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Hello all ! Today, July 28 (I let you search why this day is important for me :wink: ) and so I decided to do : 28 reasons to play GW2 (28 reasons because it's July 28 if you didn't understand) ! I'm french, so I hope you will understand the translation by internet and what I changed ! :smile:


1 - The incredible graphics

2 - A quick and easy XP phase

3 - The diversity of races

4 - Originality of the weapons skills

5 - Character styles to infinity (dyes, outfits, transmutation ...)

6 - The "Festivals" and their atmosphere (farm ...)

7 - The "Chronicles" (voices, scenario, cinematics ...)

8 - A different concept of exploration

9 - Easily modifiable skills

10- A rewarding lore

11- An active community that often helps

12- Important meta-events (big card events)

13- A mode "World Versus World" inter-server strategic

14- PvE for any type of player (raids, fractals, dungeons ...)

15- Extensions bringing a new vision of the MMORPG (mounts, masteries, hang-glider ...)

16- The "Counter" (Auction House) and its revolutionary system

17- The World Boss and their innovative mechanics

18- Achievements in large numbers

19- The beautiful decor of the maps "Player Versus Player"

20- The originality of aquatic fights

21- Choices for gear and statistics

22- The creations of fabulous characters

23- More freedom in the choice of nicknames

24- The trades and the tool "discovery"

25- Very easy titles to have

26- Guilds linked to the account (maximum 5 per account)

27- Simple and effective group search

28- The multiple aspects of the RP


Are you agree ? Something to propose ?


PS : Did you understand why "July 28" ? An index exists :wink:

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I don't really agree with many of the points you make but some of it is personal preferences. I do agree with points 1 and 8 but I partially or fully disagree with the rest for different reasons actually. It's just too much to go into each point individually but I'll give you two examples.


1) Point 26 for me is a bad thing in my view. I prefer how GW1 did it with guilds and their original idea for GW2 to be able to be part of multiple guilds with different characters would've been even better but it never made it to the game. I've seen a number of guilds just turn into ghost towns because a lot of their members were spending more time in other guilds for example. This may be a personal thing but there you are.


2) Point 4 about the originality of weapon skills I never really liked because I do not like certain weapons. I've never liked axes in games and especially on classes like necromancers I really don't like axes. But if you want to use certain skills you have to take a weapon that you don't like. I really don't like how your weapon determines what skills you get for the most part. I get that it makes sense that a bow uses different types of attacks than a sword. But rather than having fixed skills I would've preferred a pool of skills that belong to that weapon that I can pick from myself.


So yeah, GW2 has some positives for sure but this list isn't really it for me.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I don't really agree with many of the points you make but some of it is personal preferences. I do agree with points 1 and 8 but I partially or fully disagree with the rest for different reasons actually. It's just too much to go into each point individually but I'll give you two examples.


> 1) Point 26 for me is a bad thing in my view. I prefer how GW1 did it with guilds and their original idea for GW2 to be able to be part of multiple guilds with different characters would've been even better but it never made it to the game. I've seen a number of guilds just turn into ghost towns because a lot of their members were spending more time in other guilds for example. This may be a personal thing but there you are.


> 2) Point 4 about the originality of weapon skills I never really liked because I do not like certain weapons. I've never liked axes in games and especially on classes like necromancers I really don't like axes. But if you want to use certain skills you have to take a weapon that you don't like. I really don't like how your weapon determines what skills you get for the most part. I get that it makes sense that a bow uses different types of attacks than a sword. But rather than having fixed skills I would've preferred a pool of skills that belong to that weapon that I can pick from myself.


> So yeah, GW2 has some positives for sure but this list isn't really it for me.


Oh I can understand you but it's sure we can prefer systems of others MMORPG too. ^^

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Since you asked for feedback, here it goes:


> @"Killors.7526" said:

> 1 - The incredible graphics


The graphics are nice, but nothing groundbreaking - especially considering that GW2 is rather young in comparison to other MMORPGs. I also have to agree with @"Carighan.6758" here. It's really frigging annoying that you can't disable all other people and their effects so you actually see something and can react to your enemies. They also totally overdo it lately with the visual clusterkitten. Just look at the events in Istan. Do I have to say more?


> 2 - A quick and easy XP phase


I disagree. There are other MMORPGs in which I reach max. level faster. It may be a necessity for them, 'cause they don't feature downscaling, but the argument stands. Also, the "easy" part is quite counterproductive and unhealthy for the game 'cause people don't learn basic gameplay and end up useless in game modes where performance matters.


