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WvW Population - ALL EU Server just OPEN


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Since yesterday ALL EU-WvW Server are open. I can t remember that for more than 3 years.


Is it because it s summer in EU? Or more likely that wvw playtime is heavily reduced because from several reasons?


I can only speak for myself, but as a hardcore wvw-player since day 1, i don t play the last 2 month because @ T4/T5 u get 90% the same opponent who ppt like hell.

No fights, no variety, no fun.


Perhaps it s time to close one tier in eu like they did in na.

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Servers always go quiet during the summer months and people seem to be just as shocked every year. Its almost as if people never learn, hm.


The thing is, I think the average GW2 population is quite *old* today. Hell even if you started playing in your teens you're now an adult. Normal people take vacations that doesnt involve sitting in front of a computer all day, with their families and whatnot.


But granted I am guessing a little, I'm 35 and already had a 3 weeks vacation which I spent mostly at home playing GW2.

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When i see that we got 3 very high servers in germany and only one got a link with a middle populated and all are empty from what ive heard while deso plus gunnar are very high plus high linked i know that these servers have no chance. Like what can you do when 10 people is all you have on the map and 50 or more are knocking on your T3 keep.


There is no chance to fight them if they aren't completly brain afk or their guards are sleeping...


I would appreciate it, when they would close a tier

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National servers make balancing EU only more difficult; especially in their current form. Without deleting them it's difficult to make good links.


If you give RS or kodash links they'd become very strong. If not they are stuck in T5. If you give either of them a link, some other german server lacks a link. Unless you want to make another EU main server... but what would that be? AG I suppose; but AG is genuinely even weaker than RS / kodash without link; so it needs a link too.


About the 50v10... The main reason german servers were closed this long is their 50v10 early morning PPT zoneblobs. Funny how those blobs kept them full and stuck in T5 for a long time.

I hope world restructuring improves this, as it should be much easier to balance out national servers.


I'm excited that the big gerbro's are open. Let's finally get them out of T5 because I miss fighting german blobs; much more exciting than all this other T1-T4 garbage. While elona occasionally offered pretty good fights, especially with iN core, elona in general is like FSP. 50 capable players and 200 PPT monkeys.


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im from kodash and we just finally got a link in last tier, for the last few weeks we were fighting the same servers over and over and now that we have a link the enemies are basically non existing, looks like they lost all motivation to fight at all :^) i would too probably

hopefully alliances wont take til next year to come out

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I hope opening the german servers fixes the problems to be honest.


e.g. if you were a guild on RS, you could only recruit from RS or leave RS. And once you leave RS... you couldn't come back because it was permanently full. Yet if you stay, you were hard stuck in T5 fighting the other germans on repeat. At some point over half a year ago I left RS and I haven't been able to go back, ever.


This ends with more and more players going to millers; the only german link server. But that only makes linking german servers more problematic. Whoever gets millers is too big; whoever doesn't is too small. If players from millers and international servers move back to the german main servers (RS / kodash were both full, not sure about elona) then I assume each of these can be a healthy server again. If millers becomes smaller then anet has an easier time linking them to the smallest german servers to balance things out; rather than whoever gets millers being too big and everyone else always being too small.



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Dzagonur ist the second german linking server. It is linked with abaddon which used to be high so still smaller then very high plus medium. Atm aba and dzago both are medium.

With miller you arent bigger then other international server in T1 or T2. You just have a equal number. You only outnumber the poor other german server :-p

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My bad. I tend to get confused between AM, DL, dzagonur and miller to be honest. They're german PPT servers; it's hard to keep track of which is which. It feels like they all play the same and I'm not very interested in playing with or against them. :(


I agree that even RS or kodash with link won't be more brutal than WSR / vabbi / gandara / FSP all having links. That said; if you give those a link then there's none for the smaller german servers. If you don't then they're stuck in T5 and the biggest german servers continue to die.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> National servers make balancing EU only more difficult; especially in their current form. Without deleting them it's difficult to make good links.


> If you give RS or kodash links they'd become very strong. If not they are stuck in T5. If you give either of them a link, some other german server lacks a link. Unless you want to make another EU main server... but what would that be? AG I suppose; but AG is genuinely even weaker than RS / kodash without link; so it needs a link too.


