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LS4 - Episode 3 - Lore feedback and impressions(Edited)[SPOILERS]


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EDIT: I edited the title since the topic became a talk of impressions about the episode.


The final part is vague about the next steps, the final dialogues the impression that the next central theme will be the role of the commander and Aurene.


Old post:

> Cant complete the history due to inumerable bugs, glitchs and disconnects.

> What turned out is I do not have more time to play.

> I just wanted to know how this story ends, I managed to get to the "be my guest" part.

> In the part of the corridors and lasers, then the server disconnects issue started strike again. impossible to continue.

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Well since you are asking for it ok, so basically you solve a puzzle to get into Joko's throne room, you need to use the illusion banishment ring to allign the light properly. Then when you have alligned the lights Joko's illusion will taunt you and then he will summon the beastmaster to fight you, really easy fight imo but the beastmaster does dive into the ground and rush up, also rushes to heat vents to take no dmg, easy break bars and easy fight. Then Joko fight in the throne room, he gloats a LOT, basically you need to keep on using the illusion banishment ring at all time, because Joko can disappear and you have to use the ring to kill the "Will of Joko" basically just clones of Joko that cast some sort of plague spell, also avoid heat vents, Joko will eventually be killed, dumb norn (Eir's son) rushes in, we think Joko isn't dead, and what a surprise he isn't, bloody character info has him as "Immortal" lol. Joko gloats and starts fixing himself, note he throws his staff on the ground for some reason, oh btw when you "kill" Joko all his awakened minions become stunned. Joko steals the life force of the stunned minion and GLOATS, then suddenyl Aurene jumps Joko, swoops in through the window basically then priceeds to eat Joko alive XD then dumb Noron says "only way to make sure Joko is dead I suppose". Then everyone rushes in they all see Aurene eating Joko, Aurene grows a little bigger and blue flames appear everywhere, then she burps and flops down having totally consumed Joko :astonished: then some narratives and the end of living story......

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> @"asterix.9614" said:

> Well since you are asking for it ok, so basically you solve a puzzle to get into Joko's throne room, you need to use the illusion banishment ring to allign the light properly. Then when you have alligned the lights Joko's illusion will taunt you and then he will summon the beastmaster to fight you, really easy fight imo but the beastmaster does dive into the ground and rush up, also rushes to heat vents to take no dmg, easy break bars and easy fight. Then Joko fight in the throne room, he gloats a LOT, basically you need to keep on using the illusion banishment ring at all time, because Joko can disappear and you have to use the ring to kill the "Will of Joko" basically just clones of Joko that cast some sort of plague spell, also avoid heat vents, Joko will eventually be killed, dumb norn (Eir's son) rushes in, we think Joko isn't dead, and what a surprise he isn't, bloody character info has him as "Immortal" lol. Joko gloats and starts fixing himself, note he throws his staff on the ground for some reason, oh btw when you "kill" Joko all his awakened minions become stunned. Joko steals the life force of the stunned minion and GLOATS, then suddenyl Aurene jumps Joko, swoops in through the window basically then priceeds to eat Joko alive XD then dumb Noron says "only way to make sure Joko is dead I suppose". Then everyone rushes in they all see Aurene eating Joko, Aurene grows a little bigger and blue flames appear everywhere, then she burps and flops down having totally consumed Joko :astonished: then some narratives and the end of living story......


thanks so much.


than the narrative on ep3 is completely amazing.


unfortunaly will be overshadowed by the excessive bugs in this release. not even in Pof I had so many problems, I played 12 straight hours and I only had 1 disconnect.



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> @"supa suop.8026" said:

> Shame that Joko is gone too( for now),because kitten I really enjoyed that dialogue he had at the end of the fight.


> But the stories must continue and we had to beat Joko at some point I just really wish it was not so soon.