> 3 - The diversity of races


While the species-pool of GW2 is good, it sadly doesn't translate well. The game is mostly human-centric even though humankind is alien to Tyria since they've been brought there by their weird gods. The personal story is quite well-made in that regard since it focusses on defeating Zhaitan. HoT was quite well too since it mostly focussed on defeating Mordremoth. The corruption of Sylvari was a theme, but it wasn't as dominant to create the feeling that HoT is a Sylvari-expansion. What came next though was all far too human-centric. Living World, PoF and even the lore in raids is all human-centric and diminishes the species richness GW2 could offer.


> 4 - Originality of the weapons skills


What's original is how skills are bound to weapons. Other than that, the weapon-skill itself aren't as original as you think.


> 5 - Character styles to infinity (dyes, outfits, transmutation ...)


I disagree. While there are some beautiful armor-skins which you can combine well, the pool of these is far too low. That's just not because of clipping or other issues, but also because ArenaNet currently focusses too much on outfits. I have to agree that the variety of dyes is quite nice though.


> 6 - The "Festivals" and their atmosphere (farm ...)


There certainly are nice features festivals offer. I really liked the Wintersday-JP and the Capture-the-Flag-PvP-Arena was also awesome. There are also some nice minigames like "Your king says [...]". SAB is awesome, but sadly discontinued. Mostly though, it sadly comes down to grinding. GW2 is a massive grind-fest and festivals aren't any different.


> 7 - The "Chronicles" (voices, scenario, cinematics ...)


They're nice and I have to admit that I like the stylized art-style. The voice-acting is quite good too.


> 8 - A different concept of exploration


The gliding- and mount-concepts are awesome. I'll have to admit that. ArenaNet reached their map-design-zenith with HoT though. PoF is quite a letdown in that regard, especially since mounts devalue the feeling of exploration. In HoT though, I feel like I am exploring maps. Something I don't get from other maps, maybe with the exception of Draconis Mons.


> 9 - Easily modifiable skills


What do you mean?


> 10- A rewarding lore


How is lore rewarding? It's interesting and world-building and you could argue that that's a reward in itself. I still don't get your point though.


> 11- An active community that often helps


Depends on the game-mode you're participating in. In open-world-content, performance doesn't matter. In PvP/WvW/fractals and raids though, people tend to get toxic rather fast.


> 12- Important meta-events (big card events)


Again, ArenaNet reached its zenith with HoT. PoF was quite a letdown. The most important/popular meta-event in PoF is Casino Blitz. That's telling a lot. Serpent's Ire - the only "real" large-scale meta-event - is dead content.


> 13- A mode "World against World" inter-server strategic


That's nothing special. Open-world-PvP is quite common in eastern MMORPGs. WvW could be more popular if it hadn't been neglected by ArenaNet since forever. The game-mode has a lot of potential it doesn't use. It's telling a lot that GW2 intends to copy BDO's GvG-system.


> 14- PvE for any type of player (raids, fractals, dungeons ...)


True, but arguable. The entry-barriers for fractals (at least CMs) and raids is quite high and accessibility is low, so the reality is quite different to the theory.


> 15- Extensions bringing a new vision of the MMORPG (mounts, masteries, hang-glider ...)


The implementation of mounts was awesome. The map-exploration with HoT was awesome too. Other than that, GW2 has become quite uninnovative. For a lot of people, GW2 actually became quite boring and stale. Apart from important masteries, GW2 is a pretty standard generalistic MMORPG and nothing special anymore. You rather have "new visions" with upcoming Indie-MMORPGs which try to innovate the genre.


> 16- The "Counter" (Auction House) and its revolutionary system


The auction house in GW2 is pretty standard and nothing special. You could even argue that it's indeed quite rudimentary in comparison to other MMORPGs.


> 17- The World Boss and their innovative mechanics


The world-boss-concept died years ago. While there are some fun world-bosses gameplaywise, ArenaNet never really continued with the world-boss-concept. Tequatl is ok-ish, Triple Trouble is awesome, some "minor" bosses like Jormag's Claw and the Shatterer are also nice. Apart from the Core-Game though, world-bosses are pretty much a dead concept and you more or less only have some minor bosses as part of meta-events. I wish they would add more world-bosses, especially in LW-maps. These are reduced to mere additonal AP anyway so there are good reasons to upgrade them with some interesting events and world-bosses.


