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To many Mounts

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


Recently Chris Cleary asnwered some interesting questions on twitter. Unlock ratio of raptor to griffon is 2/1, which means at least 50% of players who did first story mission of path of fire also own griffon.


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> @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Lazytophat.4382" said:

> > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > @"Texas.4861" said:

> > > > > I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.

> > > >

> > > > It's a good thing they can get the griffin in 10 easy payments of 25g each then.

> > > > And before you complain that 25g is hard to come by, Silverwaste exist as does Palawadan. There's plenty of easy outs for easy money in this game.

> > >

> > > whats silverwastes like? I just hit 80 starting 2 weeks ago and did some PoF to get the raptor and springer mount but havent touched HoT since my friends made me borrow 80 gold to have them equipt me with exotic gear to "survive" HoT nercromancer btw

> >

> > You basically find a map doing RIBA. You'll need keys but so long as you run between forts and participate it's nbd. Get keys follow the tag after the meta is done get loot. Open loot on a mid range character (35-50 range), salvage loot list materials. You'll make on average 15-20g/hr.


> whats RIBA, NBD, what keys and what chests? And you transfer the loot to another character to salvage and sell it? so money is shared on all chars


RIBA: the forts in Silverwastes have color names. Red Rock Bastion, Indigo Cave, Blue Oasis, Amber Sandfall. So RIBA is doing the fort events in the sequence of red, indigo, blue, amber.


nbd means no big deal.


There are [lost bandit chests](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lost_Bandit_Chest) scattered throughout the map between the forts. They are hidden and require [shovels](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silverwastes_Shovel) to locate and dig up and [keys](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bandit_Skeleton_Key) to open. Since shovels are often in short supply finding chests is often done as a group as once a chest is found it’s available for everyone with a key to open.


Containers are often given to a mid level char to open (by putting them in the bank and having the other char go to the bank to pick it up) as the mid range mats are worth more. Gold (as well as many other currencies) is account wide and is in your [wallet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Currency).

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> they could at least remove the facet, for me that's the only single thing i will never ever get trough because everyone already has the griffon, the ones who don't have the same problem......


On EU servers it's fairly common for groups to do the Facet, either for the griffon or as part of a bounty train, or sometimes just because someone wants to do it. I joined a bounty train about a week ago where we actually had to wait for another group to finish and the Facet to respawn before we could start (we could have joined in but we weren't sure there was time for everyone to get credit).


I recommend using the LFG tool to find a group, or to request one if you don't see it advertised.


> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > According to Chris Cleary, half of the people who unlocked the raptor have unlocked the griffon. That does seem to imply it's not beyond the majority's means.

> >

> > Do you remember when he said this? I know Anet announced numbers early on (mainly when they announced that it was no longer secret) and I'm curious if it was around the same time - meaning it might have gone up since then - or if it was quite recent.



> I haven't looked more closely at it frankly and I don't have the time right now to do so. The reddit thread was posted yesterday and mentions that these were recent tweets, so I'm guessing it wasn't long ago.


Thanks for this. :) It's really interesting information.

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The Raptor could have had the ability to both run, jump over gorges, and jump up high like the Springer. The Skimmer could have been both a Skimmer and a Jackal. The Roller Beetle is just a toy and either the Raptor/Springer or the Skimmer/Jackal could have been given this speed boost. Too much is too much. Next will be a Charr Tie-Fighter

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I think it's pretty safe to say that GW2's mount system is as close to a universally popular release as you'll ever find in an MMO. With regard to the pricetag on the griffon, while I've heard plenty of complaints about it, I can't recall anyone claiming that it wasn't worth it after unlocking the griffon. The roller beetle is the only mount released so far that I can really criticize, and its primary function is still easily as enjoyable as any of the other mounts (just that god awful endurance bar and the choice to add filler masteries). I'd say they pretty much nailed it with their mount release and I've probably spent more gems on mount skins than anything else as a result. Success! Now fix that darn beetle so I can spend more gems, wouldya?

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.


You don't need real money to buy griffon. Save up the gold.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> According to Chris Cleary, half of the people who unlocked the raptor have unlocked the griffon. That does seem to imply it's not beyond the majority's means.


For what the Griffion does and looks like, I would say half represents a large number of griffonless folks.


If half have not unlocked it by now, this half either does not want the hassle of getting it, or it indeed is beyond their means...by means, I mean finishing that kitten story as well as the expense.


The young whippersnappers, with young whippersnapper coordination, have it for sure :)


Lisa-Glad she is not a young whippersnapper anymore..this world is going Batcrazy...in a bad way.

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > Get a new guild?

> My guild is fine. have a large well equipped Guild Hall that we have all worked hard on. We all find it an unnecessary expensive to have to pay for part of the game, during the game.


So paying for all the guild upgrades was okay but paying for a mount isn't? Both are part of the same game and one is FAR more expensive in the over all than the other but y'all had no issue paying for it. Seems like a very silly complaint to be honest.


