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Meteor Wars!


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If you think MS is fine to be remained as it is, but the visual effect need to rework something more visible like the Winds of Disenchantment, like the meteor rock will need to be 3 times bigger, and the location it landing should have the glowing red circle before impact.

BTW, speaking of which, GW2 biggest problem and never be popular in ESport is the visual effect of the skills, for average players, you will never fully know what skills and what hits them, for outsiders, if just a flashy jiberish effects no one will understand.

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> @"foxof.8752" said:

> If you think MS is fine to be remained as it is, but the visual effect need to rework something more visible like the Winds of Disenchantment, like the meteor rock will need to be 3 times bigger, and the location it landing should have the glowing red circle before impact.

> BTW, speaking of which, GW2 biggest problem and never be popular in ESport is the visual effect of the skills, for average players, you will never fully know what skills and what hits them, for outsiders, if just a flashy jiberish effects no one will understand.


Why is there no red circle indicating where enemy meteors will land or where enemy hammers will drop? It seems odd that almost all skills have clear indicators that enemies are casting them except for a few. Is this intentional or oversight? I wonder if people would have complained about the meteor shower bug if they could have clearly seen where meteors would land.

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> @"Justin Duval.1954" said:

> > @"foxof.8752" said:

> > If you think MS is fine to be remained as it is, but the visual effect need to rework something more visible like the Winds of Disenchantment, like the meteor rock will need to be 3 times bigger, and the location it landing should have the glowing red circle before impact.

> > BTW, speaking of which, GW2 biggest problem and never be popular in ESport is the visual effect of the skills, for average players, you will never fully know what skills and what hits them, for outsiders, if just a flashy jiberish effects no one will understand.


> Why is there no red circle indicating where enemy meteors will land or where enemy hammers will drop? It seems odd that almost all skills have clear indicators that enemies are casting them except for a few. Is this intentional or oversight? I wonder if people would have complained about the meteor shower bug if they could have clearly seen where meteors would land.


Another problem is, all enemy aoe is red circle without clear indicator like the Winds do. Sure you can see the big red circle and meteor from a few enemies, try find them from a enemy zerg, all the ranged AOE, playing a 3D game with a 2D skills indicator circle on ground overlapping, you waste all the dodge before dodging the real meaty one. And yea, try find the ele that casting MS in a group of flashy skins and skill effects.

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I actually really liked the higher damage, but the skill needs to be on a much longer cd to keep it, like an elite skill. It was nice to see entire zergs needing to move to avoid it rather than the usual bunkering up and facetanking everything. It was also nice to see players be creative and work together to successfully land it on an enemy zerg. As the squishiest class in the game (specced for damage), it would be nice to see the ele have the one rightfully-feared highest damage aoe in the game as well. Regardless of how one felt about the bugged version of meteor shower, it sure made for more tactical, dynamic and exciting zerg play.

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?


> Havent seen a weaver since


Wet noodles do more damage. Throw those at the enemy, much more effective. MS is just another something to ignore again. And with font nerf, not really putting out much damage. Back to mainly being in water for cc and fields.

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> @"Egorum.9506" said:

> Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?


My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.

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> @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?


> My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.


Nah. Ele damage fields are now exactly as effective as trying to stop a train by shooting at it with a popcap gun. Maybe you can take someone down if you catch them by surprise. The zerg will barely notice them. And in roaming you just have a one shot at someone before you die. But unlike other professions, you won't have the advantage of stealth to initiate that one shot. So realistically you can only take town total noobs.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?

> >

> > My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.


> Nah. Ele damage fields are now exactly as effective as trying to stop a train by shooting at it with a popcap gun. Maybe you can take someone down if you catch them by surprise. The zerg will barely notice them. And in roaming you just have a one shot at someone before you die. But unlike other professions, you won't have the advantage of stealth to initiate that one shot. So realistically you can only take town total noobs.


Salty much? Still getting hit for 6-8k ms. You know a year back 5k was considered very high dmg from ms .

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?

> > >

> > > My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.

> >

> > Nah. Ele damage fields are now exactly as effective as trying to stop a train by shooting at it with a popcap gun. Maybe you can take someone down if you catch them by surprise. The zerg will barely notice them. And in roaming you just have a one shot at someone before you die. But unlike other professions, you won't have the advantage of stealth to initiate that one shot. So realistically you can only take town total noobs.


> Salty much? Still getting hit for 6-8k ms. You know a year back 5k was considered very high dmg from ms .


