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Question: What is a necromancer to YOU????.

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What the title says.


Describe short, what a Necromancer is to you.


For me:

Necromancer is a pretty dark, shy figure.

Messing around with re-animating corpses... drain energy from souls and other living beings to sustain their own life, making them ageless and very hard to kill.

Able to control armies of undead and other dark creatures and sending them to do the dirty work like getting more corpses from the graveyards....

Early life can still have fragmented effects on the necromancers life.... Like if he was a fighter/warrior, he may still like to use edge weapons, swords, axes etc instead of the classic magician walking staff...

Old powerful necromancers changes themselves into a "lich form"...Others even more powerful, discard their pathetic weak bodies and instead becomes a living darkness.


Not really someone you would want as neighbor. (tho i would personally find such interesting, but that is me).


Just a short description.

Evil, Darkness, Power, Life drain, Minions.

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Reaper - a badass voodoo warrior (al least mine is with his looks) that can mop up armies of enemies face to face, not hiding behind some pussy illusions or teammates hoping he doesn't take a hit. Also far more intelligent (condition manipulation) then typical warrior and guardian meatheads, willing to dive into the forbidden (resurrection & minions) to get the job done. Both traits your typical front lining meatheads lack.


Also after all the ragdoll cc abuse my core necro got, reaper was a wet dream come true, when i could finally grab a badass greatsword and take the fight to them...all of them...at once!


Scourge - I don't have scourge fantasies like i had with reaper. But i see him a damn good support (barriers) and almost the necro healer i always wanted. Also huge tank potential with access to all his lifesteal all the time (no shroud blocking weapon skill and utils) and barriers keeping him relatively safe.

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For me necromancer is simply a master of death, a class that is hard to finish off and will kill you if you dont deal with it.

Reaper taking this a step further to a more damaging and cleaving version of the above that charges into the thick of the fight putting itself in danger because a master of death is never really endanger.

Scourge is different, instead focusing on allies more protecting friends from death while still brining it down on their foes.


Overally I think a Necro should be fairly hard to kill unless engaged right, should provide decent sustained dps, limited but powerful support for allies when it suits the necro.

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That depends. In GW1 it was the living embodiment of the term "Greatness at any cost". It was very much the dark arts user that was willing to sacrifice everything, Minions, Health, energy to gain an upper hand in the battle. It was a rather fragile, skill intensive class that required both patience and calculation. Necromancer was the class that strives to go beyond the limits of what society saw as acceptable.


In GW2, the necromancer is a coward. Weak willed and unable to push itself beyond the confines of its safety blanket that is Death shroud. It prefers to hide in the shadow of its predecessor and takes few risks. It is the sniveling little weasel that claims great power but never shows said power.


Scourge is still a bit on the safe side, unable to shake the mantle that core necromancer in GW2 has given it, but it embraces some of its more risky ideals from GW1. Even so it can't fully relinquish its core principles. Only when using corruptions does it even come slightly close to the former glory of its Predecessor. but still lacks that drive that made necromancer such a potent and flavorful class in the first game.


GW2 Necromancer is riding the coat tail of its far superior predecessor.

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I never was attracted to the master of death minion army style concept. I was more attracted by the master of controlling spectral / spirt energy which gives them strength unlike any other.




The first thing that drew me to core necro was the spectral skills and shroud as a spectral form.


Be it stealing this energy from the foes they rend / attack or using their own abilities to produce such an effect is what draws me to necromancer. The power to potentially do anything via some corruption energy mixed with spectral magic.


I see them as being who live walking the bridge between life and death acting with the powers of the spirits to enhance their own living bodies.

My perfect vision of a master of death is not one who raises the dead rotted bodies but one who controls/enforces the spirits that once inhabited those bodies. In doing so they bestow themselves with immense power and become incredibly hard to kill. They transcend from a simple mortal creature to something of a wraith that keeps its sanity and consumes the spirits of others to bolster its strength be it before or after killing their foes.




For reaper

It kind of expanded upon this idea as a bing pushed to the limit and past it becoming more experienced with death possibly via a close call with death and in doing so awakened this power to take them to new levels of strength. Having looked into the abyss of death itself this is being who can now imitate and incarnate that look to its foes. That is spectral an ghastly form known as Reaper.


Shame its never really explained or tied in with HoT how neco goes from standard Necro to Reaper. Nothing about the jungle really connects back to reaper but this is true for alot of the HoT specs. Anet was a bit smarter on the next go round though.

With PoF you can understand how thematically the transition to Scourge could be learned / taught / obtained with enough time in the desert.




I don't really have a big idea what scourge is to me its not really something I'm into but if i had to put it in writing.

Necromancers dare not use the bodies of fallen foes or allies or risk them becoming awakened by the wraith of joko's power. Specialized necromancy practiced in the deserts of Elona if bodies cant be used and spirits are too strong to rare and few but too strong to control you make due with what you have. The desert sands become the only thing these talented rogue necromancers can trust and use.


Granted there is not much point in using dead bodies when they can just be awakened and turned against you. In comes the creation of scourge as a result.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> For me, the Necromancer is a little bit misnamed ... it's more like a master of flesh or a corrupter of life. It's got much more than the death thing going for it. The skills it has ingame reflects that pretty reasonably.


Yeah, the GW Universe Necromancer is quite different than the stereotype. They’re more like “lifebenders” in that they manipulate life force itself: either to hurt enemies or to bring their flesh “constructs” to life like Dr. Frankenstein. There’s not really any “death magic” involved.


Which is probably why, despite Zhaitan harassing everyone with skellemans and zombos, people still haven’t rounded up and burnt all Necromancers at the stake.


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I think of gw2 version of necromancer comparable to warlocks in wow, in that they are masters of curses and mostly a selfish class who cannot offer much stuff besides offensive, especially the tanky bits since you can be quite tanky with reaper.

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Orpheus! I am known to men as Dr. Orpheus! And mine is to perceive and control the delicate arrangement of the cosmos!



But you're a necromancer! That's what necromancers do! That is the definition of necromancer!



Well yes, technically. But the term is used loosely these days. Magician, wizard, warlock; they sound rather goofy. Necromancer is all we've got left. Omelet?





Tiny Attorney : Could you tell the court what it is that you do? You're a type of magician?


Dr. Byron Orpheus : Well, if you must call me that, yes. But, if you are after mere parlor tricks, you will be sorely disappointed. For if I reach behind your ear, it will not be a nickel I pull out, but your very soul!



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I’ll admit that my image of a Necromancer is _heavily_ influenced by the huuuuge impact the Diablo II character had on me as a kid at the time.


The gaunt figure, the pale skin and hair in combination with the bone arms and armour and going around raising undead minions and casting death/blood/poison magic. Lovely.


That being said, the class in GW2 seems to be different to me. They’re only Necromancers in name only - they seem to be more akin to anvoodoo Witch Doctor with a dash of Dr. Frankenstein thrown in for good measure.



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