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Festival of the Four Winds feedback

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First thing's first, I have missed this festival so much. the updates to it have also made it so much more fun, and the mastery system has helped with traveling around the Cliffs themselves.


though i have 2 points that I am not really happy with.

1. the downtime between the Treasure Hunt meta in the Cliffs. given that its a possible daily, it being 2 hours between them feels really bad for people with limited time.

2. The Pavilion race. specifically the pirate portion. having to go up the very thin ramps with the less accuracy of mount turns (yes some are better than others for different things) feels pretty bad to me (and a few friends ive talked to about it)

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The main thing I’m baffled with is a small thing but it keeps nagging me as something that has no reason to be a problem. First off, the labyrinthine cliffs map can only be seen on the “surface” part of the map. On “upper level” and “underground” it disappears. Why? Second, I’ve heard that this map disappears during the rest of the year?? That’s stupid! Ability to access it is irrelevant, if your character has been to a spot in the world, it shows on their map!

Simple! Taking it out feels like it’s confusing to both players who know it’s there and those who don’t. Especially for me and others who are passionate about someday mapping the entire game - of it disappears, then no matter how many maps we get, our games will only be fully explored for 3 weeks of the year. I just don’t see any reason for these issues and plenty of reason why they shouldn’t exist. It’s a fairly small thing for most people, but then, if it’s no big deal, just fix it.

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Activity support is garbage, as usual.

* No repeatable achievement tracks for Aspect Arena or Sanctum Sprint - no way to easily track how many matches you've played or won.

* None of any other kind of achievement for either mode, which admittedly can do more harm than good if not designed properly (see the entire Sanctum Sprint permanent category for examples).

* Rewards for both activities are rather lackluster, even if you manage to play well and win a lot.

* No visible changes or improvements made to either mode outside of sound effect changes and buffing all damage sources in Aspect Arena by 1, emphasizing combat and drawing away from the larger goal of the mode (capturing and running crystals).

* No Sanctum Sprinter title available for Sanctum Sprint despite having been offered for several past events.

* Reports of being booted back to Labyrinthine Cliffs at the end of most rounds of Sanctum Sprint.

* No return of permanent access to Southsun Survival, though somewhat understandable given its numerous bugs and one major design flaw.

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**Is there no official feedback thread?** :/ @"Gaile Gray.6029", will there be one?


> @"Briars.1425" said:

> 2. The Pavilion race. specifically the pirate portion. having to go up the very thin ramps with the less accuracy of mount turns


If you go with the mob of other racers, you can quickly switch to the Griffon before entering the area. Then you just fly over all those pirates' heads and switch back to your Jackal/Raptor at the end of that portion. =) That's how I did it anyway. ;)


> @"Shayne Hawke.9160" said:

> * No repeatable achievement tracks for Aspect Arena or Sanctum Sprint [...]


There is an Aspect Arena??? :o Oops, totally missed that one.


No titles for either? Bummer.



## Quick Feedback

(in case there won't be an official thread)


* The races and hunt could occur more frequently (there is not much to do in between once you finished your achievements).

* The Aspects Arena should be in the cycle of Festival Dailies (as it is a lot more fun than the repetative Boss Blitz!).

* The Boss Blitz needs some restrictions as to when the event is allowed to start. Most 6-Comm maps are full and participating in the 30+ minutes 1-Comm version is super annoyingly boring (I _hate_ it with a passion). Make it so that 6-Comm groups are a requirement for the event to even begin.

* Mute the Duel Announcer and all related Queen's Gauntlet sounds for people roaming the bottom level of the Crown Pavilion. I don't need to have additional noise, the sounds at bottom level are enough (fighting, effects,...), it's becoming too stressful.

* The automatic removal of gambits after each (failed) fight is majorly annoying. Re-applying them costs time and you your position in the queue. :angry: (We can remove them at our own will, so why removing them by default?)

* There should be additional drop chances for the Favor of the Bazaar and the Pavilion other than doing Dailies. 1 Favor of the Festival per day is insufficient.

* The Sanctum Sprint and Aspects Arena NPCs need to be re-located to become better visible to players (you only peoperly spot them on the mini map).

