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Will Rytlock ever get called out for his actions?


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Now preemptively, I know the title is somewhat inflammatory but it is a crucial part of Path of Fire that we just dropped. I feel like Rytlock got off relatively easy for what he had done in Heart of Thorns. Sure Kormir calls him out for it, and he does get to immediately eat shit after saying the 'Charr always clean up everyone elses messes' which was a nice touch, but it's a slap on the wrist. Caithe in inadvertently causing the death of Eir, results in us losing trust in her and yet that was one person. If Rytlock, and by extension the Black Citadel, had made us privy to that classified information they had been holding on tightly to then perhaps we would of at least gotten some kind of warning for what transpired. Considering Sohothans origin as a godsword empowered with flame, the huamn PC at the very least would of had like a dozen questions.


Thusfar it's gotten hardly a mention after the original storyline. Which is a shame really, because what Rytlock had essentially done is what he had always critiqued Logan for: Putting his country before literally everyone and everybody else. In doing so he could of potentially caused the death of Tyria and had accidentally killed thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people. Our entire situation right now from Aurenes instability with god magic to Elona's crumbling infrastructure is blood on _his_ head and it's hardly given a mention. Not to mention the fact that his speech implies the Black Citadel itself was responsible for this and in depriving us of valuable information, they put the entirety of Tyria in jeopardy. Not that it's a particularly new thing for Charr society to do, but still.


At this point Rytlock needs to get some kind of comeuppance, preferably at the hands of Logan just for the sake of poetic justice. He may not of known who Balthazar was and what he would do, but he undid the work the gods put into sealing a renegade god out of thanks for reigniting Sohothan in his quest to reclaim Ascalon. He should of thought about his actions more then not at all, and after he did them he absolutely should of told us about what had transpired. I just feel that, especially as playing a human PC, if I was having trust issues with Caithe over what she had done I wouldn't be trusting Rytlock with anything right now, much less being a major force in the movement of Dragon's Watch.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Caithe chose to steal the egg. Rytlock was an unwitting dupe; his only failing was that he didn't tell anyone. His comeuppance? He has to pal around with the likes of Canach & the Commander, while watching Logan "Runaway" Thackeray become the Leader of the Pact.


He put the interests of everyone after the vague interests of the Black citadel, he is just as much a traitor as Caithe if not more so. He might of been duped by Balthazar, but this is still his fault and he put countless lives at risk for what amounted to no reason. The irony of critiquing Logan for running away is Rytlock did the exact same thing, if not worse, he pushed us in front of a train for the sake of his..nation?...maybe? why the Citadel wanted to hide this is beyond me.


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I don't think our character has the strong enough stance for a balanced morality judgement against others to be honest. And as said, Rytlock's "crime" is just a lack of openness. He did at least come clean as soon as he realised the connection between the events in the mist and the current goings. If he'd still kept things closed after knowing the connection then maybe trust issues could arise.


Having said that, as a human of Ascalonian descent, I'm more than happy for some mob justice on the furball......

For Gwen......

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I don't think our character has the strong enough stance for a balanced morality judgement against others to be honest. And as said, Rytlock's "crime" is just a lack of openness. He did at least come clean as soon as he realised the connection between the events in the mist and the current goings. If he'd still kept things closed after knowing the connection then maybe trust issues could arise.


> Having said that, as a human of Ascalonian descent, I'm more than happy for some mob justice on the furball......

> For Gwen......


I think what puts it beyond the pale for me is, well going back to Caithe. Caithe had the crushing irrationality that comes with the Wyld Hunt clouding her thought process when she stole glints egg, she should of confided in us but to be candid I don't blame someone for that when they have the Dream of Dreams altering their perception of reality. Rytlock was entirely rational, and classified by the Citadel of not, we are all supposedly friends and we are all working to keep Tyria from exploding. If there is anyone to tell, it should be __us__ and not his Blood Legion paymasters who are, far and away, distant from this conflict. When he did finally open up to us, everything was too far gone and the damage was irreparable.


So to me, him telling us and owning up to it, only elevates our relationship from 'broken beyond repair' to 'I am _really_ leery of everything you do now.'

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > Caithe chose to steal the egg. Rytlock was an unwitting dupe; his only failing was that he didn't tell anyone. His comeuppance? He has to pal around with the likes of Canach & the Commander, while watching Logan "Runaway" Thackeray become the Leader of the Pact.


