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What do you think that Blurred Frenzy jaunt and Warlock nerf is justified?


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Frankly, it doesn't matter. The class - and especially the Mirage spec - has too big too underlying design flaws for minutiae balance changes like these to be... interesting. As in, couldn't care any less. :expressionless:


If they had **removed** Jaunt, that'd be more interesting. Or removed the current skill, trait and weapon setup of the Mirage entirely to replace it, cool!


These tiny number pushes (by comparison) are things a MMORPG can do once it had a few years of re-implementing and reworking. GW2 is still at the very very start of its actual re-balancing run, for some reason they slept on it a good 4-5 years. Lots and lots of things to fix by now.

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I agree that some mesmer builds needed to be toned down, but problem wasn't with sword or jaunt. That unnecessarily hurt other builds, such as my own, and is just a dent in the meta condi mirage build. I would have changed axe and staff in pvp, and left sword and jaunt alone.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> I agree that some mesmer builds needed to be toned down, but problem wasn't with sword or jaunt. That unnecessarily hurt other builds, such as my own, and is just a dent in the meta condi mirage build. I would have changed axe and staff in pvp, and left sword and jaunt alone.

Jaunt nerf was needed imo . May be 5s cd between uses but thats doesnt matter anymore xD

Frenzy and warlock nerfs justified ? OP clearly need a better understanding what he talking about (seeing what you agree with it in poll but seems to disagree in same time *thonk*) ...... warlock was nerfed for no reason.. 'MIRAGE have too many evades' -> nerf core sword evade by a second LOL justified

Thats just anet approach ,ruin things that doesnt need fixing and only after another half year they might fix what need to be fixed without reverting previous nerfs :)

(so far as I heard ppl dont even feel difference between pre and post patch xD)

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I think blurred frenzy nerf to 1s evade with 10s base cd is good and healthy for wvw and pvp. I can't comment on the damage aspect for pve. Edit - to clarify, yes it didn't target mirage, but in any case I feel it is beneficial for the game for sword evade frame to be reduced anyway. Core can be compensated in the future with buffs elsewhere maybe.


Warlock nerf? Oh you mean the previous patch when they lowered its damage. Yeah I don't agree with this fully as it wasn't particularly powerful in the first place.


Jaunt cd nerf is heavy handed and unwarranted in my opinion, especially given its very short range. Should have nerfed things like mirage thrust instead.

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The Blurred Frenzy nerf has totally screwed my DPS Chrono in PVE. It doesn't just affect BF itself, but also the sword phantasm that uses the BF skill, so it's a double whammy to what were two of my main PVE skills. My mesmer is probably going on the shelf until it's fixed.


The real problem is not any one individual skill, but that the Mirage class is just plain poorly designed. It's always been OP and will be until they give it a complete overhaul and actually test things before they put them online.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> The Blurred Frenzy nerf has totally screwed my DPS Chrono in PVE. It doesn't just affect BF itself, but also the sword phantasm that uses the BF skill, so it's a double whammy to what were two of my main PVE skills. My mesmer is probably going on the shelf until it's fixed.


> The real problem is not any one individual skill, but that the Mirage class is just plain poorly designed. It's always been OP and will be until they give it a complete overhaul and actually test things before they put them online.


Yes, the issue is mirage. They keep changing skills that are not the problem, likely because they do not know how to bring mirage in line. Random skill changes really do not address the underlying and OBVIOUS issues.

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Some might say "just switch to Mirage" but I can't stand the distortion mechanic replacing normal evasion. The single biggest reason anyone uses evasion is to get out of AOE. With Mirage spec, instead of dodging out of the danger zone like literally every other character in the game, I just stand there and distort, and it seems like the distortion always fades just in time for me to get hit anyway. Bah.

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The warlock change made me facepalm as it means they do less damage than auto attacking, at this point I'd rather the warlocks were just clones so you can at least shatter them straight away.


Instead of fixing the problem nerf the symptoms. We could end up with elusive mind being stunbreak on dodge till next expansion at this rate only for it to change on launch leaving every mirage build useless because it's balanced around this insanely overpowered trait and half of all mesmer builds likewise useless because of it too.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

>The Blurred Frenzy nerf has totally screwed my DPS Chrono in PVE. It doesn't just affect BF itself, but also the sword phantasm that uses the BF skill, so it's a double whammy to what were two of my main PVE skills. My mesmer is probably going on the shelf until it's fixed.



It really hasn't changed the dps of power chrono almost at all since the extra time allows you to cast more/auto attack more. The dps is nearly the same and the rotation feels smoother now. So many people just calculating the total damage change from 1 skill not the fact that the duration reduction frees up so much time.

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The blurred frenzy nerf doesn't make any sense, unless you are looking at it from the angle that core mesmer and Chronomancer are over performing which is not the case. I see them rarely in PvP matches. Did Anet think power builds were a problem? Maybe they should look at how much damage mesmer can front load from stealth with 0 wind up if that was the case. Mirror blade Mantra of Distraction with Confounding Suggestions into mind wrack with Mental Anguish and Superiority Complex. Maybe looking at some other part of this chain of skills/traits if they want to hit Power Mesmer burst. Blurred Frenzy even here was not an issue.


