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Nerf Nerf Nerf

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Why this game do so many nerfs? Why anet couldn't think twice before release a new skill/professions? It's pretty much like give you $100 and take away $100 later. Psychologically that is torment or tantalization rather fun! Can't you simply "give everyone else $100" for the balance? This game would be more player respectful if anet frequently do more strengthing of certain skills/professions rather than nerf. Doing nerf to the game is more easier for programmer but very rude to players!

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> @"Smiledyx.1678" said:

> Why this game do so many nerfs?

Nobody can say for sure given how questionable some of these changes are and of course the responsible devs don't explain themselves (which might be the smart thing to do for them since some of the stuff seemingly boils down to "it got nerfed bacause I don't like it" and you dont want to tell this to your playerbase for obvious reasons).

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Here is wisdom - you ready ?


Ok so when anet or any programmer does nerfs and buffs - they have to do tiny adjustments so things don't break. For example on mesmer they could nerf their damage but that would be too strong.


Anet nerfs traits and skills that may account in a minor % of power nerfing rather than huge deadly nerfs.


You're lucky they didn't break your class or nerfed it too heavily. Minor nerfs are better than heavy nerfs. The same can be said with buffs.


Minor buffs can have a drastic change in this beast animal of a game.


Besides ...everybody loses power eventually. In time all builds and specs eventually get nerfed or lose their meta places.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If every skill/trait was always only buffed, then sooner than one would think every foe would melt with just one attack, no? How fun would that be?


Well, to be fair to the poor mobs we would have to give them each a C-note as well.

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> @"Smiledyx.1678" said:

> Why this game do so many nerfs? Why anet couldn't think twice before release a new skill/professions? It's pretty much like give you $100 and take away $100 later. Psychologically that is torment or tantalization rather fun! Can't you simply "give everyone else $100" for the balance?


Do this and nobody would work anymore because they get enough 100$s.

In other words, do this and in a few balance patches we will have 100k dps benchmarks. Older raids etc. wouldn't be challenging anymore at all, it would be dungeons 2.0.

When HoT/Raids released top dps was around 25k and it was very fine for raid.

Now top dps is around 40k and more, 45k+ at times.


Ever played Dungeons with elite specs? Even Arah is a joke compared to how hard it was pre HoT. No dungeon boss is difficult anymore, same for open world champs/worldbosses/metaevents/whatever in core Tyria.


No matter how much they nerf a class, you still do more dmg than you did 1 year ago.

There is a reason why it's called "Balance Patch" and not "Buff Patch". :)

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I remember that, when GW2 launched, Eric Flannum said that the new skill system would make the game easier for them to balance over GW1, which had a practically infinite number of builds. However, with all the new elite specs the possible builds has sky rocketed in GW2 and it must be becoming increasingly hard to balance all the specs against each other.

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Giving 100$ to everyone else would mean your 100$ isn't worth 100$ anymore. Buffing everything but one class still results in the one class that wasn't buffed in being weaker, however, with the drawback of the average power level increasing; this later results in npcs needing to be buffed up to compensate while pvp it eventually gets to a point where everyone, even defensive/bruiser builds, instantly kill opponents as a norm.

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> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> If you think the balance here is bad, try TERA and play anything but the current fotm class there. Sure, we have Mesmers here but thats nothing compared to, say release Brawler or reworked Sorcerer in said game. That my friend is what unbalanced looked like.


Good point.

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