> He put the interests of everyone after the vague interests of the Black citadel, he is just as much a traitor as Caithe if not more so. He might of been duped by Balthazar, but this is still his fault and he put countless lives at risk for what amounted to no reason. The irony of critiquing Logan for running away is Rytlock did the exact same thing, if not worse, he pushed us in front of a train for the sake of his..nation?...maybe? why the Citadel wanted to hide this is beyond me.


I'm not following the argument, probably because my memory is bad. In HoT, what "vague interests" of the Charr were put ahead of "everyone"? Did not Rytlock help find Eir? Did he not participate in the efforts against Mordremoth? Did he force the Commander to have to delay plans, split up the group, or backtrack, the way that Caithe's betrayal did?




In LS3.1, he was the one that proposed the idea of a new guild and he helped track down Caudecus & refused to go to BC. In 3.2, he was "apprehended" and forced to BC. And we don't see him again until PoF.


In PoF, we learn he's given a report to the Charr about his time in the mists, but not the details. He helps scout out locations and combat enemies. When Balthazar first confronts us, he thanks Rytlock, but we don't know why. Later, he explains that he asked an "old man" to relight Sohothin, and freed him in exchange, without knowing who it was. This is perhaps foolhardy, but nothing like a deliberate betrayal, as Caithe chose when she chose to steal the egg, knowing its importance.


I've re-read Kormir's text from [Facing the Truth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Facing_the_Truth), and all she does is remind Rytlock that he's responsible for Balthazar's escape. If anything, I'd argue that Kormir & Company are much more responsible because they left him in a situation in which a living person could show up in the mists and release the prisoner by accident... and stopped monitoring. What sort of jail were they running?


But to your point: what exactly did Rytlock _deliberately_ do that makes him worthy of comeuppance?


Besides that, Caithe **never** apologized for her actions. She used the "sorry-not-sorry" phrasing embraced by politicians everywhere to say, "oops, sorry you noticed; you weren't supposed to." She makes it clear that she would do nothing different if it happened again.



Here's [what the wiki (incompletely) says](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rytlock_Brimstone#Heart_of_Thorns_story) about his role in HoT:

> Rytlock reappeared on Tyria from a mist portal as a revenant during the Pact's campaign against Mordremoth in the Heart of Maguuma. Using the new skills he acquired in the Mists, he helped the Pact Commander's party to defeat an attack from Mordremoth's minions. Rox was interested in Rytlock's new powers, but the tribune did not divulge information on his experiences and instead urged the group to focus on finding the missing Destiny's Edge and ending the threat Mordremoth posed to the world.


> The Commander decided to let Braham and Rytlock scout ahead for the missing members of Destiny's Edge. Rytlock used his new powers to locate Eir Stegalkin and witnessed Faolain stabbing her and leaving her to be killed by Mordremoth's Vinetooth minion. Rytlock helped the Commander and the group defeat the vinetooth and was forced to continue on before the other members of Destiny's Edge could meet the same fate. After the death of Eir, Rytlock and the group encountered Caithe and the newly corrupted Vinetooth Faolain. With the egg being dropped, Rytlock distracted Faolain while the Commander snatched the egg and fled. The group later split up again, and Rytlock left with one half of the group to track down the other members of Destiny's Edge.


> After tracking down and rescuing both Zojja and Logan, Rytlock helped the Commander take down the vinetooth Faolain. They found Trahearne who was trapped by the Jungle Dragon, and in order to defeat Mordremoth, the Commander needed to enter the mind of the dragon through Trahearne. Rytlock expressed his wish to not enter the mind of Mordremoth due to his prolonged experiences in the Mists and instead stayed behind to protect the bodies of those who entered. In the mind of Mordremoth, the dragon tried to demoralize and kill the Commander with a Blighted version of Rytlock whom the Commander successfully turned against the dragon. Rytlock later witnessed the death of both Trahearne and Mordremoth by the Commander's hands.

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'Fraid I'm gonna have to add another to the "it's not the same thing" pile. Caithe has demonstrated a history of making poor decisions and, though her heart is consistently in the right place, she's just not all that trustworthy.