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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> The Raptor could have had the ability to both run, jump over gorges, and jump up high like the Springer. The Skimmer could have been both a Skimmer and a Jackal.

Sure, and rangers could be able to summon minions and mesmers could summon elements. That doesn't necessarily mean the game would be more fun. In fact, there's good precedent (and theory) support the idea that it's more interesting for more people if there's a variety of options, with their own pros & cons, leaving it up to individuals to choose their preferred method.


> The Roller Beetle is just a toy and either the Raptor/Springer or the Skimmer/Jackal could have been given this speed boost.

Either it's a toy, in which case, why worry about it at all? Or it's something useful, in which case, it fits into its own mount, rather than trying to be shoe-horned into something just because it doesn't meet your aesthetic.


> @"Texas.4861" said:

> Dumbing down the game to other game levels is what ruins a game.


How is having multiple mounts with a variety of functions, "dumbing it down"?

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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> Dumbing down the game to other game levels is what ruins a game.


Is it really? What if it is the members of "The other game levels" who spend the most real money in the Gem Store? If this population leaves because the game got too hard that would cause real problems.


What part of Texas are you from?


I call College Station my home.





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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > I am not sure that you accurately claim to know what most people can choose to afford to buy. Particularly as you state that the one group you might know well enough to comment on, can actually afford the mount.

> I didn't claim to know. I stated my opinion and asked a question. (forgot the question make)

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > Get a new guild?

> My guild is fine. have a large well equipped Guild Hall that we have all worked hard on. We all find it an unnecessary expensive to have to pay for part of the game, during the game.



Then don't.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> What part of Texas are you from?


> I call College Station my home.


> Lisa.




Lol I'm right down the road from you a ways in Cypress, small world. (Yes I know you weren't asking me but I found it funny you were so close to where I am.)

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> @"Mist.6217" said:

> > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> > What part of Texas are you from?

> >

> > I call College Station my home.

> >

> > Lisa.

> >

> >


> Lol I'm right down the road from you a ways in Cypress, small world. (Yes I know you weren't asking me but I found it funny you were so close to where I am.)



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> @"Texas.4861" said:

> I really think one or two mounts who could have learned all the abilities would have been enough. What demographic are you aiming at with all these (toys)? Why did you price the Griffith out of most players, who do not like spending real monies to get fake monies, range. No one in my Guild wants to spend 250g to get one even though we have it.



How much time have you played gw2 to come out and say such an opinion?, Each mount was made for a specific role in the PoF expac, what exactly do you want? A raptor that can jump 20 meters high, hover on water and fly?.


The reason for the griffon to be locked with a 250 gold requirement is because it's the most useful/wanted mount of them all, there are people running around with 20k gold and you're crying about 250?.


The entire goal of locking the griffon is to make you grind a bit for it, get a feeling before you need to farm some actually hard to get content.


Better get a new guild IMO.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> "Why did you price the Griffith out of most players"


> What? According to ANet a few months, many, _many_ thousands of players have the griffon mount, and I'm very sure that number has grown by a lot since that announcement.


Is that all? I swear to God (and this is not an exageration) it's actually rarer for me to see someone without the griffon mount then with. I thought everyone had it lol.

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with the current climate of the game, 250g is easily achievable


you get 2g from daily that takes 5 to 15minutes if you only do 3 from PvE, unless get fractal, dungeon, activity or some pain in the butt JP

parking toons at nodes like VB flax, Mt Maelstrom Secret Garden (if you done Kudzu collection), Malcheor's Leap elder wood will net you couple of gold

run through HoT final meta VB > TD > AB is another couple of gold, which takes about an hour

you get to 250g in no time


i forgot how many times my liquid gold fell under 50g from crafting legendary weapons, but I'm already back to close to 700g despite only playing around 2 hours a day

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> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > "Why did you price the Griffith out of most players"

> >

> > What? According to ANet a few months, many, _many_ thousands of players have the griffon mount, and I'm very sure that number has grown by a lot since that announcement.


> Is that all? I swear to God (and this is not an exageration) it's actually rarer for me to see someone without the griffon mount then with. I thought everyone had it lol.


According to GW2Efficency, the data they got from GW2's API, about 80-85% of the population have 250g in liquid gold

![](https://i.imgur.com/6fQGRDq.png "")

about 45% of the population is able to obtain that amount under 500 hours of play time; don't forget the figures is entire population, so this includes people do not have PoF (20.35%), only have core (4.58%), and F2P players (1.55%)


add in the materials you can liquidate you can achieve that 250g in lesser time, or greater than the reported about 80-85% player base have usable net worth over 250g




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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> they could at least remove the facet, for me that's the only single thing i will never ever get trough because everyone already has the griffon, the ones who don't have the same problem......



Have you tried bounty trains?

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