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It Feels bad when i can just ress rush Bosses.

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Suggestion for ANet:


every new story boss you create: Add an area you respawn to when you die, that is within LOS but out of reach of the boss, where you can either jump back in and try again. Or use a giant ballista to 1shot the boss, but lose out on any rewards you might have gotten (until you beat it normally, incentive).


Purpose: Let people get through the story, but with no rewards.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > > > > You do realize that by doing this people will rage on reddit and force anet to nerf the kitten out of it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Doesnt that happen already?

> > > >

> > > > Yeah and the thing is that an MMO has to cater to casuals and more hardcore players at the same time. This is their solution but it means that neither group is really happy with it. I mean it's pretty clear that this game's style of boss fights has to do with bosses littering the ground with stuff you have to dodge out of and not every player is quite that agile or interested in long fights of constant rolling around. I always like to picture a GW2 movie where you have a main encounter and the hero is just rolling around dodging stuff for 10 minutes and each hit barely seems to scratch the bad guy but then eventually many small hits make a big one and the bad guy dies. I think people would fall asleep and not be excited at the victory but rather relieved it's finally over.

> > > >

> > > > Well, that's how it feels to me in game as well. To me the biggest problem is that the fights take so long because our attacks are puny and in a way it seems very implausible that you killed Dragons and a God while struggling to off some lieutenant. My fight against Balthazar was certainly a lot easier than some of the other fights. So overall, I just don't see the point in how they make the boss fights. I bet that the fights would be a lot more fun if the bosses had half the HP they did. Not because it's easier but because it's not such a drag to go through.

> > > >

> > > > And yeah when you are new in a fight there often is a mechanic or two you have to figure out. I remember this fight in LS4 where the boss had a ton of defense so it wasn't dying a lot. Then I figured out what to do to summon this special add that you could damage and his health percentage will become the boss health %. Now, having raided a lot in other games, I could figure this out I guess. But because you're dancing around a lot and the special ability you got from killing other adds didn't seem to do much, it took me a while to summon that special add the first time. I just noticed that after he disappeared again that the boss had the same health percentage and then I figured it out. But I can imagine that for a lot of casual players this can be really hard to figure out and then this fight becomes an even longer fight.

> > > >

> > > > Someone mentioned having a normal and hard mode version of these fights and I think that's a better solution. The baseline story experience shouldn't take forever and it should be pretty straightforward and then the hard mode is where people looking for a challenge can go. You could say that by killing the boss in story mode, you then unlock the instance for HM that you can go to at any time for the challenge for example.

> > > >

> > > > I think though that people who are pretty good at gaming because they have the ability and experience often underestimate their ability and think everybody can do what they can because they feel it's simple. But speaking from my previous experience of raid leader, teaching players how to do boss fights, I've come to realize that in fact most people really struggle with things that you may think are simple but are actually a sign of your ability.

> > > >

> > > > And I think the truth is that whereas gaming 20 years ago was a more specialized group of people who were up to the challenge, MMOs nowadays mostly attract more casual players who just love to walk around in a beautiful world and feel like a boss. GW2 delivers on the first for most people I'd say, but not so much on the second because a lot of people do struggle with the difficulty or the annoyance factors.

> > >

> > > I agree on most of this, but not on the casual player "typology". If you have a brain and eyes, you can put the pieces together as much as some super raider. I think one of the problems is this game really conditions casual players into mindless activities by measure of rewards. When you see people with really low mastery scores and AP in the Istan farm e.g. asking questions that imply they have absolutely no idea about basic game concepts/mechanics, you know GW2s reward system really does its best to discourage people from improving - the mindless stuff is just too attractive. It seems people jump into the game, level to 80 and off they go to 24/7 mob farming. Queensdale champ train anyone?

> >

> > Not all casuals are the same but I've seen in other games that my definition of an average casual players was set a lot higher than the reality. Now that doesn't mean all players are like that but there are a lot more players than you might think that really struggle or simply don't care about the specifics in combat. They just want to go in, whack around a bit and move on. And if that's fun for them that's cool too. I get that. In this game I also play as a casual though I admit that I find the approach to combat here a bit lazy in design and it bores me easily because even when it's challenging it tends to be challenging for the wrong reasons.

> >

> > And I really think that your classification of "a brain and eyes" is simply overestimating a lot of people. I used to think like you by the way. I just learned that actually it takes more than that. But I do distinguish still between people who don't care because it's not for them and those who just can't figure things out or even when they do still struggle a great deal to get there. It may feel unkind to say it but the truth is that we have a tendency to underestimate our own abilities when we do have them. You'd be surprised how many people struggle boiling an egg. You'd think that having a brain and eyes should do the trick...but it doesn't. And some can learn if they want and others can't. But bottom line is that people should not make assumptions about the level or ability of others because you tend to create those assumptions based on what you find easy yourself. I mean, in a way I wish you were right but in the last decade or so I just started noticing more and more people struggling with things I found easy to do and I just had to rethink my way of looking at things.

