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How would you rank the mounts?

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Griffon is my most used mount for the reason that it combines the best of Springer and Raptor. You can be a little lazy and use it to do most things and that's what I appreciate most about it. Of course flying itself is also very fun.


After that would be the Beetle for me because I really like the feel and challenge to mastering it


Rest is sharing place 3 to be honest. The Skimmer is my least favorite, just because of how poorly it controls.

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I am very disappointed with the beetle. Love the look, but the endurance having to fill up makes it annoying if you don't prep. It's fine if you mount up and open the map looking for the best route, but for immediate use, it's terrible.

Jackal - Easily my favorite mount, although I do not have the Griffon. It has great control, not quite as fast as the Raptor, but I find it's speed more consistent. I have beaten lots of people during mount races on my Jackal. I also prefer the look of the Jackal over the Raptor, which is why it's my go to.

Raptor - I haven't used this mount in a long time. Jackal is easier to control, much better in tight areas, even most jumps that the raptor can make, the Jackal can as well, so I find no use for the Raptor. Only thing I like about the Raptor is the animations when you are just standing around.

Skimmer/Springer - Great utility, the Springer epecially, being able to scale cliffs in a jump or 2 is super helpful. Sadly the Skimmer has lost my interest on land, I have been spoiled by the speed on water, I feel like it's really slow on land now.

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My usual open-world gameplay involves aimlessly travelling through maps while harvesting nodes, farming events and doing repeatable HPs in HoT areas (hepling new people with HPs and JPs):


1. Raptor and Bunny (70%) - For my open-world gameplay, switching between these two mounts is the fastest way to get around.


2. The Griffon (15%) - Wherever the first two mounts can't get me, my glider and the Griffon do the job. In order to get most out of the Griffon however, usually I need to use the Bunny first.


3. The Jackal (10%) - Is useful when I have to travel uphill or want to move fast between harvesting nodes that are really close together (1x teleport).


4. The Skimmer (5%) - Has its use when I have to cross water.


5. The Beetle (0%) - Surprisingly enough I have no use for this mount.

There is no single map in this game, where objectives of events or harvesting nodes are far enough apart to get any use out of it.


When going through this list you can see why I am sorely disappointed with the new mount. There is no place where the distance between two interaction points warrants the use of the Rollerbeetle in order to save time.

The roller beetle is a pure "pleasure mount" without any other application.


In order for me to get practical use out of it, I would have to be able to mount up with at least 70% endurance.


edit: if the Beetle would start with 70% endurance, it would share 3rd place together with the Jackal.

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1 - Griffon: Can be used to cross large gaps (too long for Raptor to make the jump + easier to land on narrow platforms with Griffon), very fast aerial speed (more useful than roller beetle especially if the ground is rough and uneven) and can climb high places that are distanced away from you (far enough that Springer isn't able to reach it). Basically replaces Gliders bar the use of updrafts.


2 - Jackal: About the same speed as Raptor (I've done races against Raptors on my jackal) as well as much more control over the jumps compared to raptor. Can cross portals and slopes much easier than raptor can.


3 - Springer: The best climber mount. Can jump much higher than the Griffon which gives the Springer some edge.


4 - Skimmer: Water is less abundant than land it seems, but the Skimmer is the only water travel mount available. It's like the Raptor/Jackal but on water. One caveat is it has poor control/grip to surfaces.


5 - Raptor: It appears people either ally with Jackal or Raptor. Jackal has replaced Raptor for me. Not that Raptor is bad, I just never use it anymore.


Roller Beetle has not been fully mastered yet.



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1.) Springer / Griffon: both are extremely versatile and useful in uneven terrain (especially in HoT maps) which happens to dominate most of the maps in GW2

2.) Raptor / Beetle: great for moving short / long distances but they do have some issues with uneven terrain

3.) Skimmer: great mount in theory but the usage is to limited due to a general lack of danger zones / water maps

4.) Jackal: sand portals are reliant on map gimmicks and the raptor makes it kinda redundant

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1. Skimmer - so relaxing to use, calming and smooth. Why be in a hurry, even on land when you can calmly glide over everything. Also the stardrift skin is beautiful.

