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Don't Play on the First Day!

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> @"SakuraJD.4720" said:

> "dont play on day one" it shouldnt be this way. this shouldnt be the general rule. this is why they moved to massive breaks between content, to stop kitten like this. and yet here we are, worse bugs every time. i remember when they were doing new content every two weeks, i didnt see bugs half this bad. what changed huh?


Been playing since launch and this seems to be a pretty shaky release even for Anet's standards.

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> @"SakuraJD.4720" said:

> "dont play on day one" it shouldnt be this way. this shouldnt be the general rule. this is why they moved to massive breaks between content, to stop kitten like this. and yet here we are, worse bugs every time. i remember when they were doing new content every two weeks, i didnt see bugs half this bad. what changed huh?


They got lazy, complacent, and too happy with themselves.

Arena Net used to keep pushing the envelope... Now they're just repeating the same formulae.

PvP is pretty much dead in both it's forms. They just don't care any more.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> GW2 has a QA team?

I dont know whether to laugh or cry, maybe both?


> But when you know this from "years of experience", why are you wasting time trying? =) You will know it's been fixed when your client starts downloading an update. ;)

I have this problem where I tend to give Anet the benefit of the doubt with each release, but sadly even when I expect nothing I am still disappointed...

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Most of the time, I don't have much of a problem, except in the first 10 minutes, getting the actual download to start.

> Word to the wise: your mileage will vary from mine and the OP's. Don't assume everything will work perfectly and don't assume it won't.

I agree that everyone's mileage will vary, my experience has been pretty poor since the move over to AWS (I believe that I am actually pretty close to where they are located, cant be sure though...).


> @"SakuraJD.4720" said:

> "dont play on day one" it shouldnt be this way. this shouldnt be the general rule.

I am %100 in agreement with you mate, not in 2018, but sadly this is what it has come down to....


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It's just a pity that hardly anybody is actually ABLE to play on day 1 of a new update - even if you don't want to play the newest episode. I just wanted to continue catching up with my character (I had a long break from the game), but nope, can't get into the game at all. I hope it'll be solved by tomorrow :)

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^


> We actually did. Once.


No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.


As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.


Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

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I never play the new release on patch day, but for a totally different reason. I still remember Season 1 where for me patch day meant skimming through the new content to figure out what was there, what the rewards were, what I'd want to do and how long it'd take and then trying to schedule it around all the other stuff I had to do in the next 2 weeks.


I thought I'd have gotten over it by now but I still love that I don't have to do it that way - that the content will all be there waiting for me when I'm ready to play it. So I like to put it off for a bit. Usually until the weekend when I have a bit more time.


> @"SakuraJD.4720" said:

> "dont play on day one" it shouldnt be this way. this shouldnt be the general rule. this is why they moved to massive breaks between content, to stop kitten like this. and yet here we are, worse bugs every time. i remember when they were doing new content every two weeks, i didnt see bugs half this bad. what changed huh?


If it's any consolation that 'rule' isn't specific to GW2 or Anet, it's commonly applied to all MMOs, and other types of complicated software which receive updates. (With slight variations - with Windows it seems to be 'don't buy a new version until it's 6 months old'.)


Sometimes it's just the sheer number of people trying to log in and go to the same place which causes problems, sometimes it's bugs which weren't picked up or fixed or which didn't exist when they were testing it internally. It sounds crazy but that can happen. My favourite example is the database we used at my old work. We made an updated version and it was tested by every single end user (all 7 of us) on the PCs we'd use the final version on, we all confirmed it worked exactly as intended. All we did after that was move it to a different folder on the server and somehow that introduced a bug where if you clicked the empty space _next to_ a button (which should do literally nothing) it'd ask if you want to save and if you clicked yes the entire program would crash.


Our IT guy said he couldn't have programmed it to do that if he'd wanted to, and when I left the company 3 years later the "fix" they'd worked out was to tell all new staff that if it asks if you want to save without you clicking the button you must click no.

