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The range of gameplay. I have mained an engineer for 2 years. Recently I farmed viper stats for a mirage and axe dodging is so damn fun! It has given me a fresh outlook on the game. The art, the OST and the community also stand out for me.

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The millions of QoL things like the Wardrobe, which despite being big deals at their time of release, have started to become standard features in the industry for new releases because of how much they make the game better.


Fluid gameplay. I may express my frustrations with the professions often, but the gameplay here is unparalleled as far as combat systems go. It's just so damned clean.

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I definitely can't name just one, and in fact, there's no way I'd be able to remember anywhere near all of them.


I rarely play instanced group content because I have anxiety issues and am afraid that I'll let PUGs down/get yelled at by elitists. But unlike most other MMOs, I can play in huge PvE events with huge amounts of people in open-world. This means I can enjoy the open world for months at a time between updates, without running out of things to do. (I raided hardcore in Everquest 2, and I am completely over the concept. It's just not for me any more; this isn't meant to be disparaging to those that enjoy it.)


Other points:

* _I can move while I cast spells._

* I put in effort for gear that doesn't go obsolete.

* Everybody shares nodes. Everybody shares loot. Contribute and you get credit.

* I'm not restricted to the 'holy trinity' of class archetypes (though it's pushing more that way esp. in group content).

* Newbies can play effectively, and experienced players are free to push skill caps and get even more out of their class.

* I _love_ the lore/story. It has hiccups, but every story does. I'm always looking forward to more.

* The music is great.

* The graphics are great.

* I love the way all the mounts feel different.


But the biggest positive for me? Canach. I completely agree with one of the devs from the first forum chat that thinks he's had the best character arc thus far, and I feel his oozing sarcasm on a spiritual level. (Although I really wish Season 1 was replayable - I have friends that have no idea how much he's grown or where he came from, and telling isn't as good as showing. Especially since not everybody even knows there's a backstory there, or has someone to tell it to them!)


But really, I'm enjoying the balance between humor and darkness that the devs are balancing in the story. People often use humor to get them through dark situations, and the player character is certainly going through those. Joko's words are going to haunt them.

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> @"dusanyu.4057" said:

> I have made many friends in this game, and the original some I have lost due to traffic accidents and illness one of them ArenaNet was so awesome to name a NPC after. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Douglas_Bird

> I was always a Guild wars fan but I became a Fan of Anet the Day they did that.


> Great game made by Grate people

> nuf said.


Hugs. Thanks for sharing that bit of info. I did not know he was named after a real player who passed.




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Hmm... I love this game because I can do so much solo. I am a klutz of a player so this aspect is key. I also enjoy the players. Many a time I have snickered at map chat. This morning, I was doing an annoying Hero Point. It was the creeping crevasse . I had gotten down to final veteran, and just could not kill it. after trying greatly and using three revive orbs, I put out an agonized pleading for help in map chat, and some wonderful soul came and helped me. I was so happy.

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Guild Wars 2 helped me cope with a big loss in my life and still does.

On august 25th 2012 we celebrated the birthday of my grandmother, who raised me together with my mother. We celebrated in the hospital, where my grandmother left this world a week later.

After we spent the day with her, I created my characters when we got home. My grandmothers last birthday on earth was the birthday of my characters in GW2.


It may not sound like much, but on each August 25th, when I remember her the most and I miss her, those tiny gifts in GW2 remember me that she wouldn't like me to be sad on her birthday.

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I play other MMO's, but spend nowhere near as much time in those as GW2. What makes GW2 the best is basic game functionality which rewards people for helping each other. This fosters the friendliest game community I've ever encountered.


1. Sharing rewards on kills. When loot is shared, and it's easier for two to take down enemies, then it only makes sense to help each other.

2. In GW2 it all feels so natural to heal someone or share boons with a random stranger. No need to party to be an ally. If someone calls for help, you can just show up, and be immediately helpful. (In other games you often can't help others unless you actually party with them, and setting up a party can be awkward.)

3. Rubbing people up! Ummm... no, that doesn't quite sound right. I mean, reviving people. Who doesn't like someone who has obviously taken time to help them. Tummy rubs are the funniest revive method I think I've ever seen in a video game, they're free, and they're unlimited! Feel the love!

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The biggest positive for me is that the game is not pay to win in regards to its microtransactions, the gem store is only filled with skins and conveniences like it should be.


While I do think some mounts could use some tweaks the overall implementation of them was great.


