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Please rol adrenal Health into Healing signet


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The main defining aspect of a warrior is to be able to soak damage. Soaking damage with out Full Adrenal Health under current amount of damage flying around is a NON STARTER.

This makes Defense a must have, coupled with the power creaped elites, that are also a must have, this leaves very little room for innovation or customization.

Please roll the effect of Adrenal Health into the Healing Signet and replace it in the defense line for something else, this might free up some space to play anything other thatn Defense, Spellbreaker, Strength/Discipline.

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> Please roll the effect of Adrenal Health into the Healing Signet and replace it in the defense line for something else, this might free up some space to play anything other thatn Defense, Spellbreaker, Strength/Discipline.


I understand your thoughts I think the same, but doing this would most certainly make healing signet a must have skill in each build, it could render the other healing skills useless and pointless to have as options

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> @"Pax.3548" said:

> > @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > Please roll the effect of Adrenal Health into the Healing Signet and replace it in the defense line for something else, this might free up some space to play anything other thatn Defense, Spellbreaker, Strength/Discipline.


> I understand your thoughts I think the same, but doing this would most certainly make healing signet a must have skill in each build, it could render the other healing skills useless and pointless to have as options


This is a non issue, there is always going to be a BEST skill, specially so for a slot where you can only pick 1. And lets be honest, the damage out put has already rendered the other healing skills useless unless you are not running AH, in which case you are dead any way.

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > @"Pax.3548" said:

> > > @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > > Please roll the effect of Adrenal Health into the Healing Signet and replace it in the defense line for something else, this might free up some space to play anything other thatn Defense, Spellbreaker, Strength/Discipline.

> >

> > I understand your thoughts I think the same, but doing this would most certainly make healing signet a must have skill in each build, it could render the other healing skills useless and pointless to have as options


> This is a non issue, there is always going to be a BEST skill, specially so for a slot where you can only pick 1. And lets be honest, the damage out put has already rendered the other healing skills useless unless you are not running AH, in which case you are dead any way.


It's not a non-issue. What you are proposing here is completely out of line with the concept of the game. There is NOT always going to be a best skill and if there is, the conclusion isn't just to buff the hell out of it so every other option become obsolete.


The proposal doesn't really even make sense to me. I'm not even sure parts of your post are true. I don't understand where you get the idea that the main defining element of warrior is to soak damage. Nothing in the game gives that impression. Also, just because you think you can't soak damage without Adrenal Health doesn't reasonable lead to the conclusion Anet should simply roll up more healing in a specific healing skill. These ideas don't make sense to me and the whole thing seems rather contrived to simply get the result you are looking for; more passive healing and trait freedom. Those are things that should come at a significant cost, but your proposal gives them for nothing.



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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> You have to work to get adrenal health, having it from the get go on heal sig would be too OP.


Why would that change, you get the current passive, + the current AH as it is right now, as long the signet is on cd.

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > You have to work to get adrenal health, having it from the get go on heal sig would be too OP.


> Why would that change, you get the current passive, + the current AH as it is right now, as long the signet is on cd.


you have to hit burst skills to activate adrenal health, if you roll it onto healing sig you have it for free always active, that would make it way too op


a counter to warrior sustain is to not get hit by bursts, that would fall flat

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > Usually if you drop defense traitline, it is because you want to use more risky builds with higher damage output/better utility. You can't have it all.


> The problem today is dropping defense is not an option.


That's because the defense trait line has some fairly good traits, not just adrenal health.

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Adrenal health isn't that strong. Healing signet only heals for 400 max a sec without any healing power. You'd have to be constantly landing your burst to have an upkeep that's good enough to make it viable but people will range you down more these days than fight you meele as a warrior.

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > Usually if you drop defense traitline, it is because you want to use more risky builds with higher damage output/better utility. You can't have it all.


> The problem today is dropping defense is not an option.


So ... you have a problem with being limited in options in traits .... but absolutely NO problem being limited in options for healing skill, as long as you reap all the benefits. That's not reasonable. Your solution contradicts the exact same problem you are trying to fix on a different part of the class.

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