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Time gating is NOT fun!!

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Depending on your achievement points you might be able to speed up the process by hitting the next 500 or 1k mark. Not sure where and how many laurels you can acquire that way or how many you are missing. If you are close to a 5k AP check mark you can get 5-10 laurels on top of your monthly laurels.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Depending on your achievement points you might be able to speed up the process by hitting the next 500 or 1k mark. Not sure where and how many laurels you can acquire that way or how many you are missing. If you are close to a 5k AP check mark you can get 5-10 laurels on top of your monthly laurels.


Great idea. I actually forgot to mention that I checked out that as well. Currently on 11.700 AP, and If I wanted to speed the process up I'd have to farm out 1300 AP and still wait a week instead of week and a half. I also checked all achievements in hope some would award Laurels, but no luck.

> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> Why would I bother with a precursor collection when I can literally buy the kitten thing already crafted for less gold than the combined materials required for all collection steps would cost me?


> Just hop onto Istan train for a day or two (jusdging by the "sleeping on the keyboard is no problem" I assume you can easily spend vast amounts of time online) and grind yourself an average of 20g/hour and buy a precursor.


I've spent last week in Istan mate :/ No problems there.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> You could buy a dawn and bypass whatever timegate tho :/


> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> Yeah, but being 99.99% done with your precursor and legendary overall, do you still think the way forward is to buy it right then and there? Sure dude. Have you even read any of my posts?



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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> Yeah, but being 99.99% done with your precursor and legendary overall, do you still think the way forward is to buy it right then and there? Sure dude. Have you even read any of my posts?


All your problems are generated by failed research phase on your side before starting the collection.

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Depending on your achievement points you might be able to speed up the process by hitting the next 500 or 1k mark. Not sure where and how many laurels you can acquire that way or how many you are missing. If you are close to a 5k AP check mark you can get 5-10 laurels on top of your monthly laurels.


> Great idea. I actually forgot to mention that I checked out that as well. Currently on 11.700 AP, and If I wanted to speed the process up I'd have to farm out 1300 AP and still wait a week instead of week and a half. I also checked all achievements in hope some would award Laurels, but no luck.


If only you checked before spending all laurels on T6s... thonking

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So @"Kheldorn.5123" the thing you seem unable to understand is that I already have been checking wiki a ton and I've been juggling 30 diff things I needed to remember about it. One of them was enough to lock me in a arbitrary time gate, and it did. If you think that's my and only my fault, I don't know what to say to you.

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Oh and one more thing, The item that is required is not on LA laurel vendor. I know every item on that vendor, and if the item needed for Dawn was on the "normal" laurel vendor, I would have known about it and not spent my laurels a week prior.

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> Oh and one more thing, The item that is required is not on LA laurel vendor. I know every item on that vendor, and if the item needed for Dawn was on the "normal" laurel vendor, I would have known about it and not spent my laurels a week prior.


1st tab, 4th item down - 10 mystic binding agents for 10 laurels. That's at the LA laurel vendor I just passed by. Sorry!


I will say though, if (and I assume all are the same but haven't checked) only 5 are needed, it seems unfair you have to spend 10 laurels on it. I have little issue with the time gating, but it does seem to force you to buy twice as many

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> There is already 0 "value" in them now other than looking awesome. You can already buy the whole item for real world money so what are you on about.


You can also buy the whole item for in game gold without spending a dime of real world money...but what about the value of the items that go into the collection...or any of a number of other items in game that, in your words, have no value(everything has value to someone, it is not always a monetary issue...value =/= money).

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What the actual hell. I mean it's good that you said it, I don't mind even tho it made me look bad, but just saying wouldn't be surprised if it becomes available only when you buy an expansion or start a legendary collection. Since I played for over 5 years without one :/

Logging in to pay that vendor a visit and see for myself lol

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:


> #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas


> Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.


> This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.


> The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.


> Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.



That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.


Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> So @"Kheldorn.5123" the thing you seem unable to understand is that I already have been checking wiki a ton and I've been juggling 30 diff things I needed to remember about it. One of them was enough to lock me in a arbitrary time gate, and it did. If you think that's my and only my fault, I don't know what to say to you.


