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Bifrost difficulties

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So i'm working on crafting the Bifrost and am having issues getting the Vials of Manganese Dioxide. The wiki states that it's a rare drop from coral and that it could take a while to get them. the fact that there is so very few coral nodes in the game, and the drop rate being so ridiculously low is unfair and stupid. I have to have ten of these to make the purple paint. i was able to get all of the other times relatively "easily", but this one...... having to spend a huge amount of time farming those few nodes is very disheartening and if it weren't for all the time i've already spent (not to mention materials and gold), i'd say fuck it and trash it.


DEVS!!! please do something about this!!! make it drop a bit more. it's not like you CAN'T..... why do you want it to be SO DAMN HARD to get one ingredient??????



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This is one of the times I found it really helpful to look up what I needed for the legendary and plan ahead instead of doing things in order. As soon as I got that collection unlocked (it doesn't drop before then) I assigned a character to stay in a map with lots of coral (I think I used Iron Marches) and then once or twice a day I'd do a circuit of the map gathering coral. It did take a while and at least one day I got none, but because I started it right away and didn't need it until I had everything else it wasn't a problem.

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Yeah, this part is pretty obnoxious. But that's legendary collections for you. It isn't supposed to be done in a day. Familiarize yourself with the maps that have plenty of coral nodes and make the rounds daily. It won't take but a few days. Or you can farm coral until your eyes bleed and knock it out in one day. Up to you!

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> This is one of the times I found it really helpful to look up what I needed for the legendary and plan ahead instead of doing things in order. As soon as I got that collection unlocked (it doesn't drop before then) I assigned a character to stay in a map with lots of coral (I think I used Iron Marches) and then once or twice a day I'd do a circuit of the map gathering coral. It did take a while and at least one day I got none, but because I started it right away and didn't need it until I had everything else it wasn't a problem.


Good tip. Also saves a lot of running around or remapping.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > This is one of the times I found it really helpful to look up what I needed for the legendary and plan ahead instead of doing things in order. As soon as I got that collection unlocked (it doesn't drop before then) I assigned a character to stay in a map with lots of coral (I think I used Iron Marches) and then once or twice a day I'd do a circuit of the map gathering coral. It did take a while and at least one day I got none, but because I started it right away and didn't need it until I had everything else it wasn't a problem.


> Good tip. Also saves a lot of running around or remapping.


That was my main motivation. I don't like farming and I like it even less when I spend most of my time trying to find the thing I'm farming, so I picked a map which the Wiki said had several coral nodes and found an easy route between them (lots of people recommended Orr maps but I spent more time clearing a path than gathering). It also gave me justification to break it up - I'd do one circuit of the map and then I had to stop to let the nodes reset, so I didn't get sick of it.

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I'll mention the same tip that works for me for all collections: be patient. It's all too easy to get frustrated when your immediate goal can't be met immediately. Fortunately, these are long-term projects, so they aren't going anywhere.


Keep in mind the words of the infamous professor of synergetics, Yodda:

> Haste is the path to burnout. Haste leads to frustration. Frustration leads to hate. Hate leads to needing to find a new game (or a new monitor).

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Ember Bay had quite a few underwater coral nodes. I got the Vials of Manganese Dioxide there and it was pretty easy to farm them. Also you can try looking in the locations listed on the [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Coral "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Coral") I had some items that took forever to drop when making Bifrost. Others dropped very quickly. Just do a bit every day and switch up maps.

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or check https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-29180 first and then realize you can do it faster AND cheaper by simply selling all the materials you would have used to the highest buyer and buying from the cheapest seller and you still save 1g75s. You also don't have to bother with account bound things like geode, bandit crests and obsidian

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> @"Banrigh.5932" said:

> So i'm working on crafting the Bifrost and am having issues getting the Vials of Manganese Dioxide. The wiki states that it's a rare drop from coral and that it could take a while to get them. the fact that there is so very few coral nodes in the game, and the drop rate being so ridiculously low is unfair and stupid. I have to have ten of these to make the purple paint. i was able to get all of the other times relatively "easily", but this one...... having to spend a huge amount of time farming those few nodes is very disheartening and if it weren't for all the time i've already spent (not to mention materials and gold), i'd say kitten it and trash it.


> DEVS!!! please do something about this!!! make it drop a bit more. it's not like you CAN'T..... why do you want it to be SO kitten HARD to get one ingredient??????


> *headdesk*


did it in 2 days on 1 single character i dunno if multiple characters can farm the item i suppose u could.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Working on my Bifrost right now too. I currently have 4 vials after a few days of farming but the weird thing is all my vials have come from core maps. I've hit every node in Sandswept Isles multiple times, always with boosters, and have got jack to show it thus far in that map. Seems like I have better luck hitting up the 2-3 spots in Cursed Shore rather than the 10+ in Sandswept Isles. But I agree the drop rate on this is insane. Even a couple percentage points increase would do wonders. Part of the problem isn't so much the rarity but the disparity between the items. The other items drop at a pretty good clip. Obviously legendary weapons are supposed to be hard to get but in this case it doesn't make sense to have the bulk of the collection go by with little effort only to be stalled by this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was able to do it in one day - crank your magic find to 11 and if you have any item/crafting boosters, use them. I had 4 lvl 80 chars then and I managed to get 3 per char over the course of two runs by farming all the Tyrian nodes, Maelstrom, Orr, Marches etc (didn't have LWS3 unlocked) with around 350% MF using my default 100-odd%, a Birthday booster for +100%, Omnomberry food for +30%, then Guild banner and I think an Item and MF booster. I think foraging nodes respawn after 3 or 4 hours, so I just logged out then not to waste booster time. I do agree it's a bit tedious. Keep at it. The Bifrost is worth it!

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