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Are balance patches the most "exciting" thing to look forward to?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I have nearly 9000 hours since launch and still thoroughly enjoy it for many reasons wherher it's the combat, the exploring, the ambience, the challenge, the social aspects, the cooperative aspects and so forth. Enjoying gw2 is not a problem. Being happy in the game is not a problem.


> Why the need exists to insult people because they enjoy the game is baffling.

I don’t see any insults here. If you count “perfect customer. Easily pleased.” As one then it’s sad to see how you can be offended over nothing.


Also, did you just copy/paste builds from meta websites for GW1? Creating your own deck of skills and perfecting it was one of the major aspect that I enjoyed. The constant research for perfection !


Can’t do that here. Thankfully other games such as Path of Exile took the idea one step further which is something you’d think Anet would do back in 2012. But nope, lots of dumbed down aspects. Sure it improved on open world, exploration, combat movements but it was bound to happen if they wanted to call their game MMO.


Hell even the pvp was more enjoyable. No ridiculous short TTK, it was about timing and having an overall good deck of skills.

What do we have now? Scourges, Mirages, Deadeyes and messy fights. If it wasn’t for the Warbringer to complete my character style I wouldn’t play WvW or PvP.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> Are balance patches every 3+ months the most exciting thing to look forward to?


I'm looking forward to the QoL patch I keep telling myself could happen someday, maybe, hopefully, possibly, perhaps, conceiveably… finger's crossed.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> How exactly is gw2 combat system refreshing after six years? If you said that in 2012, i'd agree, but not in 2018. Finding gw1 on HM easy but gw2 challenging must be some kind of a joke lol.


I don't know how you find GW1 hard you can solo everything while half asleep with the exception of DOA hard mode and maybe Duncan the Black. For the rest of the game, you get your 7 heroes and relax as they do the content for you. After EotN was released, you don't even need a "build" anymore, take Assassin as secondary (if it's not your primary), slot "Assassin's Promise", use 3 PVE-only skills, "Finish Him", "Ebon Vanguard Assassin Support" and "You Move Like a Dwarf" and basically that's it. You win the game with one build that works on almost everything. 1000 skills and you can beat the game with 3 PVE-only skills because they are completely overpowered (and usable by any build). There is also the option of playing an Imbagon with "Save Yourselves!", if you manage to stay awake, you can defeat anything by spamming one skill. Let's not pretend that GW1 is challenging, it's the solo player fantasy come to life.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I don't even, mostly, read the balance patch notes. So, for me, balance patches aren't exciting, much less the _most_ exciting. YMMV.


I haven't read one in years. The most I ever do is figure out why a character I'm playing is suddenly underperforming, by looking at the build and perhaps find out that some traits or skills have changed.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> > > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > > I look forward to each of the new releases. Apparently the OP has a more narrow set of preferences for content, so I would imagine that yeah, for them, balance patches are all that will be interesting for a long time to come.

> > > > >

> > > > > Agreed. I've enjoyed the festival very much, with tons of fun things to do. In fact since hot, I've only truly hated 2 pieces of content drop ls3,6 and ls4,3 on personal pref.

> > > > >

> > > > > We are pretty spoiled with a lot of decent content in pve in this mmo, esp vs others which often put out a lot less, less often.

> > > >

> > > > Yet, according to the OP, Guild Wars 2 is the most dull, boring game ever.

> > > >

> > > > It makes me wonder with which criteria they are measuring by. Sadly, they've yet to explain it.

> > >

> > > Guild Wars 1.

> >

> > What about Guild Wars 1 are you measuring by? What is it that you preferred?

> >

> > Six years in, Guild Wars 1 was, for me; repetitive, dull, and remarkably easy on 'hard mode.' Comparatively, Guild Wars 2 is still challenging, and the combat refreshing.

> >

> > It's interesting how opinions work.


> Yeah they can be wrong too. Esp on the hard mode being easy than gw2 in any form.


I can say the same thing about the OP's opinion; but, hey, to each their own.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> It's not so much about being excited constantly. It's more like a burst of interest every 2-3 months. Not every release interests the same ppl of course. Raiders, PvPers and the like are usually more interested about the balance patches. What are the new builds? Is something new viable? Has something fallen out of the rooster? Things like this. Other ppl couldn't care less about the balancing and want to enjoy the new story and the new map. Those ppl also tend to get more out of said content as 45min by redoing the story with different chars, doing map completion on multiple alts or going for achievements.