> >

> > I have this feeling that the type of people MMOs like this attract are less and less the hardcore players and more and more the casual players, who want things to be simpler either cause it's their level or they don't want the hassle of difficult or long fights. And that is ultimately my point as well. I find the combat uninteresting in this game to really get in depth into it. No matter what class you play you can be ranged or melee DPS basically and dodging is key to every single fight...which is the same for every class. And every boss fight of some sort has lots of circles on the floor to jump out of. I get that some people like that but at some point it just feels like they just add more of those circles or shapes on the ground and faster and give the bosses loads of HP or defense to slow you down. That's an endurance test for your patience and fingers more than an interesting fight to me. And I can't blame people who struggle with that or find it boring. But ok, it's my view and nobody has to agree with me as I said before.

> >


> I cannot agree on that, I have a fairly high opinion of human abilities in general, we are problem solvers by nature.


You don't have to agree but this sounds more like delusion than reality to me. A lot of people are problem solvers in the sense of avoiding or dodging problems or diverting them to someone else. Just like water we tend to find the easiest way and this is why when there are bosses where you can attack, die and ress, some people will do exactly that. I fear you are victim to the common problem that indeed we mirror ourselves onto the world as if we are the template for mankind, but when you actually look around then there comes a point that you can't escape the conclusion that although we have brains that set us apart in nature, we are not using them that well at all.


And a lot of people look to others to solve their problems for them. They seek examples or leaders and when the leaders do what they want it's all good and when they don't they start looking for another. Why do we even have countries with borders? Why fight over territory? People are unhappy with what they have and that drives some to be inventive and creative but that doesn't mean we all solve problems the same way. You see, when there are some mobs I have to pass and I don't want to fight them I can be a problem-solver. I can attack and kill them, basically biting the bullet and getting it over with...or I can wait and have someone else aggro them so I can sneak by. That also solves my problem. So if that's what you mean then yeah, but the same goes with players versus ArenaNet. You can bite the bullet and do the fights, even if you don't enjoy them or you can push the issue towards ArenaNet so they solve the problem for you. And that's what happens on these forums a lot. Sometimes I think the critique is fair, sometimes not. But even there people will have differing opinions.


But never underestimate the ability of people to try to put the problem on someone else. And I stand by the point that there will be a fair amount of people that have no or little affinity with combat mechanics in games in general. I mean, I played SWTOR for the better part of 6 years and the stuff that people couldn't figure out just baffled me. And yet, people really insisted it was too hard or they couldn't figure it out and people thought they were trolling, but they weren't. They really just couldn't make it work. We had people going into raids that just used their primary attack and basically not contributing to DPS and they just couldn't figure out why or how to do rotations, even simple ones.


So, well, we are clearly not going to see eye-to-eye on this topic, but I will say that I base my views more on what I've seen and heard around me once I left the raiding guilds and looked around at the rest and I think that if you surround yourself with players of a decent to better level, which makes sense, then you're going to believe that this is the norm.


And I'm no longer convinced that it is because of what I've seen in various games. Doesn't mean I can see the whole truth and I always do account for the possibility I might be wrong, but I just can't ignore running into people regularly who just really don't get these things and just wanna hang out, beat stuff up in a simple way and carry on.


But ok, it's the last I'll say on the topic because I don't mean to convince you but just hope to give you a reason to at least question if your belief is indeed nothing more but a belief. Beyond that, I don't mean to force any outcome of that questioning.


Thanks for the exchange on this point, but I think you'll agree that keeping on going back and forth on the same points probably has outlived its usefulness by now :)

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > > > > > > You do realize that by doing this people will rage on reddit and force anet to nerf the kitten out of it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Doesnt that happen already?

> > > > >

> > > > > Yeah and the thing is that an MMO has to cater to casuals and more hardcore players at the same time. This is their solution but it means that neither group is really happy with it. I mean it's pretty clear that this game's style of boss fights has to do with bosses littering the ground with stuff you have to dodge out of and not every player is quite that agile or interested in long fights of constant rolling around. I always like to picture a GW2 movie where you have a main encounter and the hero is just rolling around dodging stuff for 10 minutes and each hit barely seems to scratch the bad guy but then eventually many small hits make a big one and the bad guy dies. I think people would fall asleep and not be excited at the victory but rather relieved it's finally over.

> > > > >

> > > > > Well, that's how it feels to me in game as well. To me the biggest problem is that the fights take so long because our attacks are puny and in a way it seems very implausible that you killed Dragons and a God while struggling to off some lieutenant. My fight against Balthazar was certainly a lot easier than some of the other fights. So overall, I just don't see the point in how they make the boss fights. I bet that the fights would be a lot more fun if the bosses had half the HP they did. Not because it's easier but because it's not such a drag to go through.