I agree with the Jaunt nerf, Jaunt is specific to Mirage and was rightfully targeted, if you want condi clear you trait inspiration or you slot mantra of Resolve. There shouldnt be a scenario where your condi clear is covered yet you can still take all the offensive trait lines. And slot whatever you like for skills ignoring condi cleanse skills, it should be all about sacrificing one thing for another.


The torch nerf I am tentatively on board with, again was this over powering on core or Chrono? Or specifically a Mirage issue?

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> @"Chorazin.4107" said:

> The blurred frenzy nerf doesn't make any sense, unless you are looking at it from the angle that core mesmer and Chronomancer are over performing which is not the case. I see them rarely in PvP matches. Did Anet think power builds were a problem? Maybe they should look at how much damage mesmer can front load from stealth with 0 wind up if that was the case. Mirror blade Mantra of Distraction with Confounding Suggestions into mind wrack with Mental Anguish and Superiority Complex. Maybe looking at some other part of this chain of skills/traits if they want to hit Power Mesmer burst. Blurred Frenzy even here was not an issue.


> I agree with the Jaunt nerf, Jaunt is specific to Mirage and was rightfully targeted, if you want condi clear you trait inspiration or you slot mantra of Resolve. There shouldnt be a scenario where your condi clear is covered yet you can still take all the offensive trait lines. And slot whatever you like for skills ignoring condi cleanse skills, it should be all about sacrificing one thing for another.


> The torch nerf I am tentatively on board with, again was this over powering on core or Chrono? Or specifically a Mirage issue?


The Mirror Blade+Mind Wrack combo has been nerfed repeatedly since the beginning of the game, learn to dodge it, it's super telegraphed.


The Jaunt nerf was specifically about in combat mobility not condi clear.


The Torch nerf was to try and tone down condition Mirage but didn't actually target the more oppressive things about it. Because apparently two of the most telegraphed skills in the game were more important than near immunity to stuns with a negligible downside (immunity to stuns is a problem on more than just Mirage too anyway) and the fact that the constant blinds remove notions of counterpressure. Realistically all it does is move people from Axe/T/P to Axe/P and Staff.

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Blurred frenzy is somewhat of understandable.

Jaunt wasnt that strong so the nerf is not really what i would have nerfed.

Warlock was justified. It delt high amounts if dmg and CCed. Now the dmg part is less tedious although the CC is still strong.

Elusive mind was untouched still.

The exshaustion did not fix anything and its still broken.

Allowing it only to stunbreak with an ICD or only when endurance is full is way the better nerf to bring it in line and remove the exhaustion. The endurance regen debuff only prevents some dmg from murage not the repeated evasion through skills and stunbreaks via endurance.

Limiting the cadence is the better choice than limiting the passive endurance regen because it can be replenished vua runes and sigills eitherway.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > Warlock was justified. It delt high amounts if dmg and CCed. Now the dmg part is less tedious although the CC is still strong.

> Warlock does kitten damage and no CC.


Sorry you are right, i mistaken the skill with the mage on torch.

Because of that i revisite my expression.

Warlock was not justified. I thought they nerfed the torch phantasm.

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I've already said this before but warlocks aren't used for the damage it gives you vul application plus 2 clones at the end when combined with chronophantasm on chrono its damage was to high for what it already provided especially on Chrono. Mirage and Chrono are still able to burst down or overwhelm targets if the nerf to warlock cut down the warlocks from 2 to 1 then there might be reason to say it was overdone but the changes are totally fine concerning the warlock.

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> @"Lalainnia.3598" said:

> I've already said this before but warlocks aren't used for the damage it gives you vul application plus 2 clones at the end when combined with chronophantasm on chrono its damage was to high for what it already provided especially on Chrono. Mirage and Chrono are still able to burst down or overwhelm targets if the nerf to warlock cut down the warlocks from 2 to 1 then there might be reason to say it was overdone but the changes are totally fine concerning the warlock.


It's damage was garbage to begin with, it didn't need a 50% nerf, it was nowhere on par with the other phantasms that got 50% nerfs and were actually overperforming.


Edit: Why bother mentioning the two clones? That's not that big of a boon considering it's after a long channel time and the other clone generation options within Mesmers toolkit.

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I'm fine with everything except the jaunt nerf. I would at least like the damage back in pvp if they are asking for 30 seconds a charge.


It's literally a worse 90 second blink in 3 parts each with a cleanse, confusion, and a tiny bit of dmg...

Could honestly drop the confusion tho and give us something more.

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Jaunt nerf was needed. Yes, I'm slightly biased as a Thief main, but damn it I love my Mesmer no matter what. Jaunt did too much for it's low CD, especially if you traited into Self-Deception.


Phantasmal Warlock nerf seems a bit... Redundant? I don't think it was exceptionally good before... And specifically to sPvP and WvW at that, I can barely remember running into a Power-Based Mesmer who actually used Staff... So no idea why they'd nerf the damage like that.


Blurred Frenzy... I'm a bit double on that. For my Power-Shatter sPvP & WvW builds, I really like the quicker cast time as we essentially do the same damage we did prior to the changes, but in less time. At the same time , not having the extra longer Evadeframe is tedious at times. No opinion on PvE changes since I don't really play that. But really... The patch from October 18th 2016 still stands?

>The damage of this ability has been increased by 100% in PvE areas only.

So overall, it's still better than what it used to be for PvE, right? Oh well... I don't think DPS is what Mesmer is used for in PvE anyway, so I can't imagine the effect being too big.

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