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Hardcore or more Casual

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > 99% of the game is casual, like cellphone game difficulty.

> > The last bit of difficulty is T4 fractals and Raids, and the people want a casual mode for that, too

> >

> > ...

> >

> > Dark days are ahead. Patch days are long and dark, and full of terror


> Considering both 5he expansions up the dificulty compaired to core which is the definition of casual. Id say more than 1% of the game is "less casual".


I dunno man, the only difficulty HoT and PoF had was “New Enemies”.

The raptors took a lot of people by surprise, by once they started using more cleaving and dodging, even those became critters.

Besides, you literally cannot fail in the story.

In GW1, death meant game over in a mission, in GW2 death means, oh, resurrection, and the boss doesn’t heal.

Even if you’re so bad you’re fighting in you’re underwear, you can just keep hitting the boss once, and keep reviving, until the boss is dead.

Do you know how silly it sounds that we can kill the Literal God of War in a single try without any practice or preperation.. just run in, and any mock build is good enough to kill him.

If that doesn’t scream casual in your face, I don’t know what does

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Hmm, I guess I fall under the "Hardcore Casual" category.


* I don't raid.

* I don't WvW.

* I definitely don't PvP.

* I rarely do dungeons.

* I rarely do fractals.

* I love exploring.

* I role play a lot.

* I love jumping puzzles.

* I do chase after Achievement Points when I can.

* I farm materials.

* I do weekly key farm.

* I spend at least 4+ hours in the game daily (8+ on weekends).

* I've made one legendary, Kudzu.

* I don't have a second account.

* I have all the mounts, and their skills maxed.


I'm sure I can list a few more things, but you get the idea.

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Very casual. I never PvP or raid, and rarely run dungeons or fractals. I just do open world. Gold per day? Less than 10 gold, I guess. Only big expense I had was the griffin mount. Never broken 400 gold. Played on and off since launch.

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> @"mikeeens.3542" said:

> Im new in this game so there will be sometimes dumb questions from me about something... (So sorry already)

> Your gameplay style? And does that effects your in-game progression?

> And ofc question for casual 80lvl players... how much gold you get dailie? :dizzy:



I'm a hardcore open world player, online every day for many hours. :)

My gameplay style helps my in-game progression because I can afford anything I want, the only thing that limits me is time.

I usually make 50-100 Gold a day just by farming meta events, depends on my mood and free time.

Edit: I play some PvP for reward tracks and dailies and help people in my guild all the time. I don't do hard instanced group content (raids, fractals) but I run story mode dungeons with newbies to help them experience the story.

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Casual or Hardcore means different things to different people...when I'm playing, that's all I spend my free time doing, but I no longer step foot in PvP or WvW, or Fractals, only did 1 dungeon(because we had to at the time). I do open world only, I do not care about playing the rest of the game, and sometimes that means 6 - 7 hour days on normal work days and quite a bit more on my off days...yet I consider myself a casual player. I make my characters the way I want, I play the way I want and I have fun...that is the ultimate destination for me...having fun.

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70% Casual 30% Hardcore


I love WvW.

I love so adventuring either solo or in nice groups.

I enjoy crafting and farming mats.

I do dailies.

I enjoy helping people when I can.

I have accumulated about 1200 gold total and am now down to about half of that


I used to PVP but it got too hostile.


As for map style....I don't mind Verdant Brink style maps but I despise Tangled depths. Its tedious and makes me nauseous.

And I know I will never do RAIDS because of the hostility and elitism.

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I play this game only from time to time but definitely in a more casual way. One of the main things that annoys me as a casual players is the endless slug fests that boss fights tend to be. I am doing Path of Fire story now and on the one hand I like some stuff about the story and all, but I can't stand those boss fights cause they have like a gazillion hp and I just get bored during the fights because it's just the same motions over and over again but it just takes the momentum out of the story.


In fact I think overall mobs could do with a good reduction on HP or defence because it always seems to feel like it takes too long and so I tend to just run through them instead of fighting them. So I figure what's the point of them except being annoying? Also I have to say that Path of Fire or Elona is growing on me and I quite like a lot of the areas but I can't really stand and enjoy them cause there's always some ranged mob attacking me from somewhere it seems.


So yeah, the PvE experience is in essence casual but it's also more annoying than it should be in my view. So yeah, I'll last a couple of months and then am too annoyed again. If they'd do something about that I might play longer actually. And I'll definitely not play through the main story on an alt. As much as I like it overall, I'm already so annoyed with the slug fests I've had and I haven't completed it just yet but I just feel like getting it over with now rather than looking forward to the rest of the story.


I can feel my eyes rolling every time in my solo story I see a champion mob or higher... It's so boring and it actually ruins the story which I otherwise quite enjoy. So yeah casual but only from time to time because the annoyance level kicks in quite quickly and I wish I had more opportunities to just stand around and enjoy the scenery.

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Bizarre thread title and OP.