2. Roller Beetle - when you feel the need for speed, it gives you everything the skimmer doesn't. Nice adrenaline rush, as much as a video game is able to give tbh.

3. Springer - essential for climbing obstacles, which in gw2 is foundation gameplay. Also rabbits/hares are cool. B)

4. Griffon - oh flying is cool and fun, but given you're always falling ("with style") it's kind of demoralising to use. Also I don't like the hoof sound effects while walking or the squawk it makes when attacking.

5. Jackal - awesome blink dodge but the visual effects are annoying/too much for this dodge (I don't like the amount of sand), and tbh it can't climb obstacles (even the skimmer can hover high enough to climb certain places) and has no use other than the sand portals. If the sand effect was reduced I may like using it but as it stands I have no desire to use this mount ever unless needing to access a sand portal.

6. Raptor - the jump animation is really annoying because it's exactly the same tail/head movement each time - really could do with a bit of variety here. Other than that the movement is ok, and the leap is good, but I find it bland compared with other mounts.

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1~ jackal, the speed and use of sand portal is very usefull through maps.


2~ skimmer, for travelling over the water or tranquilly within the maps, take the time to admire the beautiful environments...


3~ griffon, to bypass all anoying parts and obstacles: cliffs, rivers, shifting sand... Anything!


4~ roller beetle, only work great on flat surface, not really fan of uncontrollable high speed.


5~ springer, never use him apart when I want to have a great view over the area.


6~ raptor, don't use him anymore, use griffon instead for avoiding holes.

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Ok. I am gone from that thread about "The Firing." This seems a happy thread. Thanks for making it.

(1) For me , number one is the Raptor. I skitter all over the place at a good clip, and the animations are precious.

(2) Springer. Great heights is nothing to this beloved companion, which comes in handy in Orr.

(3) Skimmer. I love the airy feel of skimming over water, and, at times, I even use it on land.


I do not have the sparkly/colorful Griffon because, alas, I cannot finish the story. But, I hear it takes skill to drive one, so I am not crying too many tears. Luckily, I love my glider.

Roller Beetle, I have not tried to get one yet as I am occupied with other things ingame..but I hear it takes skill to use too so it might be a long while before I start thinking about one.

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(1) Griffon - Most versatile.

(2) Jackal / Raptor - Both of these are nearly equally good when it comes to moving around in areas that are relatively flat.

(3) Springer - Because getting up cliffs and such is needed sometimes

(4) Skimmer - Useful for moving across water

(5) Beetle - Good for long distance travel /if/ you know the map like the back of your hand, not useful for much else because of the extremely slow acceleration and crappy handling.


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1. Griffon

2. Beetle

3. Jackal

4. Raptor

5. Skimmer

6. Springer


Reasoning for my choice is based on their unique mechanic and griffon with its 3 speeds and how to fully learn its diving + speed mechanic was great fun and those races around the map where using diving + speedboost and nailing those tight areas while having to keep speed going to get that gold was just awesome.


Beetle is another one that has a great mechanic/physic with gaining speed going downhill and having different speeds with boost and a drift mechanic that just feels awesome when you nail it, just need more tricky races that can show more fun in it and races vs other players would be really fun.

If any at ArenaNet read this remember to include a water area in the race we need to "Skip" over as that mechanic is another great thing about it.


Jackal / Raptor is pretty close but Jackal 1# is just great for jumping into event and give barrier and its normal walk speed is good enough for chill autowalking for short distance you can just use raptor.


Skimmer is OK as it servers its purpose for water mount but dont really like it that much.


