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I miss new character class excitement

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I know they decided elite specs are the replacement but now that I've played PoF for months I have to say I am not completely sold. I worked up so much excitement for the Revenant when HoT was announced and thoroughly enjoyed creating one and playing it for a while (it wasn't for me in the end.) I've also greatly enjoyed the elite specs and the game play they generate. After getting elite specs and no new character class with PoF I can honestly say I like an entirely new class better. Maybe I'm a minority on this feeling. I absolutely love the mount system and feel I have gotten more than my money's worth.


I'm curious as to what the community's opinions are. Do you guys prefer the elite spec system or did you like getting a new character class? Feel free to vent about what is best for Anet's business if you like but I am really just curious which system you liked better.

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I prefer elite specs because I love my Firebrand so much, I highly doubt that I would reroll as an other class anyway (I'm a mainoholic). Plus if the Guardian gets another spec I like, at least I don't have to start over from scratch -> full map and story completion, maxed crafting, etc.

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Me personally want new professions instead of new Elite specs.

New professions = uniqueness and different from the other classes.

Sure the Elite specs are more like an experienced class, but for an example; I would rather see Paragon than Warrior's Spellbreaker elite spec.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:


> We're only 2 rounds of Especs in, and we're already running to massive problems with a meta that abhors role similarities, and forces everything into a ranked list. And you're telling me entirely new classes that would be competing for the same 5 slots types in Raid would be completely unique, with not comparable enough to fit into the same ordered list every other build already fell victim to?




You dont understand. Classes are Unique because of mechanics that classes get. Rev for example is a class, and different from every other Class/Elite Spec. you cant make a Elite Spec for a class that would be the same as what the Rev is. Thats what is mean by Classes are unique.


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I do not foresee new classes. If they create a new class next expansion, they will need to create 3 elites on top of a full core class.


It would be nice, I do not think it is feasible. Though it would be far more beneficial than new mastries.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > Me personally want new professions instead of new Elite specs.

> > New professions = uniqueness and different from the other classes.

> > Sure the Elite specs are more like an experienced class, but for an example; I would rather see Paragon than Warrior's Spellbreaker elite spec.


> I call BS on this, even solely on the grounds of other Class based games having a problem with "Hybrids"...... an entire class dedicated to doing various things that other classes simply do better. Even within the fairly simple designs of Overwatch character's, the overlaps have constantly been dogged as "redundant", "useless" or "killing other classes". Now look at LOL, and its its years long quest to release new, unique characters on a regular basis. When your combat is designed around a fairly simple and/or static premise, theres only so many variations on play style you can make before you're just mixing and matching whats already there.


> We're only 2 rounds of Especs in, and we're already running to massive problems with a meta that abhors role similarities, and forces everything into a ranked list. And you're telling me entirely new classes that would be competing for the same 5 slots types in Raid would be completely unique, with not comparable enough to fit into the same ordered list every other build already fell victim to?


> A class with only one build (which is the only way you're going to ensure uniqueness), is in competition with every other class in multiple areas. And a class with multiple builds are also in competition with itself, for a build that works better then any other build its capable of. And this is on top of the fact that our combat system is more universal then that in GW1, with many things being Mechanical concepts (dodge, boons, etc), and not the function of the specific skills.




Read the difference between profession/class and a specific elite spec means before you start writing a wall of text with randomness, ty.

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Well as ranger main I consistently disappoint from my Especs, I find both very boring . As much as I think espec is the best think but I feel there is some biased for some classes who get awesome Especs and animations - you can see it all over balance patches. So some times I just feel new class is better but in general I prefer e specs

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'Scuse me whilst I opine: Elite specs are patches that don't quite cover the holes in the jeans they are supposed to be patching.


In the original Guild Wars we could essentially make our own elite specs at will by using whatever weapons, skills, and secondary professions we saw fit. Want a petless ranger that uses a scepter and a shield and runs around yelling at everybody? Ranger/Paragon + truncheon and shield + skills + whatever clever name you can think of for it. River Van Ranger. Unfortunately, that was one of many things I (personally) loved about Guild Wars that for whatever reason didn't I make the transition to GW2.


So anyway, I'd rather have fun and exiting new professions than new elites, which are to me a sad reminder of past glories passed by. I'd also like to see the return of all the old professions. And! -- the abolition of the outdated and unimaginatively D&D 1st ed-ish weapon-profession restrictions. It's just so Gygaxian! And not in a fun way...

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Alga.6498" said:

> > Me personally want new professions instead of new Elite specs.

> > New professions = uniqueness and different from the other classes.

> > Sure the Elite specs are more like an experienced class, but for an example; I would rather see Paragon than Warrior's Spellbreaker elite spec.


> I call BS on this, even solely on the grounds of other Class based games having a problem with "Hybrids"...... an entire class dedicated to doing various things that other classes simply do better. Even within the fairly simple designs of Overwatch character's, the overlaps have constantly been dogged as "redundant", "useless" or "killing other classes". Now look at LOL, and its its years long quest to release new, unique characters on a regular basis. When your combat is designed around a fairly simple and/or static premise, theres only so many variations on play style you can make before you're just mixing and matching whats already there.


