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Can't complete Orr event

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I've spent five hours in Orr, Strait of Destruction solely, and not once did the event to reclaim the temples start. Perhaps it was due to the low amount of players in the area since I saw less than ten. I managed to get all points of interest and such for map completion except the Alter of Balthazar one and hero point.


I had the notice that warleaders are preparing to start the assault but its been so long since I've done this part (quit playing when then when I realized my main sucked in comparison to other classes). I even went back to Fort Trinity to see if there was something I needed to do. Had the event with the guns but failed since I was the only one doing it so don't know if that was the kick off. I vaguely remember the march across the bridge from my first playthrough but not figured out how to trigger it nor got a notice for it.


Every waypoint was contested except the five which remain safe havens. Given there seem to be players, as low a number as it was, around. It could also be that like me, they gave up and left the area since we never could move forward. Seemed a lot were doing map completion as I was before I started my level 70 personal story chapter. In any case, I was unable to secure the temple alone without going through the event and the event never seems to get off the ground.


I'll give it a try later today since I've also been getting kicked from the game then logging in way across the map from where I was kicked meaning I've had to run up to that temple four times to even attempt it alone. I'm really troubled by the lack of players in the area given the number of low levels I usually see. I just made 80 on my new character and its not going to be a fun game that me dependent of other people for my fun when there are none. But I suspect there's some other problem. Or all the low levels I've been seeing where rerolls like myself and this game lacks any new players coming in.

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in order to do the event to reclaim the temple of balthazar, there's 3 "lanes" which have 6-7 events following each other, a north mid and south trail- meta region is even called northern/central/southern assault. to take the temple, all 3 lanes need to have done their final event. it's a lot of effort, so it can be difficult for low population maps - especially without a commander/mentor organising, which is also pretty hard considering that the gains from freeing the temples loot wise are only the map bonus...which usually isn't worth it, so few people even want to do the pre events in the lanes outside of daily event completer.


the events usually only succeed by collaboration of clueless newbs who follow events for the sake of it, or people determined for map completion.

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4 possibilities:

- look into lfg for a map doing it

- Learn about the event-chains that lead to freeing the temple in the wiki and organize a map doing it using a post in lfg

- Wait for event daily on the map

- Be in a larger guild an put it onto the event calendar of your guild


There is a (small) base interest freeing that temple as its the only one where you can buy Obsidian Shards for karma

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> @"Lexi.1398" said:

> in order to do the event to reclaim the temple of balthazar, there's 3 "lanes" which have 6-7 events following each other, a north mid and south trail- meta region is even called northern/central/southern assault. to take the temple, all 3 lanes need to have done their final event. it's a lot of effort, so it can be difficult for low population maps - especially without a commander/mentor organising, which is also pretty hard considering that the gains from freeing the temples loot wise are only the map bonus...which usually isn't worth it, so few people even want to do the pre events in the lanes outside of daily event completer.


> the events usually only succeed by collaboration of clueless newbs who follow events for the sake of it, or people determined for map completion.


Well that's depressing. This is only my second character I've gone through, or tried to go through, this region and planned to take all characters though. I like any character I play to do absolutely everything. I had no idea they had set the Straits up in such a way that once content ages, like it all does, it becomes impossible for later players to do it. Especially with the policy of never touching anything old by the devs, players are going to end up coming into the game (I know they are) thinking its broken like I did. If I could just get it to trigger, I'd run from each camp myself but I couldn't even get that to start.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> Three possibilities:

> - look into lfg for a map doing it

> - Learn about it in the wiki and post a raid in lfg

> - Wait for event daily on the map


Not sure what you mean by learning something in the wiki but thanks for the other two suggestions. If you mean triggering them, that's where I'm having issue after checking and the only one I got to start was the lasers at the fort (which I'm not sure are part of the event) but failed since I could n't keep up the running back and forth. But I ain't doing nothing but rethinking this game so I'll give it a shot again.

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> @"thruine.8510" said:

> Not sure what you mean by learning something in the wiki


Your start post showed that you do not know the pre-requisits to start this event. @"Lexi.1398" outlined them (I currently don't remember them), but not knowing them is no problem as the GW2 wiki documents them: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_of_Balthazar

And, to organize a map doing it, you should know what you need to organize ;)

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i've completed that map (and general world map comp) somewhere in the area of 10-12 times by now, and i can say- i always find a map that has succeeded within at absoutely worst 3 tries (most often on first time). that said, i rarely see this done by organisation- usually, people just do the events and eventually all 3 lanes succeed, and then usually at that point someone mentor/tags for the final take the temple event.


if you seek purely map completion, you could try:

-entering the map at different times, sea eu and na peak in particular- it depends purely on luck though if you get on instance which has done it. i used to have a lot of luck at NA prime, then a month or so ago i happened to only get on good instances at eu prime..it really is just luck.

