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Wasted 310g on a weapon skin...

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Well, I wouldn't say you wasted 310g. At worst, you got what you wanted (and paid more than you would have today), but... that can happen at any time in this game. There are dyes once worth hundreds of gold trading for under 6 gold today. Lots of skins lost value because ANet added a faucet without warning.


> Of course it's horribly frustrating to be caught by such a change (and yes, I've been on the wrong end of that more often than there's room for in the thread). At the end of the day, you still have the skin you wanted.


Not jut in this game, it can happen all the time in life...


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> @"cormega.6238" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > You gambled and lost. Life sucks sometimes. It's as simple as that.


> I have the Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal. That is gambling. Not so sure that me buying that ticket/skin can be called gambling.


It's a gamble in the sense that the market can change without warning. What's crazy pricey today might be cheap tomorrow (or vice versa). Of course, I'm deeply disappointed when it happens to me. I just try to remember that, indeed, I got what I wanted for a price I was willing to pay. The fact that I might have paid less had I waited is like all other 20-20 hindsight regrets.

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> @"cormega.6238" said:> I've been collecting all the Sword skins for a few years and now I only have 11 to go. Well one of those skins was the Sovereign Spatha from the Crown Pavilion. I needed a 'Favor of the Bazaar' ticket to purchase it from the vendor, so about a month ago I finally caved and bought the ticket from the TP for 310g. It's not like the Pavilion and Bazaar are ever going to return....then one month later, *LATEST NEWS:* July 17th -- Festival of the Four Winds begins next week! kinda in the same boat, spent loads of laurels on season 1 skins

> ...............................................................insert Anakin Ihateyou.gifhere, I'll do it for you ;)![](https://i.imgur.com/rdPWR6L.png "")

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > @"Arbalest.4506" said:

> > Lol yeah, I don't know who had worse luck.

> > I bought PoF in the middle of June before anet announced LW S4:E3 along with 50% OFF!!!


> I'ma best that:

> I bought a Volkswagen half a year before Dieselgate... you feeling better now? =)


Sucks for you, really. I am really glad that I did not buy a Diesel.


But if you do not happen to live in a certain Berlin area your car is still totally functional, as is the skin bought. The blame for this should rest where it majorly belongs anytime with nearly everything and anywhere, on corporations and the respective government. I would be really curious to know how the drivers of the "Drotschgenkutschen (carriages)" were mad about the first mass produced cars and the devaluation of their carriages. ;)

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> @"Torolan.5816" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > @"Arbalest.4506" said:

> > > Lol yeah, I don't know who had worse luck.

> > > I bought PoF in the middle of June before anet announced LW S4:E3 along with 50% OFF!!!

> >

> > I'ma best that:

> > I bought a Volkswagen half a year before Dieselgate... you feeling better now? =)


> Sucks for you, really. I am really glad that I did not buy a Diesel.


> But if you do not happen to live in a certain Berlin area your car is still totally functional, as is the skin bought. The blame for this should rest where it majorly belongs anytime with nearly everything and anywhere, on corporations and the respective government. I would be really curious to know how the drivers of the "Drotschgenkutschen (carriages)" were mad about the first mass produced cars and the devaluation of their carriages. ;)


Sucks? Au contraire ;) gladly, it's not a Diesel and I love the car, just the price would have been cheaper (yes, also for gasoline cars).

Last time I heard, two entire roads in Hamburg got a Diesel-ban as well. Wonder what they are expecting from that, with emissions not being stationary and such...

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> @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> Why should they give anything back for something that you purchased with in game gold just because they decided to bring an event back just after you bought the item. You could of waited on that item and hoped within a reasonable time it may return, but no you were impatient and had to have it now. They may not of brought the event back at all, but they did. So to me you do not deserve to get any gold back for that sword. You may get your gold back, but you shouldn't The only way I would agree to this is if you accidently bought a weapon you already had.


What do you consider a reasonable amount of time? The Festival was last in-game in 2014 at the end of Season 1, and the official word from Anet is that everything from Season 1 is not coming back because they don't have the time or capacity to get it working again without delaying everything else. So right up until the announcement the OP, just like everyone else, had no reason to think the festival or the weapons would come back.

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> @"Cynn.1659" said:

> I bought gw2 and expansions when they first came out, now anet makes sales . Please can i have a refund? So unfair, new people get to pay less than me.


> See how ridiculous it sounds?


It sounds ridiculous if gw2 + expansion sold just yesterday and they announced to cut the price by 50% next week.


Also no one here asking for refund. We just share our bad luck.

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> @"cormega.6238" said:

> I've been collecting all the Sword skins for a few years and now I only have 11 to go. Well one of those skins was the Sovereign Spatha from the Crown Pavilion. I needed a 'Favor of the Bazaar' ticket to purchase it from the vendor, so about a month ago I finally caved and bought the ticket from the TP for 310g. It's not like the Pavilion and Bazaar are ever going to return....then one month later, *LATEST NEWS:* July 17th -- Festival of the Four Winds begins next week! ...............................................................insert Anakin Ihateyou.gif



Someone has likely noted this but you purchased it from a player... Who listed on the TP. Do we take the gold back from that player?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I like to tell myself that sooner or later this will happen to everyone, but some people might never noticed because they don't keep following the price of an item after they've bought it. It might sound harsh but the alternative is telling myself it only happens to me because I have horrible luck.


> My worst one was buying The Lover for just under 800g - close to the most expensive it's ever been and probably ever will be. The really annoying thing? If I'd waited until I had everything else completed it would have dropped back down to about 500g. But I had no way of knowing that at the time - the standard advice was to save up and buy the precursor as soon as you could and the entire time I'd been watching it the price had been going up with no end in sight.


> I suspect overall I've wasted more gold buying mini pets at the 'wrong' time, but I don't have the time or the inclination to try and track all of their prices so I can't be sure.


> I tell myself that at least I only lost virtual money (I don't convert gems to gold) so it's not that much of a big deal. And I try to learn from it and plan ahead when similar situations come up in future. For example right now I'm trying to save gold so that if anything I really want is available during the festival I'll have a better chance of being able to afford it.


Oh look, I did it again, and a hat trick this time!


I had bids in for the Mini Forgal, Sieran and Trahearne at their former prices of 16-22g each and I log in today to find they've been brought back to mini claim tickets, meaning I got them but the current price has dropped to less than 1/2 what I paid and it will probably drop further before the festival is over.


Thankfully it's not a lot of gold lost this time, but it's still annoying because I could have used it to buy something else.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > > You could always try a support ticket and plead your case. You never know.

> > >

> > > He bought it from TP, which means support won't help

> >

> > Support is very helpful especially in such cases of unexpected game events or even player-made mistakes. I am sure Support will be open for discussion to help.


> Like what? Give him his gold back? Take the skin away? What exactly should support do when you buy something and then the market shifts.


> Edit: should they also do the vice versa? When someone sells something cheap and the price rises the next day should support reimburse them for that?


A few days old, but... yeah don't do that.


Support may be able to help with missing items and anything to do with the gem store, but trading post prices are caveat emptor, and it's a waste of their time to even ask right now.

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