> > > > >

> > > > > And yeah when you are new in a fight there often is a mechanic or two you have to figure out. I remember this fight in LS4 where the boss had a ton of defense so it wasn't dying a lot. Then I figured out what to do to summon this special add that you could damage and his health percentage will become the boss health %. Now, having raided a lot in other games, I could figure this out I guess. But because you're dancing around a lot and the special ability you got from killing other adds didn't seem to do much, it took me a while to summon that special add the first time. I just noticed that after he disappeared again that the boss had the same health percentage and then I figured it out. But I can imagine that for a lot of casual players this can be really hard to figure out and then this fight becomes an even longer fight.

> > > > >

> > > > > Someone mentioned having a normal and hard mode version of these fights and I think that's a better solution. The baseline story experience shouldn't take forever and it should be pretty straightforward and then the hard mode is where people looking for a challenge can go. You could say that by killing the boss in story mode, you then unlock the instance for HM that you can go to at any time for the challenge for example.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think though that people who are pretty good at gaming because they have the ability and experience often underestimate their ability and think everybody can do what they can because they feel it's simple. But speaking from my previous experience of raid leader, teaching players how to do boss fights, I've come to realize that in fact most people really struggle with things that you may think are simple but are actually a sign of your ability.

> > > > >

> > > > > And I think the truth is that whereas gaming 20 years ago was a more specialized group of people who were up to the challenge, MMOs nowadays mostly attract more casual players who just love to walk around in a beautiful world and feel like a boss. GW2 delivers on the first for most people I'd say, but not so much on the second because a lot of people do struggle with the difficulty or the annoyance factors.

> > > >

> > > > I agree on most of this, but not on the casual player "typology". If you have a brain and eyes, you can put the pieces together as much as some super raider. I think one of the problems is this game really conditions casual players into mindless activities by measure of rewards. When you see people with really low mastery scores and AP in the Istan farm e.g. asking questions that imply they have absolutely no idea about basic game concepts/mechanics, you know GW2s reward system really does its best to discourage people from improving - the mindless stuff is just too attractive. It seems people jump into the game, level to 80 and off they go to 24/7 mob farming. Queensdale champ train anyone?

> > >

> > > Not all casuals are the same but I've seen in other games that my definition of an average casual players was set a lot higher than the reality. Now that doesn't mean all players are like that but there are a lot more players than you might think that really struggle or simply don't care about the specifics in combat. They just want to go in, whack around a bit and move on. And if that's fun for them that's cool too. I get that. In this game I also play as a casual though I admit that I find the approach to combat here a bit lazy in design and it bores me easily because even when it's challenging it tends to be challenging for the wrong reasons.

> > >

> > > And I really think that your classification of "a brain and eyes" is simply overestimating a lot of people. I used to think like you by the way. I just learned that actually it takes more than that. But I do distinguish still between people who don't care because it's not for them and those who just can't figure things out or even when they do still struggle a great deal to get there. It may feel unkind to say it but the truth is that we have a tendency to underestimate our own abilities when we do have them. You'd be surprised how many people struggle boiling an egg. You'd think that having a brain and eyes should do the trick...but it doesn't. And some can learn if they want and others can't. But bottom line is that people should not make assumptions about the level or ability of others because you tend to create those assumptions based on what you find easy yourself. I mean, in a way I wish you were right but in the last decade or so I just started noticing more and more people struggling with things I found easy to do and I just had to rethink my way of looking at things.

> > >

> > > I have this feeling that the type of people MMOs like this attract are less and less the hardcore players and more and more the casual players, who want things to be simpler either cause it's their level or they don't want the hassle of difficult or long fights. And that is ultimately my point as well. I find the combat uninteresting in this game to really get in depth into it. No matter what class you play you can be ranged or melee DPS basically and dodging is key to every single fight...which is the same for every class. And every boss fight of some sort has lots of circles on the floor to jump out of. I get that some people like that but at some point it just feels like they just add more of those circles or shapes on the ground and faster and give the bosses loads of HP or defense to slow you down. That's an endurance test for your patience and fingers more than an interesting fight to me. And I can't blame people who struggle with that or find it boring. But ok, it's my view and nobody has to agree with me as I said before.

> > >

> >

> > I cannot agree on that, I have a fairly high opinion of human abilities in general, we are problem solvers by nature.


> You don't have to agree but this sounds more like delusion than reality to me. A lot of people are problem solvers in the sense of avoiding or dodging problems or diverting them to someone else. Just like water we tend to find the easiest way and this is why when there are bosses where you can attack, die and ress, some people will do exactly that. I fear you are victim to the common problem that indeed we mirror ourselves onto the world as if we are the template for mankind, but when you actually look around then there comes a point that you can't escape the conclusion that although we have brains that set us apart in nature, we are not using them that well at all.