* Love the maps, the content, the vendors, the ambiente NPCs and their dialogues (the two Olmakhan who find all those new customs fascinating, the Suspicious Strangers who rob the merchants, and dozens more), simply everything. Thank you so much for bringing this event back! <3

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I'd like to see something designed to eliminate the wait time for gauntlet challenges. I know there's currently a limited number of arenas, but after watching someone else battle maybe once, I get tired of watching/waiting. I'd even prefer to go into an instanced arena quickly rather than waiting in queue like it is now.

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Anyone with a commander tag and an attitude can block the use of the smaller than normal waypoints just by standing on them, all one can do is join the squad, you cannot click on the waypoint if it's covered by a tag. This is being done to grief players and block progress on Effigy Extinguisher.

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feedback the full bazaar is a scam to drain the market of mats. Im not very smart and when i saw repeatably achievement i was thinking it will give more repeatable AP which is did not ....


besides that so much i enjoyed the easy mode but mounts kinda killed the full meaning of aspects.


what else I liked crown pavilion very much those arena fights awesome finally got Liadrie 8 Orbs.


the Effigy water balloon fight .... what a joke could not be more lazy i guess.


what this event need to be really good is a group event like the marionette lets say every 3 hours.


but all in all why not it makes the world more alive GJ Anet

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I'm having a lot of fun, I love the festival and the maps. One is super relaxing and nice while the other provides the challenges and fights - just what I need.


Buuut I am having constant crashing with the treasure hunt (auto crash with part 2 no matter what) and when the skimmer race starts. I've had to put all my graphics setting on the lowest possible thing and it still doesn't help. I haven't had this much crashing since PoF first came out (at least with PoF it stopped after a few bug patches).

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- Pavilion bosses hp scale too high. I'd prefer lower health scaling, but the timer reduced to compensate for that. Just takes too long even going for bronze and isn't especially fun/interesting just to whittle down a health sponge


- waypointing from outside map seems a bit of a pain


- could use some of the old flavour events like the elementals just to finish off what is other ambiently rich map.


- love the little touches like the beach rave, the tropical sea to skim around in, the gathering of all races, the tit bits of dialogues, the lone sylvari, all the silly things Gourdon gets up (loved him surfing the updraft).


- Much better AP. Now if only living story could match it...



Overall it's been great. Stress levels at Gauntlet have been high though....... ;)

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> @"Heibi.4251" said:

> Crown Pavilion meta creates lots of "salt" due to the timer and the scaling. Mostly the way it scales.


That's not the problem. The problem is the auto-attack mentality of the majority of the people. Most people barely do any damage nor know how to properly use cc-skills.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> The main thing I’m baffled with is a small thing but it keeps nagging me as something that has no reason to be a problem. First off, the labyrinthine cliffs map can only be seen on the “surface” part of the map. On “upper level” and “underground” it disappears. Why? Second, I’ve heard that this map disappears during the rest of the year?? That’s stupid! Ability to access it is irrelevant, if your character has been to a spot in the world, it shows on their map!

> Simple! Taking it out feels like it’s confusing to both players who know it’s there and those who don’t. Especially for me and others who are passionate about someday mapping the entire game - of it disappears, then no matter how many maps we get, our games will only be fully explored for 3 weeks of the year. I just don’t see any reason for these issues and plenty of reason why they shouldn’t exist. It’s a fairly small thing for most people, but then, if it’s no big deal, just fix it.


I agree we should keep the map year around. Off festival they could keep all the land masses and just remove the ships and festival favors.

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I have never been interested in seasonal events and as a result haven't put much time into any of them.


However, there were so many positive responses to the announcement of this year's FFW that I decided to try it and I'm glad I did.


I'm enjoying it thoroughly and as a result, might give the other seasonal events a try.


This is in no way a refutation of some of the complaints about the event in this thread; I'm just saying I'm enjoying it.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > Crown Pavilion meta creates lots of "salt" due to the timer and the scaling. Mostly the way it scales.


