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[FotFW] Hidden Quaggan Lanterns puzzle? [SPOILERS]

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Has anyone else found the sunken boat with the lightened quaggan lantern and a quaggan body next to it, in the southeastern part of the map?


You can receive a buff when you touch the lantern, and rumor has it that if you light up all the other dim lanterns quickly, you will help the quaggan's ghost. It is also rumored that this was a hidden achievement.


However, even with a speed boost, I never make it to the third lantern in time before the buff runs out. What am I missing?


EDIT: I just figured it out. You touch the last lantern you lit, and it gives you the buff again. Now only to find all the lanterns... :)


EDIT #2: For those just stumbling across this thread: It is _not_ connected to a hidden achievement. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> It is also rumored that this was a hidden achievement.


It is **not** an achievement. Non-spoiler remark by the dev:

> I'm so happy people have been finding this little secret I placed in the map. I know, there's an argument to be made that we should put achievements on hidden little stories like this, but I'm a bit old school and I still love moments in games when the reward is the journey itself, not the destination.


(Don't follow [the source](

) if you want to figure it out by yourself.)
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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If you go to the actual thread, instead of just the Dev post, there's lots of information.


I **hate** Reddit as I find it painful to navigate. Obviously, clicking on the title will get you to the OP. Thanks.


Edit: Found them all, it's not so bad once you've scouted the actual route. :) This was fun, more hidden little (underwater) adventures in the future, please! <3

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > (Don't follow [the source](

) if you want to figure it out by yourself.)


> There is no walkthrough included in that thread...

In fact, there is. I was careful to link the subthread that makes it more difficult to see anything other than the developer's comment... and even that includes a spoiler (mild though it might be).


> I **hate** Reddit as I find it painful to navigate.

The warning wasn't meant for people who hate Reddit; it was meant for anyone who happened to be reading.



The whole idea behind this particular "easter egg" was that it was fun for its own sake. I am sure that many would prefer that everyone posting in this thread to be as cautious as possible about adding anything other than, "there's an undocumented 'quest' that starts near a shipwreck," so that everyone can enjoy the journey as much as you. Especially since this thread isn't tagged as





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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> The whole idea behind this particular "easter egg" was that it was fun for its own sake.


And it is! I so enjoyed finding all the lanterns, then light them and get to the quaggan's ghost. Took me three attempts, but since I sincerely enjoy underwater content, I was having a blast. :)


![](https://i.imgur.com/8CkWBNO.jpg "")

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Today I also noticed there's a perma-stealthed thief going around the market pickpocketing the merchants. If you follow her she eventually runs out to the rocks north of the treasure hunt vendor and meets up with someone who seems to be her trainer. At that point they're both unstealthed and both called Suspicious Stranger. They talk about how well she's doing and needing to be careful they're not noticed and then disappear.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Today I also noticed there's a perma-stealthed thief going around the market pickpocketing the merchants.


I mentioned this in the feedback thread. They are two strangers ("Suspicious Strangers"), of which one robs the merchants, then returns to the other. A bit of dialogue and they teleport away to sell their stolen goods.


There is so much ambiente on this map, with dialogue worth listening to. <3

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one. Its the perfect signifier that you found a secret that was intentionally put there.


Why does it need an achieve? Why can't players enjoy the journey/Easter egg for the sake of it being an easter egg?


Old skool gaming didn't include achievements and people enjoyed the secrets they found...I actuly think it's ashame that players need a reward to have fun exploring.

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> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one. Its the perfect signifier that you found a secret that was intentionally put there.


> Why does it need an achieve? Why can't players enjoy the journey/Easter egg for the sake of it being an easter egg?


> Old skool gaming didn't include achievements and people enjoyed the secrets they found...I actuly think it's ashame that players need a reward to have fun exploring.


Its perfectly fine that it doesn't make sense to you.

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> On my ? ??


Cheater! ;)


> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one.


You may criticize the achievement points reward system in general, but to say that placing an easter egg on a map was proof for this is a little far-fetched IMO.


> @"Taygus.4571" said:

> Why does it need an achieve? Why can't players enjoy the journey/Easter egg for the sake of it being an easter egg?