> We're only 2 rounds of Especs in, and we're already running to massive problems with a meta that abhors role similarities, and forces everything into a ranked list. And you're telling me entirely new classes that would be competing for the same 5 slots types in Raid would be completely unique, with not comparable enough to fit into the same ordered list every other build already fell victim to?


> A class with only one build (which is the only way you're going to ensure uniqueness), is in competition with every other class in multiple areas. And a class with multiple builds are also in competition with itself, for a build that works better then any other build its capable of. And this is on top of the fact that our combat system is more universal then that in GW1, with many things being Mechanical concepts (dodge, boons, etc), and not the function of the specific skills.




I'm pretty sure they mean unique in playstyle and weapon abilities, and not role. Why are you calling BS? This is the personal opinion of that player, as stated in the first two words of the post. Opinions aren't open to have BS called on them, only different opinions. I also share the opinion that a new class would be more fun than a new spec. It brings a new major theme to build off of.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I prefer elite specs because I love my Firebrand so much, I highly doubt that I would reroll as an other class anyway (I'm a mainoholic). Plus if the Guardian gets another spec I like, at least I don't have to start over from scratch -> full map and story completion, maxed crafting, etc.


yeah, but, again, elite specs are not appropriate for every concept. For example, if we were ever to get a monk class, it really should be its own profession rather than an elite spec of another profession.

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> @"Tachenon.5270" said:

> In the original Guild Wars we could essentially make our own elite specs at will by using whatever weapons, skills, and secondary professions we saw fit. [...]


**So much this.** :+1:


> So anyway, I'd rather have fun and exiting new professions than new elites, which are to me a sad reminder of past glories passed by.


:+1: :+1: :+1:


> I'd also like to see the return of all the old professions. And! -- the abolition of the outdated and unimaginatively D&D 1st ed-ish weapon-profession restrictions. It's just so Gygaxian! And not in a fun way...


=) (A)D&D Geek alert! <3


Another :+1: on the weapon restrictions. Not a fan of those, either.



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I had forgotten about GW1 build crafting. I REALLY miss that. Maybe that's part of why especs are falling short for me. Not free to choose any weapon, not free to access skills from other professions, not free to choose the entire skill bar, and the thought of never getting a new class. It probably is just that GW1 spoiled me too much. To be fair I also remember the large amount of useless skills because of balance issues.

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> @"Lanhelin.3480" said:

> It's much likely we get a new class with the next expansion. Monk or Dervish. And additionally new Specializations. The next expansion will have loads of additional stuff =)


Dream on. Dervish was a Nightfall class, and that train has already left the station 10 months ago (i.e., Path of Fire). Monk would be wonderful, but again, dream on - there is a reason why each existing profession can heal themselves, apparently ANet isn't interested in a monk profession (of course, some Shaolin monk style fighting, Smiting skills, staff, fist weapons etc., would be at least a _possibility_).

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> @"Tachenon.5270" said:

> And! -- the abolition of the outdated and unimaginatively D&D 1st ed-ish weapon-profession restrictions. It's just so Gygaxian! And not in a fun way...


> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Not free to choose any weapon...


Genuine question: if any profession could choose any weapon, how would you (or anyone else) envisage that working, given that each profession has unique weapon skills? Would that still be the case? (Which would lead to a huge increase in the number of weapon skills - 264* for Elementalist!) Or would there be a generic set of weapon skills for each weapon a profession can't currently use? Or something else?


This isn't meant to be a criticism, by the way - especially since I agree that theorycrafting was a lot more fun in GW1, in large part because of the flexibility of the skill system.


*This is counting terrestrial skills only, ignoring Weaver dual attacks, and assuming that dual wielding would be allowed for main hand weapons except Sceptre.

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I don't think so. I like it to settle down as I am a person that heavily sticks to its principles. Several characters is something I can not stand, as my characters also contain my preferences. Still disliking' the idea of FF14's job stones by being a Blackmage **AND** a Whitemage. Such a bullocks. Here it's pretty solid: Thief turned out to be great, but Deadeye ignited a fire that has not stopped yet. I guess it's even the profession that I stick to until the end, or at least the thief branch (except they "rework" it into something that it isn't).


What I also like is the character development aside the profession: The masteries. Being able to learn more adnvanced gliding technlogoies for example increased the "coolness" of my profession even further (shooting someone as Deadeye from an elevated spot and then gliding down to the body to loot it).



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People used to follow metabattle, but now you can be competent with all the specs including the core ones since people have adopted to following snowcrows builds. The thing is you can tweak them to how you like, with metabattle people were like AR AR AR GOTTA HAVE EVERYTHING DOWN TO THE RUNES, but things are more relaxed now. Though I'm not sure if competence is the issue you're having.

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