Rytlock, on the other hand, is pretty dependable, and though his actions did lead to some pretty awful stuff occurring, he really had no way of knowing it would happen. When he was keeping the events of his journey through the Mists secret, he had no reason to believe that they were of any great importance to us or the world at large, so he basically just figured he was maintaining his privacy. As soon as it became clear that it WAS important, he told us.


My position may come from the fact that I play Charr exclusively, and thus have gone through every story instance that involves him and have grown rather attached... In addition to the fact that one of my real-life friends also values their privacy to such a potentially-problematic degree, which I have learned to respect. Could things have gone better in the whole situation? Sure. But unlike Caithe, Rytlock isn't consistently causing problems, and aside from this one screwup, he's shown himself to be highly reliable.

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I don't think our character has the strong enough stance for a balanced morality judgement against others to be honest. And as said, Rytlock's "crime" is just a lack of openness. He did at least come clean as soon as he realised the connection between the events in the mist and the current goings. If he'd still kept things closed after knowing the connection then maybe trust issues could arise.

> >

> > Having said that, as a human of Ascalonian descent, I'm more than happy for some mob justice on the furball......

> > For Gwen......


> I think what puts it beyond the pale for me is, well going back to Caithe. Caithe had the crushing irrationality that comes with the Wyld Hunt clouding her thought process when she stole glints egg, she should of confided in us but to be candid I don't blame someone for that when they have the Dream of Dreams altering their perception of reality. Rytlock was entirely rational, and classified by the Citadel of not, we are all supposedly friends and we are all working to keep Tyria from exploding. If there is anyone to tell, it should be __us__ and not his Blood Legion paymasters who are, far and away, distant from this conflict. When he did finally open up to us, everything was too far gone and the damage was irreparable.


> So to me, him telling us and owning up to it, only elevates our relationship from 'broken beyond repair' to 'I am _really_ leery of everything you do now.'


Yes, but he opened up as soon as he realised it was relevant rather than retaining the knowledge which up until that point was not really for us know beyond curiosity since he was using his newly gained powers to otherwise aid us at every turn. He didn't really want to open up to the Blood Legion either, but he was pretty much arrested and brought forth to explain to them without much choice in the matter. Our Guild Leadership holds less sway than many years of ingrained racial command structure.

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logan made the choice to abandoned his team during a crisis to protect his queen, causing the mission to fail


caith acted on her own at the detriment of other ppl and had always been rather shady


rytlock didn't do either, the ritual he preformed was to end the foe fire which while it mostly benefited the black citadel

1. benefited everybody since the ghosts attack everybody

2. wasn't done at the determent of a more pressing issue (all dragon activity was mostly under control at the time)and

3. was also to convince the leader of the black citadel to join a summit so world leaders could discuss the dragon issue.


freeing balthazar freed balt not realizing he was balt or gonna go on a murderous rampage, rytlock only realized he was the one who freed balt when he greeted him like a friend in the first fight against him in pof (before that he only had a suspicion that balt and the spirit he freed were the same guy but wasn't certain) he specifically said balt looked like any other spirit in the mist (aka not a threat to tyria)


the most "selfish" thing he did was chase sohotin into the mist

p.s. don't forget: sohotin (his blade) is also extremely important in both ending the foefire (which see point 1) and losing it for good could cause issues with the charr-human peace treaty (which wouldn't benefit anybody) or in short terms losing it will have long term consequences.

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Rytlocks a dependable soldier, but that's a far cry from being trustworthy. How much other stuff is he telling us because it's classified? Keep in mind he had been thrown through a portal into the Mists, spoke with Glint, saw that Sohothan a godsword was extinguished and then reignited by a strange. A stranger who was completely wrapped in chains by some mysterious force and once released vanished into a mysterious fire portal. There were so many clues, we could of taken so many leads, we could of potentially reversed so much damage if we had even the vaguest notion that an absurdly powerful being was now wandering Tyria and doing who knows what.


He did worse then delay plans and split up groups, one could easily argue he inadvertently caused the death of _thousands_ of people based purely on the Citadel telling him that information was classified. There is no way anyone could see all those events and deduce it wasn't important, hell why would the Citadel want to keep it secret to begin with if they thought it was meaningless? what kind of agenda did they have that would require them to keep something like that a secret? If one can condemn Caithe for stealing the Egg based on the visions of her Wyld Hunt then one should condemn Rytlock for the absurdly fantastical journey he went through which is almost certainly important and telling us not a thing about it.


