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Wild Theory about Joko,


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I don't have a lot to go on, but...


Joko's face looks an awful lot like the images I've seen of Seers. His body shape appears to be human, and he isn't "floating" like the seers, but I kept thinking his face looked oddly alien when I looked at his holograms in all of the images. And his bright little round glowing eyes. They look very similar to me.



The major difference outside of floating is the shape of his feet, but with guild wars 1 being older and having simpler modeling, that could explain the difference.



So, let's say Joko was an evil Seer from long long ago imprisoned by his people or even killed. Perhaps the reading of the Apocrypha awoke him from this state?



Like I said, not much to go on, but they look very similar. And if his lines about observing the coming and go of dragons and gods, what other race would be more fitting for seeing this kind of thing other than a seer, whose origins and age are still mostly unknown. Would also explain how he might have more intricate knowledge of the working of the world, such as the dragons being the life force. (Though the original battle against the elder dragons with the other pre-existing races would kind of contradict this.)



And admittedly, the Mursaat look fairly similar without the armor, and even have the long pointy toes.



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There is a quite a large physical difference between a Seer and Joko, including they appear to have 4 arms. Seer's look more like mutated, floating alien greys than anything else. Joko looks like a well preserved mummified human.


Also, the line about Gods and Dragons can pretty much refer to now as much as history. He will have been around for Dhuum, Abaddon and Balthazar going (plus the entire remaining pantheon upping sticks and leaving Tyria altogether). He will have been around for Kormir coming. He will have been around for Vlast and Aurene coming and Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Vlast, Glint going. Plus it is not inconceivable other lesser dragons existed.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> There is a quite a large physical difference between a Seer and Joko, including they appear to have 4 arms. Seer's look more like mutated, floating alien greys than anything else. Joko looks like a well preserved mummified human.


> Also, the line about Gods and Dragons can pretty much refer to now as much as history. He will have been around for Dhuum, Abaddon and Balthazar going (plus the entire remaining pantheon upping sticks and leaving Tyria altogether). He will have been around for Kormir coming. He will have been around for Vlast and Aurene coming and Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Vlast, Glint going. Plus it is not inconceivable other lesser dragons existed.




Oh, I didn't see the other pair of arms in the picture. My bad.




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