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Juggernaut or Sharur?

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Good day everyone,

I have now three characters that utilize the Hammer as a weapon and think it’s time to upgrade their hammer to a legendary. The professions I use hammer on are Herald and Spellbreaker for zerging and hammer scrapper for fun roaming.


Which legendary hammer do you enjoy

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I like Sharur. It's not very flashy, and since it got ninjaed into the game alot of people don't know it exists - meaning not many have it. I also lile the effects, it's definitely a legendary with character.


That being said, th Juggernaut has this other effect you might want, and that is giving your armor a metallic hue when drawn. It looks awesome, so if I made it then it would be solely for that. Plus the precursor is incredibly easy to get now on the TP.


What you can do (if you have 2 gifts of exploration) is to craft Juggernaut then sell it so you have money to get Sharur fast. Or even better start with the juggernaut while getting the accountbound currency and precursor needed for Sharur. If you start with the gifts of might and magic so they are out of the way first, you will be well on your way to have Sharur once you are done making The Juggernaut.


After all, wouldn't it be better to get to choose which skin goes on what character? ;)

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OP... DUDE!!! :astonished: You forgot the **BOTH** Option, yo! :scream:


I have and love them **BOTH**! Juggernaut for its ever so cool metallic effects on your armor when in combat ROCK like nobody's business! But Sharur, during the day time, gives off a very NICE and **INTENSELY** SLAMMIN' green pull-it-out glow! And at night it gets all creepy as HELL, including sound effects! :smiley:


My Herald is rocking them both atm and I use them also on my Warrior and Scrapper too!

As to which you should make _first_ :wink:, I'd say it depends on what effects would complement your toons' style the most. :smiley:


Good luck with your decision, man! And remember, make one of them now and then make the other one later when u got the mats and mula! :+1:


You won't be sorry!


Cheers! :smile:

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I'm torn on the Juggy. I love the design and Atlas motif but I really, really wish there was a way to turn off the coating effect - it entirely ruins me Legendary Armour's looks...


In retrospect I'd probably gone Sharur. I've never seen anyone with it in-game, so it is a rare Pepe to boot.

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