> 18- Success in large numbers


What do you mean? I fail to understand you. Success doesn't really mean anything in GW2 apart from maybe raids or fractal CMs in PvE and maybe high ratings in PvP.


> 19- The beautiful decor of the cards "Player Against Player"


I fail to understand you again. Care to elaborate please?


> 20- The originality of aquatic fights


Aquatic fights aren't original. It's the same catastrophe as aerial combat in other MMORPGs. It just doesn't work well. If ArenaNet ever wants to work on an underwater-expansion, they need to overhaul the entire aquatic combat, else said expansion will fail.


> 21- Choices for equipment and statistics


I disagree. Most stat-combinations are useless and ArenaNet isn't really designing the game in a way other stat-combinations could actually be useful. Probably at least 80% - if not 90% - of the stat-combinations the game features are useless. That's quite sad.


> 22- The creations of fabulous characters


I disagree. The character editor is quite rudimentary in comparison to other MMORPGs, other MMORPGs which may also always add new design-options. GW2 really could use some more options in that regard.


> 23- More freedom in the choice of nicknames




> 24- The trades and the tool "discovery"


What do you mean? Crafting? Crafting is pretty standard in GW2.


> 25- Very easy titles to have


Don't really know if that's a good or a bad thing. It doesn't really matter, does it?


> 26- Guilds linked to the account (maximum 5 per account)


Arguable. While it's nice to be able to be part of multiple guilds, you also have the risk of fragmentation.


> 27- Simple and effective group search


I disagree. The LFG in GW2 is trash and needs to be reworked. It's fine for open-world-content where you can take whatever applies, but it's a catastrophe in instanced PvE or even WvW where you want certain setups and upfront-information from the people who are applying to your party/squad. Most other MMORPGs are more sophisticated in that regard, opening a window or chat in which you see applicants, which class they play, and you can chat with them before you invite them yourself. In GW2 though - at least in raids - you constantly have to adjust your LFG and delete it multiple times so people won't join your squad for a slot that isn't free anymore. Plus, you rather fast hit "excessive messaging". It's probably even worse in organized WvW-squads.


> 28- The multiple aspects of the RP


Care to elaborate?


> Did you understand why "July 28" ? An index exists :wink:


Happy birthday. ;p



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@"Raizel.8175" : Ty :smile:


1 - The graphics are really nice for me, even if I can understand the problems, all MMORPG don't have very good graphics like that. ^^

2 - Maybe for Xp, but we can XP here by PvP, PvE, explo or even with books, it's very easy !

3 - Yep, it's sure :/ But 5 races is always better than only 1. ^^

4 - I put that "original" because it's not all time that we see MMORPG with spells/skills by weapons

5 - When I see all styles, personnally, this is maybe the best thing of the game for me ! XD (A lot of dyes, its' cool (but need money too...))

6- I hate JP and my computer is not really good. But the Festivals are something that the community loves ! The Halloween Festival is very good to farm too ! :smiley:

7- If I must choose one thing in GW2 to stay, it's certainly the chronicles, it's not like just do quests in others MMORPG !!!

8- When I speak about exploration, it's more about how do 100% of Tyria (panoramas, waypoints...)

9- Because when you aren't fight you can change easily your build

10- GW2 has a lore and an history too. The chronicles or WB are a big point of lore (Kralkatorrik, Brill, Scarlet... I wanna speak of that if you undertsnad ^^)

11- When there is no pressure, it's sure, people will not be toxic. But I hate too lose time or be with persons who do loose me for some reasons. :angry:

12- Personnally, I loved the meta-event of the mouth of mordremoth, certainly the event that I did the most. ^^

13- Hum, maybe, I'm not a fan of this mode and I hate the toxic community of my server in this mode... But this mode stays different that I saw before in others games, so it's cool and it's a new experience for all people !

14- Yep, but in PvE, you have choice in terms of your level

15- It's sure but now, the system of masteries and the mounts are now big things of the game.

16- For example, if I compare with WoW, I prefer this system, it can regroup all items. ^^

17- I have all achievements of WB, it's true now not a lot of people :/

18- I'm french, in reality it's "achievements" not "success" but we say "succès" in french ! XD

19- The style of maps PvP (sry google translate is not very good xD)

20- About this advice, I can understand but I wanna say : the aquatic fights aren't like fight on the ground.

21- Yep in this game you can choose easily the stats of your stuff.

22- Oh maybe, but when you see for the first time to create a character, for me I thought it was fabulous. ^^

23- Sure, nicknames with space is better. :smile:

24- Yes, crafting but we can up easily with "discovery".

