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Impossible to fix Mirage? Maybe total revamp required.


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After all the series of Mirage nerfs, I don't see the issues and problems fixed to this day. Now I was wondering if the Mirage is simply a unfixable specialization in PvP and being in need of a total revamp after all. No matter how many nerfs follow, this specialization remains overpowered, oppressive and unpunishable.


Just as a sidenote, does not have to do with Mirage, in any game I know an "assassin" is not allowed to 100 > 0 anybody within a mere reaction time. All games have understood this concept but somehow Guild Wars 2 PvP did not get the memo. To me it is no surprise that Guild Wars 2 PvP is not recognized as a competitive game. Elementary rules and concepts are violated in here unfortunately. Well, I just hope that ArenaNet learns from mistakes made.

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> >in any game I know an "assassin" is not allowed to 100 > 0 anybody within a mere reaction time. All games have understood this concept but somehow Guild Wars 2 PvP did not get the memo.


> This isn't true. Happens all the time.


Could you please share with us some examples out of competitive PvP games?

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> @"Jannie.2975" said:

> After all the series of Mirage nerfs, I don't see the issues and problems fixed to this day. Now I was wondering if the Mirage is simply a unfixable specialization in PvP and being in need of a total revamp after all. No matter how many nerfs follow, this specialization remains overpowered, oppressive and unpunishable.


What class are you playing. Because with the recent nerfs. A lot of classes now have a much better foothold on fighting power mirage and either winning or stalemating the fight.

So what class do you play?





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mesmer nerfs have rly helped on the condi part so they atleast arent the dualist gods with more condi application than scourge anymore.

i think its spot on even tho the nerfs didnt seem to do much to begin with.

powershatter mes wasnt a problem to begin with and still isnt, just git guud op, nothing else to say rly

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> @"Jannie.2975" said:

> The purpose of "assassins" is to "clean up", not to erase players 100 > 0 before they can press any key on their keyboard. I am sorry but I don't agree with you at all, Sigmoid.7082.


Which "assassins" are you refer to? Because in normal circumstances no profession in gw2 can kill anyone that fast. You may want to check your network connection or git gud.

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Every class and elite specialization has its 'holes'.


I would recommend to all for them to play the other classes/elites to get the feel for their play style. When you do, you will soon realize where their weaknesses are so you can take advantage of it.


Constantly tweaking and nerfing (etc.) can be a hassle due to the changes that seem to happen way too often. No one likes to play a game when the rules keep changing.

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While some aspects of mirage remain very strong, and of course the spec will have further adjustment in future patches, the one thing that will always remain unfixable is a portion of the community's hardcoded anti-mesmer bias. Whether it's issues with targeting, screen clutter, evades, stealth, ports or even the pink spell effect colours - conceptually and in terms of gameplay it will always be seen as annoying to some.


Regarding the "100-0", whether healthy or not (and in part I can agree that this kind of "one shot" gameplay doesn't appeal to me anymore, especially when considering stealth bursts - I do find it boring now), core mesmer has had access to this kind of burst for the entire lifetime of gw2. Maybe designs can change, but it's manageable.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> The recent Mirage changes ended up making a bigger difference than I thought they would. They are more easily dealt with now.


"difference"? They destroyed focus skills completely for example :) Like 400 burning damage per second now. It is better to use autoattack than "focus" skills. It looks like they don't even test what they are doing.


Can't wait for more "balance" patches.

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Thank you for telling me all to get good because that is always my goal no matter how good I am. :)

I watch professional Mirage players play on lifestream and I see them deleting others within a single reaction time from 100 > 0.

I main chronomancer by the way. To prove my point to myself, I went into PvP, made a condi Mirage build and started right away without knowing any Mirage skills of any kind (not really interested in playing Mirage in general), even not knowing how to play Mirage at all. A Mirage rookie who has his few PvP matches. I had the easiest PvP experience since I play PvP and I murdered people with least efforts. I felt like a wolf surrounded by sheep. I was truly feeling like I was playing with an overpowered class who was destroying people. I did not need to be good, I did not need to know anything, I was simply superior to all else by nature. Unfavorable fights I escaped with blink and my jaunts, I mean I have a total of 4 blinks max.

I play Engineer in PvP, too. I used 2 rocket jumps with a total distance of 2,400 range to escape Mirages and the Mirage could catch up on such a distance, too.

You can say whatever you want, Mirage is in its kit simply too overpowered and damage tweaking here and there are not the solution. The Mirage design is overpowered by its design, that means that the design itself needs a fixing, which is a revamp.

Thank you all for your replies, greatly appreciated, even though some of the replies were more personal attacks but productive contribution to the subject.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > lol people wanting the Mirage to be as useless as a core nec or wut.


> Nope, I want mirage to be even more useless, just forgotten like Scrapper.


nooooooooooooo don't go there. Mirage is the only reason for me to even log in into this game. If Mirage becomes a scepter 2.0, better play Candy Crush than gw2.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > lol people wanting the Mirage to be as useless as a core nec or wut.

> >

> > Nope, I want mirage to be even more useless, just forgotten like Scrapper.


> nooooooooooooo don't go there. Mirage is the only reason for me to even log in into this game. If Mirage becomes a scepter 2.0, better play Candy Crush than gw2.


There will always be people who come and go. You might go, yes. However, you should also know that many more will return and stay instead. Systematically removing hazardous and toxic game concepts will always increase the player population. I know many people in my guilds who say that they do not want to play PvP because of the Mesmers. Just let that sink in a moment. People don't like to play games from which they take toxic thoughts and experiences out of it. Mirage is such a class. Only Mirage players enjoy the game while all the other players in the enemy team have their nightmares come true. That class is a serious problem. That class is hazardous. So, if you enjoy giving such toxicity to other players to your own amusement by using Mirage and through a fix you could not do that anymore, maybe Candy Crush might be another better platform to release your energies on. What do you think?

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