And you say in Path of Fire he opened up once things were revealed, but he kept that information secret a very long time after Balthazar was released. Why? for what purpose? if he had even the vaguest idea of what Sohothan was, which he had been researching for _years_ now, he should of pieced together something was horribly amiss. Indeed if I remember correctly he comments something along those very lines the last time we ask him, that he's still 'working things out in his head'. If he had a sniff of what was going on, he should of immediately handed over the information.


No amount of combat experience can possibly make up for him keeping so much vital information from us until the last possible moment.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> no,


> logan made the choice to abandoned his team during a crisis to protect his queen, causing the mission to fail


> caith acted on her own at the detriment of other ppl and had always been rather shady


> rytlock didn't do either, the ritual he preformed was to end the foe fire which while it mostly benefited the black citadel

> 1. benefited everybody since the ghosts attack everybody

> 2. wasn't done at the determent of a more pressing issue (all dragon activity was mostly under control at the time)and

> 3. was also to convince the leader of the black citadel to join a summit so world leaders could discuss the dragon issue.


> freeing balthazar freed balt not realizing he was balt or gonna go on a murderous rampage, rytlock only realized he was the one who freed balt when he greeted him like a friend in the first fight against him in pof (before that he only had a suspicion that balt and the spirit he freed were the same guy but wasn't certain) he specifically said balt looked like any other spirit in the mist (aka not a threat to tyria)


> the most "selfish" thing he did was chase sohotin into the mist

> p.s. don't forget: sohotin (his blade) is also extremely important in both ending the foefire (which see point 1) and losing it for good could cause issues with the charr-human peace treaty (which wouldn't benefit anybody) or in short terms losing it will have long term consequences.


Rytlock made a choice not to give us valuable information a sword reigniting spirit based on privacy for what? reasons? if we had some vague notion that there was an unknown factor out there we could of taken measures to deal with it, whether that was following up with an investigation or putting together more security so Balthazar couldn't do things like jack directly into the power of Jormag and Primordius for his benefit. While the Ghosts attack pretty much everyone the Foefires primary benefit is to the Black Citadel, no one else is really pitching in troops for their sake, it's an at home problem that the Charr nation deals with uniquely and was put ahead of Tyria potentially unraveling at the seems. No matter what way you slice it, you're assuming an absurd amount of ignorance on Rytlocks part, his only defense is tantamount to stupidity.


Even if we're being generous enough to say he thought all these events were irrelevant...why not tell us anyway? if it doesn't matter, why not let it spill when we keep asking him over, and over, and OVER again? What's the harm of just taking five minutes to give us a rundown.

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > no,

> >

> > logan made the choice to abandoned his team during a crisis to protect his queen, causing the mission to fail

> >

> > caith acted on her own at the detriment of other ppl and had always been rather shady

> >

> > rytlock didn't do either, the ritual he preformed was to end the foe fire which while it mostly benefited the black citadel

> > 1. benefited everybody since the ghosts attack everybody

> > 2. wasn't done at the determent of a more pressing issue (all dragon activity was mostly under control at the time)and

> > 3. was also to convince the leader of the black citadel to join a summit so world leaders could discuss the dragon issue.

> >

> > freeing balthazar freed balt not realizing he was balt or gonna go on a murderous rampage, rytlock only realized he was the one who freed balt when he greeted him like a friend in the first fight against him in pof (before that he only had a suspicion that balt and the spirit he freed were the same guy but wasn't certain) he specifically said balt looked like any other spirit in the mist (aka not a threat to tyria)

> >

> > the most "selfish" thing he did was chase sohotin into the mist

> > p.s. don't forget: sohotin (his blade) is also extremely important in both ending the foefire (which see point 1) and losing it for good could cause issues with the charr-human peace treaty (which wouldn't benefit anybody) or in short terms losing it will have long term consequences.


