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Spoilers for the end of Long Live the Lich

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Only the next episode will tell.

> >

> > Personally I'll just believe that his ancient flesh is just extremely hard to dissolve, even for a dragon. It's like she ate a bunch of rotten meat after all


> This. Don't think there is anymore to it.


Fair enough then. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

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Some of the companions said some interesting things. Canach mainly. Like how he thinks that both Aurene and Kralkatorrik changed after consuming Balthazar's essence. Which might mean that part of Joko's personality or essence might corrupt Aurene partly. Such a change would definitely knock her out for a bit. This is however kind of a different reaction than with Balthazar where she just flied away to god knows where.

The amount of magic that freed up during her eating Joko should (sadly) dissolve any indications of Joko being a God in disguise or even as powerful as a God as some people expected.

However, after all that, I find the amount of Mesmer tricks to be a bit too much to not be suspicious at all. Is it perhaps time for Queen Jennah to show her true colors? Or maybe there is something else in the background?

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As I commented in another thread, I think I saw silhouettes of spirits in the blue flame surrounding her while she's eating him. Soul magic of some kind perhaps?



But I have a feeling that it's nothing as sinister as her being possessed, if anything I think we will have a vision in the next episode. Something Aurene shows us after she absorbs Joko, perhaps a flashback of Joko during the previous dragon rise he says he was there for, or his background and real identity, or something that will help us in the fight against Kralk.


I get what people are saying about what Canach said, but I'm not reading into it. We haven't really seen her behave differently. She's a teenage dragon developing her own personality. We don't really know what she wants or who she is, and I feel like we've been connected with her as her champion so we would be pretty aware if she were gravely ill. I also feel like Canach's speech was more meant to show the reaction of someone who is also technically the spawn of an elder dragon. He comments on her being the granddaughter of Kralk, but he is technically a child of Mordremoth, or a child of the pale tree which is the child of mordremoth.


Who knows though. I really have a strong feeling we're going to get an interesting cinematic or one of those artsy Rhytlock in the mists visual style from an Aurene vision.


Edit* I would LOVE if we got something like this during the mid-3-4-5-18 month wait for the next episode as a current event. Something as a teaser and perhaps have it set in some updated instanced version of her egg chamber that doesn't necessarily require Heart of Thorns.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> As I commented in another thread, I think I saw silhouettes of spirits in the blue flame surrounding her while she's eating him. Soul magic of some kind perhaps?



> But I have a feeling that it's nothing as sinister as her being possessed, if anything I think we will have a vision in the next episode. Something Aurene shows us after she absorbs Joko, perhaps a flashback of Joko during the previous dragon rise he says he was there for, or his background and real identity, or something that will help us in the fight against Kralk.


> I get what people are saying about what Canach said, but I'm not reading into it. We haven't really seen her behave differently. She's a teenage dragon developing her own personality. We don't really know what she wants or who she is, and I feel like we've been connected with her as her champion so we would be pretty aware if she were gravely ill. I also feel like Canach's speech was more meant to show the reaction of someone who is also technically the spawn of an elder dragon. He comments on her being the granddaughter of Kralk, but he is technically a child of Mordremoth, or a child of the pale tree which is the child of mordremoth.


> Who knows though. I really have a strong feeling we're going to get an interesting cinematic or one of those artsy Rhytlock in the mists visual style from an Aurene vision.


> Edit* I would LOVE if we got something like this during the mid-3-4-5-18 month wait for the next episode as a current event. Something as a teaser and perhaps have it set in some updated instanced version of her egg chamber that doesn't necessarily require Heart of Thorns.


I was thinking that this could be the next plot point, that Aurene gets food poisoning and we have to learn more about Joko and the origins of his magic.

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I like to equate what happened to Joko to an eternal prison. He can't die, but he also can't command or do anything else from his newfound acidic state of being.

Unless dragon magic or God Magic has the ability to negate Joko's immortality but since that hasn't been explained i'll leave it as above.

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After Aurene ate Joko they gave her some pepto bismol for digestive irregularities resulting in the stankiest pile of dragon poo the world has ever seen. The crazy part is they were on their way back to Lions Arch & the incident happend over the Black Citadel sparking a war with the Char.

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i'm more interested in how joko figured out elder dragons are the life force of the world


i mean, for millenniums all the races have resisted and fought the elder dragons trying to kill them, it was only up til recently Taimi figured out you should not be killing them


perhaps that's why the gods left, as they know they cannot kill the elder dragons, and their mere presence in the world is unsettling the balance and cycle of magic

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Just me but I thought Joko's dialogue about how he was saving the world from "YOU" was very powerful. Kind of changes the whole perspective of whether we're really the heroes we think we are or are we just pounding nails in the coffin thinking we're doing good. Best line I've heard in-game in a long time "JUST BLOW THE DAMN GATE CANACH!" I LOL'd at that. Delivered perfectly.

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