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What Mesmer Elite Spec would you like to see in the next Expansion?


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> @soakman.7539 said:

> > @Sodeni.6041 said:

> > > @Durzlla.6295 said:

> > > I would really like to see Minstrel be a new elite spec!

> >

> > So a music themed mesmer?


> This. Not sure I would want it to be called Minstrel because that is a stat combo (although we do have a berserker). Originally, mesmers were heavily tied to the arts and music often being performers and poets.


> I could see some kind of phantasm or clone summoning that gives boons instead of attacks. Something that functions a bit like a nature spirit or scourge's new spirit things with an aura that generates condi duration on enemies while buffing condi damage for allies would be cool. Maybe another that stacks vulnerability on enemies and might on allies. It'd be neat to have the shatter function as a "crescendo" which, instead of destroying the phantasm, would cause some kind of cc or knockback to enemies in the area. Or maybe just change the shatters into toggles that offer effects around the phantasm the can be swapped from offense to defense (while on, they cause vulnerability, while off, they stack might).


> I'd like to see phatasms as a thing that other enemies and players need to go out of the way to target in order to shut down their benefits. It would also be really cool to think of them sort of like the spirits ritualists could summon in gw1. Maybe the utilities could involve repositioning them or amplifying their effects.


> I don't know. These are all sort of vague ideas, but could be neat. The biggest hiccup would be how to get the already existing phantasms to act something to this effect.


lol I only called it a minstrel because that's not only the name of a support stat set and the legendary harp, but because the Mesmer was originally "teased" as the minstrel before being truly revealed so it would be a call back.


And I personally was thinking our shatters could be reworked to "songs" or crescendos, or chords etc. and they'd change to give boons in addition to similar effect as it is currently but the effect would be centered on you, and each illusion shattered would make it a bigger AoE.


I'd definitely want it to synergies well with inspiration, so it being good with phantasms would be awesome!!


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I kind of posted this elsewhere, but a power based spec that has condition hate and a burst skill that summons an illusionary weapon based on the weapon used at the time. Utility skills would be Hex Beasts summons. Hex Beasts operate somewhat like old GW1 Hexes, but are stationary AoE effects. Conjure Phantasm would summon a Hex Beast of Screaming Heads that rise from the ground and then descend back to the ground, doing damage each time. An Hex Devourer beast swims around in the area, removing conditions from allies and doing damage for each condition removed. Conjure Nightmare would summon a Hex Beast that does damage to enemies with vulnerability on them.


Weapon can be Spear or MH Pistol or Focus, but it needs a reliable blast finisher on it.


Call it a Conjurer or a Chaotic Knight.

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How about one that actually makes illusions not some brainless resource? I remember watching alpha footage of Mesmer sword which featured skill 2 as "leap to target foe" while skill 3 was "summon a clone to leap at target foe." While this was clearly combined into what we see now as Mesmer Sword 3, doing so denied the possibility of actually fooling players with illusion play.


Shatters and clones will never be the active blue mage that the Mesmer's flavor is written out to be. If we ever wanted something like that, we would have designed the Mesmer as a "summon just 1 clone at a time" sort of class with F skills as "swap locations with your clone," "place your clone here," and "have your clone perform this action." Weapons would have been designed with certain movement abilities in mind, and there would have been an F skill slot associated with said movement abilities which would have changed with player weapon selection so as to provide the single clone with mirror image attacks for fooling opponents. Phantasms would probably just end up being an F-skill which destroys a clone and summons a powered-up spirit with its own attacks (probably like an Engineer Kit).


This whole thing would require a complete rework of Mesmer, however, and nobody would go along with it despite it being something far more akin to a real illusionist than what the Mesmer has ever been throughout GW2's history.

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I don't specifically care about the theme or setup, but I would want it to do two things which I think Mirage should have done already, especially because it fits with the Ambush/IH thing:


* Remove Shatters or turn them into something entire different.

* Remove Phantasms **or** make it so it's only a single one on a special fourth slot **or** make them single-attack-temporary and not use up slots or count as illusions to begin with **or** make them single attack and then turn into a clone.


