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I miss new character class excitement

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> I really wish anet would explain what the issue with this is. I wouldn’t understand why players would be against new classes. I think many would love that and the others just wouldn’t care but why would you be against it?



I'd be against it for the reason that they already have too hard a time balancing the classes as it is. This might not be as noticeable in PVE, but it affects PVP/WVW a lot. Where Balance is basically the main content. If you look at the Revenant, it's been in pretty weird shape since its release, and generally has struggled to find a place in many modes, feeling rushed and incomplete despite having a great theme. In the end it has typically lived on a few gimmick builds, before they've got nerfed down under again. Where a specialization inherent a good bit of the balance from the base-class, and can much easier (in theory, they haven't done a good job off this) be adjusted/balanced.


From ANet's side, this definitively saves them from having even more classes to balance and adjust every single time for years forward. It also saves them from having to make a new class + 2-3-4 specializations for them because you know players would moan and scream if a new class came without an elite spez or two, basically forcing them to do 2-3 times the work). It also saves them from making all new animations and skills for a bunch of new weapons, 4 sets of core skills with animations for that class, and even more traitlines.


There is also the thing that some players doesn't enjoy leveling new characters, new gearing, learning a bunch of new classes, and thus having to learn even more classes to play against in PVP/WVW. The fact that we already have a lot of overlap in classes as it is for most modes, so more classes would create more overlap, and the player-base would get even more rigid about tier lists of classes and builds to be allowed into raids/fractals etc.




That said, I enjoyed the Revenant, cool class with a great theme. I wouldn't be sad to see another class, but I honestly don't believe we will see one. And in general I find that the Spez system gives us enough variety that it doesn't really matter. They can also change the entire profession mechanic with each spez which drastically changes how it plays, which is actually kind of impressive.


If anything my main annoyances with with elite spez system is that it locks the weapon to the spez, and we can't start learning the spez until level 80. I'd like to be able to either unlock the weapon so I can level with a spez weapon, or at least let me start unlocking the spez at level 21 or so, so I can start using the weapon. :)

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Balancing a new class with 2 or three elite specs versus another release of 9 elite specs that need balance? I get the balancing argument but it doesn't really seem that much bigger a challenge. Releasing a new class with it's core trait lines and two elite specs to catch it up to the current classes is comparable to releasing 9 elite specs as far as skill balancing goes. How are we to know which is truly more work? I get that there are many factors but none of us work for this company and are, therefore, not privileged to the info that would give us the ability to make these comparisons.


We have so much control over our looks but much less control of our builds and weapon choice. Getting a new character class, to me, would be more fun than 9 new elite specs that will require me to divide my attention over 9 different toons. Allowing all classes to wield all weapons would be more fun too. Even if the weapon choices are only open to PvE I would be happy. It is totally okay to have PvP and WvW more restricted in what abilities your character has access to since those modes should be more about the competitive aspect.

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