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LS4 - Episode 3 - Lore feedback and impressions(Edited)[SPOILERS]


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His line about the elder dragons seem to suggest he was a survivor of their previous awakening, calling them the "life force of the planet". Would be nice if we got some more details on that. Also, as I am not familiar with gw1, has no one ever tried to destroy Joko's body before? Is this the first time he's lost his body? Some liches have the ability to possess other undead and use that as their vessel should their previous one become inoperable, could Joko do that?

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> His line about the elder dragons seem to suggest he was a survivor of their previous awakening, calling them the "life force of the planet". Would be nice if we got some more details on that. Also, as I am not familiar with gw1, has no one ever tried to destroy Joko's body before? Is this the first time he's lost his body? Some liches have the ability to possess other undead and use that as their vessel should their previous one become inoperable, could Joko do that?


I'm curious, im waiting some streamer put the video, since, I still can not play. Anet disappointed a lot this time, because I remember that during the PoF, which was a massive update, I did not have so many problems.


about destroying his body, is something implied that Turai Ossa wounded in a way that he hoped would be lethal, although not explicit as it was in detail, I just can not remember where I read.



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A few other things to note about the instance that I found interesting was that he said his full name which I'm not sure was known before. Palawa Ignaceous Joko. Does this mean anything to anyone? I googled the name and nothing of significance popped up. Ignaceous I mean. Just some place in Draconis Mons.


Also, I definitely think the thing with Aurene "roars weekly" as the bonus dialogue after she eats him hints at something. I also noticed her eyes were kind of a green-cat like color but that might have been what they looked like before. Haven't checked.


About to replay it for some more beetle mastery so I'll have to check out that illusion bit where someone said it looked like he teleported out or something.


Looking forward to the speculation about this episode. Was kind of hoping for a background thing on Joko, but perhaps that's still to come.


The moment he says his full name seems significant. Like that name should mean something or will mean something at some point. And Aurene roaring weekly seems to imply that next episode will revolve around healing her, which may involve feeding her a lot more magic or finding something that allows her to eat more magic in preparation of Kralk.


Will Aurene take control over the awakened somehow? Sort of controlling them like her own elder dragon minions? Will it just be nothing but indegestion from eating a rotten corpse? It doesn't seem like this went according to Joko's plan, but if what the person said about the ring and him teleporting out during the process is true then we shall see.


Also, the staff did seem kind of important but I didn't notice him throwing it on the ground. The staff is a unique model from what I can tell.


Also, I wonder what all the focus on illusions was this episode? I mean, I played it through as a Mesmer and figured it was a class-specific thing, but Joko has never really seemed like the type to be too keen on Mesmer-like magic. I'm not shouting that this is a sign of Lyssa being involved, but the talk of us killing Elder dragons who are the life force of the planet, and the emphasis he uses when he says we killed a god does have me a bit suspicious. Also part of his dialogue talks about how his immortality is extremely understated or something. Which isn't unlike Joko, but also seemed like a weird truth and hint.


Definitely a lot to digest, for me and for Aurene apparently. Overall I enjoyed it. The traps were annoying and Joko did vanish at some point forcing me to restart that checkpoint, but I'm not upset with how it ended. And to be honest, I don't think it really did.


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I just finished the instance myself. I still think this was utterly underwhelming but, as sad as it is, it makes plenty of sense. What makes me hate the way the handled it was that Joko was a GW1 character. If they want to end villains on a short notice just do it to some original one, not to a character that was heavily established as basically a backdrop to the whole world of Guild Wars. The same thing was done to a less remarkable character (Lazarus) and it was just as bad back then. The buildup for these things are getting only worse as time goes by: it took an uneasy alliance between all of Tyria's most powerful races and orders to stop Zhaitan, whereas Mordremoth was fought against by the sheer force of our minds (I guess we did the same thing that purified the Pale Tree, which is love, cookies and plot mysteries). And now from Balthazar onward, it just seems we're gonna literally feed Aurene whatever big sources of magic we can find, by literally going there and beating down the holder of said magic. We went from Cosmic Horror adventure to Dragon Ball Z and I have no idea if they can even fix this now.


Now, in spite of having my feelings of nostalgia rekt, Joko was well handled up until he got eaten alive. His gloating was pretty well done and the pacing and timing of it was in accord to all of the ongoing events. The voice acting was also pretty good considering the dude has to pretend he has an open bottle of sulfuric acid stuck on his throat. I'm majorly bummed out for the lack of background, but Joko does give some hints of himself: he claims to have outlived Dragons (and even gods, "they come and go like the tides" he said of about everything from plagues to dragons and gods). During the fight, he admits to having usurped the credit of the commander for many things and basically admits to lying in order to up his game, which leads me to think that he was basically being honest during the encounter. He was also pretty serious about his immortality ("grossly understated"), which makes me think he's probably being sincere about his ancient age, as well as his full name as someone pointed out. Canach implies that Aurene (and all dragons for that matter) do change in some manner when they absorb particularly powerful magic. Whatever makes Joko immortal seems to fit this criteria, as well as Balthazar's divine magic. During the last scene there is a big blue-ish aura of magic surrounding Aurene as she eats, which I guess is all the magic she's absorbing from Joko. The developers clearly seem to have a plan for this one plot which is better than nothing, even though I still don't like that they're done with Joko in order to develop that. I just hope we get more background on him because he actually sounded pretty kitten serious on his last lines (when he says "Who would be so monumentally stupid as to kill a dragon, the life force of this world?" the gloating tone even stops), and it would probably be very interesting to peer on the things he knew about the movement of the world.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> A few other things to note about the instance that I found interesting was that he said his full name which I'm not sure was known before. Palawa Ignaceous Joko. Does this mean anything to anyone? I googled the name and nothing of significance popped up. Ignaceous I mean. Just some place in Draconis Mons.


I am familiar with Latin-romantic languages. Ignáceous is the same as "Inácio" in Portuguese or "ignacio" in spanish. For some reason this name wanst common in anglo-saxon world. Theres a saint with this name.




and yeah "Igns" from "ignit-ion" in english, and spanish name "Ignat-ius", the two words have same root in Latin its means "fire", theres why EDIT: a boss https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Destroyer_Ignis in Draconis Moons named that way.


if his name was inspired by the saint, perhaps the story behind it is something "fallen saint", style, someone who once was good, and for some reason "fell into the way of evil." .... a reverse of the original Saint, whose story is of a former warrior who abandoned his weapons to live a religious life.




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Thanks for the video. The dialogue is bit weird even for usual standarts, well really it seems theres will be more on it. They put commander character in a perplexed/unsure expression about what he is hearing. Will the next episodes develop a narrative in one of those where like the batman begins to be seen as villain in Gottam?

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I think the most interesting thing about what Joko say is not how the Commander is endangering the world by killing the Elder Dragons but that fact he seems to know far more about the Elder Dragons being the Life force of this World and earlier before the final battle he even mentions the Elder Dragons as part of the things he saw pass by over time as he remained in this world.


A lot of the GW lore points at Joko origin being Unknown and much of what he told others are false. It is just a guess but it may be possible that Joko has survived countless Elder Dragon awakenings because of his "immortality" and the only way for him to truely be killed was always to have his Magic "eaten" from his body.


Of course what happens next after this final cutscene certainly set up the upcoming storyline such as the possibility of Aurene become no different from the other elder dragons due to constantly consuming magic. Like when a innocent lion cub that is playful to humans start out until they get a taste for blood.

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