I like that the loot is personalised and I think that this should be the standard for every multiplayer RPG.


I also like the fact that there aren't any monthly fees, it gives me the freedom to come back to the game whenever I feel like it and I probably wouldn't have bothered with this game if this weren't the case.


And while it's not always the case (especially in regards to weapon design) I do like the attention to detail I see every now and then, for example in LW season 2 where, if you choose to play as an asura, Taimi said something about Scarlet not holding up to her standards to which the PC replies with something like "remember she is not an asura like us so we shouldn't hold her to our standards". I was like "whoever wrote this part: thank you" because they definitely didn't need to add this much attention to detail and at least in my book going the extra mile when you don't need to is what separates a great product from a good one. To bad GW2 is quite inconsistent in this regard.

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No maintenance downtimes, shared nodes/loot, free updates every few months, no P2W stuff, no gender/race locked classes, best open world events in MMO history, no gear treadmill, best gear is craftable - finally a game where I don't have to spam raids 73566 times to get BiS gear... Thank you!

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Naming one is too hard. This game has a plethora of positives, but the nuanced action-combat system would be at the top of things if I had to pick one. No game really plays like GW2. And they integrated mounts into it all very seamlessly.


Now mounts are a part of that and it just feels really good to run around in the world and everything goes smoothly from riding into action and vice-versa. Anet didn't need to do mounts but now that they have, they've absolutely knocked it out of the park.


I've not played an MMO that does mounts better. This comes from someone who thought I could do without them. I was wrong and Anet has set the bar really high up there for future games that would do the same.

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Another one which is kind of 'behind the scenes' but I feel quite important: I love that Arenanet are willing to experiment, to try new things they're maybe not sure are going to work _and_ to admit when it didn't and try something else instead.


Of course the downside is the end result can be a bit of a mess (RIP Season 1), but I get so frustrated and disappointed when the games industry periodically stagnates because almost everyone is afraid to do anything new or in case it doesn't work. I completely understand why - most modern games are very big, expensive projects which take years to develop. If it doesn't work it could destroy the company, or at least slow down their future development for years. But it gets so boring when almost every game is just like one I already have with slightly different graphics and a slightly different story. (Sometimes basically the same story with different names.)


So I love seeing a developer who is willing to take chances and try doing things which haven't been done before. Everything from releasing an MMO without a subscription back when that was unheard of, to making a game without constantly increasing level and gear caps, to making mounts which each have unique abilities to whatever they're working on next. It makes it a lot more interesting and means I'm always curious to see what's in the next release, instead of assuming it'll be more of the same.

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Name one positive:




The whole thing is a magnificent positive.


I am a reformed WoW player. When I tried GW2 in Beta, I asked for a refund. I expected the game to play like WoW, STWOR, Aion, and Rift.


When I went to play Necro, I was completely put off by how utterly repulsive the minions were. They reminded me of the film The Thing.

Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Engineer & Ele - I died...all_the_time_ in starter zone. I thought I lacked the skill to play the game so wrote a letter asking for a refund.


While I was waiting for the response, I decided to try a Ranger. I hadn't tried it before because I thought it would be like WoW (which was my first dip into the MMO world), where you had to make sure your pet was happy by feeding it and what not.


Ranger was the game changer for me. I quickly wrote ArenaNet and asked them to disregard my cancellation request. The rest is history.


In addition to my main and first character, I have 19 alts, 4 of which are necros. And a spreadsheet to keep track of their 'birthday's'.


Visually, the game is beautiful and my favourite part about it, exploration, was made even better with the introduction of mounts.


My only tiny, infinitesimal, microscopic niggle, is that I wish we could explore structure interiors more. For example, I was out at the flotilla in Istan a few days back. I would love to be able to go inside the ships upper quarters to explore. The detail that is put into the game is just staggering already, but because it is that good, I'd like to see more.


I also love the no loot/node competition. Having to camp nodes or roll need/greed on loot rather sucked the fun out of a game. I'm not punished for being a casual player either. It is an easy game to dip in and out of when life permits.


I've made a few great friends, 'met' interesting people. The ArenaNet peeps I've had the pleasure of engaging with ingame, via support and in the forums have been super friendly. The work that is put into keeping the game fresh is very appreciated by this player.


Looking forward to where GW2 goes next!



EDIT: I love, love, LOVE how much we are able to personalise our characters look. Having said that, my norn females are all virtually identical to each other - I think of them as sisters. I'm not ashamed to admit that I do love my pixel dolls. :D

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