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We don't need a new map for every episode.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ruadan.9301" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Id rather see them doing most if not all of se5 on one/ two maps that simply arent complete from the getgo and each episode expands them with events and more areas.

> > >

> > > Sick and tired of getting a map for the sake of getting it and then forgeting it event exists come the next episode.

> > >

> > > Dont get me wrong i like all the maps we got but jesus christ its like they dont exist after the new wpisode is out.

> >

> > It's you as an individual who decides to treat them as if they didn't exist. They are all still playable. Went to Sandswept and Istan yesterday and everything was being done. Even the LS3 maps are not dead, and mostly fun as ever if you're not dead tired from the map content.

> > I think you're exaggerating here. Actually, once you've not been to the old maps for a while, they even start feeling somewhat fresh again, if you were exhausted of them beforehand.

> >

> > That's not to say I don't like your idea. At some point we will be in Season 7 and have a choice between, what, some 36 maps? I guess they can't keep this up forever... at some point they're spreading the playerbase too thin.


> The story never takes us back to those maps.


I agree that it would warrant much more story content within the same map, and that the difference in pacing could be a boon for the game one of these days.

Currently, however, I am quite satisfied with the story content we are getting per map, or let's say, I don't feel like it's lacking.


What I do feel GW2 is lacking as opposed to other games is a more traditional quest system coexisting with the event structure, because in a way I find that more immersive than events sometimes, and it would be a great way to flesh out the lore without having to shove the stuff out of sight or cut it because no one is voicing it.

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Short reply to the original post regarding no new area at each LS episode: I do not agree. I am very happy to have something new to explore at each LS episode, with new animals, landscapes, plants, chests to farm, and so on... I would be even happier if we would get a JP with each of the new area, but well, that goes without it.


Don't forget that many players have a casual approach to the game, not hurrying to do all within the few days after download, not completing the story immediately, taking long time to do achievements, and generally, not needing "superior" objectives to motivate them at going to an area, else than the pleasure to farm and explore.


Personally, I fully enjoy having new place at each LS episode and would really do not like - even feel fooled - if a new LS would come without a new place to explore.


GW2 is a game that allows for all types of players and all types of approach to the game content. I believe it should stay this way. If some players feel no need to return to some areas because the metas are not rewarding enough - or whatever other reasons - that's very much OK, but there are other players who like to return there for all sort of reasons too. :)

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"ZRoosty.7391" said:

> > Instead of half hearted meta events, give us rewards that never go out of relevance

> They actually did just that in form of the PPR last episode and the beetle this episode. Cosmetics on the other hand are extremely hit or miss, not just because of personal taste but also because some of them are extremely SFX dependent. Giving a futuristic themed energy based weapon like the arcane rifle normal projectile animations / sounds just kills the whole thing. You pretty much need the item to be a legendary at this point in order to guarantee some quallity standards but even they aren't safe anymore given how the new warhorn doesn't even have a unique sound to it.


Speaking of which, I would love for it to have the WvW "map queue" horn sound. It sounds great in its own right, but the periodic confusion it would cause among WvW players would be a nice bonus.

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> @"Ruadan.9301" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Id rather see them doing most if not all of se5 on one/ two maps that simply arent complete from the getgo and each episode expands them with events and more areas.

> >

> > Sick and tired of getting a map for the sake of getting it and then forgeting it event exists come the next episode.

> >

> > Dont get me wrong i like all the maps we got but jesus christ its like they dont exist after the new wpisode is out.


> It's you as an individual who decides to treat them as if they didn't exist. They are all still playable.


The context of the post is likely the majority of players migrating to the newer maps and leaving the old ones behind OR that the story never revisits these places, forgetting they exist.



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The maps are fine. They are not designed with the same replayability in mind.

Season 2 (SW in particular) and HoT - are designed about the same, with similar replayability/metas/requirements.