You didn't define hardcore or casual so, Idk what a play style means. So it follows that idk if it affects my progress. I also don't know how much I make in gold, but apparently it's enough. Maybe a video would help find the definition that meets your view of those words?




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> @"mikeeens.3542" said:

> For me Hardcore players are - who rush to get faster 80lvl, players who are doing end game content (hardmode dungeons that casual player would not do) and making the best gear possible to be the best. Players who farm materials, gold many, many, many hrs per day... etc...

> Casual players for me would be - players who like to explore GW2 world... who would spend about 3-4hrs per day max... player who dont rush to get best gear or be the best...


> something like that.


theres a hardcore crew that does these things. the economy, incredible as it may seem, synergizes and make majority of items affordable for casuals.


I was already a "farmer" in the past, arriving at 10hrs a day, but today I am very casual, I enter WvW and I participate in some fights.




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I think Gw2 is pretty casual heavy. Imo its a forgiving game that still rewards you if IRL gets in the way and you need to become a filthy casual (aka. just logging in for dailies and still getting that 2g/mats from home instance + dailies). And you can still do lower level fractals / easier dungeon paths / unranked pvp even if you're a casual. I think that's one of the amazing things about Gw2. Everyone can enjoy it regardless of their playstyle.

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Depends on how you define Hardcore vs. Casual in this game. I've logged 6700 hrs and my avg playtime is almost 3hrs per day, have 10 level 80 characters, world completion on 8 of them, full ascended gear on about half of them, have crafted 3 legendary weapons, and over 28K AP, yet I consider myself a casual player.


To me, the hardcore players in GW2 are ones that regularly play raids, T4 fractals and such, or ones that have well over 30K AP since advancing AP really becomes grindy past that point.

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Welcome to the gate mikeens. Regarding your initial questions:

Your gameplay style?

Guess I play really casually


And does that effects your in-game progression?



And ofc question for casual 80lvl players... how much gold you get dailie?

For just doing your daily achievements, you should be getting 2gold + extra. So I tend to see between 4 to 5 gold playing casually.


Not sure if someone has answered the following question you made:


> @"mikeeens.3542" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > Casual and hardcore in GW2 isn't about howmuch you play. It's about the attitude they have towards the game.

> >

> > There's plenty of "hardcore" casuals who play thousands of hours yet are still "casual". There's plenty of veteran gamers who play fairly limited, sometimes only a few hours a week, but still end up doing the "hardcore" content.

> >

> > Casual and hardcore in GW2 has nothing to do with the amount you play. It has to do with your attitude and mindset towards gaming. I'd say most casual players are more interested in immersion and storytelling, and most hardcore players are more interested in challenges and the limits of GW2 action combat.

> >

> > Both casuals and hardcore players can get best in slot gear, be level 80 and participate in the endgame content.

> >

> > I consider myself more hardcore oriented. I spend most of my time ingame excluding casuals from any content I do :trollface:


> Then my question would be... for casual player like myself... would be hard or easy to get endgame gear? Seems likes thats not hard.


This is how I've seen the game over the years, there is a soft cap and a hard cap. What do I mean by this:

Soft cap:

Have full exotic gear


Hard cap:

Have full ascended/legendary gear


I won't even mention getting to max level, since that is really easy. You can reach it within weeks if you play a couple of hours a day without having to be hyper efficient with your time. With my first character, got to level 80 half way the main story.... so yeah, just explore the maps, do dailies, and enjoy your time.


Regarding the gear:

With the soft cap gear you will be able to do almost all the content the game has to offer. No joke here or being hyperbolic. GW2 is not a game that is gear grind base, it is fashion grind base xD Fashion Wars FTW. Expect getting exotic gear rather easily as well. Within a month, just playing a couple of hours, you can achieve the soft cap no probs.


Now, for the hard cap... that is another story. It is plausible as a casual player, but it will take time, like... full months back to back time if not a year+.


In my personal opinion, there are only 3 reasons to actually reach that hard cap:

1. You like the gear

2. You want to do high level fractals

3. You want to min/max everything of your character


Finally, taking back to the concept of progression question you made. Progress within the game it also depends on yourself. Maybe you want to be really good at PvP (no gear required here). Be a beast on WvW (exotic does the job). Do raids (exotic does the job). Become a fractal master (gear dependent, need ascended gear at least to get that agony resistance). Just be a god walking between mere mortals (get those legendaries ASAP). Have map fully explored/ have all the story nailed (exotic has you covered).


Hope this answered your question and hope you enjoy the game.

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I'm definitely more of a casual player. So much so that I don't even put effort into joining any of the bigger guilds out there. I keep mostly to myself and do events as I pass by any that capture my interest. Raids, PvP and fractals are nowhere on my radar of interest. Although as of lately I have been participating in WvW when the mood strikes. Even then I don't hardcore play it and only tag along for the ride, helping where I can.


Not having to pay a monthly subscription means I can take my time and enjoy things how I want. There's no need to rush to be the best or fastest at something here.

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