> And a lot of people look to others to solve their problems for them. They seek examples or leaders and when the leaders do what they want it's all good and when they don't they start looking for another. Why do we even have countries with borders? Why fight over territory? People are unhappy with what they have and that drives some to be inventive and creative but that doesn't mean we all solve problems the same way. You see, when there are some mobs I have to pass and I don't want to fight them I can be a problem-solver. I can attack and kill them, basically biting the bullet and getting it over with...or I can wait and have someone else aggro them so I can sneak by. That also solves my problem. So if that's what you mean then yeah, but the same goes with players versus ArenaNet. You can bite the bullet and do the fights, even if you don't enjoy them or you can push the issue towards ArenaNet so they solve the problem for you. And that's what happens on these forums a lot. Sometimes I think the critique is fair, sometimes not. But even there people will have differing opinions.


> But never underestimate the ability of people to try to put the problem on someone else. And I stand by the point that there will be a fair amount of people that have no or little affinity with combat mechanics in games in general. I mean, I played SWTOR for the better part of 6 years and the stuff that people couldn't figure out just baffled me. And yet, people really insisted it was too hard or they couldn't figure it out and people thought they were trolling, but they weren't. They really just couldn't make it work. We had people going into raids that just used their primary attack and basically not contributing to DPS and they just couldn't figure out why or how to do rotations, even simple ones.


> So, well, we are clearly not going to see eye-to-eye on this topic, but I will say that I base my views more on what I've seen and heard around me once I left the raiding guilds and looked around at the rest and I think that if you surround yourself with players of a decent to better level, which makes sense, then you're going to believe that this is the norm.


> And I'm no longer convinced that it is because of what I've seen in various games. Doesn't mean I can see the whole truth and I always do account for the possibility I might be wrong, but I just can't ignore running into people regularly who just really don't get these things and just wanna hang out, beat stuff up in a simple way and carry on.


> But ok, it's the last I'll say on the topic because I don't mean to convince you but just hope to give you a reason to at least question if your belief is indeed nothing more but a belief. Beyond that, I don't mean to force any outcome of that questioning.


> Thanks for the exchange on this point, but I think you'll agree that keeping on going back and forth on the same points probably has outlived its usefulness by now :)


that is a horrible outlook, but I can´t deny some truth to it. Sooooo, remove the easy way out, appeal to man, the hero, not to man, the rat (for lack of a better imagery, I just love those cute little critters, well, the pet format ones at least) :) Well, yeah, I know, probably too optimistic and would get Anet into bankruptcy.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.


Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.


In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.


> Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.


> In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.



Oh no i have to look around. The horror.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> >

> > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.


> Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.


> Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.


> I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.


> If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.


This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.


> Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.


> In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.



there are a lot of badly designed AOE madness boss fights out there, but Joko is absolutely not one of them. All attacks are predictable and avoidable. Now Commander Lonai for example, that is complete BS and I can hardly see any casual player doing this without the constant rezzing, even if you understand the mechanics. Caudacus is another example. The fight is really easy, but can be messed up at any point by camera interference. I don´t get it, I suppose the devs know their engine, why does it have to be such a small room. If you want to give only a little space for maneuvering, that´s fine, but then do it on a plattform or something, not between walls that constantly interfere with you sight.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > >

> > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> >

> > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> >

> > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> >

> > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> >

> > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.


> This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.


"Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.


"Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.


Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > >

> > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > >

> > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > >

> > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > >

> > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > >

> > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> >

> > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.


> "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.


> "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.


> Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.


Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> >

> > Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.

> >

> > In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.

> >


> there are a lot of badly designed AOE madness boss fights out there, but Joko is absolutely not one of them. All attacks are predictable and avoidable. Now Commander Lonai for example, that is complete BS and I can hardly see any casual player doing this without the constant rezzing, even if you understand the mechanics. Caudacus is another example. The fight is really easy, but can be messed up at any point by camera interference. I don´t get it, I suppose the devs know their engine, why does it have to be such a small room. If you want to give only a little space for maneuvering, that´s fine, but then do it on a plattform or something, not between walls that constantly interfere with you sight.


Honestly lonai was easy imo. Scruffy was more annoying in ep1. Lonai was quite squishy.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > >

> > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > >

> > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > >

> > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > >

> > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > >

> > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > >

> > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> >

> > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> >

> > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> >

> > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.


> Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.


Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > >

> > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > >

> > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > >

> > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > >

> > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > >

> > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > >

> > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> >

> > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.


> Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?



So you mean... this game, for example.


Every game is some sort of challenge some sort of task that you do to interact with the game, its part of the experience. Ofcourse not everyone likes the same things, but that doesnt mean the game would be designed so that people who dont care about it find it tolerable. That means the game would be designed to be fun to those who do care about it.


What youre saying, as an example, is that PvP would need to give you what you want from PvP ASAP because you dont like to PvP.


No. PvP is designed for those who like to PvP. While LW story is designed for those who like that content. And since Story and maps in GW2 are completely intertwined, to make sense of Tyria as a whole, you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all.


Thats also why my previous post I proposed that resrushing being necessary or possible will make for a bad experience. This would only make the LW less enjoyable.


Looking at how easy story becomes when you take a friend... It might be enough to show a message at the start of a Instance that bringing someone along will make up for a much better experience. Most Story is simply better to not be soloed.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > > >

> > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > > >

> > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > > >

> > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > > >

> > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> > >

> > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

> >

> > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

> >


> So you mean... this game, for example.