-when map is low on people, changing instances is a roll of the dice - sometimes itll put you onto a previously populated instance, but more often than not it'll be a fresh instance with no progress on events.


also; on triggering the events; it should be just a timer on the very first events- after they fail itll pop up again sooner or later- your presence in the area should be all that's needed to trigger them aside the passage of time. look at the meta box to know what's happening - meta regions work such that you can see all meta related events from anywhere in the meta region. closest event to balthazar's temple is generally speaking (dont quote me on that) the current event in the chain.

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I've been unable to clear the temple due to fire constantly raining down from somewhere I've failed to find yet. I think I've found two triggers and the lasers are one of them but there are so far apart I can't reach the other before they destroy it even at max settings. I thought maybe this will work as long as one survives but I'm either missing some invisible damage they take or it fails without all three. The other is a submarine deal which I thought I completed but then I guess I lost where the next step goes. I figure lasers would attract more people since they are right there in the fort but three attempts failed with no defeats. This just makes me think this game is way top heavy and will go the way of EverQuest.


And since I am pretty new (maybe a month played total even though I started the first of the year) so when you say another map, what are you talking about and how do I do it?

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You can have more than one instance of the same map. Means that if you join a group you will see it saying everyone is in the same map but a lot show as not being on your map. When you see that click on one of the people who show as not being in you instance and should have an option to join them in their map. Mostly seen when using lfg.

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> @"Ellegon Mcleod.5931" said:

> You can have more than one instance of the same map. Means that if you join a group you will see it saying everyone is in the same map but a lot show as not being on your map. When you see that click on one of the people who show as not being in you instance and should have an option to join them in their map. Mostly seen when using lfg.


Ah, thanks. I thought it meant there was some way to pick different maps through the interface like I've found in some games with such interesting names as Map 1 and Map 2. Sounds like the same concept but you have to go through players to shift between them. Still I wish someone hadn't changed the title of the the thread. Orr will be completely broken when dynamic events aren't possible to do solo and no one wants to do them any longer which seems to be the case on new patch day. Me personally, I'd want all areas of the game to at least keep up the appearance that age hasn't affected the game for people coming in. Making something core like dynamic events require groups constantly entering effectively has removed the Straits from the game (yesterday). Of course you could still go there, do some of the map completion but the actual story of the map is gone replaced by where's the portal to the next map at. It lost something huge compared to my first playthrough and they really should ensure that doesn't happen more than absolutely necessary.


Edit: Logged in today and the temple was cleared (thanks unknown people) so got the completion. Seemed all the rest were still contested so I guess just the temple was cleared. I got the tail end of someone trying to start on of the precursors but it failed before I could help so I feel bad for that player that wanted to complete it but they didn't stick around to retry it for the moment. Not that good of a design but what can you do.

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Orr is usually fairly populated, more so than many other maps (good node farming for one). But the week that a new Living Story comes out, will usually empty the entire rest of the game, as everyone rush to try the new stuff.


It will go back to normal soon enough, and usually see temples being cleared again.


(looking at the wiki, there is at least one path that can be done reliably with 3 players)

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Orr is usually fairly populated, more so than many other maps (good node farming for one). But the week that a new Living Story comes out, will usually empty the entire rest of the game, as everyone rush to try the new stuff.


I've thought the game had more new players than it seems to (unless all new ones do expansion then beginning areas/personal story). Bringing up a new character through his personal story, beginning zones were really crowded but even though it thinned out as you gained levels there were always more than enough for most events. Then Orr and I didn't have more than one other person to do them with even during a LW update. It has picked up as we've moved farther from patch day but I don't like the image it gave me. For instance, I completely disagree with EverQuest 2's method of expansions appealing solely to the long time players to the point that any new players get a boost to get them at the stage to play with them leaving everything else a wasteland. I realize they do that because of the lack of players but I still don't like it and wonder how much of that is self inflicted.


Its hard to judge with this one though because you can do things out of order so easily (PoF before Core) and we probably see a lot of those in the starting areas are free players who move on before settling into Orr.

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Straits of Devastation has never been a particularly popular zone. Probably because half the zone is water and then most of the WPs are contested all the time.


Malchor's Leap has had various reasons for people to be there. For a while now it is full of lumberjacks.


Cursed Shores has had people farming for a very long time. That has died down from the peak but it can still be seen on a frequent basis that people are doing the usual stuff.

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  • 1 year later...

and now we are in october 2019 and no one play here anymore. I cross at most 4 players. i clear my self 99% of the map but i can't simply can't do the last Hero challenge.

When i hit a veteran he will generate more than 15 adds who OS me. Stealth is simply not an option and no players are on this map. Well, i lost my time. AGAIN.

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> @"denora hona.4365" said:

> and now we are in october 2019 and no one play here anymore. I cross at most 4 players. i clear my self 99% of the map but i can't simply can't do the last Hero challenge.

> When i hit a veteran he will generate more than 15 adds who OS me. Stealth is simply not an option and no players are on this map. Well, i lost my time. AGAIN.


minionmancer necro can cheese even champions, which class u are using? just need a friendly necromancer to help.

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