In other words, basically remove both of those mechanics. Because I'm tired of Mesmers being gimped because of such nonfitting base mechanics, and since our chances of getting this fixed at a base level is absolutely null, might as well campaign for an elite spec to do it. :'(

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> @Carighan.6758 said:

> I don't specifically care about the theme or setup, but I would want it to do two things which I think Mirage should have done already, especially because it fits with the Ambush/IH thing:


> * Remove Shatters or turn them into something entire different.

> * Remove Phantasms **or** make it so it's only a single one on a special fourth slot **or** make them single-attack-temporary and not use up slots or count as illusions to begin with **or** make them single attack and then turn into a clone.


> In other words, basically remove both of those mechanics. Because I'm tired of Mesmers being kitten because of such nonfitting base mechanics, and since our chances of getting this fixed at a base level is absolutely null, might as well campaign for an elite spec to do it. :'(


This would make mirage much better!

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I'm torn between different approaches:


- make illusions permanent like pets which "hover" around you (Mirror Image from DnD anyone?). Not sure if they should be immune or not, would need balancing if they are. That way depending on which phantasms/clones you have out you get a different setup of skills which you can activate with F1-4. Or remove the F1-4 skills completely and let us just have permanent illusions which act as skill amplifiers (like stuck, floating turrets). Would also work nicely with a Main Hand pistol as sort of a ranged, turret caster thing.


- a Renegade type of pet shift would be another option. Would require massiv reworks of how our illusions behave, especially the melee ones. The good thing here, this would work quite well with the current F1-4 skills without much rework. Maybe add a F5 skill which does special stuff


All this said though, the most I'd wish for is the following change:


- merge the current F1 and F2. There is enough power/condi merged skills in the game that this split is no more needed. Rebalance damage accordingly. Traits could just buff the combined skill

- add a new F2 baseline for mesmer which when used makes all clones damage immune for x-seconds and retargets them to our current target. This can be used before and after summoning the illusion meaning it could be used preemptively to let illusions live x-seconds. Would require quite a significant cooldown since making our illusions immune is a huge defence against our main counter. Alternatively just let it retarget



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I've always wanted a dual pistol Mesmer, but I wouldn't mind us getting a new 2H weapon so we get more than just 2 or 3 new attacks.


As far as mechanics go, I think it would be interesting to have our shatters have more impact on our attacks. Not necessarily something like Elementalist where hitting F1-4 completely changes our loadout, but makes our attacks slightly different. For example, using F4 gives sword ranged attacks for a short while.


Another thought would be a set that gives us more control over our how phantasms behave and attack. Something like instead of being staff/greatsword and summoning a berserker and then warlock, you first summon a berserker and then casting Phantasmal Warlock makes the primary phantasm more powerful by giving it additional skills, more power, and a health boost. So, you only have one phantasm at a time, but different combos affect how it behaves and how much health it has. The twist is that, since you no longer have multiple phantasms/illusions, your 1-3 counter is how powerful your phantasm is and it slowly counts down over time, if it takes a certain amount of damage, or if you use a shatter. So, while phantasms make your primary phantasm more powerful, your illusions are effectively a recharge to keep it summoned. It would also persist beyond the target you cast it on dying, though it would continue to lose power over time. Shatters and utilities could also function as sacrifices where your phantasm loses a charge in favor of boosting you in some way, and it could stack in intensity with a sacrifice that kills your phantasm providing a bonus boost.

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> @Durzlla.6295 said:

> I would really like to see Minstrel be a new elite spec!


i always thought mesmer may get bard-like spec. and here's my speculation about "minstrel" build that mainly focused for buffing ally.


its weapon is mainhand dagger, with skill 2 a leap which add confusion to enemies, and skill 3 summon a clone which give ally might or fury each time its attack.


but instead a new f5 or F skill, they replace the f1-f4 skills. Mind Wrack will transform any of your illusion to an illusion that playing its flute which add might.

Cry of Frustation make ally steal health from enemies.

Diversion make ally DODGE enemies attack, not making them invurnerable.

while Distortion reduce enemies attack by 50%.

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