> Every game is some sort of challenge some sort of task that you do to interact with the game, its part of the experience. Ofcourse not everyone likes the same things, but that doesnt mean the game would be designed so that people who dont care about it find it tolerable. That means the game would be designed to be fun to those who do care about it.


> What youre saying, as an example, is that PvP would need to give you what you want from PvP ASAP because you dont like to PvP.


> No. PvP is designed for those who like to PvP. While LW story is designed for those who like that content. And since Story and maps in GW2 are completely intertwined, to make sense of Tyria as a whole, you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all.


> Thats also why my previous post I proposed that resrushing being necessary or possible will make for a bad experience. This would only make the LW less enjoyable.


> Looking at how easy story becomes when you take a friend... It might be enough to show a message at the start of a Instance that bringing someone along will make up for a much better experience. Most Story is simply better to not be soloed.


Unfortunately.. There's very few people who want to team up for LW. And none of my friends play this game. And I haven't found a guild that actively team up them either.

But not all of the bosses/ instances benefit from other players.


The rezzing allows people like me to complete the instances that they need to, (again, like to get the beetle) as painlessly as possible.


I don't consider open world a challenge.

So put it this way. I dont enjoy things I find difficult in a game.

Making them more difficult to achieve, doesn't make them more enjoyable. I don't understand why you're so vehement against understanding this side of things.

It's not about getting rewards ASAP. I loved the personal story(and repeat it). I love the open world LW ... But the LW instances don't appeal to me. One reason is because of the increase in difficulty. The other reason is because they're quite time consuming.


In contrast. I enjoy fractals. They're mostly short. Teaming up is expected and fairly prompt. And they have a range of difficulty levels to suit.


edited to add: "you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all. "

I don't see where you got that I don't accept this? I've stated that I do the stories I have to.

What you're missing is the difference between the rezzing without being punished or rezzing and being able to continue the boss without restarting.


If they took away the rezzing/ continue .. There's a good chance that I couldnt do..and even more of a chance that I wouldn't even do the instances that I "have to".

You understand?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> >

> > Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.

> >

> > In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.

> >


> Oh no i have to look around. The horror.


Let me rephrase what Taygus.4571 and ugrakarma.9416 said to make it easier to understand:


"We do not enjoy the game changing in this way and have lost a significant reason to play GW2."


Your snarky attitude towards players abandoning the game does not help the issue. Especially when this was never the case before.

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I agree with OP, the fights feel really underwhelming.

And the solution is pretty simple, as someone else pointed out - just make a checkpoint before at the start of the encounter and give people the option to restart the fight or just respawn and continue the way it is now. I don't think "just restart the chapter" really cuts it because then you'd have to sit trough the whole dialogues/trash mobs all over again, which is not really enjoyable when you want to attempt the fight multiple times.


Finally the people who manage to do it in one go should receive some extra reward, I don't see what's with going on with mmo-s nowadays that reward different levels of achievement with the same thing.

But even if they don't get better rewards, this will still be good because the players who want to can view it as training for the raids. This would bring cohesion between the different aspects of the game, and people who aren't interested could just not do it. I don't see how this can be considered negative at all

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > > > >

> > > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > > > >

> > > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > > > >

> > > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> > > >

> > > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

> > >

> > > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

> > >

> >

> > So you mean... this game, for example.

> >

> > Every game is some sort of challenge some sort of task that you do to interact with the game, its part of the experience. Ofcourse not everyone likes the same things, but that doesnt mean the game would be designed so that people who dont care about it find it tolerable. That means the game would be designed to be fun to those who do care about it.

> >

> > What youre saying, as an example, is that PvP would need to give you what you want from PvP ASAP because you dont like to PvP.

> >

> > No. PvP is designed for those who like to PvP. While LW story is designed for those who like that content. And since Story and maps in GW2 are completely intertwined, to make sense of Tyria as a whole, you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all.

> >

> > Thats also why my previous post I proposed that resrushing being necessary or possible will make for a bad experience. This would only make the LW less enjoyable.

> >

> > Looking at how easy story becomes when you take a friend... It might be enough to show a message at the start of a Instance that bringing someone along will make up for a much better experience. Most Story is simply better to not be soloed.


> Unfortunately.. There's very few people who want to team up for LW. And none of my friends play this game. And I haven't found a guild that actively team up them either.

> But not all of the bosses/ instances benefit from other players.


> The rezzing allows people like me to complete the instances that they need to, (again, like to get the beetle) as painlessly as possible.


> I don't consider open world a challenge.

> So put it this way. I dont enjoy things I find difficult in a game.

> Making them more difficult to achieve, doesn't make them more enjoyable. I don't understand why you're so vehement against understanding this side of things.

> It's not about getting rewards ASAP. I loved the personal story(and repeat it). I love the open world LW ... But the LW instances don't appeal to me. One reason is because of the increase in difficulty. The other reason is because they're quite time consuming.