Yes, I think it is your fault. Now what?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:

> >

> > #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas

> >

> > Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> > Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.

> >

> > This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> > If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.

> >

> > The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> > But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.

> >

> > Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.

> >


> That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

> OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.


> Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.


While you can disagree and dislike time-gating.


You are factually wrong if you argue that it adds nothing. To be clear, time-gating:


- adds value to the end product. This is were the daily crafting of ascended materials gets its added value. Unlike the phenomenon in many other MMOs were the ingredients usually are more expensive than the crafted item (which here can be seen for example in wood dowls which are worth less than the wood used to create them)

- increases trade of both ingredients and finished product on the trading post. Both so people can use their daily crafting cool downs as well as people who want/need to circumvent them

- the increased trade on the trading post removes gold from the game economy


That's just some of the beneficial effects of time-gating as far as the game economy is concerned.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:

> >

> > #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas

> >

> > Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> > Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.

> >

> > This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> > If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.

> >

> > The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> > But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.

> >

> > Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.

> >


> That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

> OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.


> Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.


You can always sell your materials and just buy the time-gated materials used for legendaries/ascended. The issue here isn't that people don't like time-gated crafting, its that some people are anti-trading/anti-market. A lot of games there's some people complaining they can't get everything quickly without trading.

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This is probably one of the complaints about the game I can agree with the least. First of all, a tiny amount of research would have yielded what you need, even something simply as the shopping list on gw2efficiency.com.


But beyond that, the legendary was meant to take a long time, because it's a long term goal. Whether you or I or George want to get this item today or tomorrow is completely irrelevant since it's structured to be something to be gotten over time in the first place. But I want it now is not really a valid complaint in my opinion.


Furthermore, you don't have to wait for laurels. You can farm gold and mats and buy the T6 mats you need if you really want to, and not wait at all. Would it be a lot of farming. Sure it would. Is it possible? Sure it is.


If you're making your first legendary, you expect something that'll take time. Staying up till 6 in the morning doesn't entitle you to a faster process. I've made 15 legendaries (or there abouts) and I never stay up late to farm. I wait until I have stuff or I have gold. This is strictly a problem of player expectation. To expect something like a legendary on your imagined schedule with no research into what you need to make it?


I'm not seeing the problem. Particularly now that T6 mats are as cheap as they've been in ages.



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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> The Wiki confuses me. So whats the daily crafting needed to make for Legendary Greatsword?


Depends on the sword. For core legendaries, unless you're crafting a precursor, rather than buying it, there is no daily crafting. The OP is referring to waiting to get laurels to get T6 mats without buying them from the TP or farming them.


HoT legendaries will need ascended materials which have a daily component to their crafting. For example if your specific legendary requires deldrimor steel ingots, it'll require lumps of mithrillium which can only be made once a day.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > The Wiki confuses me. So whats the daily crafting needed to make for Legendary Greatsword?


> Depends on the sword. For core legendaries, unless you're crafting a precursor, rather than buying it, there is no daily crafting. The OP is referring to waiting to get laurels to get T6 mats without buying them from the TP or farming them.


Technically, the OP's issue isn't t6 materials. It's the need for Mystic Binding Agent (only available for Laurels) *after having spent all laurels* on t6 materials.


It's not unwillingness to use the TP, it's a slip in research.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > The Wiki confuses me. So whats the daily crafting needed to make for Legendary Greatsword?


> Depends on the sword. For core legendaries, unless you're crafting a precursor, rather than buying it, there is no daily crafting. The OP is referring to waiting to get laurels to get T6 mats without buying them from the TP or farming them.


> HoT legendaries will need ascended materials which have a daily component to their crafting. For example if your specific legendary requires deldrimor steel ingots, it'll require lumps of mithrillium which can only be made once a day.


well I brought Dusk. Now what?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:

> > > >

> > > > #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas

> > > >

> > > > Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> > > > Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.

> > > >

> > > > This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> > > > If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.

> > > >

> > > > The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> > > > But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.

> > > >

> > > > Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.

> > > >

> > >

> > > That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

> > > OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.

> > >

> > > Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.

> >

> > While you can disagree and dislike time-gating.