> Rytlock made a choice not to give us valuable information a sword reigniting spirit based on privacy for what? reasons? if we had some vague notion that there was an unknown fact out there we could of taken measures to deal with it, whether that was following up with an investigation or putting together more security so Balthazar couldn't do things like jack directly into the power of Jormag and Primordius for his benefit. While the Ghosts attack pretty much everyone the Foefires primary benefit is to the Black Citadel, no one else is really pitching in troops for their sake, it's an at home problem that the Charr nation deals with uniquely and was put ahead of Tyria potentially unraveling at the seems. No matter what way you slice it, you're assuming an absurd amount of ignorance on Rytlocks part, his only defense is tantamount to stupidity.


> Even if we're being generous enough to say he thought all these events were irrelevant...why not tell us anyway? if it doesn't matter, why not let it spill when we keep asking him over, and over, and OVER again? What's the harm of just taking five minutes to give us a rundown.


i'll repeat myself

because he didn't realize it was balt until pof so that couldn't have been the intel he gave the black citadel,


secondly there were no perceived downsides when they did the ritual they didn't know it would suck sohotin into the mist, how could they

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I don't think many people intend to do anything wrong, Caithe and Logan included even if we perceive it that way. I'll repeat myself as well: Even in the best case scenario where he thinks that a magic spirit that was somehow capable of reigniting his ancient ultra powerful godsword was unimportant information, then logically he should have no problem telling us something that's so utterly irrelevant he doesn't think it's worth even hearing about. The only reasons that make any sense are either colossal stupidity, or putting his nation ahead of everybody else.

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> I don't think many people intend to do anything wrong, Caithe and Logan included even if we perceive it that way. I'll repeat myself as well: Even in the best case scenario where he thinks that a magic spirit that was somehow capable of reigniting his ancient ultra powerful godsword was unimportant information, then logically he should have no problem telling us something that's so utterly irrelevant he doesn't think it's worth even hearing about. The only reasons that make any sense are either colossal stupidity, or putting his nation ahead of everybody else.


logan kinda screwed over destiny's edge for his queen leading to several deaths which justifies DE disliking him, since most players have a 'closer' relation with DE then with the queen alot of ppl are gonna side with them.


caith has always been rather shady, the egg situation wasn't the start of distrust towards her but it significantly worsened it.


rytlock could have many reasons to not tell his mist-adventures: revenants require to keep secrets because it could piss off their channeled legends. the whole freeing balt part could have been a footnote in a novela worth of story that didn't seem worth telling (charr tend to prefere fighting over storytelling), he might feel some shame over having become a magic user (being a charr and all)


and even if he did tell us about a strong fire spirit he freed, then what? how would the commander know it was going to attack?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > I don't think many people intend to do anything wrong, Caithe and Logan included even if we perceive it that way. I'll repeat myself as well: Even in the best case scenario where he thinks that a magic spirit that was somehow capable of reigniting his ancient ultra powerful godsword was unimportant information, then logically he should have no problem telling us something that's so utterly irrelevant he doesn't think it's worth even hearing about. The only reasons that make any sense are either colossal stupidity, or putting his nation ahead of everybody else.


> logan kinda screwed over destiny's edge for his queen leading to several deaths which justifies DE disliking him, since most players have a 'closer' relation with DE then with the queen alot of ppl are gonna side with them.


> caith has always been rather shady, the egg situation wasn't the start of distrust towards her but it significantly worsened it.


> rytlock could have many reasons to not tell his mist-adventures: revenants require to keep secrets because it could kitten off their channeled legends. the whole freeing balt part could have been a footnote in a novela worth of story that didn't seem worth telling (charr tend to prefere fighting over storytelling), he might feel some shame over having become a magic user (being a charr and all)


> and even if he did tell us about a strong fire spirit he freed, then what? how would the commander know it was going to attack?


Well sure, Glint could be, in theory telling Rytlock not to talk about what happened. It sort of fits her M.O if you believe the story about the Flameseeker Prophecies in part being engineered to kill the Mursaat out of spite. But then what happens is well, we should be interrogating Glint about why it's not telling us anything, and we should not be trusting _either_ of them,. Though perhaps with less hatred towards Rytlock then the alternative because he could be being swayed by what is after all, a prophetic Dragon.