> About the 50v10... The main reason german servers were closed this long is their 50v10 early morning PPT zoneblobs. Funny how those blobs kept them full and stuck in T5 for a long time.

> I hope world restructuring improves this, as it should be much easier to balance out national servers.


> I'm excited that the big gerbro's are open. Let's finally get them out of T5 because I miss fighting german blobs; much more exciting than all this other T1-T4 garbage. While elona occasionally offered pretty good fights, especially with iN core, elona in general is like FSP. 50 capable players and 200 PPT monkeys.



God yes. Bring them up and send Vabbi down! Need more variety to fight than Mirages and Teeves stuffed with cheese.

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > Vabbi isn't going down; but I will move my alt to either RS or kodash. Screw FSP; it just imploded like... the fourth time?


> Lost their link, and RT transferred to AG seeking to ERP with Kazo.


I heard GANG left too. Or were they never there to begin with? Not sure.


No gang, no RT. Does FSP have half decent public comms left? Maybe some KALE? Then again, do fsp pugs actually deserve ANY half decent pug comms? The answer, imo, is no.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > Vabbi isn't going down; but I will move my alt to either RS or kodash. Screw FSP; it just imploded like... the fourth time?

> >

> > Lost their link, and RT transferred to AG seeking to ERP with Kazo.


> I heard GANG left too. Or were they never there to begin with? Not sure.


> No gang, no RT. Does FSP have half decent public comms left? Maybe some KALE? Then again, do fsp pugs actually deserve ANY half decent pug comms? The answer, imo, is no.


Probably same deal with those guilds.. Wouldn't blame them though. Have you seen Zudo's firm glutes? Munchies. Mmmhm!

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> My bad. I tend to get confused between AM, DL, dzagonur and miller to be honest. They're german PPT servers; it's hard to keep track of which is which. It feels like they all play the same and I'm not very interested in playing with or against them. :(



greatest Problem is that every Server is mostly ppt ing. that is so boring. anet support that crap with mechanics like downstate that give greater reward for the greatest blobs. so everyone is Building super blobs to feel like a hero. even vaabi and wsr are finally just boring ppt Server. every server only want fights if they can outnumber their enemies. when they cant outnumber the enemies they become ac heros. i see that every week against every Server...i hope siege Revision ( especially ac nerfs) due to more fights and less siege Camping).


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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > Vabbi isn't going down; but I will move my alt to either RS or kodash. Screw FSP; it just imploded like... the fourth time?

> >

> > Lost their link, and RT transferred to AG seeking to ERP with Kazo.


> I heard GANG left too. Or were they never there to begin with? Not sure.


> No gang, no RT. Does FSP have half decent public comms left? Maybe some KALE? Then again, do fsp pugs actually deserve ANY half decent pug comms? The answer, imo, is no.


This seems to assume that the answer for some other server is yes. The answer, imo, is no.


Also I find it amusing that people always say well we left that server because they can only PPT and not fight, then they move to a server that no one can match so all that server does is PPT against smaller groups that try to fight them.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> Does FSP have half decent public comms left? Maybe some KALE? Then again, do fsp pugs actually deserve ANY half decent pug comms? The answer, imo, is no.


There are some okay-ish coms left but leading on fsp has become a nightmare so most of the time there's either no tag or just some ppt tag without ts.


People are too busy fighting each other, no time left to deal with enemies.

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> @"olleN.2356" said:

> FSP is probably the worst server out there, avoid at all cost.


Agreed. Any players new to WvW or new to GW2, Vabbi is the server you want to choose. Not only do they take the time to support and foster teamwork and community, but they also love to help new players. Vabbi is currently open...join them today!

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> @"Dirdyy.1648" said:

> Since yesterday ALL EU-WvW Server are open. I can t remember that for more than 3 years.


> Is it because it s summer in EU? Or more likely that wvw playtime is heavily reduced because from several reasons?


> I can only speak for myself, but as a hardcore wvw-player since day 1, i don t play the last 2 month because @ T4/T5 u get 90% the same opponent who ppt like hell.