> If they took away the rezzing/ continue .. There's a good chance that I couldnt do..and even more of a chance that I wouldn't even do the instances that I "have to".

> You understand?


I think **you** don't understand what I'm talking about. Its not about the challenge, and I can perfectly understand you dont like it. But Res rushing enabling you to pass it shouldnt be considered a feature to let players pass the story. It doesnt make it a better experience, it doesnt really help you make it more painless and for those who dont mind a bit more of a challenge it makes it feel gimmicky. I feel ArenaNet should look into other options rather than enabling people to force their way through by dying and getting up right away, if they feel it needs something like that in the first place.


The gist of it is: Dont keep resrushing in place because people dont like story instances, but look for alternatives that incorporates challenge with options for people to pass said story instance.


I said as example: Making a party with people is a perfectly good way to get past story instances that are harder.

The problem possibly being, just as with raids,just as with open world group events, is that this game can do alot to improve on finding people to play with.

Especially since you stated, its not that easy to find willing players to play with (although I generally dont have any issues with it, but okay)


Maybe a hot join function on story instances? I dunno. I was just giving other options without needing to rely on gimmicks that potentially ruin it for other people.


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > >

> > > Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.

> > >

> > > In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.

> > >

> >

> > Oh no i have to look around. The horror.


> Let me rephrase what Taygus.4571 and ugrakarma.9416 said to make it easier to understand:


> "We do not enjoy the game changing in this way and have lost a significant reason to play GW2."


> Your snarky attitude towards players abandoning the game does not help the issue. Especially when this was never the case before.


"Game changing in this way"? What way? Looking around has been part of the game since lauch and i remember said mechanic being used from back in se2.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> > > > >

> > > > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

> > > >

> > > > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

> > > >

> > >

> > > So you mean... this game, for example.

> > >

> > > Every game is some sort of challenge some sort of task that you do to interact with the game, its part of the experience. Ofcourse not everyone likes the same things, but that doesnt mean the game would be designed so that people who dont care about it find it tolerable. That means the game would be designed to be fun to those who do care about it.

> > >

> > > What youre saying, as an example, is that PvP would need to give you what you want from PvP ASAP because you dont like to PvP.

> > >

> > > No. PvP is designed for those who like to PvP. While LW story is designed for those who like that content. And since Story and maps in GW2 are completely intertwined, to make sense of Tyria as a whole, you need to either accept that there will always be LW instances to get into new maps or not play at all.

> > >

> > > Thats also why my previous post I proposed that resrushing being necessary or possible will make for a bad experience. This would only make the LW less enjoyable.

> > >

> > > Looking at how easy story becomes when you take a friend... It might be enough to show a message at the start of a Instance that bringing someone along will make up for a much better experience. Most Story is simply better to not be soloed.

> >

> > Unfortunately.. There's very few people who want to team up for LW. And none of my friends play this game. And I haven't found a guild that actively team up them either.

> > But not all of the bosses/ instances benefit from other players.

> >

> > The rezzing allows people like me to complete the instances that they need to, (again, like to get the beetle) as painlessly as possible.

> >

> > I don't consider open world a challenge.

> > So put it this way. I dont enjoy things I find difficult in a game.

> > Making them more difficult to achieve, doesn't make them more enjoyable. I don't understand why you're so vehement against understanding this side of things.

> > It's not about getting rewards ASAP. I loved the personal story(and repeat it). I love the open world LW ... But the LW instances don't appeal to me. One reason is because of the increase in difficulty. The other reason is because they're quite time consuming.

> >

> >...

> >

> > If they took away the rezzing/ continue .. There's a good chance that I couldnt do..and even more of a chance that I wouldn't even do the instances that I "have to".

> > You understand?


> I think **you** don't understand what I'm talking about. Its not about the challenge, and I can perfectly understand you dont like it. But Res rushing enabling you to pass it shouldnt be considered a feature to let players pass the story. It doesnt make it a better experience, it doesnt really help you make it more painless and for those who dont mind a bit more of a challenge it makes it feel gimmicky. I feel ArenaNet should look into other options rather than enabling people to force their way through by dying and getting up right away, if they feel it needs something like that in the first place.


> The gist of it is: Dont keep resrushing in place because people dont like story instances, but look for alternatives that incorporates challenge with options for people to pass said story instance.


> I said as example: Making a party with people is a perfectly good way to get past story instances that are harder.

> The problem possibly being, just as with raids,just as with open world group events, is that this game can do alot to improve on finding people to play with.

> Especially since you stated, its not that easy to find willing players to play with (although I generally dont have any issues with it, but okay)


> Maybe a hot join function on story instances? I dunno. I was just giving other options without needing to rely on gimmicks that potentially ruin it for other people.



I feel like anet has starting adding stuff in fights ti make them considerably easier. E.g the bones in the fight with joko, a build that lacks cc can pick those up and pretty much trivialise the parts of the fight that need cc.