At this point I think Rytlocks beyond superstition, and if he really did keep it to himself out of shame then that leads right back to distrust. Though out of selfishness and stupidity rather then the possible malice behind him choosing not to release that information on behalf of the Citidal. Considering the massively powerful Fire Spirit reignited Sohothan we could of looked into the history of the sword, since for some reason Rytlock didn't question why the spirit could even do that, and what on Tyria could open a massive fire portal to who knows where. Given what we know of the sword now we actually realize that the blade belonged to Balthazar to begin with, and those inquiries would of led us right back to him and probably us doing an investigation on the Rogue God wandering around Tyria.


It really comes down to him doing this either out of Nationalism or Stupidity, or possibly Nationalism AND stupidity, which is exactly what Logan gets condemned for all the time. Even though he didn't know it was Balthazar it doesn't absolve him of his actions, he should at the very least apologize. Though i'd say at this point he should also face serious consequences for all the preventable damage that happened as a result of his pride, his stupidity, or his selfishness.

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The old man only offered the relight the sword if rytlock freed him from his shackles, Rytlock being honorable as well needing the sword agreed and held up his end of the deal. To me this tells me his trustworthy and that he was completely unknowing in the balthazar shenanigans; He also never met balth until PoF so he would not of known ahead of time that balth was indeed the issue in this conflict.


Caithe on the other hand was acting like she was corrupted and left us scratching our heads as to if she was actually still caithe or not, with the sylvari corruption and the dragons influence over them it makes sense that we did not trust caithe.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> The old man only offered the relight the sword if rytlock freed him from his shackles, Rytlock being honorable as well needing the sword agreed and held up his end of the deal. To me this tells me his trustworthy and that he was completely unknowing in the balthazar shenanigans; He also never met balth until PoF so he would not of known ahead of time that balth was indeed the issue in this conflict.


> Caithe on the other hand was acting like she was corrupted and left us scratching our heads as to if she was actually still caithe or not, with the sylvari corruption and the dragons influence over them it makes sense that we did not trust caithe.


And yet at the same time he withheld information from us, I never argued he knew it was Balthazar. Rather i'm arguing he left a critical piece of information that ultimately wound up harming us as an unknown until the last possible second. Honoring Balthazar's deal is great and all but perhaps he should of thought about things more then not at all before doing so, and in the process killing thousands of people by freeing someone who was imprisoned without knowing why they were imprisoned. It was irrational and idiotic to do, but it was even worse to not fill us in for absolutely no reason.

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to be fair to Rytlock... HE DIDN'T KNOW it was Balthazar until The Commander called B by his name in Front of Rytlock... and then Rytlock came clean with The Commander right away... "Um, Commander... I didn't know it was Balthazar, but i've met him before in the Mists..." He only withheld the information because it wasn't relevant before. AND he was told not to tell anyone about what happened in the Mists. But, as soon as the information became relevant, he proved his loyalty to the Commander and spoke up, Black CItadel Orders be damned...

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> @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> to be fair to Rytlock... HE DIDN'T KNOW it was Balthazar until The Commander called B by his name in Front of Rytlock... and then Rytlock came clean with The Commander right away... "Um, Commander... I didn't know it was Balthazar, but i've met him before in the Mists..." He only withheld the information because it wasn't relevant before. AND he was told not to tell anyone about what happened in the Mists. But, as soon as the information became relevant, he proved his loyalty to the Commander and spoke up, Black CItadel Orders be damned...


The problem is i'm not arguing any of that, i'm well aware Rytlock had no idea it was Balthazar and that he came clean after Balthazar called Rytlock his friend. The problem is he shouldn't of withheld the information anyway from the Pact Commander, who is literally responsible for saving the planet and supposedly his friend. If he thought it was irrelevant that's even more reason to tell us, because it doesn't matter though I don't know how you think something like that couldn't possibly be relevant in the future. So instead he held on to it on Black Citadel orders, and it led to a lot of horrific things happening that could of possibly been prevented for no reason.


I get the thrust of your argument, I just don't agree with the morality of it in the slightest. nor does it make me think his loyal. If anything him waiting until the last possible second, because remember it wasn't when he thought it was relevant, it's when he __knew__...that's when he told us, and to me that all but makes him a traitor, hell it might actually make him a traitor because I can't trust anything he tells me anymore isn't filtered through the Citadel.



