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Meteor Wars!


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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


its high because ppl run pve gear and pve traits and supportive groups around them. theres nothing left to run else. and on staff no other skill hits a moving target.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


> The subsequent impacts are also being affected not only the first hit.


I believe it scales from the first hits, so If they reduce the Initial Impact.. the other hits will scale of that.. Right now there scaling from the bugged MS

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The buff to meteor shower and nerf to lava font were some of the dumbest, most poorly thought out changes Ive ever seen. It shows such a clear lack of understanding about how Ele is played in WvW. Fireball does more damage than Lava font now...which is actually your main skill, not meteor shower. You just continue to encourage Eles to play in such a cheap and braindead way. I stopped playing Ele and Warrior a long time ago because they became such garbage classes with little variety.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


lol scourge has been broken for how many months now with a ton of people complaining that it's OP? Meteor shower broken for 3 days and here comes the mega nerf bat. Yeah, anet we feel the love.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


No its not just initial dmg... Its bugged. I didn't change a trait, armor or anything and my average meteor went from 3.8k to 5.8k with my max going from 9k to 22k. I think someone missed a decimal point.

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The DPS is off the charts on this skill and not just the initial impact. I see 20k+ occassionally and get high teens constantly. The build I am running has 2.5k armor and nearly 18k health with Pack runes so there is still room to eek out more damage. If a player goes down in MS, they will likely die as the subsequent hits from the skill will outright kill most downed players.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


> @"RedBaron.6058" said:

> Right now, the MS over-damage is destroying WvW.

> We need a really fast fix.

> Thanks.


It doesn't break Raids. I wouldn't expect a fix soon.

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Is this mainly just a weaver issue or can staff eles get near this? As I'm not really seeing much difference on staff.


My worry is instead of fixing weaver they will nerf the hell out of the meteor shower skill for all eles and they will once again step off the wvw stage.


So, devs, please look at the whole picture before swinging the nerf bat.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


Thank you for saying something about this. What are normal levels?


> @"Victory.2879" said:

> Is this mainly just a weaver issue or can staff eles get near this? As I'm not really seeing much difference on staff.


> My worry is instead of fixing weaver they will nerf the hell out of the meteor shower skill for all eles and they will once again step off the wvw stage.


> So, devs, please look at the whole picture before swinging the nerf bat.


Welcome to the last 3 years of gw2 and ele core being balanced arone its elite spec.

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> @"Victory.2879" said:

> Is this mainly just a weaver issue or can staff eles get near this? As I'm not really seeing much difference on staff.


> My worry is instead of fixing weaver they will nerf the hell out of the meteor shower skill for all eles and they will once again step off the wvw stage.


> So, devs, please look at the whole picture before swinging the nerf bat.


> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> I Don't know why anet don't just split this skill between game modes




I think they forgot that they added that in a few months ago.

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.


What about Lava Font and Elements of Rage? If you visit ele forums you'll noticed most of us didn't like the nerf - specially in spvp and wvw. Please reconsider it

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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> Lots of new weavers running around the past few months. That's probably what you're noticing more than anything else


Yes thats why it suddenly has a 4 page thread and everyone and their dog is rolling a weaver after maining a single class for 4 years. Not to mention a dev post confirming the bug.

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> reset was a clown car tonight


> 10+ eles on both sides just throwing out oneshot zones everywhere


10? Hod was running 20+ on our home bl tonight. The meteors were getting culled too, so you would just randomly go from full 27k hp to full dead out of nowhere

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> @"Evolute.6239" said:

> reset was a clown car tonight


> 10+ eles on both sides just throwing out oneshot zones everywhere


10? Hod was running 20+ on our home bl. In a map que zerg, so the meteors and circles got culled. I have a clip I'll put up tomorrow where I went from 27k hp to full dead, I was nowhere near the zerg. Combat log showed 19k, 17k, 9k, 12k meteor shower hits


Thank you anet for fucking up reset night by not testing changes, again. This was a known issue all week, wasn't even acknowledged until today @_@

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> Taking 9k hits on 2800 armor as a backline which means I'm getting what's supposed to be the falloff damage hits.


> This skill is well and beyond broken right now.


That normal dmg for MS as 2.8k armor is low its the 12k+ on 3.2k armor with boons that the problem. Relay any thing that over 10k dmg low or high armor is not good for a pvp environment only if anet would split there skills.




See this is what bugging me about this last update its not the nerfs bug or over buffs its the fact that they are unspliting skills and having them balanced for pve aimed effects in a pvp setting. Its beyond frustrating.


There NEEDS to be a real talk with anet dev on what they are trying to do with wvw and skill split / un-split as i cant tell and i am not sure if any one else can too.


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