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so make it worthwhile not respawning, yet not blocking progress for people who have to rely on it. That can be done with a relevant reward, and I mean relevant, not the usual champ bag, 1 AP or transmutation charge. Like 10 gold (yes, I know, that i not really "relevant" to a lot of people, but hey, better than the usual BS you get) or a BLK if anet feels extra generous. Of cause, this will be met by further complaints, but at least "having to do it" is off the table then.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > >

> > > > Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.

> > > >

> > > > In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Oh no i have to look around. The horror.

> >

> > Let me rephrase what Taygus.4571 and ugrakarma.9416 said to make it easier to understand:

> >

> > "We do not enjoy the game changing in this way and have lost a significant reason to play GW2."

> >

> > Your snarky attitude towards players abandoning the game does not help the issue. Especially when this was never the case before.


> "Game changing in this way"? What way? Looking around has been part of the game since lauch and i remember said mechanic being used from back in se2.


In a way that the difficulty spikes this much. No looking around franticly has not been part of open world or story design.


Please name a single personal story mission or HoT story mission where it was required in order to survive not to mention PoF missions. Even the ones with mechanical boss fights usually kept it simple and focused on a limited area.


Here is my take and I'm repeating myself here:

if you think that mocking or ignoring a big part of the player base only so you can have your way of fun is your goal, this game won't remain relevant enough for long enough.


If you want challenging content, go play raids and fractals and hope enough casual players joon those game modes so that arenanet keeps making content for them.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > >

> > > > > Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.

> > > > >

> > > > > In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Oh no i have to look around. The horror.

> > >

> > > Let me rephrase what Taygus.4571 and ugrakarma.9416 said to make it easier to understand:

> > >

> > > "We do not enjoy the game changing in this way and have lost a significant reason to play GW2."

> > >

> > > Your snarky attitude towards players abandoning the game does not help the issue. Especially when this was never the case before.

> >

> > "Game changing in this way"? What way? Looking around has been part of the game since lauch and i remember said mechanic being used from back in se2.


> In a way that the difficulty spikes this much. No looking around franticly has not been part of open world or story design.


> Please name a single personal story mission or HoT story mission where it was required in order to survive not to mention PoF missions. Even the ones with mechanical boss fights usually kept it simple and focused on a limited area.


> Here is my take and I'm repeating myself here:

> if you think that mocking or ignoring a big part of the player base only so you can have your way of fun is your goal, this game won't remain relevant enough for long enough.


> If you want challenging content, go play raids and fractals and hope enough casual players joon those game modes so that arenanet keeps making content for them.


In se2 u have 2 encounters in ep 7 or w/e one vs centaurs and one vs the asuras and their alert golems in both cases aoes or glomes were all around you and you needed to be in constant awareness of the area around you.



Also the mordremoth fight as well had you looking around for rifts and esp for attacks during gliding phase.


Joko has like what? A phase each 25% where u have to use sas and then kill the clones that spawns. The close iirc also spawn in fixed locations so theres that. Joko is by far one of the better and clean fights they"ve put out in recent memory.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Aoe madness + horrible camera angles no matter how bigger your screen is.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In the last fight against Joko, the difficult thing was to stay turning the camera to see where he teleported.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Oh no i have to look around. The horror.

> > > >

> > > > Let me rephrase what Taygus.4571 and ugrakarma.9416 said to make it easier to understand:

> > > >

> > > > "We do not enjoy the game changing in this way and have lost a significant reason to play GW2."

> > > >

> > > > Your snarky attitude towards players abandoning the game does not help the issue. Especially when this was never the case before.

> > >

> > > "Game changing in this way"? What way? Looking around has been part of the game since lauch and i remember said mechanic being used from back in se2.

> >

> > In a way that the difficulty spikes this much. No looking around franticly has not been part of open world or story design.

> >

> > Please name a single personal story mission or HoT story mission where it was required in order to survive not to mention PoF missions. Even the ones with mechanical boss fights usually kept it simple and focused on a limited area.

> >

> > Here is my take and I'm repeating myself here:

> > if you think that mocking or ignoring a big part of the player base only so you can have your way of fun is your goal, this game won't remain relevant enough for long enough.

> >

> > If you want challenging content, go play raids and fractals and hope enough casual players joon those game modes so that arenanet keeps making content for them.


> In se2 u have 2 encounters in ep 7 or w/e one vs centaurs and one vs the asuras and their alert golems in both cases aoes or glomes were all around you and you needed to be in constant awareness of the area around you.



> Also the mordremoth fight as well had you looking around for rifts and esp for attacks during gliding phase.


> Joko has like what? A phase each 25% where u have to use sas and then kill the clones that spawns. The close iirc also spawn in fixed locations so theres that. Joko is by far one of the better and clean fights they"ve put out in recent memory.


As older gamer im used to "look" around since SNES and all sort of "figure the mechanics" bosses........, but in gw2 is just find me fighting against visual pollution... and joko is easy, but is no exception.