> That's not the problem. The problem is the auto-attack mentality of the majority of the people. Most people barely do any damage nor know how to properly use cc-skills.


i admit i went auto attack as well after hitting the same boss 15 minutes. redesigning the pavilion could guide people more. Also event could start after each Boss has a certain number of player around him to get activated.


lets say


Boss 1 / 10 People NPC commander "lets Go"

Boss 2 / 10 People NPC commander "lets Go"

and so on like the lanes in DS

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> P.S. The automatic removal of gambits after each (failed) round is majorly annoying. Reapplying them costs time and you your position in the queue. :angry: (We can remove them at our own will, so why removing them by default?)


It will be because gambits cost tickets per use and if it keeps them each round, it will be keeping them for free. I suspect a system for automatic deduction doesnt exist or would cause issues with players either not realising they had deductions or if not enough were available then it wouldnt know what gambits to keep or lose.


Ultimately, without removing the ticket system entirely (im not against this) the current system is the simpler option for the game.

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Feedback: Zephyrite Curio Box should be called something different for the one you can choose from the 5 day achievement (Four Winds Gale). When you preview it you get a different output vs the one from WvW/PvP by quite a huge difference (all materials are gone , gloves are a common).


I also would've hoped for the WvW/PvP track to use the same sort of rarity scale, but perhaps due to the supply boxes only having ~ 2% chance of rare maybe it that way for a reason.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > Crown Pavilion meta creates lots of "salt" due to the timer and the scaling. Mostly the way it scales.


> That's not the problem. The problem is the auto-attack mentality of the majority of the people. Most people barely do any damage nor know how to properly use cc-skills.


i admit i went auto attack as well after hitting the same boss 15 minutes. redesigning the pavilion could guide people more. Also event could start after each Boss has a certain number of player around him to get activated.


lets say


Boss 1 / 10 People NPC commander "lets Go"

Boss 2 / 10 People NPC commander "lets Go"

and so on like the lanes in DS

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One of my biggest issues is a lack of indication whats solid and what not.

And this is mostly in regard of the .. tent-ceiling-things

The slabs of cloth hanging between poles.

About 20% is solid, and can be stood on, the rest is phantom texture. And since the area is a heavy platforming area, you just become paranoid where you can stand or not

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Only real complaint I have with the festival this year is what someone else pointed out which is the Pavilion race. Specifically the pirate portion where not only is it difficult to get onto and up the ramps but it's also incredibly easy to get hung up on even the smallest portions of map geometry in that sixth of the map, which forces me to dismount and run on foot until I can get out of that area (provided I don't die to the mobs first).


Other than that, I'm really enjoying it. It's a much needed break from all the dangers in Tyria and a much needed break for my Commander (though she's not going to have a break for much longer considering another one of my characters plans on confronting and antagonizing her).

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Overall, the single biggest thing wrong with the Festival events is that accessibility sucks for the casual majority of the player base.


1. The Queen's Gauntlet is too difficult. It was easier to beat Mordremoth and Joko than to beat some of these gauntlet bosses. The "instant kill" attacks are a particularly cheap mechanism which is a mark of lazy game design. Such things should never be.

2. The only way to get gold in the Boss Blitz is for a guild to come in with multiple commanders and organize everyone like it's a formal raid or something. For casual zergs, the outrageous scaling of the bosses effectively cancels any hope of getting better than bronze.

3. The timing of the treasure hunt and races in the Labyrinthine Cliffs is way too long. There should be an event every twenty minutes. Treasure hunt at the top of the hour, one race at XX20, the other race at XX40.


The other thing that's wrong is the rewards. Mind you, I do appreciate the chance to get some of the LS1 items and other older game rewards without having to spend a ton of gold and/or laurels. That is a good thing. But even so, most of the rewards are simply in the "nice to have" category -- there's not much to make somebody really go WOW! and keep people engaged.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Heibi.4251" said:

> > Crown Pavilion meta creates lots of "salt" due to the timer and the scaling. Mostly the way it scales.


> That's not the problem. The problem is the auto-attack mentality of the majority of the people. Most people barely do any damage nor know how to properly use cc-skills.


I am firmly convinced that my pet does more DPS than a lot of players I've seen in group events.

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