> To each their own. And in the end, this is GW if something doesn't appeal to you, there's a way of getting around. And if you don't like playing at all, check out for a month then come back, GW2 let's you do that and many players appreciate it.


What do you mean, every 2-3 months? Living story / PvE gets some kind of update every 2-3 months. For everyone else, it's every 6 months - 2 years.

There has not been a single quality WvW update since PoF. Same for PvP. The only thing I feel excited about every few months is a few balance changes, yes. And even half of those are... questionable. Altho the balance direction lately has been quite good.


The only PoF content I did more than once was W5.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > I look forward to each of the new releases. Apparently the OP has a more narrow set of preferences for content, so I would imagine that yeah, for them, balance patches are all that will be interesting for a long time to come.

> > >

> > > Agreed. I've enjoyed the festival very much, with tons of fun things to do. In fact since hot, I've only truly hated 2 pieces of content drop ls3,6 and ls4,3 on personal pref.

> > >

> > > We are pretty spoiled with a lot of decent content in pve in this mmo, esp vs others which often put out a lot less, less often.

> >

> > Yet, according to the OP, Guild Wars 2 is the most dull, boring game ever.

> >

> > It makes me wonder with which criteria they are measuring by. Sadly, they've yet to explain it.


> That's up to them. The rest of us can enjoy the fun gameplay in GW2 and be happy. This isn't going to be gw1 - after 6 years there is a tiny section that wont ever accept that and there isn't really anything that can be done to help them. At the end of the day, I find this game vastly superior to its more limited predecessor and I'm happy with it for the most part.


Actually, I think there's a lot of groups with valid concerns. And every time they try to voice those, they're told to shut up because there's (barely) a majority of players who enjoy living story / open world pve oriented content.


And that's great; but it doesn't change the fact that you've alienated and lost tons of players due to this attitude. "Your issues don't matter because the game isn't for you, it's for players like me who do enjoy it!". Meanwhile ... could you tell me how long it has been since the last PvP content update? WvW content update? Raid content update?


Just because openworld PvE still gets updates, doesn't mean the rest of the game doesn't have a valid point when players are upset with a clear lack of content and direction.

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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Wvw is and should be the end game content. This mode has the most potential for replayability. Ls, raids, fractals and expansions are great, but unfortunately get stale real quick. Anet needs to perfect wvw in my opinion.


They can't, they lost most of the population years ago. The ones that still play are not very interested in "fixing" WvW to be replayable competitive endgame and instead as an extension to openworld casual PvE. And in this form? It's far from infinitely replayable. It's sad, but true.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > I look forward to each of the new releases. Apparently the OP has a more narrow set of preferences for content, so I would imagine that yeah, for them, balance patches are all that will be interesting for a long time to come.

> > > >

> > > > Agreed. I've enjoyed the festival very much, with tons of fun things to do. In fact since hot, I've only truly hated 2 pieces of content drop ls3,6 and ls4,3 on personal pref.

> > > >

> > > > We are pretty spoiled with a lot of decent content in pve in this mmo, esp vs others which often put out a lot less, less often.

> > >

> > > Yet, according to the OP, Guild Wars 2 is the most dull, boring game ever.

> > >

> > > It makes me wonder with which criteria they are measuring by. Sadly, they've yet to explain it.

> >

> > That's up to them. The rest of us can enjoy the fun gameplay in GW2 and be happy. This isn't going to be gw1 - after 6 years there is a tiny section that wont ever accept that and there isn't really anything that can be done to help them. At the end of the day, I find this game vastly superior to its more limited predecessor and I'm happy with it for the most part.


> Actually, I think there's a lot of groups with valid concerns. And every time they try to voice those, they're told to shut up because there's (barely) a majority of players who enjoy living story / open world pve oriented content.


> And that's great; but it doesn't change the fact that you've alienated and lost tons of players due to this attitude. "Your issues don't matter because the game isn't for you, it's for players like me who do enjoy it!". Meanwhile ... could you tell me how long it has been since the last PvP content update? WvW content update? Raid content update?


> Just because openworld PvE still gets updates, doesn't mean the rest of the game doesn't have a valid point when players are upset with a clear lack of content and direction.


I don't disagree with anything you said about wvw or pvp. I don't play those modes so any direct criticism of those modes I stay out of since I have nothing useful to add. I don't have any issue with players finding fault in the game, the issue comes when the same few crop up all the time basically saying "it's not GW1 therefore the game is rubbish" and ignore all the good things the game does, using misinformation and hyperbole as propaganda for their cause. Yes the game is always going to appeal to some and not others. All games will alienate a set of players, it's impossible not to. Either people accept it isn't ever going to be overhauled from the ground up just for them or they stay disappointed.


