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Do you think Elementalist class "balancing" is justified?


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No. Traits are bad, weapon skills are bad, utilitys are meh with long cooldowns. With every single update they seem to take that 1 build or thing that we can barely survive in easiest situations (nothing else left than our damage) and nerf it. I don't just undestand why they keep doing it. Why the hate? Is there that one ele player somewhere who makes this abomination somehow overperfom SO amaizingly well that we all must be nerfed in Every. Single. "Balance". Update? Would really like to undestand. I'm sorry for long rant I have nothing but my anger left, since they nerfed everything else.

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I'd say it's one of the worst patches we've had for ele in a very long time, in a long history of bad/nerf centered patches since 2013.

Nerfing the aoe damage skills across the board - given that weaver/ele hasn't got a much else going for it (certainly not when compared to other classes) makes them fairly pointless now.

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I don't know how it'll translate in the real world (well game world), but reading the notes it all sounds like one hell of a nerf to ele, which has already been nerfed a lot already! With killing all our aoes and the big damage reduction on lava font, it really does feel like they're trying to kill all us eles off permanently! Heck the rate they're going, they might as well remove all our fancy spell animations in the next patch as well, then we'll literally have nothing left.

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What i don't like, is that even though they keep nerfing, they should at least buff some other aspects to introduce diversity, like daggers or scepter or focus, which are being pretty useless for more than 3 years now.


But on the other hand, they probably want people to play only sword weaver at this point.


This is sad ;/

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> @"flarezi.9381" said:

> No. Traits are bad, weapon skills are bad, utilitys are meh with long cooldowns. With every single update they seem to take that 1 build or thing that we can barely survive in easiest situations (nothing else left than our damage) and nerf it. I don't just undestand why they keep doing it. Why the hate? Is there that one ele player somewhere who makes this abomination somehow overperfom SO amaizingly well that we all must be nerfed in Every. Single. "Balance". Update? Would really like to undestand. I'm sorry for long rant I have nothing but my anger left, since they nerfed everything else.


^ This +1 for you sir. First fa weaver joke/meme nerf now staff ele useless unecessary bad nerf, really this is just very sad but we should keep complaining cause it seems its the way to push balance changes is the costant crybaby over the forum.

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I dont know, for me i dont care about staff and im in favor of nerfing it, but also nerfing the other profesions in the top.


I want buffs for sword dps, but these changes, while being good for sword, i dont think are strong enough to make sword a good election for raids or fractals.

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> I dont know, for me i dont care about staff and im in favor of nerfing it, but also nerfing the other profesions in the top.


> I want buffs for sword dps, but these changes, while being good for sword, i dont think are strong enough to make sword a good election for raids or fractals.


The real buff to sword in this patch is that staff is crap now...

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Perfect patch. They bring down Ele from being OP to be on pair with other classes. At least here Anet devs made a good decision :)


PS. To people who are saying Ele is garbage now. You just were nerfed to the point where you don't outdps 2nd best spec by 20-30% ;) weaver is still fine with 37k dps

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the nerf was over the top being that ele has the least health pool for maximized dps. cloth armor from the beginning should be high risk high reward especially for ele considering one missed mechanic or rotation and ur dps is fcked. this change also nerfed ele in all game modes which anet needs to stop fcking nerfing shit and not considering the 3 game modes. at the end of the day you can give a good player a shitty build and still out perform a shitty player with an op build. just play the fcking game devs and stop being mindless to the unnecessary nerfs especially when you did nothing to compensate, sword did not get buffed whatsoever or any relevant buffs anyways.

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> @"Naustis.8510" said:

> Perfect patch. They bring down Ele from being OP to be on pair with other classes. At least here Anet devs made a good decision :)


> PS. To people who are saying Ele is garbage now. You just were nerfed to the point where you don't outdps 2nd best spec by 20-30% ;) weaver is still fine with 37k dps


then give us the vitality, condi cleanse, heal, stability, block, perma evade, perma stealth, perma speed of the other classes...