I do not care about him going so early as long as that does not signal that Season 4 will be short. I hope it has an 8 episodes.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"asterix.9614" said:

> > Well since you are asking for it ok, so basically you solve a puzzle to get into Joko's throne room, you need to use the illusion banishment ring to allign the light properly. Then when you have alligned the lights Joko's illusion will taunt you and then he will summon the beastmaster to fight you, really easy fight imo but the beastmaster does dive into the ground and rush up, also rushes to heat vents to take no dmg, easy break bars and easy fight. Then Joko fight in the throne room, he gloats a LOT, basically you need to keep on using the illusion banishment ring at all time, because Joko can disappear and you have to use the ring to kill the "Will of Joko" basically just clones of Joko that cast some sort of plague spell, also avoid heat vents, Joko will eventually be killed, dumb norn (Eir's son) rushes in, we think Joko isn't dead, and what a surprise he isn't, bloody character info has him as "Immortal" lol. Joko gloats and starts fixing himself, note he throws his staff on the ground for some reason, oh btw when you "kill" Joko all his awakened minions become stunned. Joko steals the life force of the stunned minion and GLOATS, then suddenyl Aurene jumps Joko, swoops in through the window basically then priceeds to eat Joko alive XD then dumb Noron says "only way to make sure Joko is dead I suppose". Then everyone rushes in they all see Aurene eating Joko, Aurene grows a little bigger and blue flames appear everywhere, then she burps and flops down having totally consumed Joko :astonished: then some narratives and the end of living story......


> thanks so much.


> than the narrative on ep3 is completely amazing.


> unfortunaly will be overshadowed by the excessive bugs in this release. not even in Pof I had so many problems, I played 12 straight hours and I only had 1 disconnect.




That sounds extremely underwhelming and borderline silly but, I guess I forgot for a minute there that the writers can't ever leave their precious dragon plot even for a moment...


Also no more background on Joko than what we already had? During interviews back then one of the writers said "We don't know where Joko came from...yet", and now he's just kaput? I guess the soul of everything Aurene eats goes straight to Malyck's tree huh

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Is this for real? Joko is already gone? I guess there can be some upcoming twist, but god, Guild Wars 2 story/story writing is just horrible.

Then again, maybe I should not expect anything from an MMO, especially GW, given it's poor track record.

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> @"maxwelgm.4315" said:

> Also no more background on Joko than what we already had? During interviews back then one of the writers said "We don't know where Joko came from...yet", and now he's just kaput? I guess the soul of everything Aurene eats goes straight to Malyck's tree huh


I forgot to mention it,

yes I missed the background behind the joko. there was not a single word, I hoped it would come up at the time the commander was talking to the queens, but nothing. Where he came from, and how he got so powerful.


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For real now? Aurene eats Joko????


Hrm, i dont want that crazy king to die for real, he is undead but maybe aurene eats him and while he is in her stomach he gets his evil personality cleaned by some sort of magic gastric acid and in one of the next story chapters she burps up and spits him out, we then think oh no now we are all fu... up, but surprise he is sorry for what he did and joins us...but still has this crazy personality (but in a good way)......


I mean we miss a lot of his backstory and what would better than him explaining it himself? We would get some really interesting and crazy dialogues...


I mean i could not play the story because of bugs / glitches but when this is for real and he is really gone then the story telling this time is really underwhelming....

nothing against a good plottwist, i mean that we needed to kill trahearne to finally kill mordremoth was a bitter but interesting plottwist....


and i simply dont want a totally dead joko, i liked his style (and the backpack)....so him as an future surprise crazy allie would be amazing....

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> I thought no one could finish the story yet due to all the bugs. But if @"asterix.9614" is not trolling then that is just downright silly to the nth degree. For reasons perfectly stated by @"maxwelgm.4315" .


He wasn't trolling, I also played that episode. Aurene eats Joko and it was quite dissapointing to end him this way. Everything up to that was really good, especially the last cutscene with the overly long monologue, also his first "death" were he just went back to live after we defeated him was really good.


But then Aurene eating him? Story telling was good up until this point where it just went a deep dive with diving goggles on. Its like Anet couldn't really find a reason why he was immortal and a good method, storywise, to make him mortal again.

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>! Oh, come now. Once Aurene visits the bathroom he'll be the first Lich to enter and exit the colon of a dragon. This may, however, put some perspective on his immortal god king spiel. Also, he'll have lost weight.

>! Not only that, he'll never be able to show his face around people. Not even Blood Prince Thorn had to suffer the indignity of being eaten, digested and subsequently excremented by another being. His reputation in the Mists is now ruined and I feel that Oswald Thorn is going to rub as much salt into this wound as possible.

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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> >! Oh, come now. Once Aurene visits the bathroom he'll be the first Lich to enter and exit the colon of a dragon. This may, however, put some perspective on his immortal god king spiel. Also, he'll have lost weight.