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I agree that "don't play on patch day" is often a wise admonition in most games. However, today's woes are highly atypical for ANet releases. I routinely play the new episodes from the moment they drop, in a mad push to finish the story part before I have to depart for Tuesday errands (not that I want to locust, but I don't dare touch forums or Discord or game chat until I've seen all the shocking moments for myself). Other than when the patch has dropped late and one time when I couldn't get in game without modifying my shortcut to hop to a different login server, I've never had issues like today.


Note: The code for the different server stopped working at some point. I don't know if there are any current ones like it, but would definitely be grateful to anyone who could provide one that is stable. The old one was provided by ANet themselves, it wasn't a hack.

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I play on patch day for a couple of reasons:

- If we do not test it and find the bugs, no one will. The more people are playing, the more bugs can be found and fixed.

- We owe it to the **developers** who have put a lot of work into it. Not showing up on launchday is cherry-picking. When there are new farm-exploits people also do not turn away in disgust of an unfinished game. It will be farmed and abused until it gets fixed, as always. Loot is loot, there is no good or bad.

- Bosses are usually on higher difficulty, which is a good chance to test your skill. If it is a tough fight, there is a good chance it will be nerfed soon. But you can say, you fought it on "hard." If it is impossible, your experiences will make fixing more efficient and the other players will be most grateful.

- No guides & no wiki. If you are on the new map, people talk and share informations. People work together to reach the goal.

- If progression is impossible as at the moment, you finally have some time to clean up your inventory/mules/bank because you have literally no plans right now. Finding people for other group-content should not be a problem as well.

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> @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> >

> > We actually did. Once.


> No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.


> As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.


> Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)


It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > >

> > > We actually did. Once.

> >

> > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> >

> > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> >

> > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)


> It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.


Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.


Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch. I often read about the "poor performance" of the Anet Servers.... It's strange I never experienced them myself. I had maybe 3-4 disconnects since PoF and I play everyday.


If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen Computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;) I'm personally fine with increasing the system requirements for this game, but I can understand people that cannot afford a new system. That's where you could argue that Anet performed worse than other developers. They don't have a offer for older systems. I personally had performance issues since the release of the Istan Map. After I posted a detailed description of the problem with many other players the problem was fixed within some weeks. That was great work of the Dev-Team. I personally have more positive experiences with Anet than negative ones.




"Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."


Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spend money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed, they actually give it to your for free. A game always lives from the support of the community. I once knew a guy in another game that reported every single tree or stone that clipped or was in the air. Devs appreciate help you just need to help them to get problems under control.


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> @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > > >

> > > > We actually did. Once.

> > >

> > > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> > >

> > > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> > >

> > > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

> >

> > It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.


> Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.


> Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch.


> If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;)




> "Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."


> Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spent money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed



It's not free. You bought it with PoF.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> if they used their time to buy better servers and stable ones for ones instead of making new mini's that make no sense we might be playing right now instead of complaining about their lack of quality control.


Didn't know you could pay for computers with time. Tell me more about it, I am interested.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > > @"Exatherion.3075" said:

> > > > > > Every game has this issue. We haven't seen a major Rollback in all the time GW2 is up. So it's safe to say that things are under control ^^

> > > > >

> > > > > We actually did. Once.

> > > >

> > > > No there have been little Rollbacks.... but it's not like.... when we still had the old times i.e. 2004. Remember: Never play on a patchday :) It was a pretty much common phrase back then. We don't even have downtimesin GW2. I remember a 3-4 day rollback in another game over 10 years ago. You didn't even get the playtime back.

> > > >

> > > > As I'm a programmer myself and also worked Game-Projects, I can assure you that Anet does a great job in general. Anyone who says something different should have a look at other Developers. It's just like Todd Howard just said, online games and their bugs require much testing; but you cannot wipe them without broadscale testing out. I'm happy to provide the Dev-Team with the information they need on the first day of a release. I know how tiresome it is to find most bugs.