No, just realistic. MS was overpowered, there's no denying that. But the massacre of weaver dps in the last patch made us useless. Numbers mean nothing in a vacuum. Truth is, we're just back to what we had before they broke it. People will stack scourges again and you'll only want a handful of eles around to clear siege.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?

> > > >

> > > > My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.

> > >

> > > Nah. Ele damage fields are now exactly as effective as trying to stop a train by shooting at it with a popcap gun. Maybe you can take someone down if you catch them by surprise. The zerg will barely notice them. And in roaming you just have a one shot at someone before you die. But unlike other professions, you won't have the advantage of stealth to initiate that one shot. So realistically you can only take town total noobs.

> >

> > Salty much? Still getting hit for 6-8k ms. You know a year back 5k was considered very high dmg from ms .


> No, just realistic. MS was overpowered, there's no denying that. But the massacre of weaver dps in the last patch made us useless. Numbers mean nothing in a vacuum. Truth is, we're just back to what we had before they broke it. People will stack scourges again and you'll only want a handful of eles around to clear siege.


That's a fair point. It did make a nice change seeing staff weavers again. Should of made the CD longer instead of nerf.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?

> > >

> > > My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.

> >

> > Nah. Ele damage fields are now exactly as effective as trying to stop a train by shooting at it with a popcap gun. Maybe you can take someone down if you catch them by surprise. The zerg will barely notice them. And in roaming you just have a one shot at someone before you die. But unlike other professions, you won't have the advantage of stealth to initiate that one shot. So realistically you can only take town total noobs.


> Salty much? Still getting hit for 6-8k ms. You know a year back 5k was considered very high dmg from ms .


a year back pof wasn't released, so there were no such thing as scourges and firebrands along with lower over all damage in HoT days, and if i recall correctly, eles were supports that's why 5k is high damage to you. good joke.

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> Can you hear that? That is all the thieves, engies, rangers and mesmers (to an extent) playing the world's smallest violin for eles.


Sry the say it to you they nerfed thieves after they pushed them last time ^^


In PvE in general they effectively undone any power creep which game into the game after PoF . So far I know before PoF Tempest was with 38k at big hitboxes top. This spot has Revenant now I would even say we have even less DPS then before PoF because Tempest was/is good at fighting multiply enemies at once thanks to its huge aoes which resulted in more DPS in practice. Not only has the Tempest now much less DPS also this spot has been taken over by Scourge but Scourge doesn't have his high dps numbers. In addition with all the nerfs of support classes I would even say we have less DPS since the start of HoT or at least some of the last places.


So actually everyone in PvE should cry like crazy.


In WvW it is different because Scourge can stack it effects but even with the small reduction of DPS which comes from nerfing other classes. They nerfed siege gear to make the zerg again stronger or better said which side has the bigger zerg which is brain dead also zerg fights aren't really PvP fights because your individual performance rarely matters in big zergs. Why people want this is because how the rewards system is built in WvW . In general the reward system in WvW in underperforming in compare to other endcontent in GW 2 namely PvP, fractals, raids. This also the reason why at least randoms (30%-40% of wvw players )disappear so quickly when losing . This is also the reason why weak server stay weak without linking and 'hardcore' wvw players transfer so often.


I wouldn't call the recent changes in wvw a win from this point of view.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Straegen.2938" said:

> > > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > > > > Anyone have numbers on what MS hits for now?

> > > >

> > > > My big hits are still landing in the teens. My average hits are well over around 5k+ on a front line. My 3.5k Warrior gets spiked up to 8k and routinely sees 5k shots. The skill still hits like a truck when properly rotated.

> > >

> > > Nah. Ele damage fields are now exactly as effective as trying to stop a train by shooting at it with a popcap gun. Maybe you can take someone down if you catch them by surprise. The zerg will barely notice them. And in roaming you just have a one shot at someone before you die. But unlike other professions, you won't have the advantage of stealth to initiate that one shot. So realistically you can only take town total noobs.

> >

> > Salty much? Still getting hit for 6-8k ms. You know a year back 5k was considered very high dmg from ms .


> a year back pof wasn't released, so there were no such thing as scourges and firebrands along with lower over all damage in HoT days, and if i recall correctly, eles were supports that's why 5k is high damage to you. good joke.


No, people use to run core ele back before hot fire/air/arcane as tempest didn't give much unless you ran d/f aura share and the highest I ever got was 6k. That's the same gear set up as today's weavers.

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I think it is a bad commentary on these so-called pvp folks that are applauding this change, so they can sit in the AoEs now without any danger/repercussions. One thing this meteor bug did was make people move and pay attention to aoes. Now its back to face tanking everything.