25- We can have beautiful titles, so for me, it was important. :tongue:

26- It's the problem but sometimes it's cool to have all guilds by accounts.

27- It's sure but all people doesn't use LFG for all activities. In fractals and for meta-events, the LFG is very good.

28- GW2 has a touch of RP (chronicles, discussions between players RP, choice between dignity/grace/ferocity...)


And ty for the HB. ^^ But all these points depend of a lot of things and the advice of all persons (or what we prefer in game too).


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> @"Killors.7526" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > Some of these are so wrong....


> Maybe for you, but not for all ! GW2 has differents things and if you are a PvP player or a PvE player, our vison will not be the same, it's normal. ^^


No, some of them are simply wrong or nonsensical for everyone and the only reason one would have them is if they have rose-tinted glasses on like the game's graphics being amazing [when games like even Tera have far better ones], originality with weapon skills [when there's barely any, most original thing here is a mage-profession like Mesmer having Greatswords and the skills themselves are as generic as you can get].


A lot of your points are done better, sometimes much better, by games both before and after GW2's release and a lot are just flatout wrong.

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Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol


......Black Desert has worse animations than GW2 is what you just said. Wow, i can't even begin to think how wrong this statement is.


Please guys, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Even WoW has better animations than GW2 and this was BEFORE they started remaking them since Warlords of Draenor.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol


> ......Black Desert has worse animations than GW2 is what you just said. Wow, i can't even begin to think how wrong this statement is.


> Please guys, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Even WoW has better animations than GW2 and this was BEFORE they started remaking them since Warlords of Draenor.


I've worked in 3D animation so I know what I'm talking about. As someone with actual experience on the subject allow me to disagree with you and insist that Guild Wars 2 has some of the best animations in the industry. Guild Wars 2 does have impressive animations, and better than any korean MMORPG out there. As for WoW having even remotely good animations, can you move and use skills while walking in WOW? Because last I checked you couldn't, you were very much rooted in place in some boring looking animations. I wouldn't say that WOW has even low quality animations but that's just me.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol

> >

> > ......Black Desert has worse animations than GW2 is what you just said. Wow, i can't even begin to think how wrong this statement is.

> >

> > Please guys, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Even WoW has better animations than GW2 and this was BEFORE they started remaking them since Warlords of Draenor.


> I've worked in 3D animation so I know what I'm talking about. As someone with actual experience on the subject allow me to disagree with you and insist that Guild Wars 2 has some of the best animations in the industry. Guild Wars 2 does have impressive animations, and better than any korean MMORPG out there. As for WoW having even remotely good animations, can you move and use skills while walking in WOW? Because last I checked you couldn't, you were very much rooted in place in some boring looking animations. I wouldn't say that WOW has even low quality animations but that's just me.


You can move during every skill unless it's a cast or channel [and even then, some channels do allow you to move. You can spout lies that you work in 3D animation for as long as you want, won't change the fact you're beyond wrong in saying this game has some of the best animations in the industry. ESO, Aion, Tera, Black Desert, WoW, Blade and Soul, all of these have better animations than GW2.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol

> > >

> > > ......Black Desert has worse animations than GW2 is what you just said. Wow, i can't even begin to think how wrong this statement is.

> > >

> > > Please guys, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Even WoW has better animations than GW2 and this was BEFORE they started remaking them since Warlords of Draenor.

> >

> > I've worked in 3D animation so I know what I'm talking about. As someone with actual experience on the subject allow me to disagree with you and insist that Guild Wars 2 has some of the best animations in the industry. Guild Wars 2 does have impressive animations, and better than any korean MMORPG out there. As for WoW having even remotely good animations, can you move and use skills while walking in WOW? Because last I checked you couldn't, you were very much rooted in place in some boring looking animations. I wouldn't say that WOW has even low quality animations but that's just me.


> You can move during every skill unless it's a cast or channel [and even then, some channels do allow you to move. You can spout lies that you work in 3D animation for as long as you want, won't change the fact you're beyond wrong in saying this game has some of the best animations in the industry. ESO, Aion, Tera, Black Desert, WoW, Blade and Soul, all of these have better animations than GW2.


It's a "fact" now because you say so? I'm sorry but you are not the one that can make this a fact, your personal opinion is not a fact and can never be fact. You need to understand the difference between your opinion and a fact.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > Some of these are so wrong....