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Welcome, Eles, u have joined others in the "My class staff wpn is useless" club. Mes, necro, guards send their regards. Once Anet apply the changes, they rarely revert on their decisions.


ppl calling out for nerfs should be careful. Tempest was a victim of such a call as well, and the community didn't learn. "Tempest does everything, DPS, support ! Nerf it !", they cried And now Tempest isn't meta in anything.

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> @"Naustis.8510" said:

> Perfect patch. They bring down Ele from being OP to be on pair with other classes. At least here Anet devs made a good decision :)


> PS. To people who are saying Ele is garbage now. You just were nerfed to the point where you don't outdps 2nd best spec by 20-30% ;) weaver is still fine with 37k dps


Ha, sorry if an ele took your spot in raid ;)

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> @"Unknown.3976" said:

> Welcome, Eles, u have joined others in the "My class staff wpn is useless" club. Mes, necro, guards send their regards. Once Anet apply the changes, they rarely revert on their decisions.


> ppl calling out for nerfs should be careful. Tempest was a victim of such a call as well, and the community didn't learn. "Tempest does everything, DPS, support ! Nerf it !", they cried And now Tempest isn't meta in anything.


ArenaNet says: we're giving players what they want ;) (or what they ask for, but nobody really asked for a staff and trait nerfs...)

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Naustis.8510" said:

> > Perfect patch. They bring down Ele from being OP to be on pair with other classes. At least here Anet devs made a good decision :)

> >

> > PS. To people who are saying Ele is garbage now. You just were nerfed to the point where you don't outdps 2nd best spec by 20-30% ;) weaver is still fine with 37k dps


> then give us the vitality, condi cleanse, heal, stability, block, perma evade, perma stealth, perma speed of the other classes...


Give us everything mentioned above plus the ability to dish considerable damage even having everything...

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Not even close due to anet spiting skills and then recombining them but with only one game type balancing in mind. At this point its not even balancing any more this torlling.


Maybe Anet has a realty problem with there dev. and only a few simply forgot there words where not hidden though in game changes.

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While I don't want ele dps "buried," I think the changes were justified. I'm all for closing the longstanding damage gaps between overperforming/underperforming classes and leveling out the playing field (for _all_ classes).


In some past cases, ele has been able to pull up to 50% more dps than the most underperforming class. While a reasonable argument can be made for ele to do more damage than other classes, I don't think it can be given as much credence when they've for so long, easily been able to outperform other classes by a such a huge margin. At times (and even now, looking at the numbers post nerf) they're able to consistently pull 25-40% more damage than other underperforming classes/builds.


Ele (and a couple other classes) have had too much damage potential for a long time. Either that, or underperforming classes have had far too little damage potential. Honestly, I think there is too much damage in the game to begin with, so I'm all for scaling the top-end back (not just eles).


For the record, I really don't think this poll is going to be impartial, since the majority of the users that browse this section of the forum are ele goons.

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> @"Bearbrunt.4196" said:

> While I don't want ele dps "buried," I think the changes were justified. I'm all for closing the longstanding damage gaps between overperforming/underperforming classes and leveling out the playing field (for _all_ classes).


> In some past cases, ele has been able to pull up to 50% more dps than the most underperforming class. While a reasonable argument can be made for ele to do more damage than other classes, I don't think it can be given as much credence when they've for so long, easily been able to outperform other classes by a such a huge margin. At times (and even now, looking at the numbers post nerf) they're able to consistently pull 25-40% more damage than other underperforming classes/builds.


> Ele (and a couple other classes) have had too much damage potential for a long time. Either that, or underperforming classes have had far too little damage potential. Honestly, I think there is too much damage in the game to begin with, so I'm all for scaling the top-end back (not just eles).


> For the record, I really don't think this poll is going to be impartial, since the majority of the users that browse this section of the forum are ele goons.


Well when the last time you saw a dev. here there good reason for things to be goonly here.


To have your skill split to make it work in pve and pvp only to have it put put back together to only have it balanced for pve is unforgettable on its own but the countless other effects and skills lost due to this lack of skill split balancing i will never for give anet for what they did to GoEP and there more from different ppl.


The balancing justification dose not even come close to the wrong done to ele in both game types for the cost of the other game type (pve and pvp).

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