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24-28-32 Bag Slots Worth it?


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Where do you get them? Or the recipes for them? Some people were epeen-linking recipes in chat in Desert Highlands yesterday and I asked and one of them said they got there's from a "secret room near Derelict Delve", presumably from a chest, but I haven't figured out where that is. I found a hidden passage in the lava room that goes south to the water fall, but no secret rooms anywhere. :(

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For me personally, it is not worth it. I have 20 slot bags on my three main toons. They all have max slots. In the last couple of years since they have been maxed out like this, I have only once ran out of room and that was because I was not paying attention.


Now that I have the Mistlock Sanctuary, popping in there and back to where I was really killed wanting the bigger bags.


They seem way to expensive to me. I can do a lot of other things with that gold.

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> @kurfu.5623 said:

> http://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/32-Slot_Gossamer_Saddlebag


> Current material cost: 233 Gold 44 Silver 14 Copper


> No thanks.


Its under 100g for 28 slot bags, and only ~34 gold for a 24 slot bag. I see it as a long term goal of players who care about min/maxing everything, and I'm content with that.


Also @OP I think the price of these runes of holding will eventually drop a bit, after the appeal of the new bags drops off somewhat, and after all the rich people/people who constantly need more inventory space get their bags and demand for runes drops

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Personally I am glad that they came into the game. There was a want from the player base that did a lot of stuff with their inventory and now those people have the option to expand it if they want to. I may someday go and get a few of the 24 slot bags someday but I'm in no hurry. I am happy the option is now available though.


I do wish they were sellable. It does take some work to make the bags and some people will be fine paying a bit more to just outright buy them, really not sure why they bound. A small knock on another wise great addition.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @kurfu.5623 said:

> > http://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/32-Slot_Gossamer_Saddlebag

> >

> > Current material cost: 233 Gold 44 Silver 14 Copper

> >

> > No thanks.


> Its under 100g for 28 slot bags, and only ~4 gold for a 24 slot bag. I see it as a long term goal of players who care about min/maxing everything, and I'm content with that.


> Also @OP I think the price of these runes of holding will eventually drop a bit, after the appeal of the new bags drops off somewhat, and after all the rich people/people who constantly need more inventory space get their bags and demand for runes drops


The 24-slot bag requires one of these, currently 17G:




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> @kurfu.5623 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @kurfu.5623 said:

> > > http://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/32-Slot_Gossamer_Saddlebag

> > >

> > > Current material cost: 233 Gold 44 Silver 14 Copper

> > >

> > > No thanks.

> >

> > Its under 100g for 28 slot bags, and only ~4 gold for a 24 slot bag. I see it as a long term goal of players who care about min/maxing everything, and I'm content with that.

> >

> > Also @OP I think the price of these runes of holding will eventually drop a bit, after the appeal of the new bags drops off somewhat, and after all the rich people/people who constantly need more inventory space get their bags and demand for runes drops


> The 24-slot bag requires one of these, currently 17G:

> http://wiki-en.guildwars2.com/wiki/Supreme_Rune_of_Holding




Typo, my bad. I meant to write 34

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At current costs, looks like 100 G -> 400 gems, which is the price of a bag slot expansion. So 110 GP gets the character another 20 slots, or you can spend that 100 GP gold for a 28 slot bag, or 8 more slots.

So unless you plan to move the bags between characters, or already have the extra bag slots on the character, it is probably more cost effective to buy those first.


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I compared the costs [in another post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5062/new-bag-slot-vs-24-28-32-slot-bags "in another post"). The tl;dr is:

* Adding 24 slots by upgrading four 18-slots to 24-slot: ~124g = ~5g per added slot

* Adding 20 slots by adding a New Bag Slot: 132g max = ~6.6g/slot

* Adding 30 slots by upgrading three 18-slots to 28-slot: 267g = 8.9g/slot

* Adding 28 slots by converting two 18-slot bags to 32-slot: ~460 gold = 16.4g/slot


(pricing data is in [the other thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/5062/new-bag-slot-vs-24-28-32-slot-bags "the other thread"))


It's up to each player to determine if the extra convenience is worth those costs.

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I don't think the cost is out of line at all. Crafting a 20-slot bag vs. an 18-slot bag cost 4g+ per extra slot. At that rate, a 24-slot bag "should" cost 16g+ more. But, the curve rose exponentially, so I was expecting closer to 5-10 gold for just the first slot.


The actual price is a little higher than that, but not a whole lot so.


What I don't like is that you can't upgrade but a fraction of your current bags.

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Apparently the cost per slot is sound for 32 slot bags. At the end of the day, if you're 20 slots across the board and you want more space, you have no choice but to go up into the 24s, 28s and 32s.


The only genuine issue with these bags IMO is that they're soulbound and not account bound.

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