The game is never going to be gw1. It set that down from day one and has never looked to change that philosophy. Sure it can do things better, but to constantly hate on a game and still play it and attack those who do like the game, I just can't get my head round. if I don't enjoy a game or I think it is terrible/going downhill to the point of being unrecoverable...I play something else and leave it behind. Worst case scenario, Ill leave *constructive* feedback


But yes, as a pve open world/story player I don't deny being slightly skewed with my opinion. I'm fully aware I get spoiled by content in this area versus other modes

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > > > I look forward to each of the new releases. Apparently the OP has a more narrow set of preferences for content, so I would imagine that yeah, for them, balance patches are all that will be interesting for a long time to come.

> > > > >

> > > > > Agreed. I've enjoyed the festival very much, with tons of fun things to do. In fact since hot, I've only truly hated 2 pieces of content drop ls3,6 and ls4,3 on personal pref.

> > > > >

> > > > > We are pretty spoiled with a lot of decent content in pve in this mmo, esp vs others which often put out a lot less, less often.

> > > >

> > > > Yet, according to the OP, Guild Wars 2 is the most dull, boring game ever.

> > > >

> > > > It makes me wonder with which criteria they are measuring by. Sadly, they've yet to explain it.

> > >

> > > That's up to them. The rest of us can enjoy the fun gameplay in GW2 and be happy. This isn't going to be gw1 - after 6 years there is a tiny section that wont ever accept that and there isn't really anything that can be done to help them. At the end of the day, I find this game vastly superior to its more limited predecessor and I'm happy with it for the most part.

> >

> > Actually, I think there's a lot of groups with valid concerns. And every time they try to voice those, they're told to shut up because there's (barely) a majority of players who enjoy living story / open world pve oriented content.

> >

> > And that's great; but it doesn't change the fact that you've alienated and lost tons of players due to this attitude. "Your issues don't matter because the game isn't for you, it's for players like me who do enjoy it!". Meanwhile ... could you tell me how long it has been since the last PvP content update? WvW content update? Raid content update?

> >

> > Just because openworld PvE still gets updates, doesn't mean the rest of the game doesn't have a valid point when players are upset with a clear lack of content and direction.


> I don't disagree with anything you said about wvw or pvp. I don't play those modes so any direct criticism of those modes I stay out of since I have nothing useful to add. I don't have any issue with players finding fault in the game, the issue comes when the same few crop up all the time basically saying "it's not GW1 therefore the game is rubbish" and ignore all the good things the game does, using misinformation and hyperbole as propaganda for their cause. Yes the game is always going to appeal to some and not others. All games will alienate a set of players, it's impossible not to. Either people accept it isn't ever going to be overhauled from the ground up just for them or they stay disappointed.


> The game is never going to be gw1. It set that down from day one and has never looked to change that philosophy. Sure it can do things better, but to constantly hate on a game and still play it and attack those who do like the game, I just can't get my head round. if I don't enjoy a game or I think it is terrible/going downhill to the point of being unrecoverable...I play something else and leave it behind. Worst case scenario, Ill leave *constructive* feedback


> But yes, as a pve open world/story player I don't deny being slightly skewed with my opinion. I'm fully aware I get spoiled by content in this area versus other modes


You don't understand. WvW and PvP had huge populations who ENJOYED the game but left. Because there was little to no updates or improvements for them for years.

It's no different from fractals and raids, which are next.

And as their populations decline, it also makes this content worse for the casuals who do play it. 20% casuals can easily be included without having to change our gameplay. If I lead anywhere, wvw or pve, and have 80% casuals I have to change our gameplay for them. Or I need to be elitist, so I can selectively get more hardcore players. And since there's no way to go back to 80/20, you go straight to 100% vets no casuals. And then the casuals are upset there are no appropriate groups for them, nobody teaching them, too much meta enforcement, bandwagoning; toxicity; ...


IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD THOUGHT OF ALL THESE THINGS. GW2 wasn't alienating the GW1 players. GW2 and many of its community alienated OTHER MEMBERS of its own community. Because they had different ideas. Which is funny, because these are the players who say they're friendly, not elitist and allow anyone / respect their opinions.


