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Taimi is so big now

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Though she was supposed to have a genetic disorder that would stunt her growth. Guess not.


No. She has a disease that weakens and atrophies her mussels impairing her movement, not inhibiting her growth. She has been treating her condition by experimenting with the blighting pod fluid. That experiment could have affected her growth.

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Important NPCs being bigger than normal is an old MMO trope. Some games (WoW being a big example) have taken that to ridiculous extremes at times.


That said, Taimi HAS grown up. According to Wiki, she was born in 1313 AE, and she first appeared in the game in 1326 AE during LS1. So she was 13 years old then. We are now in 1332 AE, so Taimi is now 19. Think of the size difference in humans between those two ages. The one is a child in puberty, the other is almost a full grown adult. So yeah, it's only natural that Taimi would get bigger.


As for her head, yeah, they definitely are playing with the extreme range of the Asura model. Is what it is.

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> @"Wyldchild.8706" said:

> Right? she grew to a normal sized asura! Put. Her. Back. To. Normal. Size. Tiami. Besides she shouldn't grow that big in a such a short period of time.


See previous post about her age and how much time has passed in game. She's had plenty of time to grow.

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> @"steinnovels.9675" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Though she was supposed to have a genetic disorder that would stunt her growth. Guess not.


> No. She has a disease that weakens and atrophies her mussels impairing her movement, not inhibiting her growth. She has been treating her condition by experimenting with the blighting pod fluid. That experiment could have affected her growth.


If you zoom in (for Norn players, zoom WAY in ), you'll notice that Taimi has a slight limp while she walks. Poor thing.


Both she and Rytlock crack me up, but in different ways obv.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"steinnovels.9675" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > Though she was supposed to have a genetic disorder that would stunt her growth. Guess not.

> >

> > No. She has a disease that weakens and atrophies her mussels impairing her movement, not inhibiting her growth. She has been treating her condition by experimenting with the blighting pod fluid. That experiment could have affected her growth.


> If you zoom in (for Norn players, zoom WAY in ), you'll notice that Taimi has a slight limp while she walks. Poor thing.


Yeah, ANet have actually done a pretty solid job of representing the ways a disability like that does (and doesn't) get in the way of everyday life, based on unfortunate experience.


> Both she and Rytlock crack me up, but in different ways obv.


I **know** you didn't mean it that way, but this reads like "because of the disability", so you might want to watch out for that next time. English is annoying, I say, having too many times stuck that particular foot into my particular mouth. ;)

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:



> I **know** you didn't mean it that way, but this reads like "because of the disability", so you might want to watch out for that next time. English is annoying, I say, having too many times stuck that particular foot into my particular mouth. ;)


AH..well, before someone tweets this or creates a hahstag of some sort to have me banned from the game, what I meant was both Taimi and Rytlock have differing views on on the world and different ways of expressing those views, and both crack me up; Taimi tends to be more whimsical and outright "cute", while Rytlock is cynical and salty as hell!



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:


> >

> > I **know** you didn't mean it that way, but this reads like "because of the disability", so you might want to watch out for that next time. English is annoying, I say, having too many times stuck that particular foot into my particular mouth. ;)


> AH..well, before someone tweets this or creates a hahstag of some sort to have me banned from the game, what I meant was both Taimi and Rytlock have differing views on on the world and different ways of expressing those views, and both crack me up; Taimi tends to be more whimsical and outright "cute", while Rytlock is cynical and salty as hell!


Well, I wasn't imagining anything that extreme, but yeah: it is one of those things that are perfectly reasonable ... but someone can misinterpret, should they wish. :)

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:


> If you zoom in (for Norn players, zoom WAY in ), you'll notice that Taimi has a slight limp while she walks. Poor thing.



You don't even really have to zoom in; you just have to pay attention. Taimi walks with a limp at like half normal speed; she only runs when she's scared or excited, and even then she still limps. That's because of her disability, which the wiki describes thus: "Taimi requires the assistance of a golem named Scruffy to get around, owing to a degenerative disease that prevents her from walking long distances and may spread to other parts of her body as she gets older.[2] Although there is no known cure, this progeny is quick to refuse any offer of pity." Some of my thoughts about Taimi and her disease...


1. Taimi has had this disease for her whole time in the game, so it's reasonable to guess that she was either born with it or developed it as a child.

2. The wiki states that Taimi is "an orphan since birth" which implies that her mother died in childbirth. If the disease is genetic or inherited, the complicated birth of a sick child could definitely explain her mother's death. Especially if her mother also had the disease.

3. It's implied in LS4E2 that Blish had the same problem, but it progressed farther than Taimi has yet, such that he transferred his mind into a golem body to escape being crippled.

4. The symptoms Taimi displays are similar to some forms of ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease, which can be genetic or inherited. Could be that she has the Asuran version of that particular disease. Refer back to points 1 and 2.

5. Taimi is a student of Synergetics, the "theoretical physics" college.

6. All of which reinforces my idea that Taimi is ANet's tribute to Stephen Hawking, who was a theoretical genius disabled by ALS.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I still think story NPC Asura should have normal sized heads, not balloons. ;)

Balloon sized heads are used to leverage momentum when moving. Have you seen a normal head sized human dodge? They roll around on the ground like a dog. An Asura only need to twitch their neck to go flying through the air.


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I like that she's grown, I wish that it hadn't just involved increasing her model scale so her head is freakishly huge (even by Asura standards, that is).


This is the weird thing. She's using an **upscaled Asura kid model now**. Which just looks super-grotesque. :pensive:


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