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Thing is... I don't think it would've prevented _anything._


Let's say Rytlock _did_ come clean to the Commander. Then let's say that they put their heads together and developed a suspicion that this stranger capable of relighting Sohothin was Balthazar. Let's even suspend disbelief and say that they were then able to pick up Balthazar's trail, despite Balthazar having a mirror that'd let him appear to be virtually anything and anyone, and the Commander needing to deal with a dragon subverting an entire race of allies and a bloodstone exploding and a civil war in another race of allies and two more dragons suddenly showing a surge of activity, all on top of personal concerns that all this magic exposure might be driving them insane... let's set all that aside and say that the Commander located Balthazar, and trailed him long enough to deduce that he was out to kill the dragons.


The Commander probably would've walked up and said 'Oh, thank the Six- I mean, you- this will be so much easier with a god on board.'


Remember, we didn't stop wanting the same thing as Balthazar until after we'd figured out everything anyway. That machine Balthazar almost used to destroy the world? We had it developed _specifically to do that,_ if anything in a more destructive way, since we wouldn't have been able to jack in and absorb some of the power that we would otherwise have unleashed. Knowing Balthazar's identity would only have made things worse, since we'd be more inclined to trust a historical ally than a historical enemy like Lazarus. What if we had told him about the machine early? The only reason Taimi went back to check her work and discover that killing dragons was apocalyptic was because she had misgivings about the way Balthazar seized the machine by force. If we had approached him, put him in a position where he didn't have to resort to that, there's every possibility that Tyria would be gone before we even knew it was at risk.


I honestly think Rytlock's silence, irritating as it was, may have inadvertently saved the world.

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> @"Loesh.4697" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > The old man only offered the relight the sword if rytlock freed him from his shackles, Rytlock being honorable as well needing the sword agreed and held up his end of the deal. To me this tells me his trustworthy and that he was completely unknowing in the balthazar shenanigans; He also never met balth until PoF so he would not of known ahead of time that balth was indeed the issue in this conflict.

> >

> > Caithe on the other hand was acting like she was corrupted and left us scratching our heads as to if she was actually still caithe or not, with the sylvari corruption and the dragons influence over them it makes sense that we did not trust caithe.


> And yet at the same time he withheld information from us, I never argued he knew it was Balthazar. Rather i'm arguing he left a critical piece of information that ultimately wound up harming us as an unknown until the last possible second. Honoring Balthazar's deal is great and all but perhaps he should of thought about things more then not at all before doing so, and in the process killing thousands of people by freeing someone who was imprisoned without knowing why they were imprisoned. It was irrational and idiotic to do, but it was even worse to not fill us in for absolutely no reason.


No critical info was withheld though. These characters are not answerable to us for every action or adventure they take. Ultimately Rytlock felt it was inconsequential and when he realised it wasnt, then he confessed. Im also unconvinced knowing about his encounter would have prevented or changed anything. Without our visit to Kormir and the throwaway line inficating Sothothin was they key to beating him, the knowledge was useless to us

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Let's not forget that Rytlock threw the rest of Destiny's Edge under the bus to make Dragon's Watch in Episode 1 of LWS3. To me, that's pretty callous, regardless if you like them or not. He didn't wait to consult with the rest of DE to see if it was worth continuing after Eir's death, Caithe's betrayal, and the convalescing of Logan and Zojja. He just all of sudden and out of nowhere decided "lol their ded maek new guild". Logan may not care considering where he is now and Caithe is, well, Caithe, but when/if Zojja ever comes back I hope she let's Rytlock have it verbally. The same with the Commander seeing as they went along with Rytlock's idea.


So yeah, count me in the camp of "When is Rytlock going to face consequences for his (in)actions" at least in regards to the point I made but I'll admit that I hate and loathe Rytlock.

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I stopped reading (sorry) when you wrote: Caithe 'killed' Eir.





Wasnt Faolain the person that really 'helped' her die???


Caithe wasnt our villain, she stole the Egg but didnt cause any damage to it, nor gave it to the Mordrem Faolain.


Rytlock didnt tell us what he saw in the Mists, there was nothing significant in his speech in PoF that he could have kept for 2-3 years and saying only 'later, cub'


Maybe he just cannot explain what happened because he is a charr and dont care about the human things and just dont know any of that godly matters and everything.


But he could at least tell us what Glint told him- we know he met her and she taught him the ways of Revenant.


I think that could be significant, but maybe Glint forbid him to tell until the right moment comes.


We will see.




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