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How would you like to see the Skimmer Mount evolve?

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You know it. I know it. We use it because terrain forces us to, but both of us would prefer using griffon to fly over water/quicksand. I know yall would in a heartbeat skim it if the rollerbeetle had less resistance against larger bodies of water with a high enough speed. The skimmer is the last resort. When youre grounded and have no other choice. So how about a little spice? In Sandswept Isles, during the inquest race event, the skimmer gets a skill called Geyser Boost (can only be used when you are above water) which pops the skimmer up and increases speed. Would certainly make traveling over flat distances interesting and make those awkward land conversions easier instead of holding down, trying to float above, but somehow it doesnt work all the time with terrain mesh clutter.


I only suggested Geyser Boost in its current form because it's already in the game and easily implemented to the other areas, but what is your idea of making skimmer "less boring".


Furthermore, at the possibility of an underwater mount, lets critically think what skimmer's existence does to potential and current mount design.


I fear that the skimmer's viability as a water/quicksand mount threatens the speed of a potential underwater mount because of a devs team worry that they might make the skimmer obsolete. Therefore, the underwater mount will never be faster than the skimmer when the skimmer is ontop of the water. This forces players trying to go from A to B to take the least scenic route... a flat water board. It also forces players (and I use "force" as in the people who wish to travel the fastest/most interesting way) to Skimmer from point A to B, and then Underwater mount from B to C because the lack of speed from A to C becomes too great, making players work their way to the surface (again, not the most interesting place to be).


Another concern: there are several environments that I enjoy in underwater areas, but I never experience them due to the Skimmer's traveling method.


Idea: Perhaps make the skimmer an underwater mount? Thematically you just teach it a new skill and add it to the list of upgrades via the mastery system. Then you solve the problem of over-populating the game with mounts. I also love the idea of hanging on to the skimmer as some sort of driver propulsion like they have irl and in Subnautica. ![](https://www.deeperblue.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/AdobeStock_26298768.jpeg "")


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> @"Noodle Ant.1605" said:

> The skimmer would have to have its named changed the moment it can go under water. ‘B-but... *skimmer* sounds *cool!*’


I mean, there is a break in theme there... I hardly see it as a large hurdle to overcome. And sure, its just a name in the UI and maybe an update of the silhouette.

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Ah I want to change my vote. :( Made the wrong vote.


Would prefer skimmer being given a dive option (ie new unique skill 2 for each mount), where it closes its propulsion organs and uses its fins and tail only to move underwater.


The jump effect would have to be changed, not sure what to - maybe a small boost/evade or something.

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Well, I'd like to see a dolphin. And not a creepy ugly dolphin, just...a dolphin.


But before we finish working on the new story and collections and hard work to get our new dolphin, it would be neat if the skimmer was 'also' an underwater mount. Perhaps we get a '2' skill that is 'dive', and then we're underwater, without dismounting. And that new skill could be learned via the mastery system, provided they put enough points in the world for that and the new dolphin and any other appropriate new masteries that might exist, like some underwater combat, movement, teleporting, riding currents, and other things like that they dream up.


And then maybe we can have a horse! :#



Mr. Yeah-I-Used-To-Pick-On-People-In-The-Forum-That-Wanted-Mounts-But-Now-Like-Them-Was-That-Out-Loud?

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I want two new masteries for skimmer:


* Life Saver - The skimmer will instantly mount when stepping on a dangerous surface (sulfur, quicksand, brand crystals, lava, boiling water, etc). This can only happen once every 180 seconds.

* Return to the Sea - The skimmer can now dive underwater by pressing he "Dive down" key (instead sitting on the saddle, underwater the character holds the handlebars of the skimmer like a scuba scooter). While underwater, if its endurance is full, the skimmer stores water (appears as the endurance bar getting filled blue over the yellow). Pressing the second mount ability button quickly consumes the water stored to gain an extra boost of speed. Using an engage ability consumes all stored water to empower the healing effect.


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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> I want two new masteries for skimmer:


> * Life Saver - The skimmer will instantly mount when stepping on a dangerous surface (sulfur, quicksand, brand crystals, lava, boiling water, etc). This can only happen once every 180 seconds.

> * Return to the Sea - The skimmer can now dive underwater by pressing he "Dive down" key (instead sitting on the saddle, underwater the character holds the handlebars of the skimmer like a scuba scooter). While underwater, if its endurance is full, the skimmer stores water (appears as the endurance bar getting filled blue over the yellow). Pressing the second mount ability button quickly consumes the water stored to gain an extra boost of speed. Using an engage ability consumes all stored water to empower the healing effect.



Now that is neat. Life Saver sounds like a terrific quality of life increase that everyone would want, and having a mount that is lackluster in mechanics really does allow room for innovation.

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> @"The Night Fox.6018" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Skimmer mount evolve? So they’re like Pokémon now?


> Were they not before? Training them with exp to have access to new skills?


Except you didn’t really train them as using them wasn’t required to gain additional abilities through masteries.

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Skimmers were made to float above surfaces. I feel like giving them a dive option might take this special feel away so I would prefer them to stay this way. It would be nice to see some sort of dolphin (which would give Anet an opportunity to make even more skins) but I would be okay with the skimmer diving as well, should they decide to make an underwater mount.

We might also get a new kind of movement instead, as soon as the deep sea dragon gets relevant. Who knows.


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I voted "other"...


I really don't think we need yet another mount archtype, although I think that's the way the devs will go if we get an underwater expac.

I think rather than yet another situation specific mount, all mounts except the springer and the roller beetle get another mastery level that allows them to "dive" for short periods (a la Gliders and Endurance) and when you run out of endurance, they poof, just like gliders do when you haven't maxed your glider masteries.

The griffon could easily swim, diving the fastest to the bottom, and the raptor could swim like an alligator or croc as well, with maybe a special "tail slap" skill to daze mobs. The skimmer would be the fastest in the water, as it is when it's skimming the surface, and would have an "echo" skill for pushing back or confusing mobs.


The reason I didn't include springers and roller beetles is because those two mounts really don't fit at all with underwater movement. The springer's jump skill is useless (you can swim up) and the roller beetle speed would be nerfed to kitten because of speed slow-down in water.

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> @"The Night Fox.6018" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Skimmer mount evolve? So they’re like Pokémon now?


> Were they not before? Training them with exp to have access to new skills?


Not the same thing. If I learn how to play piano, I don't suddenly evolve into another creature. It would be more akin to unleashing the innate skills a skimmer already has that it hasn't used yet than anything related with pokemon/evolution.


Also, the devs said something about skimmers naturally evolving because of how the crystal sea became the crystal desert long ago, and just as how sand sharks and sand eels have learned to adapt to land, skimmers have evolved to hover over any surface since water suddenly stopped existing on the crystal desert.


Onto the main topic itself, while I would personally love a skimmer that could dive into the water as well as hover over it, from a game design/mechanics standpoint it doesn't make sense to so massively change the skimmer from it's current design to allow underwater movement. The name 'skimmer' wouldn't make sense anymore either. I do think there is room for underwater mounts and that with the changes to underwater combat (and potential future overhauls for an underwater expansion), it really only makes sense to have a new mount showcase that, rather than changing an old one.

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I like the skimmer, but I think now it's got the speed boost over water it's fine. I think an underwater mount should be a new mount / separate, though a variant of the skimmer maybe.


I'm not sure if it was a bug that's been fixed, but I did find if you got on your skimmer then used an underwater WP like the one near the lab JP in Bloodtide, then when you appeared at the WP you'd still be on your skimmer underwater, but float straight up to the surface and dismount there. Was quite a fun surprise when I had that happen.

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