> >

> > You are factually wrong if you argue that it adds nothing. To be clear, time-gating:

> >

> > - adds value to the end product. This is were the daily crafting of ascended materials gets its added value. Unlike the phenomenon in many other MMOs were the ingredients usually are more expensive than the crafted item (which here can be seen for example in wood dowls which are worth less than the wood used to create them)

> > - increases trade of both ingredients and finished product on the trading post. Both so people can use their daily crafting cool downs as well as people who want/need to circumvent them

> > - the increased trade on the trading post removes gold from the game economy

> >

> > That's just some of the beneficial effects of time-gating as far as the game economy is concerned.


> No it doesn't add value. Value and cost aren't the same thing. The intrinsic value of it doesn't change with the time it takes to make, only the cost/availability.

It's specifically designed to maintain its **value** as a traded material. Being time-gated it becomes *valuable* enough to make simply to trade.


> 15% tax isn't removing gold from the economy. It's simply shifting it to people who have the time to craft those materials daily.


What do you think happens to the 15% (that you specifically mention, even) that the buyer pays but the seller doesn't get? Those 15% off *every trade* on the TP is *the primary* gold sink of the game!




> Or maybe you're one of the people maintaining the supply of time-gated items?

I am. *Exactly how ANet designed ascended crafting*.


> Chak egg sacks are extremely rare, and slow to obtain. And yet, most people won't complain, because it's obviously a rare item, and they can try to get it at every meta rotation.

Chak Egg Sac is probably one of the most complained-about items in the game, since it's currently being traded 99% *outside the TP* due to the TP max price of 10k gold.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:

> > > >

> > > > #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas

> > > >

> > > > Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> > > > Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.

> > > >

> > > > This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> > > > If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.

> > > >

> > > > The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> > > > But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.

> > > >

> > > > Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.

> > > >

> > >

> > > That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

> > > OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.

> > >

> > > Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.

> >

> > While you can disagree and dislike time-gating.

> >

> > You are factually wrong if you argue that it adds nothing. To be clear, time-gating:

> >

> > - adds value to the end product. This is were the daily crafting of ascended materials gets its added value. Unlike the phenomenon in many other MMOs were the ingredients usually are more expensive than the crafted item (which here can be seen for example in wood dowls which are worth less than the wood used to create them)

> > - increases trade of both ingredients and finished product on the trading post. Both so people can use their daily crafting cool downs as well as people who want/need to circumvent them

> > - the increased trade on the trading post removes gold from the game economy

> >

> > That's just some of the beneficial effects of time-gating as far as the game economy is concerned.


> No it doesn't add value. Value and cost aren't the same thing. The intrinsic value of it doesn't change with the time it takes to make, only the cost/availability. And no, it adds nothing to the game. It's just unimaginative bloat added to make it artificially scarce, because it was added at a time where the economist in Arena Net (note that that crap ended after he left) was obsessed with scarcity, and lacking imagination that's what they came up with.


Wait wait wait, you are using intrinsic value for a digital good? So just to understand, you are using the fundamental value of a digital good which by its very nature is only defined by its market value which is of no consequence to its intrinsic value? Okay, got you. Side note, I said value, not intrinsic value in my argument, that is something you added to my surprise (surprise as it makes no sense to add this distinction in this context but you do you).


Besides the economic aspect, the added value is to people who precisely use this conversion as income. Especially in a game where some people have limited time, this can be a benefit.


> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> 15% tax isn't removing gold from the economy. It's simply shifting it to people who have the time to craft those materials daily. They could add a lot better gold sinks, and have in the past.


Player A owns 100 gold and item X

Player B owns 100 gold.

Net value total: 200 gold and item X.


Player A sells item over the trading post for 10 gold to player B.


Net result after transaction:

Player A owns 108g 50 silver.

Player B owns 90 gold and item X.

Net value total: 198 gold 50 silver and item X.

**The game economy was drained by 1 gold 50 silver.**


This is such simple math, I'm not sure how one can get it wrong.


Yes they could add a ton of more gold sinks, that is completely beside the issue. If you think that the main trading platform over which almost all trade happens in the value of probably hundreds of millions of gold daily with its 15% tax is of no consequence, well then I'm not sure what to say really.

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