjoy getting cakes from kids, getting them from a little girl named "Debbie" is a bit too on the nose.


Overall, a great episode. It was well written, had memorable characters, and interesting twists. The fact that the hero's "results" are being called into question is something I've enjoyed with the Guild War's story line.


And as a bonus, beetles are an interesting mount type and I can't wait to get mine.

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Overall I loved it, Story was on top form and aside from some really annoying launch problems i've got little to complain about.


I am somewhat concerned about the Beetle though mostly because it was added in the living world.

The other mounts having been added in the expansion and additionally players requiring to buy the expansion to gain access to both Living world 4 and 5, They get to remain relevant if not outright necessary through both upcoming living worlds.


Due to the nature of the living world concept however, The Beetle does not have the same kind of.. I guess we could say privilege maybe?

Eh I'm not good with words.


Anyway my point is that living world has a tendency to add really cool mastery abilities (and non mastery abilities), but in a lot of cases their usefulness and focus exists purely in one map.

Living world 3 is full of examples

Gliding combat skills.. pretty much gone outside of bloodstone fen which is unfortunate.

Thermal Propulsion Mastery.. Useful in two maps then gone.

Koda's Flame Mastery.. Useful in one map only.

Oakheart's Reach.. Useful in one map and a novelty guildhall item. I had a lot of fun with this mastery and was so disapointed it never found a use outside of Draconis Mons.

Siren of Orr.. Another only useful in one map Mastery.

To be fair Counter Magic found some use in the open world and Spectral Aid was a great addition.


I can understand if some mastery's usage might need to be kept exclusive to the map they were added in so that players who miss a living world release don't end up unable to complete a current one because of a mastery they don't have and can't unlock.

But that's where my concerns for the Beetle come in since it only really has one useful world ability and that's Barrier Smash.

Breaking into secret areas and smashing volatile crystals are two things you need the Beetle for but in future living world those who don't have the Beetle will not be able to do that so I expect Living world will do as it usually does and simply not add secret areas and volatile crystals.. Solving the "but what about the players who didn't play the last patch" problem but also diminishing the Beetle's mecahnical use and limiting it to a single map while additionally also limiting it's potential for gaining new abilities through new mastery's.


I might be alone here.. I might not be.

But this does bug me if you'll excuse the obvious pun.


I guess I just don't like that mastery abilities tend to live out their usefulness when new content comes along.

It's more a problem with living world ones.. but I also do find it very disappointing that all those Heart of Thorns Mastery's more or less did the same thing when Path of Fire launched.

No updrafts, no bouncing mushrooms, no leylines.. Sure I get why with mounts and all, But I can't help feeling like there is definite room there for combination mastery abilities.

Probably the most obvious example would be to allow us to use excess Heart of Thorns mastery points to give Griffons the ability to use Updrafts in the HoT and LW3 maps.

That would be a superb ability to have and a great reward for players who own both expansions.


I just think Anet can do a bit better with the mastery system and find fun ways to keep mastery abilities around and useful longer even as new content and new abilities come along.

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The last episode was too long inside the instance, needed a warning that you could be inside the castle maze for 2 hrs. When I finally got to Joko I didn't have my hammer equipped as the backup weapon, so I lacked cc skills, too bad the useless as ever Braham couldnt toss me my hammer from inventory. The bugs in the system episode gave me problems gliding inside the room due to lag, I think it has been resolved with a new computer, it seems some ram had went bad on the old computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was so disappointed by the ending, but mostly because I saw what I thought was the beginning of something great in the writing.


Well. "Great" is overstating it--but Joko's farewell speech, or parts of it, was probably the best so far in the game. Instead of the usual simplistic rubbish, I saw a hint of actual self-awareness: Joko's awareness of his own role and that of my character, if only for a few seconds. He proceeded to challenge my merits, questioning whether my accomplishments justified my narcissism and, more fundamentally, the wisdom of it all in upsetting the balance of the world--at least as he saw it.


It was incredible because I had such low expectations and was just waiting for some forgettable drivel to be over to get the end-game loot that I was surprised when I saw a sliver of what I thought would become something greater. But then, like the song goes, they went and spoiled it all by pulling out Aurene as another unfortunate deux ex machina. And the cherry on top? Disrupting a somber moment with a joke, Marvel style.


So much potential wasted.


I know. It's an MMO. I should go read a book. But honestly, for a moment, I thought I did see something.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> >! Along those lines, thanks for having Gorrik be on the autism spectrum, that means a lot to me and my friends. I know there's no way to explicitly communicate that in-game, but I appreciate that it was canonized in the Guiid Chat episode.


So glad you saw that, and thank you for the support, too. :)

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I don't like the fact that you actually never see Kralkatorrik around. I mean never ever after PoF story. They talk all the time about him and he never shows up, not even during the last story step with Blish dying (or whatever) in the mists. You run away from whatever, there was not even a remote presence of him, only his minions. Very disappointed.

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