Yet there cannot be any thread or discussion regarding WvW without players going "WvW doesn't matter, this game is for pve". There cannot be a discussion regarding hardcore content without half the thread being "we don't want hardcore content, most of the game is casual". Without even realising it doesn't lead to less toxicity, but to more.


T4 fractals today are easier than they were when fractals were released. Yet they're more toxic. Raids are the same. WvW is the same. PvP is the same. How is it that, as the game becomes more casual, it also becomes more toxic in every type of gameplay that isn't openworld PvE?


I love this game. Not GW1. Not another game. This game. And yet, I'll jump ship as soon as anything I enjoy more comes out. The direction is clear - no interest in players like you. The community is even more clear. You're not casual so the game isn't for you.


Keep in mind many of us play in guilds and communities. We don't play full casual. We're here with our friends and the more of them leave, the more of us leave too. Most of these don't come here or bother interacting with the community anymore.


Imagine being an unpopular and not accepted minority. You'd love to still belong, and you don't mind that others have other preferences. If you try to explain your position, you're just getting bashed by the vast majority. That's what giving feedback in GW2 feels like. That's what being non-casual in GW2 feels like.

You want to make your own group asking to play with other hardcore players? TOXIC ELITIST! I mean lets make this very clear. Casual players will literally flame me for making and leading my own group just to play the more hardcore style I enjoy.

You want content updates? HAHAHHA GAME IS FOR CASUALS!

You want balance? NO MAN I DON'T.


Does it suprise you most remaining hardcore players play in their own secluded guilds and keep to themselves? That in both pve, pvp and wvw they mostly avoid playing with pugs and rarely interact with the community anymore? They've been bullied out years ago.


You know.

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You make some very good points, however the game certainly hasn't become less casual from launch. It has though become a lot more diverse in what we had back then.

Yes wvw and spvp lack updates severely, but compare 2012 and there is far more for the skilled player than there ever was and open world difficulty has gone up vs launch. T4 fractals are unquestionably harder than launch (instabilities didnt even exist back then), it's just that some players have raised their skill enough to meet that challenge. If the game had launched fractals in the current t4 difficulty, I suspect they would have bombed - the leap over what we were used to back then was huge.


The toxicity is just a natural result of the widening skill gap. Lower skilled players want content for them and are sick of being bullied, elite skilled players want content for them and for low skilled players to up their game. Neither will give ground, neither will accept a place for both. However, all this, whilst valid discussion fodder with pertinent points added by yourself, is not relevant to my original post nor the thread subject. The OP said there is no meaningful content or ever will be. That is very, very wrong and very selective on their part to adjust the reality to their viewpoint.


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I wouldn't call them exciting. Just hopeful that maybe some of the useless traits/skills can finally stop being that. On the other hand the opposite is just as likely to happen.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> T4 fractals are unquestionably harder than launch (instabilities didnt even exist back then), it's just that some players have raised their skill enough to meet that challenge. If the game had launched fractals in the current t4 difficulty, I suspect they would have bombed - the leap over what we were used to back then was huge.


That is debatable. Fractals potions also didn't exist back then either. 25% movement speed/damage reduction, 15% increased damage and 50% faster endurance regeneration makes a huge difference.


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When I got this game in 2012 I bought it with the understanding that it had a combat system built around PvP, that was also used for open world bosses and dungeons.

Raids and fractals didnt exist, WvW was the true endgame to fight for your server. Back before mega servers mixed us all togeather, Every person you met in game was on your side and you could jump into LA and call for a rally if your server needed defenders.




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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> Are you kidding?


> Balance is the single biggest flaw the game has. If I could get balance patches once per month, I would bust a nut over it. I want them way more then I want expansions, or Living Formulaic Grind episodes. GIMME MUH BALANCE.


But you're not getting them every month. You're getting a mini balance once per 2 months and a "possibly" major balance every ~5 months. I wasn't implaying with my original post that balance patches are exciting. What i tried to say is that the rest of their additions is so bad that blance patches is what's supposed to be the new "content" to keep you busy until the next expansion.

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> @"DrMatt.9408" said:

> Currently still enjoying pve/wvw and I've been playing on and off since release. Please don't assume that your own preferences/opinions are shared by everyone else.


I don't. I also know for a fact that most (NOT all of course) people that are perfectly fine with the current state of the game are new or new'ish to gw2. Can already see the usual whiteknight saying "i play since launch and enjoy everything every day every minute of my life. gw2 is the best". Pretty common in here.

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