> >

> > Maybe for you, but not for all ! GW2 has differents things and if you are a PvP player or a PvE player, our vison will not be the same, it's normal. ^^


> No, some of them are simply wrong or nonsensical for everyone and the only reason one would have them is if they have rose-tinted glasses on like the game's graphics being amazing [when games like even Tera have far better ones], originality with weapon skills [when there's barely any, most original thing here is a mage-profession like Mesmer having Greatswords and the skills themselves are as generic as you can get].


> A lot of your points are done better, sometimes much better, by games both before and after GW2's release and a lot are just flatout wrong.


You know what "everyone" thinks? Interesting.

It's a matter of opinion. I personally think this game's graphics are gorgeous and the weapon skills are fun and diverse, and I agree with a lot of the points on OP's list (special mention goes to the story, voice acting, combat, and RP possibilities). I don't care if "other games" do it "better" - for ME PERSONALLY, in MY OPINION, *this* game does it just fine.

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You forgot one... and it is one I think is pretty cool. You will see the Devs in game tagged with the Anet Guild tag and they do participate and experience the game like all other players. Today, I was in the Crown Pavilion and low and behold, @"Gaile Gray.6029" was in there battling it out during the Boss Blitz. Even more shocking, she didn't have 274 Mastery *gasp!* :smile: So for me, I think it is really cool you will see the Devs in game, tagged as themselves. We like to think Devs get handed full end game gear and masteries but they too have to level characters and the masteries just like the rest of us.

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You know, it's useless to "clash" people only for that, our life will not change ! xD


> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > @"Killors.7526" said:

> > > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > Some of these are so wrong....

> > >

> > > Maybe for you, but not for all ! GW2 has differents things and if you are a PvP player or a PvE player, our vison will not be the same, it's normal. ^^

> >

> > No, some of them are simply wrong or nonsensical for everyone and the only reason one would have them is if they have rose-tinted glasses on like the game's graphics being amazing [when games like even Tera have far better ones], originality with weapon skills [when there's barely any, most original thing here is a mage-profession like Mesmer having Greatswords and the skills themselves are as generic as you can get].

> >

> > A lot of your points are done better, sometimes much better, by games both before and after GW2's release and a lot are just flatout wrong.


> You know what "everyone" thinks? Interesting.

> It's a matter of opinion. I personally think this game's graphics are gorgeous and the weapon skills are fun and diverse, and I agree with a lot of the points on OP's list (special mention goes to the story, voice acting, combat, and RP possibilities). I don't care if "other games" do it "better" - for ME PERSONALLY, in MY OPINION, *this* game does it just fine.


\o/ *clap clap* :smiley:


> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> You forgot one... and it is one I think is pretty cool. You will see the Devs in game tagged with the Anet Guild tag and they do participate and experience the game like all other players. Today, I was in the Crown Pavilion and low and behold, @"Gaile Gray.6029" was in there battling it out during the Boss Blitz. Even more shocking, she didn't have 274 Mastery *gasp!* :smile: So for me, I think it is really cool you will see the Devs in game, tagged as themselves. We like to think Devs get handed full end game gear and masteries but they too have to level characters and the masteries just like the rest of us.


Hum... ok xD

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I don't really agree with many of the points you make but some of it is personal preferences. I do agree with points 1 and 8 but I partially or fully disagree with the rest for different reasons actually. It's just too much to go into each point individually but I'll give you two examples.


> 1) Point 26 for me is a bad thing in my view. I prefer how GW1 did it with guilds and their original idea for GW2 to be able to be part of multiple guilds with different characters would've been even better but it never made it to the game. I've seen a number of guilds just turn into ghost towns because a lot of their members were spending more time in other guilds for example. This may be a personal thing but there you are.


> 2) Point 4 about the originality of weapon skills I never really liked because I do not like certain weapons. I've never liked axes in games and especially on classes like necromancers I really don't like axes. But if you want to use certain skills you have to take a weapon that you don't like. I really don't like how your weapon determines what skills you get for the most part. I get that it makes sense that a bow uses different types of attacks than a sword. But rather than having fixed skills I would've preferred a pool of skills that belong to that weapon that I can pick from myself.


> So yeah, GW2 has some positives for sure but this list isn't really it for me.


1. If they had some kind of way to chart how much a person online reps a certain guild, i'm sure alot would h8 it. But at least you might see more people repping your guild then. Though in a way guild rep doesn't matter as long as everyone has all guilds checkmarked so you can see 5 guild chats at once. :D So that ghost town vibe should be minamized. But i get what your saying.