> > > >

> > > > Maybe Anet should just call the first day "beta" day. Anyone who has seriously played over the last one and a half decade, will agree that major releases always come with major bugs. After all we even get the content even for free(I would be willing to pay for each release though). I think everyone should pay the Dev-Team the respect they deserve. The game is growing more and more complex, and they in general deliver high quality content. The QA team cannot simulate a live release ;)

> > >

> > > It's not 2004 and devs should go forward not backwards. Before PoF global connection issue like this were very rare occurances. Even LW3 worked better than what's happening since PoF. Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower.

> >

> > Actually "its not 2004" is the statement I made too, they do a great job, no downtimes, no major rollbacks and high quality content(for free!). The price I paid for games that offered less was much higher. About 100-130E a year for an MMO. GW2 costs a fraction of that, and if you want to nothing at all. The price of PoF at the release was much better than HoT. Bigger maps, more content more of the original story as refence points. Everything a GW-Veteran can wish for.

> >

> > Your problem is that you want to complain about issues that exist in your point of view. In my experience most of the issues players experience concerning ping etc. are actually ISP problems OR problems with the graphic settings Sometimes the geographical location of your ISP's equipment just isnt in your favor. I live in an fairly advanced area with an ISP that offers a premium product for a premium price. The only real annoying bug I remember concerning all those things is the bugged minimap and it lasted some days until they had the patch.

> >

> > If you have "connection issues" I would advise having a look at your CPU load. That's often the real problem not Anet's Servers or your ISP. I can see a noticeable difference on differen computers in the same household. The system specs advanced with PoF very very much. Old areas work fine, but the newer ones require that you degrade your graphic. That's what I always tell the people I farm with. And suddenly 90% are fine with reduced graphic settings no lags or anything else. This of course doesn't apply for the release day problem we experience just now. Those things are pretty common, and if you don't like the situation just play on the next day. It's not 2004 but the way you develope software won't change even in the next decade ;)

> >

> >

> >

> > "Sad to see they get more money from their customers but game stability is getting lower."

> >

> > Sure show us how much Anet charged you for this season ;) PoF was like 30E if I remember correctly, that's less than you can spent on a Cinema Evening with Mc Donalds or approx. 2/3 of a BLur Ray ^^. That's why I in general spent money on gems(which most players don't understand) to support to the Dev-Team. If I would play a MMO with monthly fee I would've spent about 100E since PoF release for one year instead of 30E. I would count the work the put in PoF in the 30E... So you're basically paying 0E for the Episode and still complain it's not playable on the first day. Which I find unfair - they live off the money you spent in the Gemstore for the Episodes. So you say a "free" story release is ripoff ;) I'm sorry your logic is a bit flawed

> >


> It's not free. You bought it with PoF.


No you bought PoF.. ANET push out updates, patches etc as part of their budgeting plans.. its a risk they probably have to take to keep the game fresh and enticing, and ya know, a way of adding coins to the coffers through the development cycle.Then again even if it was included in the price.. it's still a pretty damn good value for money, even if you gotta go smell some fresh air for a few hours while they try to iron out bugs.

If you honestly expect patch day to be a disaster, do as others have said, give it a miss and try tomorrow cos it would save having to bring your torch and pitchfork. If like me on the other hand, you still feel it's worth the risk then take a deep breath and login in, but expect to encounter bugs and disconnects.

I don't think ANET has a stellar record of patch quality either, but then again we don't get 2,3,4 day maintenance sessions, we have only had 1 major rollback since launch iirc and patch day issues do tend to get sorted in a reasonable timeframe.

I have been critical of ANETS QA many times in the past, but actually when you compare it to other MMO's, its not really any different.. not an excuse, but proves that MMO's are beasts that are hard to tame, even after patches go live. In fact just fixing a bug can cascade new bugs or even old bugs to reappear.. it's a fickle thing that I am glad I am not part of.

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