![](https://i.imgur.com/4S0Yhh0.jpg "")


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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > >

> > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > >

> > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > >

> > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > >

> > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > >

> > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > >

> > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > >

> > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> >

> > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.


> Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?



No, deriving happiness from success and achievement is as universal as the desire to eat food. So much so that it is the basis to how the entire videogame industry functions. Or are you telling me that when you play Mario, you just jump in place for hours on end because you don't care for the achievement of jumping over gaps?

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > > >

> > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > > >

> > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > > >

> > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > > >

> > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> > >

> > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

> >

> > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

> >


> No, deriving happiness from success and achievement is as universal as the desire to eat food. So much so that it is the basis to how the entire videogame industry functions. Or are you telling me that when you play Mario, you just jump in place for hours on end because you don't care for the achievement of jumping over gaps?


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > > >

> > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > > >

> > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > > >

> > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > > >

> > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> > >

> > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

> >

> > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

> >


> No, deriving happiness from success and achievement is as universal as the desire to eat food. So much so that it is the basis to how the entire videogame industry functions. Or are you telling me that when you play Mario, you just jump in place for hours on end because you don't care for the achievement of jumping over gaps?


Or they just dont get those feelings from the story. Personally i get more of those kinda feelings from the story than i do in say PVP, killing an opponent there doesnt make me feel like i succeeded in anything(which is odd, cause in other games like say WoT, or WT it does). Not everyone gets that same feeling from the same things in video games. My biggest joy is unlocking new skins :)

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > > > This is one of those things that, I'm not sure that the players who hate the idea necessarily know best. I'm going to reference a moment here, where [Dawko beats 50/20 mode in Ultimate Custom Night](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=dLu6IFPK6eQ&t=270s") and is brought to tears over his achievement. I mean, just look at that. I bet most people haven't been this happy in their entire lives.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Beating the bosses in harder games (a la Cuphead) feels great, but it only feels great if there's an actual challenge in beating them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Speak for yourself here. Not everyone enjoys that level of challenge. I don't game to feel proud of my e-skills.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Example. One of my all time favourite games to play and replay is Fable:TLC. There's nothing challenging about that game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm part of the crowd that mostly no longer plays LW Stories. I find the difficulty unenjoyable.. and mostly AoE madness. I tend to die to the bosses a couple times and I for one was glad they didn't reset.

> > > > > > I despised the finally HoT story instance for example.

> > > > > > I also don't like that an instance often takes longer than 20-30 minutes.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If this crowd continues to grow and LW popularity continues to fall, that's not good for ANet.

> > > > >

> > > > > This post doesn't make sense. If you're already not playing the LW Stories with the corpse rush system, then how is putting in the reset system going to affect you? Besides, what I put up is common to human nature.

> > > >

> > > > "Mostly " .. I play the ones I have to. Like the steps to get the beetle.

> > > >

> > > > "Human nature"... I beat Liadri, first time round. It was hell. I didn't feel joy at beating her. Merely relief. To the point, I promised myself I'd never put myself through such again.

> > > >

> > > > Not everyone feels joy at beating a virtual challenge. For some the frustration leading to that point. lingers and leaves a bitter taste instead.

> > >

> > > Look, everything in the game is some form of virtual challenge. If you go "woe is me" every time you go down, then you're not doing it right. Stop framing it in your head that way, and the problem goes away. You're not immune to achievement, you've just attached a disproportionate amount of lament toward effort.

> >

> > Or you could accept that humans are not all the same and don't derive happiness from the same things?

> >


> No, deriving happiness from success and achievement is as universal as the desire to eat food. So much so that it is the basis to how the entire videogame industry functions. Or are you telling me that when you play Mario, you just jump in place for hours on end because you don't care for the achievement of jumping over gaps?



One more time and that's me out.


You refuse to understand that thd work involved affects enjoyment of any success.

I... get this.. I ..me. You can argue against it all you like but I am telling you how it makes ME feel.


The Liadri fight made me feel bad...not good. Feel bad at spending so long on it. At the frustration I felt attempting it. Succeeding didnt feel good. It felt pointless.

This is the same with the story. When I finally soloed the hearts and minds. I didn't feel proud or excited or happy.. I was just glad that it was over it. The work involved wasnt "worth" the success. (and then of course I dc'd which was the major nail in the coffin for story, but I'm explaining my feelings before dc-ing).


It's like working your ass off for half minium wage when you could get a job somewhere else. It's not worth it and you're not going to be happy to get that paycheck when you could've done something else more worthwhile with your time.


Difficult content (that is content that's personally challenging ) does not bring me joy.


I much prefer playing the races.. they aren't difficult. They're stress free a dc that brings me joy to finish.


Don't argue...try to understand that not everyone feels the same way or reacts the same.

Why do you think there are such a range of games...from simple to punishing..from calm to hectic.


This isn't merely about succeeding.. It's that some successes are not worth it and are more bitter than joyful.

Can you understand the difference?

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