2. You can't cut the same way with an axe like the way you cut with a dagger, therefore the skills should be different too. I much prefer fluid games that mimic real life mobility and function then ones that do not. skill limits of weps are i assume so you don't have a gabillion like in WoW or GW1. It simplifies things a lot.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol

> > >

> > > ......Black Desert has worse animations than GW2 is what you just said. Wow, i can't even begin to think how wrong this statement is.

> > >

> > > Please guys, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Even WoW has better animations than GW2 and this was BEFORE they started remaking them since Warlords of Draenor.

> >

> > I've worked in 3D animation so I know what I'm talking about. As someone with actual experience on the subject allow me to disagree with you and insist that Guild Wars 2 has some of the best animations in the industry. Guild Wars 2 does have impressive animations, and better than any korean MMORPG out there. As for WoW having even remotely good animations, can you move and use skills while walking in WOW? Because last I checked you couldn't, you were very much rooted in place in some boring looking animations. I wouldn't say that WOW has even low quality animations but that's just me.


> You can move during every skill unless it's a cast or channel [and even then, some channels do allow you to move. You can spout lies that you work in 3D animation for as long as you want, won't change the fact you're beyond wrong in saying this game has some of the best animations in the industry. ESO, Aion, Tera, Black Desert, WoW, Blade and Soul, all of these have better animations than GW2.


I'd say to scratch ESO off your list, I do play both and I still find the GW2 animations better, in my opinion.

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> @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > I don't really agree with many of the points you make but some of it is personal preferences. I do agree with points 1 and 8 but I partially or fully disagree with the rest for different reasons actually. It's just too much to go into each point individually but I'll give you two examples.

> >

> > 1) Point 26 for me is a bad thing in my view. I prefer how GW1 did it with guilds and their original idea for GW2 to be able to be part of multiple guilds with different characters would've been even better but it never made it to the game. I've seen a number of guilds just turn into ghost towns because a lot of their members were spending more time in other guilds for example. This may be a personal thing but there you are.

> >

> > 2) Point 4 about the originality of weapon skills I never really liked because I do not like certain weapons. I've never liked axes in games and especially on classes like necromancers I really don't like axes. But if you want to use certain skills you have to take a weapon that you don't like. I really don't like how your weapon determines what skills you get for the most part. I get that it makes sense that a bow uses different types of attacks than a sword. But rather than having fixed skills I would've preferred a pool of skills that belong to that weapon that I can pick from myself.

> >

> > So yeah, GW2 has some positives for sure but this list isn't really it for me.


> 1. If they had some kind of way to chart how much a person online reps a certain guild, i'm sure alot would h8 it. But at least you might see more people repping your guild then. Though in a way guild rep doesn't matter as long as everyone has all guilds checkmarked so you can see 5 guild chats at once. :D So that ghost town vibe should be minamized. But i get what your saying.


> 2. You can't cut the same way with an axe like the way you cut with a dagger, therefore the skills should be different too. I much prefer fluid games that mimic real life mobility and function then ones that do not. skill limits of weps are i assume so you don't have a gabillion like in WoW or GW1. It simplifies things a lot.


1, The idea originally was that when you join a guild, you could join it with multiple characters but they would only take one slot in the guild roster much like GW1. Except that you would be able to do this in more than on guild but with different characters. So if you had 10 characters you could, for example, put 5 toons in guild A, 3 in guild B and 2 in guild C. But you wouldn't take up multiple slots in the guild rosters of those guilds. This way if you want to contribute to a guild you would always contribute to the guild of the character you are playing. I would've preferred that over what they ended up doing.


2. As for the axe example, I already mention that I do understand that different weapons work differently so my suggestion was to have a pool of skills to choose from rather than have fixed skills. So if I take an axe main hand I get 3 slots and maybe 12 skills to choose from that are useable for an axe. And if I take a sword as main hand then I also get 3 slots but a different set of skill to pick from. This would give me more freedom.


However, the main issue why I don't like the current set up is that with the fixed skills, also some weapon skills are a lot stronger than others and that kinda goes against being able to play the way you want. For example, you may need to take an axe to be competitive, because if you take another weapon you're gimping yourself. So aside from the lack of choice of skills within a weapon choice, the choice of a weapon is also limited because some outperform others by so much.


It's a great idea in essence to have different weapons represent an actual different playstyle but not if it favors one playstyle over the others because the skills are just so much better for one weapon compared to the rest.

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