So now these nerf-a-holics can turn their attention to getting guards survivability nerfed. Crying for a nerf on mesmers is pointless, as thats the baby of a certain developer that will never nerf their precious cheese baby.

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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> I think it is a bad commentary on these so-called pvp folks that are applauding this change, so they can sit in the AoEs now without any danger/repercussions. One thing this meteor bug did was make people move and pay attention to aoes. Now its back to face tanking everything.

he g

The meteor bug made zergs/blobs stack up eles, and push the pirateship meta to levels never seen before even during the Rev golden days. Making fights extremelly boring as no melee could push into a proper ranged zerg



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> @"Botinhas.2018" said:

> > @"mulzi.8273" said:

> > I think it is a bad commentary on these so-called pvp folks that are applauding this change, so they can sit in the AoEs now without any danger/repercussions. One thing this meteor bug did was make people move and pay attention to aoes. Now its back to face tanking everything.

> he g

> The meteor bug made zergs/blobs stack up eles, and push the pirateship meta to levels never seen before even during the Rev golden days. Making fights extremelly boring as no melee could push into a proper ranged zerg




Like stacking scourges for months before was so very different.



In case not obvious, /s

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Whatever it was there was no need to extend the nerfs to PvE. I agree it was OP in WvW. But the MS damage was one of the few things keeping Ele bursts and by extension DPS, at reasonable levels. Now there's no reason if any, to use ele ANYWHERE. They just shafted the entire class everywhere just because some babies were crying about MS in WvW while for months necros, mesmers and warrior were running riot in WvW. I understand if splitting the skill between game modes is a lot of work at this point, but not doing anything to compensate the DPS elsewhere is just lazy and sloppy just like most of the content they're putting out right now. It's a class that only does DPS yet now it can't even do that. It's called a balance yet we're looking at less usage for classes than before. This whole patch was absolute garbage and clearly done without an ounce of thought or effort.

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> @"RAZOR.7246" said:

> Whatever it was there was no need to extend the nerfs to PvE. I agree it was OP in WvW. But the MS damage was one of the few things keeping Ele bursts and by extension DPS, at reasonable levels. Now there's no reason if any, to use ele ANYWHERE. They just shafted the entire class everywhere just because some babies were crying about MS in WvW while for months necros, mesmers and warrior were running riot in WvW. I understand if splitting the skill between game modes is a lot of work at this point, but not doing anything to compensate the DPS elsewhere is just lazy and sloppy just like most of the content they're putting out right now. It's a class that only does DPS yet now it can't even do that. It's called a balance yet we're looking at less usage for classes than before. This whole patch was absolute garbage and clearly done without an ounce of thought or effort.


It's true that ele is pretty bad everywhere at the moment, but that doesn't mean that MS shouldn't have been fixed. Not only was it a major bug, but it's also incredibly unhealthy to have a class being dependent on a single skill to be any good. The real problem is the PvE nerfs that affected WvW while skill splitting is supposed to be a thing. But even in PvE the gutting of lava font wasn't justified, as after the MS bug was fixed it became obvious that the class underperforms everywhere now. The balance team really needs to think hard about what they want this class to be, because at the moment it's almost like we are playing an 8 class game.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"RAZOR.7246" said:

> > Whatever it was there was no need to extend the nerfs to PvE. I agree it was OP in WvW. But the MS damage was one of the few things keeping Ele bursts and by extension DPS, at reasonable levels. Now there's no reason if any, to use ele ANYWHERE. They just shafted the entire class everywhere just because some babies were crying about MS in WvW while for months necros, mesmers and warrior were running riot in WvW. I understand if splitting the skill between game modes is a lot of work at this point, but not doing anything to compensate the DPS elsewhere is just lazy and sloppy just like most of the content they're putting out right now. It's a class that only does DPS yet now it can't even do that. It's called a balance yet we're looking at less usage for classes than before. This whole patch was absolute garbage and clearly done without an ounce of thought or effort.


> It's true that ele is pretty bad everywhere at the moment, but that doesn't mean that MS shouldn't have been fixed. Not only was it a major bug, but it's also incredibly unhealthy to have a class being dependent on a single skill to be any good. The real problem is the PvE nerfs that affected WvW while skill splitting is supposed to be a thing. But even in PvE the gutting of lava font wasn't justified, as after the MS bug was fixed it became obvious that the class underperforms everywhere now. The balance team really needs to think hard about what they want this class to be, because at the moment it's almost like we are playing an 8 class game.


Agreed, it's not the MS fix, it's the horrible "balance" changes from Jul 10th that ruined the class. It has become visible now because the MS bug pushed the damage high enough for the class to seem okay.

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