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Let's just break the game (community activity)


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So far everyone is enjoying meteor week, lets discuss what next month/week event should be. Add your own and later on we can vote as community the favorite.


Climate change boyz

* All chill skills have their base duration increased by 500%.

* Burning does double damage if you are affected by chill.

* Any skill that mentions chill has their target cap increased by 5.


Utter chaos

* Critical hits have a 50% chance to inflict either fear or taunt for 3 seconds.

*Whenever you inflict cripple, chill, or immobilize, you have a 50% chance to inflict either fear or torment for 3 seconds.



Transformation week

All transformation skills/bundles/conjures add the following effects to the user.

* Duration increased by 300%

* ALL Stats multiplied by 2.

* Permanent and unstripable superspeed, stability


Deadly traps

* All traps have their radius doubled, target cap increased to 10 and their damage/healing/#number of conditions increased by 50%.



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> @"Quednau.7390" said:

> Arrow carts shoot out meteor showers would be a good one



and catapult should be able to fire twitter feeds, which causes massive blindness (cap at 50 for safety reasons) and occasionally, diarrhea

as for trebuchet, IMO, the cow's ability could use a buff: instead of one cow being fired, that one cow should be able to give birth to 37 cowlings in midair, cowlings explodes like napalms once touches the ground, the ones that didn't hit turn into drones and fly away, while the mother cow flattens the whole castle (if fired at a castle) with a mushroom cloud that can be seen from dev's bathroom stall and "Nuclear Launch Detected!" heard from Lion's Arch. I think this may help arouse PvE players' interest in wvw.

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Tactivator om SMC opens a portal to cast a Shaterer dragon that scales 50x more with the normal scale.


Siegerazor and equivalent npc's will acompanny comanders with more than 30 players on him, Siegerazor will scale 10x more, and commander can call a full suply drop to the squad towards air drops., every 1 minute.

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> Buff stealth so that thieves can one-shot from total stealth and immediately stealth again so there is zero risk.


> I guess that's every day in wvw now.


Here are my changes to stealth :X


-Give thiefs a speed throtle and reduce speed by 50% while on stealth if they move to fast and enemy finds whre thief is due sound, thief gets out of stealth.

Thiefs now on stealth receive a mini game to keep stealth going.

-Add sup sigil of mufling, your shots with rifles while on stealth dont break stealth, but instead the more caster shoots the more prominent to get revealed it gets.

-Thiefs that got hit while on stealth, stealth is removed


Pve mobs now can complete remove and convert boons from party group, also remove condis.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> all weapons are replaced with hand held cannons


DUDE! I really **LIKE** this idea! :smiley:

Maybe one way to implement it would be to have our 2nd weapon set be the Hand-Cannon (900 range) that we could switch to via weapon-swap. I think it would be a **BLAST!!!** :lol: HAHAHA!


I'd love a weekend or week theme like this! :smiley:

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