> >! Not only that, he'll never be able to show his face around people. Not even Blood Prince Thorn had to suffer the indignity of being eaten, digested and subsequently excremented by another being. His reputation in the Mists is now ruined and I feel that Oswald Thorn is going to rub as much salt into this wound as possible.


The Awakened will be disabled for the moment while Joko is humiliated and we will be free to deal with Kralkatorrik in the Sulfurous Wastelands(south of the Desolation) then Joko's final secret to his immortality will be exposed and the real final showdown in Elona will happen(preferably in Dzalana).

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I personally found it really amusing when Aurene ate Joko. And I wasn't disappointed that Joko has been dealt with. I kind of expected it. As much as I like his character, do you seriously want to chase the same villain the whole Season 4? And after all, he was just a digression from the main story, the Elder dragons, so it kinda makes sense that chasing him won't last for THAT long. But I believe there should be some consequences in the story, some kind of aftermath that will tell the rest of the story that wasn't told before (like his origin).


> @"Nick.6972" said:

> Is this for real? Joko is already gone? I guess there can be some upcoming twist, but god, Guild Wars 2 story/story writing is just horrible.

> Then again, maybe I should not expect anything from an MMO, especially GW, given it's poor track record.


Speak for yourself, I did like it.

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> @"supa suop.8026" said:

> Shame that Joko is gone too( for now),because kitten I really enjoyed that dialogue he had at the end of the fight.


> But the stories must continue and we had to beat Joko at some point I just really wish it was not so soon.


Not just the Dialogue is great, the cutscene is just brilliantly done. Best one so far.

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> @"Avador.8934" said:

> I personally found it really amusing when Aurene ate Joko. And I wasn't disappointed that Joko has been dealt with. I kind of expected it. As much as I like his character, do you seriously want to chase the same villain the whole Season 4? And after all, he was just a digression from the main story, the Elder dragons, so it kinda makes sense that chasing him won't last for THAT long. But I believe there should be some consequences in the story, some kind of aftermath that will tell the rest of the story that wasn't told before (like his origin).


> > @"Nick.6972" said:

> > Is this for real? Joko is already gone? I guess there can be some upcoming twist, but god, Guild Wars 2 story/story writing is just horrible.

> > Then again, maybe I should not expect anything from an MMO, especially GW, given it's poor track record.


> Speak for yourself, I did like it.


I'm with you, I never took Joko all that seriously though and hope this really is the last we see of him in person. Maybe we'll piece together his back story as we deal with the power vacuum his death creates. I'm eager to get back to the story being about the dragons too.


Also I can confirm that the spoilers are correct, I finished the story myself today.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> would come in handy some sort of diary with details of his past, at the very least, like the balthazar "burning notes".



Yeah I was thinking they might do something like that, or something similar with what they did with Vlast's backstory. Anet also has the option of putting Joko's backstory in fractals, though that seem rather unlikely.


I cant help but feel that Joko is not really "gone" gone just yet, because of the comment that Canach made at the end of the instance. Saying that the magic that Aurene absorbed from Balthazar may be influencing her behavior. If that is true then eating Joko ( assuming that his body has an abundant amount of magic) could also influence her behavior even further in a negative way . It may even give her Joko like qualities.

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> @"supa suop.8026" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > would come in handy some sort of diary with details of his past, at the very least, like the balthazar "burning notes".

> >


> Yeah I was thinking they might do something like that, or something similar with what they did with Vlast's backstory. Anet also has the option of putting Joko's backstory in fractals, though that seem rather unlikely.


> I cant help but feel that Joko is not really "gone" gone just yet, because of the comment that Canach made at the end of the instance. Saying that the magic that Aurene absorbed from Balthazar may be influencing her behavior. If that is true then eating Joko ( assuming that his body has an abundant amount of magic) could also influence her behavior even further in a negative way . It may even give her Joko like qualities.




He could even still be alive and be able to seriously injure her (internal organs and all), because if he is immortal as he proved, being bitten, swallowed and exposed to acid wouldn't be enough by any means. Then he could break free and be super mad at us now, reversing the narrative from us chasing him to him chasing us and we end up going on the other side of the brand or somewhere in Elona he can't easily reach while we learn his history and how to kill him. We know he was human, and humans aren't immortal. So he did something to himself, which means we can undo it.

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