> No fights, no variety, no fun.


> Perhaps it s time to close one tier in eu like they did in na.

well u said it already no variety no fun fights are there for me but only server giving proper fights is Vabbi in EU rest of servers are just shit or full with bandwagoners having 50 man+ zone blobs feeling good they ran over some small guild group.


tbh this week for me is shit next week is fun then upcoming week will be shit again.

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EU T1 is just at terrible state atm. Whiteside Ridge gets SM t3 during daytime and sits there and doesn't reset Gandara bl before primetime even tho they have the numbers + quality to do so resulting in them not getting fights because the map you would want to fight at is Gandara BL because all 3 servers could gather there some decent quality players.


Anyways I agree that FSP is on pretty bad state atm, might be result of WSR- Vabbi - WSR- Vabbi- WSR- Vabbi matchup chain. Just can't gather numbers when 1 server sits in SM with 60 man blob without ever changing maps or trying to even reset T3 stuff. Hard to say if it will revive once the matchups change.


Vabbi could just go T1 with WSR and leave other 4 tiers alone. Surely they can reset the T3 keeps and towers on eb and climb to T1 easily, they're just afraid to go inside enemy EB keep and wipe a few times and actually learn how to take keeps because :cold_sweat: KDR might drop. Like if you have the numbers, at least try to take the enemy T3 keep with like 15 golems, takes like 2 minutes to try to do something challenging instead of qq about lack of ppt and wsr hiding in t1 :astonished:


Anyways this is what happens when WvW players, guilds and commanders stack into ex-linked empty servers like Vabbi and WSR resulting in almost no casual PvE pugs, PvE commanders or queues on the server. Then they qq about enemy quality when actually all they managed to do was kill all german and international servers because it isn't exactly balanced to fight **70 people who care about WvW enough to transfer vs 20 of such people + 50 pugs.** Not even queued 20-man GvG guilds open raid could do anything against them with random pugs on their side.


Even like half active german, spanish and french guilds left to these 2 servers to die so the power unbalance is also affecting other nationalities. And it won't stop until these 2 servers start playing the WvW properly, doing their best regarding **both** dominating matchups and fights rather than just kdr humping.


This is why all servers are open, The 2 strongest servers didn't have high base population and others are just bored of fighting them because only thing they care about is winning, meaning it is just better to stay in lower tiers or not play at all when you face them.


BTW, just to make clear, all players and servers play WvW because possiblility of fights, not just for PPT, they're just on different level. And **if there's servers that never fight unless they win, well WvW dies.**

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> Show us mighty riba how to take eb keeps wiht tinyurl ribabuilds.


I did, back when I was on Vabbi :astonished: Blobs can actually go for T3 stuff. I played WvW normally even there, the atmosphere was just too little, how do you say, fake?


QQ about enemy using dragon banners and them ruining the fights, next day same people use dragon banners to ruin fights. QQ about enemy holding chokes, next day same people suggest holding chokes. It is just annoying how server can be so openly negative about everything enemy does while doing same things.


atm I can get 30 random pugs (20 of them below rank 50) on primetime vs Kill closed raid (30+ players) and WSR open tag (50+ish bandavagon people) in T1. I really can't do much. I basically can go to durios or desert BL and try to find some Gandara to fight. If I had the same tools as on Vabbi, I would do some more ambitious things. If WSR would reset gandara bl with their numbers, I would have some more options to build a bigger blob to fight them. When your option are desert map and 1 tower on eb, they don't look too great. Can't even defend because WSR doesn't attack anything upgraded.

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> @"Dirdyy.1648" said:

> Since yesterday ALL EU-WvW Server are open. I can t remember that for more than 3 years.


> Is it because it s summer in EU? Or more likely that wvw playtime is heavily reduced because from several reasons?


> I can only speak for myself, but as a hardcore wvw-player since day 1, i don t play the last 2 month because @ T4/T5 u get 90% the same opponent who ppt like hell.

> No fights, no variety, no fun.


> Perhaps it s time to close one tier in eu like they did in na.


Because EU WvW is more populated than NA WvW. The difference in Population from T1 and T5 is EU is huge compared to NA T1 and T4.

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