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Should I keep my 5 year old ranger?

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I have 5 toons since day 1, I haven't played much (1000 hours total), and recently I've been feeling I picked the wrong race for my ranger.



I have a human male ranger, with like 86% world completion (the most of all 5), a couple ascended trinkets, not much else to brag about except of the character's age (meaning birthday gifts). Now I have this strong itch to make a female norn ranger because I've been seeing them around the world and they look amazing, lore-wise it fits perfectly, the new druid (new to me) class especially. And so I want one.



I just don't want to spend money on buying character slots. I don't make enough ingame to exchange for gems and the price is too high for me to pay with real money.


So, what are the PROS of keeping this ranger instead of deleting it to make room for a new one I'll like better?



P.S. I'm big on aesthetics so if you have a male human ranger that looks great pls share a screenshot or two :)

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One reason people keep older characters they don't want anymore is for birthday gifts as you mentioned. If you don't like the character and don't mind missing out on birthday gifts and redoing the map completion then you might as well delete it since you don't want to buy another character slot. That's my opinion of course. If you choose to delete make sure you store all items that are not soul bound in the bank first so you can use them with your other characters. That includes your bags and anything else that can be used on other characters.

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I agree, the birthday gifts alone are reason enough. The 86% map completion is another keeping point. I just made my second Legendary, so now need to get a 3rd Battle from WvW and do World Completion again for my next. I really didn't have any plans to use Legendaries, but, well, here I am planning my third so one never knows.

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> @"Kovac.4372" said:

> I guess I could wait a month (for the 6th birthday) and then see how I feel :\


> If only character slots were not so expensive ... do I get extra ones when I buy the expansions (the cheapest editions)? I'm just core atm.


I'm pretty sure you do get a character slot plus a shared inventory slot with perks in it if you buy the PoF expansion.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> > @"Kovac.4372" said:

> > I guess I could wait a month (for the 6th birthday) and then see how I feel :\

> >

> > If only character slots were not so expensive ... do I get extra ones when I buy the expansions (the cheapest editions)? I'm just core atm.


> I'm pretty sure you do get a character slot plus a shared inventory slot with perks in it if you buy the PoF expansion.


It's be awhile since I bought the expansions but I'm pretty sure you only get additional character slots with the deluxe or ultimate editions. As far as shared inventory slots, both standard versions of HoT and PoF (as well as deluxe and ultimate) include a level 80 boost and once used will convert to a shared inventory slot as that is where they are stored.


Edit: Looked it up on the wiki and if correct character slots are only for deluxe or ultimate for each expansion.




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A long time ago, I was given sage advice from a long time MMO player... he said NEVER delete a character who is higher level than a starter zone. You have invested so much into that character, I would highly advise against deleting it. Plus the Druid and Soul Beast specializations from HoT and PoF are always in demand in various game modes and really are a lot of fun.


If you go to https://buy.guildwars2.com/ and look at the various purchase teirs it lists that both PoF Deluxe and Ultimate give an additional character slot. As you click through the checkout screens you will be offered HoT for 20 extra.


Good luck!!

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> just save up your gold and trade it into gem to buy more character slots, Birthday reward is more than enough reason to keep it, the dye you get from it can worth hundreds of gold (save you gold from buying it from TP), which itself is a massive saving, equivalent to a character slot


Really? Hundreds of gold? Can you message me which one? xD So I can get 5 of those next month when birthdays come!


> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> Plus you never know when you need a Ranger.


I'd make a new ranger right after :p I feel a female norn ranger works better than human male ranger ... now I'm contemplating having 2 rangers, don't know how much sense that makes while I don' even have all classes yet


EDIT: Aren't birthday dyes account bound? As in not sell-able?


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Short answer: yes, keep the character.


Long answer: keep the character if only for the birthday presents and time invested.


Character slots are not that expensive. 200 gold maybe if converting from gold to gems.


The expansions do not offer extra character slots unless deluxe or upward. I'd still recommend getting them over a new character slot (if only to work on elite specializations) but I definately would suggest to convert gold to gems and get a new slot asap.

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> @"Kovac.4372" said:


> Really? Hundreds of gold? Can you message me which one? xD So I can get 5 of those next month when birthdays come!


> EDIT: Aren't birthday dyes account bound? As in not sell-able?



Account bound, yes. To say it's saving you hundreds of gold is disingenuous, as it assumes you would buy those dyes anyway. It does provide you the opportunity to unlock some of the rarer and more sought after dyes without incurring cost though, particularly ones which interact well on fabrics/metals, vibrant ones (electro dyes, though I appreciate these have fallen in price) and darker dyes (e.g. Shadow Abyss).

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> @"calb.3128" said:

> > @"Kovac.4372" said:

> >

> > Really? Hundreds of gold? Can you message me which one? xD So I can get 5 of those next month when birthdays come!

> >

> > EDIT: Aren't birthday dyes account bound? As in not sell-able?

> >


> Account bound, yes. To say it's saving you hundreds of gold is disingenuous, as it assumes you would buy those dyes anyway. It does provide you the opportunity to unlock some of the rarer and more sought after dyes without incurring cost though, particularly ones which interact well on fabrics/metals, vibrant ones (electro dyes, though I appreciate these have fallen in price) and darker dyes (e.g. Shadow Abyss).


I've never been dishonest or deceitful in my statement, i clearly put it there in bracket "**(save you gold from buying it from TP)**"


3rd birthday the most expensive dye is Enameled Perseverance Dye @ 100g ask on TP, a few others are close to 100g



4th birthday, there's Eerie Purple Dye @ 390g ask, and Shadow Abyss Dye @ 380g ask, and 6 other ones are above 100g



5th birthday, there's only Magenta Dye @ 155g ask is above 100g



not only it saves you from spending gold buying them from TP, also because some of these dyes are part of the [Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock loot table](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guaranteed_Wardrobe_Unlock#Dye_Unlocks "Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock loot"), you want to clear them off the list so you will have better chance (you cannot get duplicates from Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock) to get gem items or super expensive TP only item like Ghastly Grinning Shield Skin (@ 2550g ask), etc

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You can buy them with either Gems or BL Statuettes. This allows you to redo every aspect of your character except the race. Perhaps a tall Female Human will be more to your liking?


EDIT: using the kit also gives you cosmetic options not available during character creation: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance/Exclusive_human

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Total_Makeover_Kit


> You can buy them with either Gems or BL Statuettes. This allows you to redo every aspect of your character except the race. Perhaps a tall Female Human will be more to your liking?


> EDIT: using the kit also gives you cosmetic options not available during character creation: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance/Exclusive_human


Nah, I tried that already ... anyway, I deleted the character ... I am now at four max-age toons and one new one :) no goin back

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Get the 100% map completion first. It'll give you 2 gifts of exploration necessary for legendary weapon crafting (least the core game ones). This is very important,as this is one of the two things you cannot just gold your way through. This and Gifts of Battle are two components you must get with your own effort and can't get in any other way.


And reason you shold care about legendary weapons is money. Making and selling one can be huge profit, if you'll have the patience. Or you can craft one for yourself (though i'd recommend getting legendary armors first). Just keep in mind that only core tyrian legendaries (the old ones) can be sold on tp. Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire ones cannot be sold and are far more expensive to craft.

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I suggest you do NOT delete it. Some of the rewards you get are ONLY available from birthday gifts. The newer gifts are getting better and better so its NOT worth losing them over making a new ranger.

If you do not like your male ranger, use a total makeover kit. You cannot change the race, but you can change the appearance more to your liking, change the gender if you want to.

Anyway, again. These rewards are EXTREMLY valuable.

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