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Queen's Gauntlet achievements

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I'm looking for opinions on what would be the easiest way to get the achievements "High Stakes Gambler" and "Humble Victor". My twitch skills aren't really great, so I'm looking for safe and predictable methods (example: Daredevil alternating Dodge and Staff 3 worked great for Turai Ossa). So far I've tried Deadeye Dunwell on my Spellbreaker, but without success. Which opponent/profession/build would you recommend?

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> @"Daleon.8912" said:

> I'm looking for opinions on what would be the easiest way to get the achievements "High Stakes Gambler" and "Humble Victor". My twitch skills aren't really great, so I'm looking for safe and predictable methods (example: Daredevil alternating Dodge and Staff 3 worked great for Turai Ossa). So far I've tried Deadeye Dunwell on my Spellbreaker, but without success. Which opponent/profession/build would you recommend?


I think the first boss in the first tier is an easy target. He seems to have lower health than most of the others and his only really deadly move is slow and telegraphed.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> I think the first boss in the first tier is an easy target. He seems to have lower health than most of the others and his only really deadly move is slow and telegraphed.


It has to be third tier for the achievements, unfortunately.

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Oh, hmm. Nevermind. Those require a third tier boss, don't they? Okay, then! Change of plan! Probably Subject 7 and just bring the damage. Without gambits you can probably kill him in 10-15 seconds, maybe 15-20 with a condi build. So with gambits it would take a bit longer, but as long as you can stop him from healing I imagine that's still a pretty easy one.



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Those two I've done on my reaper with level 60 gear against the Ooze boss.


Used Greatsword and shroud skills, Well of Blood, Spectral Grasp, Corrosive Cloud (using it once the boss was at around 60% health), the shout that transfers conditions from you to enemies and Plaguelands elite skill. You use Spectral Grasp to pull him in, drop the GS4 -> GS3 -> drop Plaguelands -> Shroud once pressure on me started using every skill and dipping out again -> throwing Corrosive Cloud to block projectiles and reduce the healing on boss. It was a DPS race at that point, but it worked pretty well. Couldn't tell you which traitlines I used though


Took me two attempts

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> @"Daleon.8912" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > I think the first boss in the first tier is an easy target. He seems to have lower health than most of the others and his only really deadly move is slow and telegraphed.


> It has to be third tier for the achievements, unfortunately.


I picked Subject 7 for those. Or was it Deadeye? Well, try both, shouldn't be too hard to beat. :)

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I did high stakes gambler with guardian on subject 7.


Gambits: First 5 - burning, frality, squemish, no dodge, hamstrung



- all berseker

- Zeal 223, Radiance 221, Dragon Hunter 123

- GS , Scepter/torch

- Shelter,Bane signet, Shield of Avenger, Wall of reflection, Renewed focus

- dps food




Jump in, go full dps mode on the boss and when little oozes spawn, slowly start using your reflects and blocks. Use renewed focus after you use your f2 and f3 skills.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> I did mine on Deadeye Dunwell, the trick is to dodge or block his initial hit and range him down. I did it on scourge, but ranger with longbow and signet of stone seems doable. Pet choice can let you cc him too.


Dunwell went down incredibly fast with Condi with melee Weapons. Didn’t have too many issues with my Renegade.


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For the 5 gambit challenge I used a fully ascended TB Mirage with Staff and Scepter/Torch, I was also running Food+wrench (which is particularly important when you'll be dealing with so many restrictions from the 5 gambits and otherwise a good idea anyway bur I haven't seen many people running foods)


I did Subject 7 with:

- Crowd Favorite (Add is Doo-per-doop the Quaggan)


- Exhausted (Not recommended if your build relies on dodge evades, I used Blink, Staff 4 and Jaunt to evade)


- Squeamish


- Hamstrung


- Descended


Here's a description of the gambit effects for future reference


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High Stakes Gambler:


Deadeye Dunwell with

- Exhausted

- On Fire

- Squeamish

- Hamstrung

- Descended


Berserker Chrono with Duelling+ Illusions build and Sword+Shield and Sword+Sword.


Enter arena, use sword 3 to get to him in the center, drop Time Warp and all your wells (aegis, alacrity, and w/e, I had quickness but that is covered by TW), aggressively burst him down (Sword 5 -> Continuum Split (activate towards the end of Sword 5 channel) -> Ether Signet -> Sword 5 -> Sword 5 -> Ether Signet -> Sword 5 -> swap to SW+Shield).


Fight should take like 15 seconds. If DD moves, use Sword 3 to get on him again (if ready again) and use Shield 4 to take out as much damage as possible while shattering and waiting for cds (if you messed up the burst somewhat).

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Did both the achievement with Deadeye Dunwell using longbow Soulbeast. Merged with Siamoth pet for Unflinching Fortitude and knockdown(if needed). Open immediately with Strenth of the Pack! + Vulture Stance + Sick'em + Stone Signet. Interrupt his snipe with Point-Blank shot or simply time your dodge **if the duration for Stone Signet/Unflinching Fortitude's is over**. The battle should end within 10 seconds regardless of the result :lol:.

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I got Humble Victor, Triple Threat and High Stakes Gambler all in one shot by defeating Subject 7 with 5 Gambits (Exhausted, Frailty, Hamstring, On Fire, Squeamish) by using my power reaper.


Start combat with Flesh golem active, drop 3 wells on him (suffering, corruption, darkness), warhorn 4 & 5, then close and go into reaper form and go to town using 2, 4, 5, autos, and 2 again off cooldowns. The fight should be over before the reaper form ends. If not, then use standard weapon attacks to finish him off.


Note: You won't be able to get Blob, Schmobs with this tactic - it's way too much AoE DPS and you'll nuke the nearby spawns way too easily, but it works fine for killing him and getting the gambit achievements.

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> Start combat with Flesh golem active, drop 3 wells on him (suffering, corruption, darkness), warhorn 4 & 5, then close and go into reaper form and go to town using 2, 4, 5, autos, and 2 again off cooldowns. The fight should be over before the reaper form ends. If not, then use standard weapon attacks to finish him off.

This got me "Humble Victor" tonight. Thanks a lot! I will go for "High Stakes Gambler" tomorrow.

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> @"Mizu.4508" said:

> I'd recommend Subject 7 as well. There isn't any mechanics to the fight, its pretty much just kill him as fast as you can. Dragonhunter can burst him down pretty quickly, that's how I did the achievement. Good luck!


He’s just has a dps requirement. Full zerk with any bursty profession works. I did it on gs/axe warrior and zerk tempest. Use consumables, pop all damage buffs, and nuke. Don’t try to finesse it. Those achievements are about raw damage.


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I did Subject 7 with 5 gambits in 6 seconds on a regular guardian, power/burn build with a full set of ascended viper gear. Greatsword with the Permeating Wrath (Virtues) trait stacks an ungodly amount of burn on the Subject once some oozes have spawned.


I didn't even pop my consumables because I wanted to tune the build first and unexpectedly did it on the first try. Gambits: Exhausted, On Fire, Frailty, Hamstring and Descended. I had (and still have) no idea which one affects damage worse, Squeamish or Descended, but my experience with Squeamish wasn't good so I tried Descended instead. Both at the same time seemed like a bad idea if you're going to have to make a quick kill before you're overwhelmed.

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As some people mentioned, bursting Subject 7 is by far the easiest method. Many builds can achieve that. I did it on a holosmith. Just unload everyhting you can at it and it will die in few seconds. And dont pick the Squeamish gambit as it lowers your damage too much. Damage is all you need to kill the blob before it lays eggs.

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