Season 3 and PoF - are built more like the core maps, so you don't feel like you have to do them forever (although Bitterfrost was awesome for backpacks and underwater breathers). They are also not designed to make the season 2 and HoT maps empty. People still do those metas based on design.

The current season maps seem like a mix of both those map types.


There is no point in them designing new content if it makes all the old content fully obsolete. I think they have done a great job alternating the content in such a way that you still find people playing just about everything if you look.

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I totally agree that they do not need to be adding a new map with each and every LS, despite how much of an explorer type of player that I am and how much I would like the entire map to be used and opened up. What would be a nice small change of pace would perhaps be that every few LS episodes they take us back to some of the core maps and revamp some of those maps with some of their current tech, if they can, such as repeatable hearts, minor updates to events that are in dire need such as the Orr temples, adding uses for the masteries such as mushrooms/Ley-Lines/updrafts/thermal shoots/Echoes/Oakheart Essences, etc. Then while they are working on those maps see if they can add a few new events or do something temporary like the Marionette event (I know they don't like temporary) just to make that map relevant again.


Perhaps as a resolution for the "temporary content" make it a monthly recurring event for like a week so if people did miss the initial event then they could still do it and complete whatever achievements/items may be tied to it. I just feel that a new map is not necessary with each of these updates, and it would be nice to see some minor updates/changes made to the core maps from time to time.

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I think it is too late for such criticism.


I personally do not think doing a new map is pointless.


I like the fact that PoF maps are not all about the grind, grind and grind.


Casuality is what created this game- you enter to the game, no pressure, and you just casually walk on the maps and do random events.


I hope they will create the maps every episode. This is one of the fewest thing in the game industry that makes GW2 special- the diversity of the environment.


I would even say: screw other content: give more maps. :)


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Plus there is so much of the map overall that is unexplored. Gimme!


I definitely would like a map where the more tedious things can be done solo though so when the exodus happens newcomers can still do everything. Or else have the scaling account for one player.

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I really like new maps, but map quality is important as well. I liked the maps from ep1/2, but episode 3 felt like it intentionally took me back to older maps(via the beetle collections). As this was the case, I think map 3 could have been made a little smaller without losing that much.


I would, however, caution against moving too far in the other direction. For instance, limiting an episode to an old map means I likely won't be touching that episode. I only go through the story to get the new map and its rewards.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I think it is too late for such criticism.


> I personally do not think doing a new map is pointless.


> I like the fact that PoF maps are not all about the grind, grind and grind.


> Casuality is what created this game- you enter to the game, no pressure, and you just casually walk on the maps and do random events.


> I hope they will create the maps every episode. This is one of the fewest thing in the game industry that makes GW2 special- the diversity of the environment.


> I would even say: screw other content: give more maps. :)



They arent about grind? the amount of currency you need to purchase anything is pretty high...and Kourna is stupid grindy if you want everything on it :/

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It's okay to have a new map in each episode but if the quality is here, was okay for ep 1,2. But what happened in ep3 with gandara is unnaceptable, rbeetle is just a gap filler, could have progressed without her. I don't care about fracrals, raids etc. But I do for living world, if they need extra delays to deliver a polished map, I'm happy. I'm currently in a bad mood waiting to see ep4, but if the quality is still absent, will not purchase expac 3. I don't find any fun criteria within the last LS map: no stunning meta, no abundant map currency like difluorite, no awesome event, clearly zero environment and a very boring and flat war zone, story could have been better.

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I do love exploring new maps and retreading old ground, but DoK in particular was a bit sad. That Gandara Meta could’ve been epic and yet... it was one little hallway in the massive Moon Fortress. I wouldn’t mind a return to DoK just for an improved Gandara.

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I kinda agree with the OP - holes between episodes are getting very long, and I feel much of that time is needed to properly craft a gigantic map, design the events, etc

If we could get faster paced releases with higher quality content, at the expense of sharing a new map between two episodes, I think it would be better

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