Springer i dont like as it feels like the mount that destroy the immersion of the world the most as it is simply to easy to jump over obstacles with it, griffon do similar break the immersion of the world but dont really feel its that bad with it design of how max height is limited.



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1) Griffon - my go to mount on most maps if it has hills/dips and most do. Use my griffon more than any other mount easily.


2) Raptor - 2nd most used mount. Faster than Griffon if I don’t need to change elevation much.


3) Jackal - 3rd most used mount. I use it in tight spots because it maneuvers well. I also use it a fair amount on squishy characters for the absorb shield to start combat.


4) Springer - 4th most used mount. I only really use this to get up in high spots the Griffon can’t which doesn’t happen too often. I also use it if I’m starting an open world fight and I know the boss has a break bar.


5) Skimmer - 5th most used mount. I only use it to get over water/branded areas but it’s very useful for that.


6) Beetle - I barely use it. It’s a cool idea and I completely understand why people enjoy it, but for me, the long ramp up time to fill the endurance bar makes it pretty useless. When I’m going from point A to point B, I pretty much always stop to mine/chop/gather nodes along the way. The endurance bar is usually just about full when I hop off at a node and have to start all over again. I’d rather just use the Griffon or raptor.

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It's difficult to rank them individually because you have access to all of them. For instance, if I had to choose one it would probably be the griffon because it has some overlap with all of the others, depending on the terrain. But what if I had to choose any two? Then I'd probably want raptor or jackal paired with the springer. In terms of which mounts probably see the most use? I'd say raptor because often I'm only traveling a short distance before dismounting again and it can do that very quickly. It also has the most useful engage in open world play.


Given that, I guess if I had to rank them I'd say:


1. Raptor

2. Griffon

3. Springer

4. Jackal

5. Skimmer

6. Beetle


Maybe call it a tie between raptor/griffon, but I gave the raptor the top spot because I think I probably spend more time actually using it.


Springer and skimmer are obviously very situational, but especially in the case of the springer it can get you places no other mount can.


The jackal is actually a really great mount. I prefer it to the raptor for medium distance travel and its engage is unique and sometimes useful. However, the raptor overlaps it quite a bit, which is why it lands lower on the list than it otherwise would.


The beetle really isn't even on the radar for me because it simply isn't practical for the way I play the game. I stop to kill things, harvest, etc. So even if the terrain is favorable (and often it isn't!), it's highly likely that before the endurance bar fills I will already have found a reason to dismount and the raptor or jackal would have been a much better choice. I hope they do something to address this, because I think the high speed roll and drift are very enjoyable mechanics. It's a shame that I get hardly any use out of them beyond the first few days of rolling all over Kryta and Ascalon for giggles!

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1. Jackal. Best mount on uneven terrain, fast, easy to control, quick endurance regeneration, awesome to avoid mobs, can completely ignore fall dmg thanks to porting before hitting the ground, looks good.

2. Springer. Extremely useful to cheat every vista in the game, jump on stuff to avoid obstacles and reach your destination faster.

3. Skimmer. Extremely useful to cross water/quicksand/etc areas quickly, can hover for a long time, no fall damage, even better after the speed buff.

4. Griffon. Useful on some maps because it can fly super fast, can cross gaps easily and do decent jumps but othervise kind of slow without a high starting point.

5. Beetle. Land version of the Griffon, can cross flat maps super fast but it feels a bit clunky to control and the endurance regeneration is horrible.

6. Raptor. This mount feels unnecessary after you unlock others, the Griffon crosses wide gaps just as well and the Jackal is easier to control and faster uphills.

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I just tie a key to each and use them situationally but if I had to put all 6 in order:


1) springer

2) skimmer

3) beetle (currently my default but that is because it is new, so not fair to really rate it yet)

4) raptor

5) jackal

6) griffon (I heard such bad reviews for it I did not even do the stuff to get it, plus I am guessing we will get a more must-have flying mount better than it at a later time anyway)

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