We can, and we should. I know I did. :) However, little rewards are always the frosting on the cake, like with [this easter egg](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Iron%27s_Tailpipe_Bandana "this easter egg"). <3

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Taygus.4571" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one. Its the perfect signifier that you found a secret that was intentionally put there.

> >

> > Why does it need an achieve? Why can't players enjoy the journey/Easter egg for the sake of it being an easter egg?

> >

> > Old skool gaming didn't include achievements and people enjoyed the secrets they found...I actuly think it's ashame that players need a reward to have fun exploring.


> Its perfectly fine that it doesn't make sense to you.


Oh it makes sense. The question was rhetorical.


It seems some gamers can't enjoy some things without always being rewarded for it.

And that really is a pity.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one. Its the perfect signifier that you found a secret that was intentionally put there.


On the contrary, it's because a developer thinks highly of the players that it doesn't have one.

>> I'm so happy people have been finding this little secret I placed in the map. I know, there's an argument to be made that we should put achievements on hidden little stories like this, but I'm a bit old school and I still love moments in games when the reward is the journey itself, not the destination.

(source is linked above)

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one. Its the perfect signifier that you found a secret that was intentionally put there.


I don't see it like that at all. I think the dev thought a lot about the players when making this and has placed something that when you find it, makes you smile. For me it is the little things like this that I discover that make me enjoy this game so much. It shows me they cared enough about what they do to put a little extra something in there for us to discover. I intentionally look for dialogues and things like this when going to a new area. The small details here and there bring the world alive. I regard this as art for art's sake. Good job dev, whomever you are, that thought this up!

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Its a shame that a dev thinks so little of players and the achieve system to not have it be one. Its the perfect signifier that you found a secret that was intentionally put there.


I highly disagree. They clearly think very highly of the players and have their fun and enjoyment in mind when they are thoughtful enough to put little exploration based treasures into the game. It isn't always about being virtually rewarded with achievements and It doesn't need an achievement to be appreciated. It just needs to give players a feeling of discovery, curiosity and satisfaction once they have found the end of the journey.


@"Ashantara.8731" Congrats on finding this!! I was in that area but didn't clue into the mini-journey until I read your post. *high five*



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I'm going to quote the post I first made when I discovered this.

> @"Riot Inducer.8964" said:

> I just did this and came here to see if anyone else has found this. I was swimming about randomly near the edge of the map before I found the wrecked ship with the dead quaggan and the light. I noticed a few very small unlit quaggan lanterns as I was swimming and I noticed one near the ship, just to the south of it. With the light buff you can light the other lanterns. They're spaced out in a long path that goes all the way along the shore to the other side of the map. You only have 30 seconds between each lantern before the light runs out so you've got to make sure you know where the next one is when you take the light buff from a lantern because it also turns that lantern off.


> In short if you let the light run out at all you've got to go all the way back to the ship with the dead quaggan.


> At the very end of the path there's a quaggan house with one last lantern inside. If you get it there the ghost of the dead quaggan appears and thanks you for returning his spirit to his home. He's just called "villager", so not any specific quaggan. Very cool little unmarked quest/puzzle/thing. My only gripe is I wish there was a hidden achievement for this or something.

So, my two cents on the easter egg vs achievement debate. Ultimately I do wish there was some sort of reward for this and I mainly say that, because this was a rather involved puzzle that had me swimming around the entirety of the map (several times) spending well over 30 minutes figuring this out. Now I don't feel my time was wasted and I enjoyed the puzzle, but at the same time, a big part of what was driving me to get to the end of the chain of lanterns was the fact that there were mechanics at play, this _felt_ like a hidden achievement. It was exciting, and ultimately a bit disappointing when there was no hidden achievement or indeed any reward for the time and effort I put in to figure this puzzle out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt like I wasted a lot of time (45 minutes total because I was helping others do it at the same time) when I completed it today (only hearing about it just before the festival ended). I thought it was well done as far as mechanics, but the payoff was awful. The damn thing didn't even have a name!!! I would have been happy with a smidge of npc dialogue (beyond thank you).


A reward doesn't always have to be "stuff" or ap or a title. STORY is plenty achievement for some folks.

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